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Created December 30, 2019 14:11
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Automatic negotiation of a captive portal: connect to "" hotel wifi without having to jump through hoops.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# not pretty but worked for me
# curl --stderr - --trace - -v -L -A '' | tee step0001
# # -> the href in there, including the mac address
# curl --stderr - --trace - -v -L -A '' -c kookie.jar "" | tee step0002
# # -> the _token value in there
# curl --stderr - --trace - -v -L -A '' -c kookie.jar '' -F "registration[id1]=1" -F "registration[id2]=243" -F "registration[newsLetterType]=FOOFOO" -F "registration[email]" -F "_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" -F "accept=true" --post301 --post302 --post303 | tee step0003
# # took this path again, ended in a cycle:
# # curl --stderr - --trace - -v -L -A '' -c kookie.jar '' -F "username=ZZZZZZZZZZ" -F "password=WWWWWW" -F "_token=YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" --post301 --post302 --post303 | tee step0004
# # => a different token value, go figure:
# curl --stderr - --trace - -v -L -A '' -c kookie.jar '' -F "username=ZZZZZZZZZZ" -F "password=WWWWWW" -F "_token=YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" --post301 --post302 --post303 | tee step0005
import subprocess
import re
import lxml
from lxml import html
import urllib.request
import urllib3
headers = {}
headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0'
pool = urllib3.PoolManager()
f1 = pool.request(method='GET', url=dummy, headers=headers)
print("%s", f1.getheaders())
htmr =
hdoc = html.document_fromstring(htmr)
a = hdoc.xpath('//a[@href]')[0]
href = a.attrib.get('href')
f0 = pool.request(method='GET', url=href, headers=headers)
print("%s", f0.getheaders())
rd =
hdoc2 = html.document_fromstring(rd)
inputs = hdoc2.xpath('//input')
kvs = [(elt.attrib.get('name'), elt.attrib.get('value')) for elt in inputs if elt.attrib.get('type') != 'checkbox']
chk = [(elt.attrib.get('id'), elt.attrib.get('checked')) for elt in inputs if elt.attrib.get('type') == 'checkbox']
print(kvs, chk)
fields = dict(kvs + chk)
rem = []
for k in fields:
if fields.get(k) == None:
if'email', k):
# this appears to be required
fields[k] = ""
rem += [k]
# also works: fields[k] = '0'
for k in rem:
forms = hdoc2.xpath('//form')
pr = urllib.request.urlparse(href)
actions = [f.action for f in forms]
newreqs = []
for a in actions:
pf = urllib.request.urlparse(a)
if pf.scheme == '' and pf.netloc == '':
newreq = pr.scheme + '://' + pr.netloc + '/' + \
re.match('(.*?)/[^/]*', pr.path)[0] + '/' + \
pf.path + '?' + pf.query
newreqs += [newreq]
newreqs += [pf.scheme + '://' + pf.netloc + pf.path]
a2s = hdoc2.xpath('//a[@href]')
loginx = [a2.attrib.get('href') for a2 in a2s][0]
loginrequest = newreqs[0]
print(loginrequest, fields)
f3a = pool.request_encode_body(method='POST', url=newreqs[1], headers=headers, fields=fields)
hdoc3a = html.document_fromstring(
inputs3a = hdoc3a.xpath('//input')
kvs3a = [(elt.attrib.get('name'), elt.attrib.get('value')) for elt in inputs3a if elt.attrib.get('type') != 'checkbox']
fields3a = dict(kvs3a)
rem = []
for k in fields3a:
if fields3a.get(k) == None:
rem += [k]
for k in rem:
f3 = pool.request_encode_body(method='POST', url=loginrequest, headers=headers, fields=fields3a)
# hdoc3 = html.document_fromstring(
# we don't need the contents, except optionally to make sure that it worked.
# print(
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