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Last active July 8, 2021 01:31
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i3wm fedora lightdm

Install i3

dnf install i3

Add exec i3 to xinitrc

echo "exec i3" > ~/.xinitrc

Lightdm settings

Change user-session=<anything> with user-session=i3 in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

Remove and mask gdm

systemctl mask gdm.service
dnf remove gdm

Disable GNOME automatic updates

I'm not using GNOME as DE but I will keep some programs, in any case I don't want for GNOME to automatically download updates for me.

dconf write /org/gnome/software/download-updates false

Enable lightdm

systemctl enable lightdm.service

Other utilities to install

dnf install xbacklight NetworkManager-tui scrot ImageMagick pavucontrol feh arandr i3lock dunst xcompmgr network-manager-applet nethogs


SD Card Reader

echo modprobe rtsx_usb >> /etc/rc.modules
chmod +x /etc/rc.modules 

Power saving tips

  • If you have a computer equiped with a Nvidia graphic card that has optimus see there: - using bumblebee to manage when the card should be activated can help a lot in power saving
  • powertop is your friend, you can enable all the tunables by enabling the powertop service sudo systemctl enable powertop.service

Zoom annotations do not work

You are missing the X11 composite manager, install it xcompmgr. This one required a specific section since I fall into it everytime!

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