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Created January 23, 2022 08:12
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LC1C partially (without peephole optimizer) ported to Zig (original =
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
pub fn BasicBlock(comptime Stmt: type, comptime Cond: type) type {
return struct {
// entry points
labels: std.ArrayList([]const u8),
entp_cnt: usize,
// exit points
exip_norm: ?*Self,
exip_alt: ?CondExitPoint,
body: std.ArrayList(Stmt),
const Self = @This();
pub const CondExitPoint = struct {
exip: *Self,
cond: Cond,
pub fn init(allocator: Allocator) Self {
return Self {
.labels = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator),
.entp_cnt = 0,
.exip_norm = null,
.exip_alt = null,
.body = std.ArrayList(Stmt).init(allocator),
// this method is also used to un-register an BB,
// so take care to make this reentrant.
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
//if (self.*.entp_cnt != 0) {
// std.debug.print("invalid BasicBlock.deinit call: entp_cnt={d} lbls={s}\n", .{ self.*.entp_cnt, self.*.labels.items });
// unreachable;
if (self.*.exip_norm) |exip| {
self.*.exip_norm = null;
if (self.*.exip_alt) |alt| {
self.*.exip_alt = null;
pub fn isUnused(self: *const Self) bool {
return self.*.entp_cnt == 0;
pub fn isEmpty(self: *const Self) bool {
return self.*.exip_norm == null
and self.*.exip_alt == null
and self.*.body.items.len == 0;
pub fn shrinkToFit(self: *Self) void {
pub fn unrefExip(self: *Self) void {
const epcnt = &self.*.entp_cnt;
if (epcnt.* == 0) {
std.debug.print("BasicBlock::unref_exip: {*} has illegal state entp_cnt==0\n", .{ self });
} else {
epcnt.* -= 1;
if (epcnt.* == 0) {
// propagate
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const ArrayList = std.array_list.ArrayList;
fn cmdFstrLut() [26][26][26](?Lc1Cmd) {
comptime {
var ret: [26][26][26]?Lc1Cmd = undefined;
for (ret) |*i| {
for (i.*) |*j| {
for (j.*) |*k| {
k.* = null;
for (.{
.{"DEF", Lc1Cmd.Def},
.{"LDA", Lc1Cmd.Lda},
.{"LDB", Lc1Cmd.Ldb},
.{"MOV", Lc1Cmd.Mov},
.{"MAB", Lc1Cmd.Mab},
.{"ADD", Lc1Cmd.Add},
.{"SUB", Lc1Cmd.Sub},
.{"AND", Lc1Cmd.And},
.{"NOT", Lc1Cmd.Not},
.{"JMP", Lc1Cmd.Jmp},
.{"JPS", Lc1Cmd.Jps},
.{"JPO", Lc1Cmd.Jpo},
.{"CAL", Lc1Cmd.Cal},
.{"RET", Lc1Cmd.Ret},
.{"RRA", Lc1Cmd.Rra},
.{"RLA", Lc1Cmd.Rla},
.{"HLT", Lc1Cmd.Hlt},
}) |in| {
const key: [3:0]u8 = in[0].*;
const value: Lc1Cmd = in[1];
ret[key[0] - 'A'][key[1] - 'A'][key[2] - 'A'] = value;
return ret;
pub const Error = error {
} || std.fmt.ParseIntError;
pub const Lc1Cmd = enum(u5) {
// virtual commands
Label = 0x13,
None = 0x11,
Def = 0x10,
// sorted after command id
Lda = 0x0,
Ldb = 0x1,
Mov = 0x2,
Mab = 0x3,
Add = 0x4,
Sub = 0x5,
And = 0x6,
Not = 0x7,
Jmp = 0x8,
Jps = 0x9,
Jpo = 0xA,
Cal = 0xB,
Ret = 0xC,
Rra = 0xD,
Rla = 0xE,
Hlt = 0xF,
const Self = @This();
pub fn parse_from_str(cmd: []const u8) ?Self {
if (cmd.len != 3) {
return null;
const toUpper = std.ascii.toUpper;
const ucmd = [3]u8 { toUpper(cmd[0]), toUpper(cmd[1]), toUpper(cmd[2]) };
const lut = comptime cmdFstrLut();
if (ucmd[0] < 'A' or ucmd[0] > 'Z' or ucmd[1] < 'A' or ucmd[1] > 'Z' or ucmd[2] < 'A' or ucmd[2] > 'Z') {
return null;
} else if (lut[ucmd[0] - 'A'][ucmd[1] - 'A'][ucmd[2] - 'A']) |cmd2| {
