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Last active December 27, 2019 15:18
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def page_scrape():
"""This function takes care of the scraping part"""
xp_sections = '//*[@class="section duration"]'
sections = driver.find_elements_by_xpath(xp_sections)
sections_list = [value.text for value in sections]
section_a_list = sections_list[::2] # This is to separate the two flights
section_b_list = sections_list[1::2] # This is to separate the two flights
# if you run into a reCaptcha, you might want to do something about it
# you will know there's a problem if the lists above are empty
# this if statement lets you exit the bot or do something else
# you can add a sleep here, to let you solve the captcha and continue scraping
# i'm using a SystemExit because i want to test everything from the start
if section_a_list == []:
raise SystemExit
# I'll use the letter A for the outbound flight and B for the inbound
a_duration = []
a_section_names = []
for n in section_a_list:
# Separate the time from the cities
b_duration = []
b_section_names = []
for n in section_b_list:
# Separate the time from the cities
xp_dates = '//div[@class="section date"]'
dates = driver.find_elements_by_xpath(xp_dates)
dates_list = [value.text for value in dates]
a_date_list = dates_list[::2]
b_date_list = dates_list[1::2]
# Separating the weekday from the day
a_day = [value.split()[0] for value in a_date_list]
a_weekday = [value.split()[1] for value in a_date_list]
b_day = [value.split()[0] for value in b_date_list]
b_weekday = [value.split()[1] for value in b_date_list]
# getting the prices
xp_prices = '//a[@class="booking-link"]/span[@class="price option-text"]'
prices = driver.find_elements_by_xpath(xp_prices)
prices_list = [price.text.replace('$','') for price in prices if price.text != '']
prices_list = list(map(int, prices_list))
# the stops are a big list with one leg on the even index and second leg on odd index
xp_stops = '//div[@class="section stops"]/div[1]'
stops = driver.find_elements_by_xpath(xp_stops)
stops_list = [stop.text[0].replace('n','0') for stop in stops]
a_stop_list = stops_list[::2]
b_stop_list = stops_list[1::2]
xp_stops_cities = '//div[@class="section stops"]/div[2]'
stops_cities = driver.find_elements_by_xpath(xp_stops_cities)
stops_cities_list = [stop.text for stop in stops_cities]
a_stop_name_list = stops_cities_list[::2]
b_stop_name_list = stops_cities_list[1::2]
# this part gets me the airline company and the departure and arrival times, for both legs
xp_schedule = '//div[@class="section times"]'
schedules = driver.find_elements_by_xpath(xp_schedule)
hours_list = []
carrier_list = []
for schedule in schedules:
# split the hours and carriers, between a and b legs
a_hours = hours_list[::2]
a_carrier = carrier_list[::2]
b_hours = hours_list[1::2]
b_carrier = carrier_list[1::2]
cols = (['Out Day', 'Out Time', 'Out Weekday', 'Out Airline', 'Out Cities', 'Out Duration', 'Out Stops', 'Out Stop Cities',
'Return Day', 'Return Time', 'Return Weekday', 'Return Airline', 'Return Cities', 'Return Duration', 'Return Stops', 'Return Stop Cities',
flights_df = pd.DataFrame({'Out Day': a_day,
'Out Weekday': a_weekday,
'Out Duration': a_duration,
'Out Cities': a_section_names,
'Return Day': b_day,
'Return Weekday': b_weekday,
'Return Duration': b_duration,
'Return Cities': b_section_names,
'Out Stops': a_stop_list,
'Out Stop Cities': a_stop_name_list,
'Return Stops': b_stop_list,
'Return Stop Cities': b_stop_name_list,
'Out Time': a_hours,
'Out Airline': a_carrier,
'Return Time': b_hours,
'Return Airline': b_carrier,
'Price': prices_list})[cols]
flights_df['timestamp'] = strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M") # so we can know when it was scraped
return flights_df
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