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Last active December 22, 2015 10:10
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Setting keyboard shortcuts with boxen
class people::foca {
shortcut {
"iTerm Full Screen":
app => "com.googlecode.iterm2",
key => "cmd-shift-f",
menu => "Toggle Full Screen";
"iTerm no-quitting":
app => "com.googlecode.iterm2",
key => nil,
menu => "Quit iTerm";
# IMPORTANT: Put this in ./modules/shortcut/manifests/init.pp inside your boxen
# repository. For example, /opt/boxen/repo/modules/shortcut/manifests/init.pp.
# Public: Define a keyboard shortcut for an app. To define the shortcuts, you
# must assign a key combination to a menu item in the app. You also need the
# name of the app as identified internally by OS X.
# To find the name of the app, you can run the following command:
# osascript -e 'id of app "$APP"'
# Where "$APP" is the name of the executable. For example:
# $ osascript -e 'id of app "iTerm"'
# > com.googlecode.iterm2
# Once you have that, adding shortcuts is as easy as declaring the shortcut with
# the following syntax:
# ``` puppet
# shortcut { "com.googlecode.iterm2":
# key => "cmd-shift-f",
# menu => "Toggle Full Screen"
# }
# ```
# If you want to define multiple shortcuts for the same app, you can explicitly
# define the app like so:
# ``` puppet
# shortcut {
# "iTerm Full Screen":
# app => "com.googlecode.iterm2",
# key => "cmd-shift-f",
# menu => "Toggle Full Screen";
# "No accidentally quitting iTerm":
# app => "com.googlecode.iterm2",
# key => nil,
# menu => "Quit iTerm";
# }
# ```
define shortcut ($app = $title, $menu, $key) {
$shortcut = regsubst(regsubst(regsubst(regsubst($key, "cmd-", "@"), "ctrl-", "^"), "alt-|opt-", "~"), "shift-", "\$")
exec { "${key} => ${menu}":
command => "defaults write ${app} NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add '${menu}' '${shortcut}'",
unless => "defaults read ${app} NSUserKeyEquivalents | grep '${menu}'"
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