return cmd2;
} else {
return null;
pub fn to_str(self: *const Self) []const u8 {
return switch (self.*) {
.Label => "*L-",
.None => "---",
.Def => "DEF",
.Lda => "LDA",
.Ldb => "LDB",
.Mov => "MOV",
.Mab => "MAB",
.Add => "ADD",
.Sub => "SUB",
.And => "AND",
.Not => "NOT",
.Jmp => "JMP",
.Jps => "JPS",
.Jpo => "JPO",
.Cal => "CAL",
.Ret => "RET",
.Rra => "RRA",
.Rla => "RLA",
.Hlt => "HLT",
pub fn format(
self: *const Self,
actual_fmt: []const u8,
options: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
writer: anytype,
) @TypeOf(writer).Error!void {
_ = actual_fmt;
_ = options;
return std.fmt.format(writer, "{s}", .{ self.to_str() });
pub fn from_int(val: u4) Self {
return @intToEnum(Self, val);
pub fn has_arg(cmd: Self) bool {
return switch (cmd) {
.Cal, .Def, .Jmp, .Jpo, .Jps, .Lda, .Ldb, .Mov, .Rla, .Rra => true,
else => false,
pub const Lc1Arg = union(enum) {
Absolute: u16,
Relative: i16,
IdConst: u16,
Label: []const u8,
const Self = @This();
pub fn parse_from_str(arg: []const u8, is_def: bool) Error!Self {
if (arg.len == 0) {
return Lc1Arg.None;
const parseInt = std.fmt.parseInt;
return switch (arg[0]) {
'@' => Lc1Arg { .Absolute = try parseInt(u16, arg[1..], 10) },
'.' => Lc1Arg { .Relative = try parseInt(i16, arg[1..], 10) },
'$' => Lc1Arg { .IdConst = try parseInt(u16, arg[1..], 10) },
'0' ... '9' => if (is_def)
Lc1Arg { .Absolute = try parseInt(u16, arg, 10) }
'-' => if (is_def)
Lc1Arg { .Absolute = 0x3ff - try parseInt(u16, arg[1..], 10) }
'A' ... 'Z', 'a' ... 'z' => Lc1Arg { .Label = arg },
else => error.InvalidArg,
pub fn typ2str(arg: Self) []const u8 {
return switch (arg) {
Lc1Arg.None => "none",
Lc1Arg.Absolute => "absolute",
Lc1Arg.Relative => "relative",
Lc1Arg.IdConst => "ind.const",
Lc1Arg.Label => "label",
pub const Lc1Stmt = struct {
cmd: Lc1Cmd,
arg: Lc1Arg,
do_ignore: bool,
const Self = @This();
pub fn init() Self {
return Self {
.cmd = Lc1Cmd.None,
.arg = Lc1Arg.None,
.do_ignore = false,
pub fn parse_from_str(cmd_: []const u8, arg: []const u8) Error!Self {
const do_ignore = cmd_.len == 4 and cmd_[3] == '*';
if (!do_ignore and cmd_.len != 3) {
return error.InvalidCommand;
const cmd = Lc1Cmd.parse_from_str(cmd_[0..3]) orelse return error.InvalidCommand;
const arg_ = try Lc1Arg.parse_from_str(arg, cmd == Lc1Cmd.Def);
if ((arg_ == Lc1Arg.None) == cmd.has_arg()) {
return error.InvalidInvocation;
return Lc1Stmt {
.cmd = cmd,
.arg = arg_,
.do_ignore = do_ignore,
pub fn format(
self: *const Self,
actual_fmt: []const u8,
options: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
writer: anytype,
) @TypeOf(writer).Error!void {
_ = actual_fmt;
_ = options;
const format_ = std.fmt.format;
try format_(writer, "{s}", .{ self.*.cmd });
try switch (self.*.arg) {
Lc1Arg.None => return,
Lc1Arg.Absolute => |val| format_(writer, " {d}", .{ val }),
Lc1Arg.Relative => |val| format_(writer, " .{d}", .{ val }),
Lc1Arg.IdConst => |val| format_(writer, " ${d}", .{ val }),
Lc1Arg.Label => |lbl| format_(writer, " {s}", .{ lbl }),
const expectEq = std.testing.expectEqual;
test "lc1arg parse" {
try expectEq(Lc1Arg.parse_from_str("@5", false), Lc1Arg { .Absolute = 5 });
try expectEq(Lc1Arg.parse_from_str(".-10", false), Lc1Arg { .Relative = -10 });
try expectEq(Lc1Arg.parse_from_str("$30", false), Lc1Arg { .IdConst = 30 });
