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Created August 22, 2018 16:45
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Heightmap to 3D Mesh
from PIL import Image
from pyhull.delaunay import DelaunayTri
from shapely import geometry
from skimage import measure
from scipy import interpolate
import math
import numpy as np
import struct
import sys
zExaggeration = 2
zScale = 73.63159488086174 * zExaggeration
outputSize = 140
layerThickness = 0.025
baseThickness = 3
def save_binary_stl(path, positions, scale=1):
p = positions
data = []
data.append(b'\x00' * 80)
data.append(struct.pack('<I', len(p) // 3))
for vertices in zip(p[::3], p[1::3], p[2::3]):
data.append(struct.pack('<fff', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
for x, y, z in vertices:
data.append(struct.pack('<fff', x * scale, y * scale, z * scale))
data.append(struct.pack('<H', 0))
data = b''.join(data)
with open(path, 'wb') as fp:
def simplify_path(points, tolerance):
if len(points) < 2:
return points
line = geometry.LineString(points)
line = line.simplify(tolerance, preserve_topology=False)
return list(line.coords)
def main():
print('loading image')
im =[1])
w, h = im.size
scale = outputSize / max(w, h)
printedHeight = zScale * scale
numLayers = int(math.ceil(printedHeight / layerThickness))
print('printed height =', printedHeight)
print('num layers =', numLayers)
z = np.asarray(im) / 65535
f = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(z.shape[0]), np.arange(z.shape[1]), z * zScale)
print('computing contours')
contours = []
n = numLayers
for i in range(n+1):
t = i / n
contours.extend(measure.find_contours(z, t))
print('creating point set')
points = set()
for n, contour in enumerate(contours):
path = [(x, y) for x, y in contour]
path = simplify_path(path, 0.25)
points |= set(path)
bx0 = min(x for x, _ in points)
by0 = min(y for _, y in points)
bx1 = max(x for x, _ in points)
by1 = max(y for _, y in points)
points.add((bx0, by0))
points.add((bx1, by0))
points.add((bx0, by1))
points.add((bx1, by1))
points = list(points)
tri = DelaunayTri(points)
print('computing z values')
zs = dict(((x, y), f(x, y)[0][0]) for x, y in points)
print('building positions')
positions = []
for i0, i1, i2 in tri.vertices:
x0, y0 = tri.points[i0]
x1, y1 = tri.points[i1]
x2, y2 = tri.points[i2]
z0 = zs[(x0, y0)]
z1 = zs[(x1, y1)]
z2 = zs[(x2, y2)]
positions.append((y0, -x0, z0))
positions.append((y1, -x1, z1))
positions.append((y2, -x2, z2))
print('building sides and bottom')
z = -baseThickness / scale
positions.append((by0, -bx0, z))
positions.append((by1, -bx1, z))
positions.append((by0, -bx1, z))
positions.append((by0, -bx0, z))
positions.append((by1, -bx0, z))
positions.append((by1, -bx1, z))
points_bx0 = list(sorted([(x, y) for x, y in points if abs(x-bx0) < 1e-9], key=lambda p: p[1]))
points_by0 = list(sorted([(x, y) for x, y in points if abs(y-by0) < 1e-9], key=lambda p: p[0]))
points_bx1 = list(sorted([(x, y) for x, y in points if abs(x-bx1) < 1e-9], key=lambda p: p[1]))
points_by1 = list(sorted([(x, y) for x, y in points if abs(y-by1) < 1e-9], key=lambda p: p[0]))
for (x0, y0), (x1, y1) in zip(points_bx0, points_bx0[1:]):
z0 = zs[(x0, y0)]
z1 = zs[(x1, y1)]
positions.append((y0, -x0, z))
positions.append((y0, -x0, z0))
positions.append((y1, -x1, z1))
positions.append((y0, -x0, z))
positions.append((y1, -x1, z1))
positions.append((y1, -x1, z))
for (x0, y0), (x1, y1) in zip(points_bx1, points_bx1[1:]):
z0 = zs[(x0, y0)]
z1 = zs[(x1, y1)]
positions.append((y0, -x0, z))
positions.append((y1, -x1, z1))
positions.append((y0, -x0, z0))
positions.append((y0, -x0, z))
positions.append((y1, -x1, z))
positions.append((y1, -x1, z1))
for (x0, y0), (x1, y1) in zip(points_by0, points_by0[1:]):
z0 = zs[(x0, y0)]
z1 = zs[(x1, y1)]
positions.append((y0, -x0, z))
positions.append((y1, -x1, z1))
positions.append((y0, -x0, z0))
positions.append((y0, -x0, z))
positions.append((y1, -x1, z))
positions.append((y1, -x1, z1))
for (x0, y0), (x1, y1) in zip(points_by1, points_by1[1:]):
z0 = zs[(x0, y0)]
z1 = zs[(x1, y1)]
positions.append((y0, -x0, z))
positions.append((y0, -x0, z0))
positions.append((y1, -x1, z1))
positions.append((y0, -x0, z))
positions.append((y1, -x1, z1))
positions.append((y1, -x1, z))
print('writing stl')
save_binary_stl('out.stl', positions, scale)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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