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Forked from szeiger/NodeZipper.scala
Created March 28, 2010 00:29
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import scala.xml.{Node, Elem, Group}
* A path to a Node in a Node tree.
sealed trait NodePath {
def depth: Int
object NodePath {
final case object Top extends NodePath {
def depth = 0
override def toString = "Top"
final case class Hole(left: List[Node], parent: NodeLoc, right: List[Node]) extends NodePath {
def depth = parent.path.depth + 1
override def toString = parent.path.toString + "/#" + left.size
* A location in a Node tree, consisting of a Node and the path to this Node.
sealed case class NodeLoc(node: Node, path: NodePath) {
import NodePath._
protected def create(node: Node, path: Hole) = NodeLoc(node, path)
override def toString = node.label + " at " + path
* Check if this node is the top node
final def isTop = path == Top
* Check if this node is not the top node
final def isChild = path != Top
* Check if this node is the first (or only) sibling
final def isFirst = path match {
case Top => true
case Hole(Nil, _, _) => true
case _ => false
* Check if this node is the last (or only) sibling
final def isLast = path match {
case Top => true
case Hole(_ , _, Nil) => true
case _ => false
* Check if this node is a leaf (i.e. has no children)
final def isLeaf = node.child.isEmpty
* Check if this node is a not a leaf (i.e. has children)
final def isBranch = !isLeaf
* Get the left sibling if it exists, otherwise throw a NavigationException
final def left = path match {
case Hole(tl :: l, p, r) => create(tl, Hole(l, p, node :: r))
case _ => throw NavigationException("Cannot go left from "+this)
* Get the left sibling if it exists, otherwise None
final def leftOpt = path match {
case Hole(tl :: l, p, r) => Some(create(tl, Hole(l, p, node :: r)))
case _ => None
* Get the right sibling if it exists, otherwise throw a NavigationException
final def right = path match {
case Hole(l, p, tr :: r) => create(tr, Hole(node :: l, p, r))
case _ => throw NavigationException("Cannot go right from "+this)
* Get the right sibling if it exists, otherwise None
final def rightOpt = path match {
case Hole(l, p, tr :: r) => Some(create(tr, Hole(node :: l, p, r)))
case _ => None
* Get the first (leftmost) sibling (or this location)
final def start: NodeLoc = if(isFirst) this else left.start
* Get the last (rightmost) sibling (or this location)
final def end: NodeLoc = if(isLast) this else right.end
* Get the nth child (starting with 0) if it exists, otherwise throw a NavigationException
final def down(idx: Int) = {
val ch = node.child
if(ch.isEmpty) throw NavigationException("Cannot go down from "+this)
else create(ch.head, Hole(ch.tail.take(idx).reverse.toList, this, ch.tail.drop(idx+1).toList))
* Get the nth child (starting with 0) if it exists, otherwise None
final def downOpt(idx: Int) = {
val ch = node.child
if(ch.isEmpty) None
else Some(create(ch.head, Hole(ch.tail.take(idx).reverse.toList, this, ch.drop(idx+1).toList)))
* Get the last child if it exists, otherwise throw a NavigationException
final def downLast = {
val ch = node.child
if(ch.isEmpty) throw NavigationException("Cannot go down from "+this)
else create(ch.head, Hole(ch.reverse.toList.tail, this, Nil))
* Get the last child if it exists, otherwise None
final def downLastOpt = {
val ch = node.child
if(ch.isEmpty) None
else Some(create(ch.head, Hole(ch.reverse.toList.tail, this, Nil)))
* Get the parent (or throw a NavigationException if this is the top node)
def up = path match {
case h : Hole =>
val l = h.left.reverse ++ (node :: h.right)
NodeLoc(h.parent.node match {
case e: Elem => e.copy(child = l)
case _: Group => new Group(l)
}, h.parent.path)
case _ => throw NavigationException("Cannot go up from top node")
* Get the parent (or None if this is the top node)
def upOpt = path match {
case h : Hole => Some(up)
case _ => None
* Get a location in which this node is replaced with the given node
final def set(n: Node) = NodeLoc(n, path)
* Get a location in which this node is replaced with the given node
final def update(n: Node) = set(n)
* Check if children may be added to this node (i.e. it is an Elem or Group)
final def isContainer = node match {
case _: Elem => true
case _: Group => true
case _ => false
* Get a location in which the children of this node are replaced with the given nodes
* (or throw a NavigationException if isContainer == false)
final def setChildren(ch: Seq[Node]) = NodeLoc(node match {
case e: Elem => e.copy(child = ch)
case Group(_) => Group(ch)
case _ => throw NavigationException("Cannot replace children of non-container node "+this);
}, path)
* Get the top node of this tree
final def top: NodeLoc = if(isTop) this else
* Insert the given node to the left of this location and return its location
* (or throw a NavigationException if this location is at the top)
final def +: (n: Node) = path match {
case Hole(l, p, r) => NodeLoc(n, Hole(l, p, node :: r))
case _ => throw NavigationException("Cannot prepend to "+this)
* Insert the given node to the right of this location and return its location
* (or throw a NavigationException if this location is at the top)
final def :+ (n: Node) = path match {
case Hole(l, p, r) => NodeLoc(n, Hole(node :: l, p, r))
case _ => throw NavigationException("Cannot append to "+this)
* Insert the given node to the left of this node's children and return the
* modified version of this location
* (or throw a NavigationException is isContainer == false)
final def \+: (n: Node) = setChildren(n +: node.child)
* Insert the given node to the right of this node's children and return the
* modified version of this location
* (or throw a NavigationException is isContainer == false)
final def :\+ (n: Node) = setChildren(node.child :+ n)
* Delete this node. Return the location to the right if it exists,
* otherwise left if it exists, otherwise up if it exists,
* otherwise throw a NavigationException.