try expectEq(Lc1Arg.parse_from_str("500", true), Lc1Arg { .Absolute = 500 });
try expectEq(Lc1Arg.parse_from_str("-15", true), Lc1Arg { .Absolute = 1008 });
try expectEq(Lc1Arg.parse_from_str("500", false), error.InvalidArg);
try expectEq(Lc1Arg.parse_from_str("alphazent", false), Lc1Arg { .Label = "alphazent" });
try expectEq(Lc1Arg.parse_from_str("**what", true), error.InvalidArg);
const std = @import("std");
const lc1tys = @import("./lc1tys.zig");
const optimize = @import("./optimize.zig").optimize;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Stmt = lc1tys.Lc1Stmt;
test {
_ = lc1tys;
_ = optimize;
fn file_parse_error(file: []const u8, lineno: ?usize, msg: []const u8) void {
const stderr =;
if (lineno == null) {
stderr.print("lc1c: {s}: {s}\n", .{ file, msg }) catch {};
} else {
stderr.print("lc1c: {s}: line {d}: {s}\n", .{ file, lineno, msg }) catch {};
@panic("fatal error");
fn strdup(allocator: Allocator, s: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
const result = try allocator.alloc(u8, s.len);
std.mem.copy(u8, result, s);
return result;
fn parse_file(allocator: Allocator, fname: []const u8, f: *std.fs.File) !std.ArrayList(Stmt) {
var stmts = std.ArrayList(Stmt).init(allocator);
errdefer stmts.deinit();
var buf_reader =;
var in_stream = buf_reader.reader();
var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var lineno: usize = 0;
while (try in_stream.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(&buf, '\n')) |line| {
defer lineno += 1;
// parse line; erase spaces and comments
var tokens = std.mem.tokenize(u8, std.mem.sliceTo(line, ';'), "\r\t ");
var tok = orelse continue;
if ((tok.len > 1) and (tok[tok.len - 1] == ':')) {
// got label
(try stmts.addOne()).* = .{
.cmd = lc1tys.Lc1Cmd.Label,
.arg = lc1tys.Lc1Arg { .Label = try strdup(allocator, line[0..tok.len - 1]) },
.do_ignore = false,
tok = orelse continue;
const tok2 =;
if ( |_| {
file_parse_error(fname, lineno, "too many tokens");
if (Stmt.parse_from_str(tok, tok2 orelse "")) |stmt_| {
var stmt = stmt_;
switch (stmt.arg) {
lc1tys.Lc1Arg.Label => |*lbl| {
// make sure that labels are kept alive
lbl.* = try strdup(allocator, lbl.*);
else => {}
(try stmts.addOne()).* = stmt;
} else |err| {
file_parse_error(fname, lineno, switch (err) {
error.InvalidCommand => "invalid command",
error.InvalidInvocation => "invalid invocation",
error.InvalidArg => "invalid argument",
error.Overflow => "integer overflow",
error.InvalidCharacter => "invalid character (e.g. in integer)",
return stmts;
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
defer {
const leaked = gpa.deinit();
if (leaked) {
std.debug.print("lc1c: ERROR: detected memory leak\n", .{});
var compout: ?std.fs.File = null;
var inp: ?std.fs.File = null;
var inpfn: ?[]const u8 = null;
defer {
if (inpfn) |inpfn2| {;
if (inp) |inp2| {
if (compout) |compout2| {
var argit = std.process.args();
defer argit.deinit();
_ = argit.skip();
while (try |arg| {
const eql = std.mem.eql;
if (eql(u8, arg, "--help")) {
std.debug.print("USAGE: lc1c [-o OUTPUT_FILE] INPUT_FILE\n", .{});
} else if (eql(u8, arg, "-o")) {
if (try |outpf| {
compout = try std.fs.cwd().createFile(outpf, .{});
} else {
std.debug.print("lc1c: ERROR: no output file given\n", .{});
