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Created April 24, 2020 15:44
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Patch for IIOP Relocation
package weblogic.iiop;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import weblogic.corba.cos.transactions.TransactionPolicyComponent;
import weblogic.corba.idl.poa.PolicyImpl;
import weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger;
import weblogic.iiop.csi.CompoundSecMechList;
import weblogic.kernel.Kernel;
import weblogic.kernel.KernelStatus;
import weblogic.rmi.internal.RuntimeDescriptor;
import weblogic.rmi.spi.Channel;
import weblogic.utils.collections.NumericKeyHashMap;
public final class IOPProfile extends Profile {
private static final DebugLogger debugIIOPDetail = DebugLogger.getDebugLogger("DebugIIOPDetail");
public static final int PORT_DISABLED = 0;
private byte major;
private byte minor;
private String host;
private InetAddress canonicalHost;
private transient ConnectionKey address;
private int port;
private boolean readSecurely;
private boolean clusterable;
int securePort;
private ObjectKey key;
private TargetAddress targetAddress;
private TaggedComponent[] taggedComponents;
private int ncomps;
private static final int MAX_COMPONENTS = 16;
public IOPProfile(String var1, int var2, ObjectKey var3) {
this(var1, var2, var3, (String)null);
public IOPProfile(String var1, int var2, ObjectKey var3, String var4) {
this(var1, var2, var3, var4, (byte)1, IIOPClientService.defaultGIOPMinorVersion, (ClusterComponent)null, (RuntimeDescriptor)null);
IOPProfile(String var1, int var2, ObjectKey var3, String var4, byte var5, byte var6, ClusterComponent var7, RuntimeDescriptor var8) {
this(var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7, var8, (NumericKeyHashMap)null);
IOPProfile(String var1, int var2, ObjectKey var3, String var4, byte var5, byte var6, ClusterComponent var7, RuntimeDescriptor var8, NumericKeyHashMap var9) {
this.address = null;
this.readSecurely = false;
this.clusterable = false;
this.securePort = -1; = var1;
this.port = var2;
this.key = var3;
this.targetAddress = new TargetAddress(var3);
this.major = var5;
this.minor = var6;
this.ncomps = 0;
if (var5 >= 1 && var6 >= 1) {
this.taggedComponents = new TaggedComponent[16];
this.taggedComponents[this.ncomps++] = CodeSetsComponent.getDefault();
if (IIOPClientService.useSerialFormatVersion2) {
this.taggedComponents[this.ncomps++] = SFVComponent.VERSION_2;
if (Kernel.isServer() && var3.isWLSKey()) {
this.taggedComponents[this.ncomps++] = new CodebaseComponent(var3.getTarget(), var4);
if (var8 != null && var8.getMethodsAreTransactional()) {
this.taggedComponents[this.ncomps++] = TransactionPolicyComponent.EJB_OTS_POLICY;
} else if (var9 != null && var9.get(55L) != null) {
this.taggedComponents[this.ncomps++] = TransactionPolicyComponent.getInvocationPolicy(((PolicyImpl)var9.get(55L)).policy_value());
if (var9 == null) {
this.taggedComponents[this.ncomps++] = TransactionPolicyComponent.EJB_INV_POLICY;
} else if (var9.get(56L) != null) {
this.taggedComponents[this.ncomps++] = TransactionPolicyComponent.getOTSPolicy(((PolicyImpl)var9.get(56L)).policy_value());
if (!KernelStatus.isServer() || SecurityServiceManager.isSecurityServiceInitialized()) {
if (Kernel.DEBUG && debugIIOPDetail.isDebugEnabled()) {
p("create compound secmechlist for IOR: " + var4);
this.taggedComponents[this.ncomps++] = new CompoundSecMechList(var1, var3.getTarget(), var8);
if (var8 != null && var8.getIntegrity() != null && "required".equals(var8.getIntegrity())) {
this.port = 0;
if (var3.isLocalKey()) {
this.securePort = SSLSecTransComponent.getSingleton().getPort();
if (var7 != null) {
this.taggedComponents[this.ncomps++] = var7;
IOPProfile() {
