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Created October 27, 2021 15:57
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(ns clojure.spec.test.alpha
(:refer-clojure :exclude [test])
[clojure.pprint :as pp]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(in-ns 'clojure.spec.test.check)
(in-ns 'clojure.spec.test.alpha)
(alias 'stc 'clojure.spec.test.check)
(defn- throwable?
(instance? Throwable x))
(defn ->sym
(@#'s/->sym x))
(defn- ->var
(if (var? s-or-v)
(let [v (and (symbol? s-or-v) (resolve s-or-v))]
(if (var? v)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str (pr-str s-or-v) " does not name a var")))))))
(defn- collectionize
(if (symbol? x)
(list x)
(defn enumerate-namespace
"Given a symbol naming an ns, or a collection of such symbols,
returns the set of all symbols naming vars in those nses."
(mapcat (fn [ns-sym]
(fn [name-sym]
(symbol (name ns-sym) (name name-sym)))
(keys (ns-interns ns-sym)))))
(collectionize ns-sym-or-syms)))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; instrument ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *instrument-enabled*
"if false, instrumented fns call straight through"
(defn- fn-spec?
"Fn-spec must include at least :args or :ret specs."
(or (:args m) (:ret m)))
(defmacro with-instrument-disabled
"Disables instrument's checking of calls, within a scope."
[& body]
`(binding [*instrument-enabled* nil]
(defn- interpret-stack-trace-element
"Given the vector-of-syms form of a stacktrace element produced
by e.g. Throwable->map, returns a map form that adds some keys
guessing the original Clojure names. Returns a map with
:class class name symbol from stack trace
:method method symbol from stack trace
:file filename from stack trace
:line line number from stack trace
:var-scope optional Clojure var symbol scoping fn def
:local-fn optional local Clojure symbol scoping fn def
For non-Clojure fns, :scope and :local-fn will be absent."
[[cls method file line]]
(let [clojure? (contains? '#{invoke invokeStatic} method)
demunge #(clojure.lang.Compiler/demunge %)
degensym #(str/replace % #"--.*" "")
[ns-sym name-sym local] (when clojure?
(->> (str/split (str cls) #"\$" 3)
(map demunge)))]
(merge {:file file
:line line
:method method
:class cls}
(when (and ns-sym name-sym)
{:var-scope (symbol ns-sym name-sym)})
(when local
{:local-fn (symbol (degensym local))}))))
(defn- stacktrace-relevant-to-instrument
"Takes a coll of stack trace elements (as returned by
StackTraceElement->vec) and returns a coll of maps as per
interpret-stack-trace-element that are relevant to a
failure in instrument."
(let [plumbing? (fn [{:keys [var-scope]}]
(contains? '#{clojure.spec.test.alpha/spec-checking-fn} var-scope))]
(sequence (comp (map StackTraceElement->vec)
(map interpret-stack-trace-element)
(filter :var-scope)
(drop-while plumbing?))
(defn- spec-checking-fn
[v f fn-spec]
(let [fn-spec (@#'s/maybe-spec fn-spec)
conform! (fn [v role spec data args]
(let [conformed (s/conform spec data)]
(if (= ::s/invalid conformed)
(let [caller (->> (.getStackTrace (Thread/currentThread))
ed (merge (assoc (s/explain-data* spec [] [] [] data)
::s/fn (->sym v)
::s/args args
::s/failure :instrument)
(when caller
{::caller (dissoc caller :class :method)}))]
(throw (ex-info
(str "Call to " v " did not conform to spec.")
[& args]
(if *instrument-enabled*
(when (:args fn-spec) (conform! v :args (:args fn-spec) args args))
(binding [*instrument-enabled* true]
(.applyTo ^clojure.lang.IFn f args)))
(.applyTo ^clojure.lang.IFn f args)))))
(defn- no-fspec
[v spec]
(ex-info (str "Fn at " v " is not spec'ed.")
{:var v :spec spec ::s/failure :no-fspec}))
(defonce ^:private instrumented-vars (atom {}))
(defn- find-varargs-decl
"Inspects a arglist to find a varargs declarator, i.e. the element after
the ampersand, and returns it if found."