} else {
inpfn = try strdup(allocator, arg);
inp = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(arg, .{});
if (inpfn == null) {
std.debug.print("lc1c: ERROR: no input file given\n", .{});
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const suballocator = arena.allocator();
var stmts = try parse_file(suballocator, inpfn.?, &inp.?);
const stdout =;
const stderr =;
try optimize(suballocator, stderr.writer(), &stmts);
// print code
var real_compout = orelse stdout).writer());
const real_compout_w = real_compout.writer();
for (stmts.items) |stmt| {
try real_compout_w.print("{s}\n", .{ stmt });
try real_compout.flush();
const std = @import("std");
const lc1tys = @import("./lc1tys.zig");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Stmt = lc1tys.Lc1Stmt;
const BasicBlock = @import("./basic_block.zig").BasicBlock(Stmt, lc1tys.Lc1Cmd);
fn countActiveBlocks(bbs: *const std.ArrayList(BasicBlock)) usize {
var ret: usize = 0;
for (bbs.items) |*item| {
if (!item.isUnused()) {
ret += 1;
return ret;
// label -> BBs which point there
const LblExipCache = std.StringHashMap(std.ArrayList(usize));
// bbid -> bbid, bb[k].exip_norm -> bb[v]
const IdExipCache = std.AutoHashMap(usize, usize);
fn jumpRegexc(
allocator: Allocator,
lblexc: *LblExipCache,
idexc: *IdExipCache,
blocks: *std.ArrayList(BasicBlock),
arg: lc1tys.Lc1Arg,
link2next: bool,
) !void {
if (arg == .Label) {
const lbl = arg.Label;
const old_blkid = blocks.items.len - 1;
const gop_exc = try lblexc.getOrPut(lbl, );
if (!gop_exc.found_existing) {
gop_exc.value_ptr.* = std.ArrayList(usize).init(allocator);
(try gop_exc.value_ptr.addOne()).* = old_blkid;
(try blocks.addOne()).* = BasicBlock.init(allocator);
if (link2next) {
if (!idexc.contains(old_blkid)) {
try idexc.put(old_blkid, blocks.items.len - 1);
} else {
// this gets called in the latest optimize phase, which works mostly on resolved
// addresses to find raw byte constants in the asm-code for re-usage
fn mark_idconst(
allocator: Allocator,
stmts: []const Stmt,
lbls: *std.StringHashMap(usize),
value: u16,
) !?usize {
const val_lo = @truncate(u6, value & 0x3f);
const val_hi = @truncate(u4, value >> 6);
const cmd_hi = lc1tys.Lc1Cmd.from_int(val_hi);
if (!cmd_hi.has_arg() and val_lo != 0) {
return null;
const lbl = try std.fmt.allocPrintZ(allocator, "${d}", .{ value });
if (lbls.get(lbl)) |dst| {;
return dst;
var res: ?usize = null;
for (stmts) |item, stcnt| {
if (item.cmd != cmd_hi) {
switch (item.arg) {
lc1tys.Lc1Arg.Absolute => |argabs| {
if (argabs == val_lo) {
res = stcnt;
else => continue,
if (res) |res2| {
std.debug.print("optimize: re-use existing const {d} @ {d}", .{ value, res2 });
try lbls.put(lbl, res2);
// don't free the label
return res;
fn lblexip_deinit_all(lblexc: *LblExipCache) void {
var it = lblexc.valueIterator();
while ( |i| {
/// this expects an arena allocator or something similar,
/// because this won't keep track of every allocation
pub fn optimize(
allocator: Allocator,
verbose_writer: anytype,
stmts: *std.ArrayList(Stmt),
) !void {
var blocks = std.ArrayList(BasicBlock).init(allocator);
defer {
for (blocks.items) |*item| {
var anon_lblid: usize = 0;
// note: we don't reallocate the blocks after initialization,
// so that we don't need to introduce another level of indirection
