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Forked from candera/Clojure Slideshow
Created March 18, 2010 13:16
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(ns com.wangdera.slideshow
(:use [clojure.contrib.test-is])
(:import ( File)
(javax.imageio ImageIO)
(javax.swing JFrame JPanel Timer)
(java.awt Dimension Frame Color)
(java.awt.event ActionListener WindowAdapter)))
(def imagelist (atom []))
(def current-image (atom nil))
(defn- jpeg? [f]
(.isFile f)
(.endsWith (.toLowerCase (.getName f)) ".jpg")))
(defn populate-imagelist [dir]
(doseq [file (filter jpeg? (file-seq (File. dir)))]
(swap! imagelist conj (.getPath file))))
(defn make-frame []
(JFrame. "Slideshow"))
(defn center [image-dims region-dims]
(vec (map #(- (/ %2 2) (/ %1 2)) image-dims region-dims)))
(defn scale [factor dims]
(vec (map #(* factor %) dims)))
(defn compute-bounds [image-dims region-dims]
(let [scaling (apply min 1 (map / region-dims image-dims))]
[(center (scale scaling image-dims) region-dims)
(defn fit-to [image-dims region-dims]
(let [[[x y] scaling] (compute-bounds image-dims region-dims)
[width height] (map #(int (* % scaling)) image-dims)]
[x y width height]))
(defn paint [g]
(.setColor g Color/black)
(let [region-rect (.getClipBounds g)
region-width (.getWidth region-rect)
region-height (.getHeight region-rect)]
(.fillRect g 0 0 region-width region-height)
(if @current-image
(let [image-width (.getWidth @current-image)
image-height (.getHeight @current-image)
image-dims [image-width image-height]
region-dims [region-width region-height]
[x y width height] (fit-to image-dims region-dims)]
; (println "drawing at" x y "dimensions" width height)
(.drawImage g @current-image x y width height (Color. 0 0 0) nil))
(doto g
(.setColor Color/white)
(.drawString "Working..." 800 600)))))
(defn random-image-path []
(let [n (count @imagelist)]
(if (= n 0)
(@imagelist (int (rand n))))))
(defn random-image []
(if-let [image-path (random-image-path)]
;(println "Loading image " image-path)
(ImageIO/read (File. image-path)))))
(defn handle-timer-event [e panel]
; (println "Timer firing")
(reset! current-image (random-image))
(.repaint panel))
(defn make-panel []
(proxy [JPanel ActionListener] []
(getPreferredSize [] nil)
(proxy-super paintComponent g)
(paint g))
(actionPerformed [e] (handle-timer-event e this))))
(defn make-window-listener [timer]
(proxy [WindowAdapter] []
(windowClosed [e])
(.stop timer))
(windowIconified [e])))
(defn make-timer [panel]
(Timer. 5000 panel))
(defn start-imagelist-population [dir]
;; Could have used future here, but it is better
;; to run with a low-pri thread because the CPU
;; utilization of populate-imagelist can be
;; more than you'd want out of a slideshow app
;;(future (populate-imagelist dir))
(let [thread (Thread. #(populate-imagelist dir))]
(.setPriority thread Thread/MIN_PRIORITY)
(.start thread)
(defn slideshow [dir]
(start-imagelist-population dir)
(let [frame (make-frame)
panel (make-panel)
timer (make-timer panel)]
(doto frame
; EXIT_ON_CLOSE is problematic when running at the REPL
;(.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
(.addWindowListener (make-window-listener timer))
(.setExtendedState Frame/MAXIMIZED_BOTH)
(.setUndecorated true)
(.add panel))
(.start timer)
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