final def delete = path match {
case Hole(l, p, tr :: r) => NodeLoc(tr, Hole(l, p, r))
case Hole(tl :: l, p, r) => NodeLoc(tl, Hole(l, p, r))
case Hole(l, p, r) =>
val list = l.reverse ++ r
NodeLoc(p.node match {
case e: Elem => e.copy(child = list)
case _: Group => new Group(list)
}, p.path)
case _ => throw NavigationException("Cannot delete top node")
final def transitive(f: NodeLoc => Option[NodeLoc]) = f(this).map(_.transitiveOrSelf(f))
final def transitiveOrSelf(f: NodeLoc => Option[NodeLoc]): NodeLoc = f(this) match {
case None => this
case Some(n) => n.transitiveOrSelf(f)
* Return the following node in document order (or None if this is the last node)
final def followingOpt: Option[NodeLoc] = downOpt(0) orElse rightOutOpt
private final def rightOutOpt: Option[NodeLoc] = rightOpt orElse upOpt.flatMap(_.rightOutOpt)
* Return the preceding node in document order (or None if this is the top node)
final def precedingOpt: Option[NodeLoc] = => n.downLastTransitiveOpt.getOrElse(n)) orElse upOpt
private final def downLastTransitiveOpt: Option[NodeLoc] = downLastOpt.flatMap(_.downLastTransitiveOpt)
* Compute the distance of this location from the top (with 0 being the top)
final def depth = path.depth
final def childAxis = iterate(downOpt(0))(_.rightOpt)
final def descendantOrSelfAxis: Iterator[NodeLoc] = Iterator.single(this) ++ childAxis.flatMap(_.descendantOrSelfAxis)
final def descendantAxis = childAxis.flatMap(_.descendantOrSelfAxis)
final def parentAxis = upOpt.iterator
final def ancestorOrSelfAxis: Iterator[NodeLoc] = Iterator.single(this) ++ upOpt.iterator.flatMap(_.ancestorOrSelfAxis)
final def ancestorAxis = upOpt.iterator.flatMap(_.ancestorOrSelfAxis)
final def followingSiblingAxis = iterate(rightOpt)(_.rightOpt)
final def precedingSiblingAxis = iterate(leftOpt)(_.leftOpt)
final def followingAxis = iterate(followingOpt)(_.followingOpt)
final def precedingAxis = iterate(precedingOpt)(_.precedingOpt)
final def selfAxis = Iterator.single(this)
final def \ (Name: String) = for(n @ NodeLoc(Elem(_, Name, _, _, _*), _) <- childAxis) yield n
final def \\ (Name: String) = for(n @ NodeLoc(Elem(_, Name, _, _, _*), _) <- descendantAxis) yield n
private final def iterate[T](start: Option[T])(f: T => Option[T]): Iterator[T] = new Iterator[T] {
private[this] var acc = start
def hasNext = acc.isDefined
def next() = acc match {
case None => throw new NoSuchElementException("next on empty iterator");
case Some(x) => val res = x ; acc = f(x) ; res
object NodeLoc {
def apply(node: Node): NodeLoc = new CachedTopNodeLoc(node)
final class CachedParentNodeLoc(node: Node, path: NodePath.Hole) extends NodeLoc(node, path) {
import NodePath._
override def up = path.parent
override def upOpt = Some(path.parent)
override protected def create(node: Node, path: Hole) = new CachedParentNodeLoc(node, path)
final class CachedTopNodeLoc(node: Node) extends NodeLoc(node, NodePath.Top) {
import NodePath._
override def up = throw NavigationException("Cannot go up from top node")
override def upOpt = None
override protected def create(node: Node, path: Hole) = new CachedParentNodeLoc(node, path)
case class NavigationException(msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg)
import scala.xml._
object ZipperTest {
val xml1 = <projectDescription>
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val n1 = NodeLoc(xml1)
println("========== Original ==========")
val n2 = tr(n1).top
println("========== Modified ==========")
println("========== Axes ==========")
val buildCommand = n2 \\ "buildCommand" next;
final def dump(n: NodeLoc): NodeLoc = {
def p(s: String) = {
0 until n.depth foreach { _ => print(" ") }
n.node match {
case s: SpecialNode if s.text.trim.isEmpty =>
case s: SpecialNode => p(s.text)
case e: Elem => p(e.label + ":")
case t => p(t.label)
n.followingOpt match {
case Some(o) => dump(o)
case None => n
final def tr(n: NodeLoc): NodeLoc = {
(n.node match {
case <comment>{_*}</comment> | <projects>{_*}</projects> => n.delete
case Text("scala-query") => n() = Text("foo")
case <natures>{_*}</natures> => <nature>foonature</nature> \+: n :\+ <nature>barnature</nature>
case _ => n
}).followingOpt match {
case Some(o) => tr(o)
case None => n
final def dumpAxes(n: NodeLoc) {
println(" self: " + n.selfAxis.mkString(", "))
println(" child: " + n.childAxis.mkString(", "))
println("descendant-or-self: " + n.descendantOrSelfAxis.mkString(", "))
println(" descendant: " + n.descendantAxis.mkString(", "))
println(" parent: " + n.parentAxis.mkString(", "))
println(" ancestor-or-self: " + n.ancestorOrSelfAxis.mkString(", "))
println(" ancestor: " + n.ancestorAxis.mkString(", "))
println(" following-sibling: " + n.followingSiblingAxis.mkString(", "))
println(" preceding-sibling: " + n.precedingSiblingAxis.mkString(", "))
println(" following: " + n.followingAxis.mkString(", "))
println(" preceding: " + n.precedingAxis.mkString(", "))
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