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Created July 17, 2024 14:09
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; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
; the terms of this license.
; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
"A process invocation API wrapping the Java process API.
The primary function here is 'start' which starts a process and handles the
streams as directed. It returns the Java Process object. Use 'exit-ref' to
wait for completion and receive the exit value, and ‘slurp' to capture the
output of a process stream. The 'exec' function handles the common case of
'start'ing a process, waiting for process exit, slurp, and return stdout."
[ :as jio])
[ File InputStream OutputStream]
[java.lang ProcessBuilder ProcessBuilder$Redirect Process]
[java.util List]
[clojure.lang IDeref IBlockingDeref]
[java.util.concurrent Executors ExecutorService ThreadFactory]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
;; this is built into Java 9, backfilled here for Java 8
(def ^:private ^File null-file
(if (.startsWith (System/getProperty "") "Windows")
(defn to-file
"Coerce f to a file per and return a ProcessBuilder.Redirect writing to the file.
Set ':append' in opts to append. This can be passed to 'start' in :out or :err."
{:added "1.12"}
^ProcessBuilder$Redirect [f & {:keys [append] :as opts}]
(let [fo (jio/file f)]
(if append
(ProcessBuilder$Redirect/appendTo fo)
(ProcessBuilder$Redirect/to fo))))
(defn from-file
"Coerce f to a file per and return a ProcessBuilder.Redirect reading from the file.
This can be passed to 'start' in :in."
{:added "1.12"}
^ProcessBuilder$Redirect [f]
(ProcessBuilder$Redirect/from (jio/file f)))
(defn start
"Start an external command, defined in args.
The process environment vars are inherited from the parent by
default (use :clear-env to clear them).
If needed, provide options in map as first arg:
:in - a ProcessBuilder.Redirect (default = :pipe) or :inherit
:out - a ProcessBuilder.Redirect (default = :pipe) or :inherit :discard
:err - a ProcessBuilder.Redirect (default = :pipe) or :inherit :discard :stdout
:dir - current directory when the process runs (default=\".\")
:clear-env - if true, remove all inherited parent env vars
:env - {env-var value} of environment variables to set (all strings)
Returns the java.lang.Process."
{:added "1.12"}
[& opts+args]
(let [[opts command] (if (map? (first opts+args))
[(first opts+args) (rest opts+args)]
[{} opts+args])
{:keys [in out err dir env clear-env]
:or {in :pipe, out :pipe, err :pipe, dir "."}} opts
pb (ProcessBuilder. ^List command)
to-redirect (fn to-redirect
(case x
:pipe ProcessBuilder$Redirect/PIPE
:inherit ProcessBuilder$Redirect/INHERIT
:discard (ProcessBuilder$Redirect/to @null-file)
;; in Java 9+, just use ProcessBuilder$Redirect/DISCARD
(.directory pb (jio/file dir))
(.redirectInput pb ^ProcessBuilder$Redirect (to-redirect in))
(.redirectOutput pb ^ProcessBuilder$Redirect (to-redirect out))
(= err :stdout) (.redirectErrorStream pb true)
(.redirectError pb ^ProcessBuilder$Redirect (to-redirect err)))
(when clear-env
(.clear (.environment pb)))
(when env
(let [pb-env (.environment pb)]
(run! (fn [[k v]] (.put pb-env k v)) env)))
(.start pb)))
(defn stdin
"Given a process, return the stdin of the external process (an OutputStream)"
^OutputStream [^Process process]
(.getOutputStream process))
(defn stdout
"Given a process, return the stdout of the external process (an InputStream)"
^InputStream [^Process process]
(.getInputStream process))
(defn stderr
"Given a process, return the stderr of the external process (an InputStream)"
^InputStream [^Process process]
(.getErrorStream process))
(defn exit-ref
"Given a Process (the output of 'start'), return a reference that can be
used to wait for process completion then returns the exit value."
[^Process process]
(deref [_] (long (.waitFor process)))
(deref [_ timeout-ms timeout-val]
(if (.waitFor process timeout-ms java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS)
(long (.exitValue process))
;; A thread factory for daemon threads
(defonce ^:private io-thread-factory
(let [counter (atom 0)]
(reify ThreadFactory
(newThread [_ r]
(doto (Thread. r)
(.setName (str "Clojure Process IO " (swap! counter inc)))
(.setDaemon true))))))
;; An ExecutorService for cached, daemon threads
(defonce ^:private io-executor
(Executors/newCachedThreadPool ^ThreadFactory io-thread-factory))
(defn io-task
{:skip-wiki true}
[^Runnable f]
(let [f (bound-fn* f)
fut (.submit ^ExecutorService io-executor ^Callable f)]
(deref [_] (#'clojure.core/deref-future fut))
[_ timeout-ms timeout-val]
(#'clojure.core/deref-future fut timeout-ms timeout-val))
(isRealized [_] (.isDone fut))
(get [_] (.get fut))
(get [_ timeout unit] (.get fut timeout unit))
(isCancelled [_] (.isCancelled fut))
(isDone [_] (.isDone fut))
(cancel [_ interrupt?] (.cancel fut interrupt?)))))
(defn exec
"Execute a command and on successful exit, return the captured output,
else throw RuntimeException. Args are the same as 'start' and options
if supplied override the default 'exec' settings."
{:added "1.12"}
[& opts+args]
(let [[opts command] (if (map? (first opts+args))
[(first opts+args) (rest opts+args)]
[{} opts+args])
opts (merge {:err :inherit} opts)]
(let [proc (apply start opts command)
captured (io-task #(slurp (stdout proc)))
exit (deref (exit-ref proc))]
(if (zero? exit)
(throw (RuntimeException. (str "Process failed with exit=" exit)))))))
;; shell out and inherit the i/o
(start {:out :inherit, :err :stdout} "ls" "-l")
;; write out and err to files, wait for process to exit, return exit code
@(exit-ref (start {:out (to-file "out") :err (to-file "err")} "ls" "-l"))
;; capture output to string
(-> (start "ls" "-l") stdout slurp)
;; with exec
(exec "ls" "-l")
;; read input from file
(-> (exec {:in (from-file "deps.edn")} "wc" "-l") clojure.string/trim parse-long)
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