this.address = null;
this.readSecurely = false;
this.clusterable = false;
this.securePort = -1;
IOPProfile(IOPProfile var1) {
this.address = null;
this.readSecurely = false;
this.clusterable = false;
this.securePort = -1;
this.major = var1.major;
this.minor = var1.minor; =;
this.port = var1.port;
this.readSecurely = var1.readSecurely;
this.securePort = var1.securePort;
this.key = var1.key;
this.targetAddress = var1.targetAddress;
this.ncomps = var1.ncomps;
this.taggedComponents = new TaggedComponent[var1.taggedComponents.length];
for(int var2 = 0; var2 < this.taggedComponents.length; ++var2) {
this.taggedComponents[var2] = var1.taggedComponents[var2];
void setClusterComponent(ClusterComponent var1) {
int var2 = 0;
for(int var3 = 0; var3 < this.ncomps; ++var3) {
if (!(this.taggedComponents[var3] instanceof ClusterComponent)) {
this.taggedComponents[var2++] = this.taggedComponents[var3];
if (var1 != null) {
if (var2 + 1 >= this.taggedComponents.length) {
TaggedComponent[] var4 = new TaggedComponent[var2 + 1];
System.arraycopy(this.taggedComponents, 0, var4, 0, var2);
this.taggedComponents = var4;
this.taggedComponents[var2++] = var1;
public final String getHost() {
public final InetAddress getHostAddress() throws UnknownHostException {
if (this.canonicalHost == null) {
this.canonicalHost = InetAddress.getByName(;
return this.canonicalHost;
final boolean isSecure() {
return (this.readSecurely() || this.getPort() <= 0) && this.getSecurePort() > 0;
public final void makeSecure() {
if (this.getSecurePort() > 0 && this.getPort() > 0) {
this.port = 0;
public final ConnectionKey getConnectionKey() {
if (this.address == null) {
try {
if (this.isSecure()) {
String var1 = this.getSecureHost() == null ? this.getHost() : this.getSecureHost();
this.address = new ConnectionKey(InetAddress.getByName(var1).getHostAddress(), this.getSecurePort());
} else {
this.address = new ConnectionKey(this.getHostAddress().getHostAddress(), this.getPort());
} catch (UnknownHostException var3) {
if (this.isSecure()) {
String var2 = this.getSecureHost() == null ? this.getHost() : this.getSecureHost();
this.address = new ConnectionKey(var2, this.getSecurePort());
} else {
this.address = new ConnectionKey(this.getHost(), this.getPort());
return this.address;
public final int getPort() {
return this.port;
public final int getSecurePort() {
if (this.securePort < 0) {
TaggedComponent var1 = this.getComponent(33);
if (var1 != null) {
this.securePort = ((CompoundSecMechList)var1).getSecurePort();
if (this.securePort < 0) {
SSLSecTransComponent var2 = (SSLSecTransComponent)this.getComponent(20);
if (var2 != null) {
this.securePort = var2.getPort();
return this.securePort;
public final String getSecureHost() {
TaggedComponent var1 = this.getComponent(33);
return var1 != null ? ((CompoundSecMechList)var1).getSecureHost() : null;
public final boolean readSecurely() {
return this.readSecurely;
public final byte getMinorVersion() {
return this.minor;
public final byte getMajorVersion() {
return this.major;
public final ObjectKey getObjectKey() {
return this.key;
public final boolean isTransactional() {
TransactionPolicyComponent var1 = (TransactionPolicyComponent)this.getComponent(31);
return var1 != null && var1.getPolicy() != 2;
public final boolean isClusterable() {
if (!this.clusterable && this.getComponent(1111834883) != null) {
this.clusterable = true;
return this.clusterable;
public final TaggedComponent getComponent(int var1) {
if (this.taggedComponents == null) {
return null;
} else {
for(int var2 = 0; var2 < this.ncomps; ++var2) {
if (this.taggedComponents[var2].tag == var1) {
return this.taggedComponents[var2];
return null;
public final void removeComponent(int var1) {
