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Created February 29, 2020 05:03
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Reads vtk binary data for 3D MHD runs from SNOOPY
# Reads output vtk files from the spectral code, SNOOPY
# Currently only for 3D MHD runs
# Output data is by default float 32 binary
# Big endian vs Little endian: depends on the machine
# <f4 means read as np.float32 type little endian byter order
# >f4 means read as np.float32 type big endian byter order
import numpy as np
# Usage:
# time, V, B, N, D = readvtk_snoopy(fname='v1000.vtk')
# time = Simulation time
# N = Grid points vector (Nx, Ny, Nz)
# D = Difference vector (Dx, Dy, Dz)
# V = Velocity field vector (3, Nx, Ny, Nz)
# B = Magnetic field vector (3, Nx, Ny, Nz)
def readvtk_sno(fname='v0001.vtk'):
with open(fname,'rb') as ff:, 0) # start of file
ff.readline() # l1 Out[70]: b'# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n'
# Read time
l2 = ff.readline() # l2 Out[71]: b't= 5.025051671818386e-01 Snoopy Code v5.0\n'
tt = np.float32(l2.split()[1])
ff.readline() # l3 Out[72]: b'BINARY\n'
ff.readline() # l4 Out[73]: b'DATASET STRUCTURED_POINTS\n'
# Read dimensions
l5 = ff.readline() # l5 Out[74]: b'DIMENSIONS 32 64 32\n'
dims = np.array(l5.split()[1:], dtype=np.int32)
ff.readline() # l6 Out[75]: b'ORIGIN -0.5 -1 -0.5\n'
# Read spacing
l7 = ff.readline() # l7 Out[76]: b'SPACING 0.03125 0.03125 0.03125\n'
dgrid = np.array(l7.split()[1:], dtype=np.float32)
ff.readline() # l8 Out[77]: b'POINT_DATA 65536\n'
ff.readline() # l9 Out[78]: b'SCALARS vx float\n'
ff.readline() # l10 Out[79]: b'LOOKUP_TABLE default\n'
# IMPORTANT to read fields as FLOAT32 since its binary;
# FLOAT64 reads more than it should!!
vx = np.fromfile(ff, dtype='>f4',, order='f')
ff.readline() # l11 Out[81]: b'FIELD FieldData 5\n'
ff.readline() # l12 Out[82]: b'vy 1 65536 float\n'
vy = np.fromfile(ff, dtype='>f4',,order='f')
ff.readline() # l13 Out[84]: b'vz 1 65536 float\n'
vz = np.fromfile(ff, dtype='>f4',,order='f')
ff.readline() # Out[86]: b'bx 1 65536 float\n'
bx = np.fromfile(ff, dtype='>f4',,order='f')
ff.readline() #Out[88]: b'by 1 65536 float\n'
by = np.fromfile(ff, dtype='>f4',,order='f')
ff.readline() #Out[90]: b'bz 1 65536 float\n'
bz = np.fromfile(ff, dtype='>f4',,order='f')
V = np.stack((vx, vy, vz),axis=0)
B = np.stack((bx, by, bz),axis=0)
return tt, V, B, dims, dgrid
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