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Last active May 12, 2016 09:23
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Save fnkr/51f0a92b9f0c658287ec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This code allows you to configure phpPgAdmion to automatically login to a particular server and database with a particular default password.
Automatic Login
(c) 2008 Tim Wood
contact via: tmwood (at) datawranglers (dot) com
You are free to use this code as long as this notice is retained
This code allows you to configure phpPgAdmion to automatically login
to a particular server and database with a particular default password.
Please ensure that you have taken other measures to secure phpPgAdmin
because any user selecting a server will be logged in with the specified
username and password.
Add this code into (usually in libraries/)
Insert it immediately after the ini_sets (approx line 75)
Then, modify your file to add a password and username.
The two keys are default_username and default_password.
To add a default login of john and letMeIn to server 0:
$conf['servers'][0]['default_username'] = 'john';
$conf['servers'][0]['default_password'] = 'letMeIn';
if( isset( $_REQUEST['server'] ) ) {
// get the server info
$_server_info = $misc->getServerInfo($_REQUEST['server']);
// if a default username and password are set...
if( isset( $_server_info['default_username'] ) and
isset( $_server_info['default_password'] )
) {
// fake out a login request with the default info
$_POST['loginServer'] = $_REQUEST['server'];
unset( $_POST['server'] );
$_POST['loginUsername'] = $_server_info['default_username'];
$pswd_field = 'loginPassword_'.md5($_POST['loginServer']);
$_POST[$pswd_field] = $_server_info['default_password'];
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