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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Save foca/ad161729792a581c18aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Find which tests always run before a given test when the suite fails, in order to detect ordering issues in your test suite.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Find repeated output across runs of a process.
# Usage:
# ./inspector "./minitest-runner some_failing_test"
# The main purpose for this is to find tests that pollute the environment making
# other tests fail erratically, for test suites that run in a random order.
# The command will be run multiple times, and every time it fails, its STDOUT
# will be broken down into lines and compared to the STDOUT of previous runs,
# keeping only those lines that have been present in _all_ runs of the process.
# This terminates when it gets down to 1 entry, but that might not happen (yay
# randomness...) If at any point you send an INT or TERM signal to the process
# it will print out the best it could do in the time it had. (FIXME: Add a
# timeout option.)
require "set"
command = ARGV.fetch(0)
possible_polluters =
finish = ->(*) do
puts possible_polluters.to_a.sort.join if possible_polluters.any?
exit 0
Signal.trap "SIGINT", &finish
Signal.trap "SIGTERM", &finish
loop do
status = nil
IO.popen(command) do |io|
tests = io.readlines
next if status = $?
if possible_polluters.empty?
possible_polluters &= tests
$stderr.print status ? "." : "F" if possible_polluters.size == 1
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# List tests that run previous to a specific test.
# Usage:
# ./minitest-runner some_test_pattern
# The intent is to filter out which tests run before a certain test. This is
# useful to debug a test that fails erratically due to a previous tests that is
# contamining the environment. Run this enough times and you'll be able to
# compare the list of failing tests to find which ones always run before this
# test, reducing the amount of tests to look through.
test_name = ARGV.fetch(0) { abort "Please pass a test name" }
output = nil
IO.popen("rake TESTOPTS=--verbose") { |io| output = io.readlines }
status = output.last
success = status[/(\d+) failures/]
success &&= status[/(\d+) errors/]
test = output.grep(/#{test_name}/).first
abort "Can't find a test matching `#{test_name}`" if test.nil?
line_with_sought_test = output.index(test)
# Remove the test itself from the output, since it isn't interesting.
# Remove anything _after_ the test, as it isn't relevant.
output[line_with_sought_test, output.size - line_with_sought_test] = []
# MiniTest prints a 4 line header. Remove that.
output[0, 4] = []
# Massage MiniTest output's to only print test names. We don't care how much it
# took to run each individual test.
puts { |line| line.sub(/\s.*/, "") }.join
exit_status = success ? 0 : 1
exit exit_status
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plexus commented Oct 8, 2014

oh wow this is gold

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The gem minitest-bisect does a much more rigorous job of this.

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