// init
// create the entry point
const entry_point = try blocks.addOne();
entry_point.* = BasicBlock.init(allocator);
entry_point.*.entp_cnt += 1;
// insert data
var lexc_jmp = LblExipCache.init(allocator);
var lexc_jpo = LblExipCache.init(allocator);
var lexc_jps = LblExipCache.init(allocator);
var lexc_dests = std.StringHashMap(usize).init(allocator);
var idexc = IdExipCache.init(allocator);
defer {
// rest excs only contains integers as keys/values
for (stmts.*.items) |stmt| {
switch (stmt.cmd) {
.Jmp => try jumpRegexc(allocator, &lexc_jmp, &idexc, &blocks, stmt.arg, false),
.Jps => try jumpRegexc(allocator, &lexc_jps, &idexc, &blocks, stmt.arg, true),
.Jpo => try jumpRegexc(allocator, &lexc_jpo, &idexc, &blocks, stmt.arg, true),
.Label => {
const oblkid = blocks.items.len - 1;
if (!blocks.items[oblkid].isEmpty()) {
(try blocks.addOne()).* = BasicBlock.init(allocator);
if (!idexc.contains(oblkid)) {
try idexc.put(oblkid, blocks.items.len - 1);
if (stmt.arg == lc1tys.Lc1Arg.Label) {
const lbl = stmt.arg.Label;
const gop_dst = try lexc_dests.getOrPut(lbl);
if (gop_dst.found_existing) {
std.debug.print("optimize: ERROR: got redefinition of label '{s}'\n", .{ lbl });
gop_dst.value_ptr.* = blocks.items.len - 1;
(try blocks.items[blocks.items.len - 1].labels.addOne()).* = lbl;
} else {
.Hlt => {
(try blocks.addOne()).* = BasicBlock.init(allocator);
else => {
(try blocks.items[blocks.items.len - 1].body.addOne()).* = stmt;
// cleanup data
for (blocks.items) |*blk| {
if (blk.*.labels.items.len == 0) {
(try blk.*.labels.addOne()).* = try std.fmt.allocPrintZ(allocator, "%{d}", .{ anon_lblid });
anon_lblid += 1;
for (blk.*.body.items) |*i| {
switch (i.*.arg) {
lc1tys.Lc1Arg.Label => |lbl| {
if (lexc_dests.get(lbl)) |dst| {
blocks.items[dst].entp_cnt += 1;
} else {
std.debug.print("optimize: ERROR: missing label '{s}'\n", .{ lbl });
else => {
// do nothing
// resolve jumps
var idit = idexc.iterator();
while ( |i| {
const jmpdst = &blocks.items[i.value_ptr.*];
blocks.items[i.key_ptr.*].exip_norm = jmpdst;
jmpdst.*.entp_cnt += 1;
var dstsit = lexc_dests.iterator();
while ( |i| {
const jmpdst = &blocks.items[i.value_ptr.*];
if (lexc_jmp.get(i.key_ptr.*)) |j| {
for (j.items) |k| {
const jmpsrc = &blocks.items[k];
if (jmpsrc.*.exip_norm) |_| {
jmpsrc.*.exip_norm = jmpdst;
jmpdst.*.entp_cnt += 1;
if (lexc_jpo.get(i.key_ptr.*)) |j| {
for (j.items) |k| {
const jmpsrc = &blocks.items[k];
if (jmpsrc.*.exip_alt) |_| {
jmpsrc.*.exip_alt = BasicBlock.CondExitPoint {
.exip = jmpdst,
.cond = lc1tys.Lc1Cmd.Jpo,
jmpdst.*.entp_cnt += 1;
if (lexc_jps.get(i.key_ptr.*)) |j| {
for (j.items) |k| {
const jmpsrc = &blocks.items[k];
if (jmpsrc.*.exip_alt) |_| {
jmpsrc.*.exip_alt = BasicBlock.CondExitPoint {
.exip = jmpdst,
.cond = lc1tys.Lc1Cmd.Jps,
jmpdst.*.entp_cnt += 1;
// run
var cur_active_bbs = countActiveBlocks(&blocks);
while(true) {
// run
// search for blocks with use_count == 1 and "used_from block" direct jump to (1 <-), simplify
const items: []BasicBlock = blocks.items;
for (items) |*i| {
if (!(
i.*.exip_norm != null
and i.*.exip_alt == null
and i.*.exip_norm.?.entp_cnt == 1
)) {
const othblk = i.*.exip_norm.?;
const othv = &othblk.*.body;
try i.*.body.appendSlice(othv.*.items);
// update jumps
