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Last active December 28, 2021 00:21
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Snowflake Generator
import random
import time
# inspiration:
# see for information
# about hexagon grids and coordinate systems
# neighbors in axial coordinates
DIRS = [(1, 0), (1, -1), (0, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1)]
# this cellular automata doesn't just count the number of neighbors
# but rather considers their layout
# but the layout is invariant to reflection and rotation
# each hexagon has 6 neighbors, so the presence or absence of
# neighbors can be indicated with a 6-bit mask
# we make a lookup table to map this 6-bit number to a normalized
# value after considering reflection and rotation
def make_lookup(n):
def normalize(x):
s = bin(x | (1 << n))[-n:]
values = []
for i in range(n):
values.append(int(s, 2))
values.append(int(''.join(reversed(s)), 2))
s = s[1:] + s[0]
return min(values)
lookup = [normalize(x) for x in range(1 << n)]
distinct = list(sorted(set(lookup)))
lookup = [distinct.index(x) for x in lookup]
return lookup
LOOKUP = make_lookup(len(DIRS))
# neighborhood returns the set of currently-on cells plus all
# of their neighboring (off) cells
# this "neighborhood" are all of the cells we need to consider
# when computing one iteration
def neighborhood(cells):
return {(q + dq, r + dr)
for q, r in cells for dq, dr in DIRS} | cells
# mask generates the 6-bit mask based on presence or absence
# of the six neighboring cells
def mask(cells, q, r):
return sum(1 << i for i, (dq, dr) in enumerate(DIRS)
if (q + dq, r + dr) in cells)
# step executes one iteration, returning a new set of on cells
# `on` and `off` indicate probabilities of an off cell coming on
# and an on cell becoming off based on # and layout of neighbors
def step(cells, on, off):
result = set()
# within a single time step, all cells should behave the same
# (the probabilities are across steps, not within steps)
on = [random.random() < x for x in on]
off = [random.random() < x for x in off]
for p in neighborhood(cells):
i = LOOKUP[mask(cells, *p)]
if p in cells:
if not off[i]:
if on[i]:
return result
# generate creates one random snowflake based on random rules and
# a single seed cell
# the result is a set of on-cells in axial (q, r) coordinates
def generate(iterations, animate=False):
# random rules are often duds, so loop until we get something
while True:
on = [random.random() for _ in range(len(LOOKUP))]
off = [random.random() for _ in range(len(LOOKUP))]
cells = set([(0, 0)])
for i in range(iterations):
cells = step(cells, on, off)
if len(cells) < 2:
if animate:
if len(cells) > 1:
return cells
# render_ascii produces an ASCII string representing the specified
# snowflake
def render_ascii(cells):
points = set()
for q, r in cells:
x = (q + (r - (r & 1)) // 2) * 2
y = r
if y % 2:
x += 1
points.add((x, y))
x0 = min(x for x, y in points)
y0 = min(y for x, y in points)
x1 = max(x for x, y in points)
y1 = max(y for x, y in points)
ox = (80 - (x1 - x0)) // 2
oy = (40 - (y1 - y0)) // 2
x0, x1 = x0 - ox, x1 + ox
y0, y1 = y0 - oy, y1 + oy
lines = []
for y in range(y0, y1+1):
line = []
for x in range(x0, x1+1):
if (x, y) in points:
line.append(' ')
return '\n'.join(lines)
# main just generates and prints random snowflakes forever
def main():
while True:
cells = generate(20, animate=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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