(let [[_ decl :as restargs] (->> arglist
(split-with (complement #{'&}))
(and (= 2 (count restargs))
(defn- has-kwargs? [v]
(->> v meta :arglists (some find-varargs-decl) map?))
(defn- build-xform [local]
`(if (even? (count ~local))
(concat (butlast ~local)
(reduce-kv (fn [acc# k# v#] (->> acc# (cons v#) (cons k#)))
(last ~local)))))
(defn- process-fixed-args
"Takes an arglist and returns a vector of symbols pertaining to the
fixed arguments in the original arglist."
(->> arglist (take-while (complement #{'&})) (map (fn [_] (gensym))) vec))
(defn- kwargs-body
"Builds a function body pertaining to a keyword arguments arity.
A varargs arity is built with a processing chain for the
incoming arguments that detects if a trailing argument exists and
attempts to convert it to a seq of key->val pairs. This seq is the
input to the underlying function prefixed by any named arguments."
[f arglist]
(let [alias (gensym "kvs")
head-args (process-fixed-args arglist)]
(list (conj head-args '& alias)
`(apply ~f ~@head-args ~(build-xform alias)))))
(defn- varargs-body
"Builds a function body pertaining to a varargs arity. Builds the
call to the underlying function by supplying any named parameters
and the varargs parameter to apply."
[f arglist]
(let [head-args (process-fixed-args arglist)
alias (gensym "args")]
(list (conj head-args '& alias)
`(apply ~f ~@head-args ~alias))))
(defn- fixed-args-body
"Builds an argument context for fixed arities. The arguments
are taken directly from the parameter list."
[f arglist]
(let [arglist (process-fixed-args arglist)]
(list arglist
`(~f ~@arglist))))
(defn- gen-bodies
"Generates the function bodies corresponding to the arities found in the
:arglists meta of the Var v. Takes an additional name pertaining to
an underlying function to capture and delegate to in the function bodies."
[v closed-over-name]
(map (fn [arglist]
(let [varargs-decl (find-varargs-decl arglist)]
(cond (map? varargs-decl) (kwargs-body closed-over-name arglist)
varargs-decl (varargs-body closed-over-name arglist)
:default (fixed-args-body closed-over-name arglist))))
(or (->> v meta :arglists (sort-by count) seq)
'([& args]))))
(defn- gen-thunk
"Builds a thunk and its lexical environment used to instrument a function
and perform Spec checking at runtime."
(let [lexical-name (gensym "inner")]
`(fn [~lexical-name]
~@(gen-bodies v lexical-name)))))
;; The thunk generated is below (with some gensym name cleanup for readability)
(fn [inner]
([G__a] (inner G__a))
([G__a G__b] (inner G__a G__b))
([G__a G__b & G__kvs]
(apply inner G__a G__b (if (even? (count G__kvs))
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k v]
(->> acc (cons v) (cons k)))
(butlast G__kvs)
(last G__kvs)))))))
(defn- instrument-choose-fn
"Helper for instrument."
[f spec sym {over :gen :keys [stub replace]}]
(if (some #{sym} stub)
(-> spec (s/gen over) gen/generate)
(get replace sym f)))
(defn- instrument-choose-spec
"Helper for instrument"
[spec sym {overrides :spec}]
(get overrides sym spec))
(defn- instrument-1
[s opts]
(when-let [v (resolve s)]
(when-not (-> v meta :macro)
(let [spec (s/get-spec v)
{:keys [raw wrapped]} (get @instrumented-vars v)
current @v
to-wrap (if (= wrapped current) raw current)
ospec (or (instrument-choose-spec spec s opts)
(throw (no-fspec v spec)))
ofn (instrument-choose-fn to-wrap ospec s opts)
checked (spec-checking-fn v ofn ospec)
wrapped (if (has-kwargs? v)
(let [thunk (eval (gen-thunk v))] (thunk checked))
(alter-var-root v (constantly wrapped))
(swap! instrumented-vars assoc v {:raw to-wrap :wrapped wrapped})
(->sym v)))))
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