i.*.exip_alt = othblk.*.exip_alt;
i.*.exip_norm = othblk.*.exip_norm;
if (i.*.exip_norm) |n2| {
n2.*.entp_cnt += 1;
// check for changes
const new_active_bbs = countActiveBlocks(&blocks);
//if (cur_active_bbs == new_active_bbs) {
// break;
//} else {
cur_active_bbs = new_active_bbs;
try std.fmt.format(verbose_writer, "optimize: DEBUG: current blocks...\n", .{});
for (blocks.items) |*i, n| {
try std.fmt.format(verbose_writer, "BB {d} used by {d}\n", .{ n, i.*.entp_cnt });
for (i.*.labels.items) |lbl| {
try std.fmt.format(verbose_writer, " LBL {s}\n", .{ lbl });
for (i.*.body.items) |stmt| {
try std.fmt.format(verbose_writer, " {s}\n", .{ stmt });
if (i.*.exip_norm) |exip_norm| {
try std.fmt.format(verbose_writer, " X-:", .{});
for (exip_norm.*.labels.items) |tlbl| {
try std.fmt.format(verbose_writer, " {s}", .{ tlbl });
try std.fmt.format(verbose_writer, "\n", .{});
if (i.*.exip_alt) |exip_alt| {
try std.fmt.format(verbose_writer, " X{s}:", .{ exip_alt.cond });
for (exip_alt.exip.*.labels.items) |tlbl| {
try std.fmt.format(verbose_writer, " {s}", .{ tlbl });
try std.fmt.format(verbose_writer, "\n", .{});
try std.fmt.format(verbose_writer, "\n", .{});
if (cur_active_bbs == new_active_bbs) {
var labels = std.StringHashMap(usize).init(allocator);
defer labels.deinit();
// reconstruct stmts
for (blocks.items) |*item, blkid| {
if (item.isUnused()) {
// create labels
for (item.*.labels.items) |lbl| {
try labels.put(lbl, stmts.items.len);
// append commands
try stmts.appendSlice(item.*.body.items);
if (item.*.exip_alt) |exip_alt| {
(try stmts.addOne()).* = Stmt {
.cmd = exip_alt.cond,
.arg = lc1tys.Lc1Arg { .Label = exip_alt.exip.*.labels.items[0] },
.do_ignore = false,
if (item.*.exip_norm) |exip_norm| {
if (blocks.items.len == blkid or exip_norm != &blocks.items[blkid + 1]) {
// jump after this block (non-linear flow)
(try stmts.addOne()).* = Stmt {
.cmd = lc1tys.Lc1Cmd.Jmp,
.arg = lc1tys.Lc1Arg { .Label = exip_norm.*.labels.items[0] },
.do_ignore = false,
// otherwise fallthrough
} else {
(try stmts.addOne()).* = Stmt {
.cmd = lc1tys.Lc1Cmd.Hlt,
.arg = lc1tys.Lc1Arg.None,
.do_ignore = false,
// we can't call deinit here because we still need e.g. the labels
// TODO: why does the original code call unref_all_exips here?
// resolve idconsts and labels
var extraStmts = std.ArrayList(Stmt).init(allocator);
defer extraStmts.deinit();
for (stmts.*.items) |*i| {
switch (i.*.arg) {
lc1tys.Lc1Arg.IdConst => |j| {
if (try mark_idconst(allocator, stmts.items, &labels, j)) |k| {
i.*.arg = lc1tys.Lc1Arg { .Absolute = @truncate(u16, k) };
} else {
(try extraStmts.addOne()).* = Stmt {
.cmd = lc1tys.Lc1Cmd.Def,
.arg = lc1tys.Lc1Arg { .Absolute = @truncate(u16, j) },
.do_ignore = true,
const k = stmts.*.items.len + extraStmts.items.len - 1;
try labels.put(try std.fmt.allocPrintZ(allocator, "${d}", .{ j }), k);
i.*.arg = lc1tys.Lc1Arg { .Absolute = @truncate(u16, k) };
lc1tys.Lc1Arg.Label => |lbl| {
if (labels.get(lbl)) |trg| {
i.*.arg = lc1tys.Lc1Arg { .Absolute = @truncate(u16, trg) };
} else {
std.debug.print("lc1c: ERROR: undefined label {s} @ cmd {s}\n", .{ lbl, i.*.cmd });
@panic("undefined label");
else => continue,
try stmts.appendSlice(extraStmts.items);
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