TaggedComponent var2 = this.getComponent(var1);
if (var2 != null) {
List var3 = Arrays.asList((Object[])this.taggedComponents);
this.taggedComponents = (TaggedComponent[])((TaggedComponent[])var3.toArray(this.taggedComponents));
final TargetAddress getTargetAddress() {
return this.targetAddress;
public final boolean useSAS() {
TaggedComponent var1 = this.getComponent(33);
return var1 != null ? ((CompoundSecMechList)var1).useSAS() : false;
public final byte[] getGSSUPTarget() {
TaggedComponent var1 = this.getComponent(33);
return var1 != null ? ((CompoundSecMechList)var1).getGSSUPTarget() : null;
public final boolean isGSSUPTargetStateful() {
TaggedComponent var1 = this.getComponent(33);
return var1 != null ? ((CompoundSecMechList)var1).isGSSUPTargetStateful() : false;
public byte getMaxStreamFormatVersion() {
SFVComponent var1 = (SFVComponent)this.getComponent(38);
return var1 != null ? var1.getMaxFormatVersion() : 1;
public void read(IIOPInputStream var1) {
long var2 = var1.startEncapsulation();
if (var1.isSecure()) {
this.readSecurely = true;
this.major = var1.read_octet();
this.minor = var1.read_octet();
ConnectionKey var4 = new ConnectionKey(var1);
Channel remoteChannel = var1.getEndPoint().getRemoteChannel();
var4 = new ConnectionKey(remoteChannel.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(), remoteChannel.getPublicPort());
this.key = new ObjectKey(var1);
this.targetAddress = new TargetAddress(this.key);
if (this.key.isLocalKey()) {
var4 = var4.readResolve(var1);
} = var4.getAddress();
this.port = var4.getPort();
if (Kernel.DEBUG && debugIIOPDetail.isDebugEnabled()) {
p("read() preamble: " + this.major + "." + this.minor + " profile to " + + ":" + this.port + " @" + var1.pos());
if (this.major >= 1 && this.minor >= 1) {
this.ncomps = var1.read_long();
if (Kernel.DEBUG && debugIIOPDetail.isDebugEnabled()) {
p("read() " + this.ncomps + " components @" + var1.pos());
this.taggedComponents = new TaggedComponent[this.ncomps];
int var5 = 0;
while(var5 < this.ncomps) {
this.taggedComponents[var5] = TaggedComponent.readComponent(var1, this.key.getTarget());
switch(this.taggedComponents[var5].getTag()) {
case 1111834883:
this.clusterable = true;
if (Kernel.DEBUG && debugIIOPDetail.isDebugEnabled()) {
p("read " + this);
public void write(IIOPOutputStream var1) {
long var2 = var1.startEncapsulation();
ConnectionKey var4 = new ConnectionKey(, this.port);
if (this.key.getTarget() != null) {
var4.writeForChannel(var1, this.key.getTarget());
} else {
if (this.major >= 1 && this.minor >= 1) {
if (var1.isSecure() && this.key.isLocalKey() && Kernel.isServer()) {
var1.write_long(this.ncomps + 1);
} else {
for(int var5 = 0; var5 < this.ncomps; ++var5) {
if (var1.isSecure() && this.key.isLocalKey() && Kernel.isServer()) {
if (Kernel.DEBUG && debugIIOPDetail.isDebugEnabled()) {
p("wrote " + this);
public final int hashCode() {
return this.port ^ ^ this.key.hashCode();
public final boolean equals(Object var1) {
try {
IOPProfile var2 = (IOPProfile)var1;
if (this.key.isLocalKey() && !Kernel.isServer() && this.key.equals(var2.key)) {
return true;
} else {
return this.port == var2.port && ( == || == || && (this.key == var2.key || this.key.equals(var2.key));
} catch (ClassCastException var3) {
return false;
public String toString() {
String var1 = "IOP Profile (ver = " + this.major + "." + this.minor + ", host = " + + ",port = " + this.port + ",key = " + this.key + ", taggedComponents = ";
if (this.taggedComponents != null) {
for(int var2 = 0; var2 < this.taggedComponents.length; ++var2) {
var1 = var1 + this.taggedComponents[var2];
return var1 + ")";
private static void p(String var0) {
System.err.println("<IOPProfile> " + var0);
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