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Created January 21, 2012 17:21
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Rake task to synchronize assets to S3 (via asset_sync) and deploy to heroku, optionally migrating the database if that needs doing.
# This is inspired by
desc "Deploy ALL the targets"
task :deploy => ["deploy:assets", "deploy:heroku"]
namespace :deploy do
desc "Synchronize assets to S3"
task assets: [:environment,
desc "Push code to heroku and migrate the database, if needed"
task :heroku do
current_version = `git ls-remote heroku master | awk '{ print $1 }'`.chomp
schema_changed = `git log --pretty=%H #{current_version}.. -- db/schema.rb`.strip.present?
system "git push heroku"
exec "heroku run rake db:migrate" if schema_changed
task :load_config do
YAML.load_file("config/asset_sync.yml").fetch("defaults").each do |key, val|
ENV[key.upcase] = val.to_s
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