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Last active November 16, 2021 14:22
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(defn- spec-checking-fn
"Takes a function name, a function f, and an fspec and returns a thunk that
first conforms the arguments given then calls f with those arguments if
the conform succeeds. Otherwise, an exception is thrown containing information
about the conform failure."
[fn-name f fn-spec]
(let [fn-spec (@#'s/maybe-spec fn-spec)
conform! (fn [fn-name role spec data args]
(let [conformed (s/conform spec data)]
(if (= ::s/invalid conformed)
(let [caller (->> (.getStackTrace (Thread/currentThread))
ed (merge (assoc (s/explain-data* spec [] [] [] data)
::s/fn fn-name
::s/args args
::s/failure :instrument)
(when caller
{::caller (dissoc caller :class :method)}))]
(throw (ex-info
(str "Call to " fn-name " did not conform to spec.")
[& args]
(if *instrument-enabled*
(when (:args fn-spec) (conform! fn-name :args (:args fn-spec) args args))
(binding [*instrument-enabled* true]
(.applyTo ^clojure.lang.IFn f args)))
(.applyTo ^clojure.lang.IFn f args)))))
(defn- find-varargs-decl
"Takes an arglist and returns the restargs binding form if found, else nil."
(let [[_ decl :as restargs] (->> arglist
(split-with (complement #{'&}))
(and (= 2 (count restargs))
(defn- has-kwargs? [arglists]
(->> arglists (some find-varargs-decl) map?))
(defn- kwargs->kvs
"Takes the restargs of a kwargs function call and checks for a trailing element.
If found, that element is flattened into a sequence of key->value pairs and
concatenated onto the preceding arguments."
(if (even? (count args))
(concat (butlast args)
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k v] (->> acc (cons v) (cons k)))
(last args)))))
(defn- gen-fixed-args-syms
"Takes an arglist and generates a vector of names corresponding to the fixed
args found."
(->> arglist (take-while (complement #{'&})) (map (fn [_] (gensym))) vec))
(defn- build-kwargs-body
"Takes a function name fn-name and arglist and returns code for a function body that
handles kwargs by calling fn-name with any fixed followed by its restargs transformed
from kwargs to kvs."
[fn-name arglist]
(let [alias (gensym "kwargs")
head-args (gen-fixed-args-syms arglist)]
(list (conj head-args '& alias)
`(apply ~fn-name ~@head-args (@#'kwargs->kvs ~alias)))))
(defn- build-varargs-body
"Takes a function name fn-name and arglist and returns code for a function body that
handles varargs by calling fn-name with any fixed args followed by its rest args."
[fn-name arglist]
(let [head-args (gen-fixed-args-syms arglist)
alias (gensym "restargs")]
(list (conj head-args '& alias)
`(apply ~fn-name ~@head-args ~alias))))
(defn- build-fixed-args-body
"Takes a function name fn-name and arglist and returns code for a function body that
handles fixed args by calling fn-name with its fixed args."
[fn-name arglist]
(let [arglist (gen-fixed-args-syms arglist)]
(list arglist
`(~fn-name ~@arglist))))
(defn- build-flattener-code
"Takes argslists and generates code for a HOF that given a function, returns a forwarding thunk
of analogous arglists that ensures that kwargs are passed as kvs to the original function."
(let [closed-over-name (gensym "inner")]
`(fn [~closed-over-name]
(fn ~@(map (fn [arglist]
(let [varargs-decl (find-varargs-decl arglist)]
(cond (map? varargs-decl) (build-kwargs-body closed-over-name arglist)
varargs-decl (build-varargs-body closed-over-name arglist)
:default (build-fixed-args-body closed-over-name arglist))))
(or arglists
'([& args])))))))
;; Given a function with the arglists (([a]) ([a b]) ([a b & kvs]))
;; the flattener generated is below (with some gensym name cleanup for readability)
(fn [inner]
([G__a] (inner G__a))
([G__a G__b] (inner G__a G__b))
([G__a G__b & G__kvs]
(apply inner G__a G__b (if (even? (count G__kvs))
(reduce-kv (fn [acc k v]
(->> acc (cons v) (cons k)))
(butlast G__kvs)
(last G__kvs)))))))
(defn- maybe-wrap-kvs-emulation
"Takes an argslist and function f and returns f except when arglists
contains a kwargs binding, else wraps f with a forwarding thunk that
flattens a trailing map into kvs if present in the kwargs call."
[f arglists]
(if (has-kwargs? arglists)
(let [flattener-code (build-flattener-code arglists)
kvs-emu (eval flattener-code)]
(kvs-emu f))
(defn- instrument-1
[s opts]
(when-let [v (resolve s)]
(when-not (-> v meta :macro)
(let [spec (s/get-spec v)
{:keys [raw wrapped]} (get @instrumented-vars v)
current @v
to-wrap (if (= wrapped current) raw current)
ospec (or (instrument-choose-spec spec s opts)
(throw (no-fspec v spec)))
ofn (instrument-choose-fn to-wrap ospec s opts)
checked (spec-checking-fn (->sym v) ofn ospec)
arglists (->> v meta :arglists (sort-by count) seq)
wrapped (maybe-wrap-kvs-emulation checked arglists)]
(alter-var-root v (constantly wrapped))
(swap! instrumented-vars assoc v {:raw to-wrap :wrapped wrapped})
(->sym v)))))
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  • 45: unmappify - maybe this could be flatten-trailing-map ?
  • 47: "convert" does not say anything - s/converted/flattened/
  • 57: "process" does not say anything - I think you are really creating new unique names for each fixed arg in an arglist so maybe name-fixed-args would be more descriptive? And the reason to do this (destructuring in original arglist) is implicit but I don't think is actually mentioned anywhere. would be great to leave that clue in here somewhere.
  • 63-92: on all these the docstrings say "Takes a function ..." but I think "Takes a function name ..." is more accurate and useful to me
  • 63-92: on all these, the combination of list/conj style and backtick style throws me off, all one or the other would be easier to read
  • 102-106: maybe the anonymous inner "make a f body" should be an explicit function and could actually absorb all the impls of the build-*-body fns. seems like you might even be able to condense to one canonical wrapper body that covered the cases and end up with a lot less code and a single docstring. happy to pair on that refactoring if useful.
  • 111: I think this comment would be even more helpful if it started with, "given a function with the arglists (([a]) ([a b]) ([a b & kvs])) ..."
  • 118: should be G__kvs, not kvs

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