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Last active February 7, 2025 04:50
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Stripe keys and IDs
Prefix Description Notes
ac_ Platform Client ID Identifier for an auth code/client id.
acct_ Account ID Identifier for an Account object.
aliacc_ Alipay Account ID Identifier for an Alipay account.
ba_ Bank Account ID Identifier for a Bank Account object.
btok_ Bank Token ID Identifier for a Bank Token object.
card_ Card ID Identifier for a Card object.
cbtxn_ Customer Balance Transaction ID Identifier for a Customer Balance Transaction object.
ch_ Charge ID Identifier for a Charge object.
cn_ Credit Note ID Identifier for a Credit Note object.
cs_live_ Live Checkout Session ID Identifier for a checkout Session object in live mode.
cs_test_ Test Checkout Session ID Identifier for a checkout Session object in test mode.
cus_ Customer ID Identifier for a Customer object.
dp_ Dispute ID Identifier for a Dispute object.
evt_ Event ID Identifier for an Event object.
fee_ Application Fee ID Identifier for an Application Fee object.
file_ File ID Identifier for a File object.
fr_ Application Fee Refund ID Identifier for an Application Fee Refund object.
iauth_ Issuing Authorization ID Identifier for an Issuing Authorization object.
ic_ Issuing Card ID Identifier for an Issuing Card object.
ich_ Issuing Card Holder ID Identifier for an Issuing Card Holder object.
idp_ Issuing Dispute ID Identifier for an Issuing Dispute object.
ii_ Invoice Item ID Identifier for an Invoice Item object.
il_ Invoice Line Item ID Identifier for a Invoice Line Item object.
in_ Invoice ID Identifier for an Invoice object.
ipi_ Issuing Transaction ID Identifier for an Issuing Transaction object.
link_ File Link ID Identifier for a File Link object.
or_ Order ID Identifier for an Order object.
orret_ Order Return ID Identifier for an Order Return object.
person_ Person ID Identifier for a Person object.
pi_ Payment Intent ID Identifier for a Payment Intent object.
pk_live_ Live public key Public key in a live environment.
pk_test_ Test public key Public key in a test environment.
pm_ Payment Method ID Identifier for a Payment Method object.
po_ Payout ID Identifier for a Payout object.
price_ Price ID Identifier for a Price object.
prod_ Product ID Identifier for a Product object.
prv_ Review ID Identifier for a Review object.
pst_live_ Live Connection token Connection token in a live environment.
pst_test_ Test Connection token Connection token in a test environment.
py_ Payment ID Identifier for a Payment object.
pyr_ Payment Refund ID Identifier for a psuedo Refund object of a payment.
qt_ Quote ID Identifier for a Quote object.
rcpt_ Receipt ID Identifier for a receipt.
re_ Refund ID Identifier for a Refund object.
req_ Request ID Identifier for a HTTP Request
rk_live_ Live restricted key Restricted key for live environment eg. stripe-cli
rk_test_ Test restricted key Restricted key for test environment eg. stripe-cli
seti_ Setup Intent ID Identifier for a Setup Intent object.
si_ Subscription Item ID Identifier for a Subscription Item object.
sk_live_ Live secret key Secret key in a live environment.
sk_test_ Test secret key Pecret key in a test environment.
sku_ SKU ID Identifier for a SKU object.
sli_ Subscription Line Item ID Identifier for a Subscription Line Item object.
sqr_ Scheduled Query Run ID Identifier for a Scheduled Query Run object.
src_ Source ID Identifier for a Source object.
src_ Source ID Identifier for a Source object.
sub_ Subscription ID Identifier for a Subscription object.
tml_ Terminal Location ID Identifier for a Terminal Location object.
tmr_ Terminal Reader ID Identifier for a Terminal Reader object.
tok_ Token ID Identifier for a Token object.
trr_ Transfer ID Identifier a Transfer object.
tu_ Topup ID Identifier for a Topup object.
txi_ Tax ID Identifier for a customer Tax object.
txn_ Transaction ID Identifier for a Transaction object.
txr_ Tax Rate ID Identifier for a Tax Rate object.
we_ Webhook Endpoint ID Identifier for a webhook endpoint.
whsec_ Webhook Secret Secret key for signing a web hook.
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You might find it helpful to know that em_ is used for emails sent out by Stripe.

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notpushkin commented Aug 21, 2024

If you're interested in IDs with similar properties, there is a plethora.

There's also UUIDv7 now!

Shameless plug: I'm making a Python library to generate Stripe-like IDs, based on UUIDv7 and Crockford’s base32:

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