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Last active September 14, 2018 21:18
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ICD10 to Charlson Comorbidity Index Crosswalk
# icd10_map_charlson from
df = data.frame("comorbidity" = character(0), "icd10" = character(0), "score" = numeric(0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
scores = data.frame(
MI = 1,
CHF = 1,
PVD = 1,
Stroke = 1,
Dementia = 1,
Pulmonary = 1,
Rheumatic = 1,
PUD = 1,
LiverMild = 1,
DM = 1,
DMcx = 2,
Paralysis = 2,
Renal = 2,
Cancer = 2,
LiverSevere = 3,
Mets = 6,
HIV = 6
for (name in attributes(icd10_map_charlson)$names) {
for (icd10 in icd10_map_charlson[[name]]) {
df[nrow(df) + 1,] = list("icd10" = icd10, "comorbidity" = name, "score" = scores[[name]])
write.csv(df, file = "icd10_to_charlson_comorbidity_index.csv", row.names = FALSE)
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