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Forked from hiredman/cont.clj
Created February 8, 2021 20:55
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(ns com.manigfeald.http2.cont)
(defn bind% [m f]
(fn [kont bundle]
(m (fn [value] ((f value) kont bundle)) bundle)))
(defmacro return% [value]
`(fn [kont# bundle#]
(let [v# ~value]
#(kont# v#))
(catch Throwable t#
(prn t#)
(if (:handler bundle#)
#((:handler bundle#) t#)
#(throw t#)))))))
(defmacro let-cont% [bindings & body]
(assert (even? (count bindings)))
(if (seq bindings)
(let [[n v & bindings] bindings]
`(bind% ~v (fn ~'g [~n] (let-cont% [~@bindings] ~@body))))
`(do ~@body)))
(defn try% [action handler]
(fn [kont bundle]
(action kont (assoc bundle :handler (fn [t] ((handler t) kont bundle))))))
(def call-with-cc% identity)
(defn label% []
(fn here [kont bundle]
(fn []
(fn [_ _]
(here kont bundle))))))
(defn goto% [label] (label))
(defn loop% [v]
(partial (fn here [v kont bundle]
(fn [v]
(fn [_ _]
(here v kont bundle)))]))
(defn recur% [label v] (label v))
(defn -loop% [& v]
(partial (fn here [v kont bundle]
(cons (fn [v]
(fn [_ _]
(here v kont bundle)))
(defn -recur% [label & v] (label v))
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