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Last active June 21, 2023 16:50
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Activate the power chime sound effect. For MacBook Pro and MacBook Air

Power Chime

To activate the sound effect

$ defaults write ChimeOnAllHardware -bool true; open /System/Library/CoreServices/ &

Do deactivate it, simply change the ChimeOnAllHardware boolean to false.

$ defaults write ChimeOnAllHardware -bool false; open /System/Library/CoreServices/ &

Note: Do not include the $ yourself.

Custom Sounds

You can use custom sounds for the chime.

  1. Open the contents of the

    $ open /System/Library/CoreServices/

    or you can use Finder and Go to Folder...

  2. Make a backup of connect_power.aif (e.g. connect_power.aif~backup.

  3. Drop any audio file of AIFF (.aif) format and rename it to connect_power.aif.

Note: Authentication may be required in order to change the contents.

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Why is the defaults command run as a job with the &?

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