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Created September 15, 2015 14:44
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Lua script for NES hardware sprite visualization in BizHawk
-- NES Hardware Sprite Visualizer (for BizHawk)
-- v01
-- by thefox <> 2015-09-15
-- NOTE: Requires NesHawk core
-- Memory domains on NES:
-- WRAM, CHR, CIRAM (nametables), PRG ROM, PALRAM, OAM, System Bus, RAM
local spriteHeight = 8
local function setDomain( newDomain )
local previousDomain = memory.getcurrentmemorydomain()
memory.usememorydomain( newDomain )
return previousDomain
local function visualizeSprite( index )
local y = memory.read_u8( 4 * index + 0 )
local tile = memory.read_u8( 4 * index + 1 )
local attr = memory.read_u8( 4 * index + 2 )
local x = memory.read_u8( 4 * index + 3 )
-- \note QuickNes and NesHawk cores differ in the origin of
-- gui.drawRectangle (bug?)
-- local topScanline = nes.gettopscanline() -- QuickNES
local topScanline = 0 -- NesHawk
local kSpriteWidth = 8
x, y + 1 - topScanline,
kSpriteWidth - 1, spriteHeight - 1,
0xB0FF00FF -- ARGB
local function visualizeSprites()
local previousDomain = setDomain( "OAM" )
for i = 0, 63 do
visualizeSprite( i )
memory.usememorydomain( previousDomain )
local guid2000 = event.onmemorywrite ( function()
local previousDomain = setDomain( "System Bus" )
-- Rely on read-only PPU registers returning the previous value written
-- to any PPU register. There doesn't seem to be any other way to
-- get the written value in BizHawk.
local reg2000 = memory.read_u8( 0x2000 )
spriteHeight = bit.check( reg2000, 5 ) and 16 or 8
memory.usememorydomain( previousDomain )
end, 0x2000 )
-- QuickNES core doesn't support onmemorywrite(), returns zero GUID
assert( guid2000 ~= "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"couldn't set memory write hook (use NesHawk core)" )
print( "hardware-sprite-visualizer loaded" )
while true do
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