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Forked from dpk/Textile for BBEdit
Created November 8, 2011 17:35
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Save foliovision/1348479 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Working version of filter for BBEdit/TextWrangler.
#!/usr/bin/php -q
// set to true to avoid ' and " converting to HTML special characters
@define('skip_glyphs', false);
// 3+ uppercase span tag is commented out, as everyone hates it
// instruction on how to use it available here:
// define these before including this file to override the standard glyphs
@define('txt_quote_single_open', '&#8216;');
@define('txt_quote_single_close', '&#8217;');
@define('txt_quote_double_open', '&#8220;');
@define('txt_quote_double_close', '&#8221;');
@define('txt_apostrophe', '&#8217;');
@define('txt_prime', '&#8242;');
@define('txt_prime_double', '&#8243;');
@define('txt_ellipsis', '&#8230;');
@define('txt_emdash', '&#8212;');
@define('txt_endash', '&#8211;');
@define('txt_dimension', '&#215;');
@define('txt_trademark', '&#8482;');
@define('txt_registered', '&#174;');
@define('txt_copyright', '&#169;');
@define('txt_half', '&#189;');
@define('txt_quarter', '&#188;');
@define('txt_threequarters', '&#190;');
@define('txt_degrees', '&#176;');
@define('txt_plusminus', '&#177;');
@define('txt_has_unicode', @preg_match('/\pL/u', 'a')); // Detect if Unicode is compiled into PCRE
$txt = new Textile;
print $txt->TextileThis(file_get_contents($argv[1]));
// it's textile! see for what would normally be here.
class Textile
var $hlgn;
var $vlgn;
var $clas;
var $lnge;
var $styl;
var $cspn;
var $rspn;
var $a;
var $s;
var $c;
var $pnct;
var $rel;
var $fn;
var $shelf = array();
var $restricted = false;
var $noimage = false;
var $lite = false;
var $url_schemes = array();
var $glyph = array();
var $hu = '';
var $max_span_depth = 5;
var $ver = '2.2.0';
var $rev = '$Rev$';
var $doc_root;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function Textile()
$this->hlgn = "(?:\<(?!>)|(?<!<)\>|\<\>|\=|[()]+(?! ))";
$this->vlgn = "[\-^~]";
$this->clas = "(?:\([^)\n]+\))"; # Don't allow classes/ids/languages/styles to span across newlines
$this->lnge = "(?:\[[^]\n]+\])";
$this->styl = "(?:\{[^}\n]+\})";
$this->cspn = "(?:\\\\\d+)";
$this->rspn = "(?:\/\d+)";
$this->a = "(?:{$this->hlgn}|{$this->vlgn})*";
$this->s = "(?:{$this->cspn}|{$this->rspn})*";
$this->c = "(?:{$this->clas}|{$this->styl}|{$this->lnge}|{$this->hlgn})*";
$this->lc = "(?:{$this->clas}|{$this->styl}|{$this->lnge})*";
$this->pnct = '[\!"#\$%&\'()\*\+,\-\./:;<=>\?@\[\\\]\^_`{\|}\~]';
$this->urlch = '[\w"$\-_.+!*\'(),";\/?:@=&%#{}|\\^~\[\]`]';
$pnc = '[[:punct:]]';
$this->url_schemes = array('http','https','ftp','mailto');
$this->btag = array('bq', 'bc', 'notextile', 'pre', 'h[1-6]', 'fn\d+', 'p', '###' );
if (txt_has_unicode) {
$this->regex_snippets = array(
'acr' => '\p{Lu}\p{Nd}',
'abr' => '\p{Lu}',
'nab' => '\p{Ll}',
'wrd' => '(?:\p{L}|\p{M}|\p{N}|\p{Pc})',
'mod' => 'u', # Make sure to mark the unicode patterns as such, Some servers seem to need this.
} else {
$this->regex_snippets = array(
'acr' => 'A-Z0-9',
'abr' => 'A-Z',
'nab' => 'a-z',
'wrd' => '\w',
'mod' => '',
extract( $this->regex_snippets );
$this->glyph_search = array(
'/('.$wrd.')\'('.$wrd.')/'.$mod, // I'm an apostrophe
'/(\s)\'(\d+'.$wrd.'?)\b(?![.]?['.$wrd.']*?\')/'.$mod, // back in '88/the '90s but not in his '90s', '1', '1.' '10m' or '5.png'
'/(\S)\'(?=\s|'.$pnc.'|<|$)/', // single closing
'/\'/', // single opening
'/(\S)\"(?=\s|'.$pnc.'|<|$)/', // double closing
'/"/', // double opening
'/\b(['.$abr.']['.$acr.']{2,})\b(?:[(]([^)]*)[)])/'.$mod, // 3+ uppercase acronym
/*'/(?<=\s|^|[>(;-])(['.$abr.']{3,})(['.$nab.']*)(?=\s|'.$pnc.'|<|$)(?=[^">]*?(<|$))/'.$mod, // 3+ uppercase*/
'/([^.]?)\.{3}/', // ellipsis
'/(\s?)--(\s?)/', // em dash
'/\s-(?:\s|$)/', // en dash
'/(\d+)( ?)x( ?)(?=\d+)/', // dimension sign
'/(\b ?|\s|^)[([]TM[])]/i', // trademark
'/(\b ?|\s|^)[([]R[])]/i', // registered
'/(\b ?|\s|^)[([]C[])]/i', // copyright
'/[([]1\/4[])]/', // 1/4
'/[([]1\/2[])]/', // 1/2
'/[([]3\/4[])]/', // 3/4
'/[([]o[])]/', // degrees -- that's a small 'oh'
'/[([]\+\/-[])]/', // plus minus
$this->glyph_replace = array(
'$1'.txt_apostrophe.'$2', // I'm an apostrophe
'$1'.txt_apostrophe.'$2', // back in '88
'$1'.txt_quote_single_close, // single closing
txt_quote_single_open, // single opening
'$1'.txt_quote_double_close, // double closing
txt_quote_double_open, // double opening
'<acronym title="$2">$1</acronym>', // 3+ uppercase acronym
/*'<span class="caps">glyph:$1</span>$2', // 3+ uppercase*/
'$1'.txt_ellipsis, // ellipsis
'$1'.txt_emdash.'$2', // em dash
' '.txt_endash.' ', // en dash
'$1$2'.txt_dimension.'$3', // dimension sign
'$1'.txt_trademark, // trademark
'$1'.txt_registered, // registered
'$1'.txt_copyright, // copyright
txt_quarter, // 1/4
txt_half, // 1/2
txt_threequarters, // 3/4
txt_degrees, // degrees
txt_plusminus, // plus minus
if (defined('hu'))
$this->hu = hu;
$this->ds = constant('DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR');
$this->ds = '/';
$this->doc_root = @$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
if (!$this->doc_root)
$this->doc_root = @$_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']; // IIS
$this->doc_root = rtrim($this->doc_root, $this->ds).$this->ds;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function TextileThis($text, $lite = '', $encode = '', $noimage = '', $strict = '', $rel = '')
$this->span_depth = 0;
$this->tag_index = 1;
$this->notes = $this->unreferencedNotes = $this->notelist_cache = array();
$this->note_index = 1;
$this->rel = ($rel) ? ' rel="'.$rel.'"' : '';
$this->lite = $lite;
$this->noimage = $noimage;
if ($encode)
$text = $this->incomingEntities($text);
$text = str_replace("x%x%", "&amp;", $text);
return $text;
} else {
if(!$strict) {
$text = $this->cleanWhiteSpace($text);
if(!$lite) {
$text = $this->block($text);
$text = $this->placeNoteLists($text);
$text = $this->retrieve($text);
$text = $this->replaceGlyphs($text);
$text = $this->retrieveTags($text);
$text = $this->retrieveURLs($text);
$this->span_depth = 0;
// just to be tidy
$text = str_replace("<br />", "<br />\n", $text);
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function TextileRestricted($text, $lite = 1, $noimage = 1, $rel = 'nofollow')
$this->restricted = true;
$this->lite = $lite;
$this->noimage = $noimage;
$this->span_depth = 0;
$this->tag_index = 1;
$this->notes = $this->unreferencedNotes = $this->notelist_cache = array();
$this->note_index = 1;
$this->rel = ($rel) ? ' rel="'.$rel.'"' : '';
// escape any raw html
$text = $this->encode_html($text, 0);
$text = $this->cleanWhiteSpace($text);
if($lite) {
$text = $this->blockLite($text);
} else {
$text = $this->block($text);
$text = $this->placeNoteLists($text);
$text = $this->retrieve($text);
$text = $this->replaceGlyphs($text);
$text = $this->retrieveTags($text);
$text = $this->retrieveURLs($text);
$this->span_depth = 0;
// just to be tidy
$text = str_replace("<br />", "<br />\n", $text);
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function pba($in, $element = "", $include_id = 1) // "parse block attributes"
$style = '';
$class = '';
$lang = '';
$colspan = '';
$rowspan = '';
$span = '';
$width = '';
$id = '';
$atts = '';
if (!empty($in)) {
$matched = $in;
if ($element == 'td') {
if (preg_match("/\\\\(\d+)/", $matched, $csp)) $colspan = $csp[1];
if (preg_match("/\/(\d+)/", $matched, $rsp)) $rowspan = $rsp[1];
if ($element == 'td' or $element == 'tr') {
if (preg_match("/($this->vlgn)/", $matched, $vert))
$style[] = "vertical-align:" . $this->vAlign($vert[1]);
if (preg_match("/\{([^}]*)\}/", $matched, $sty)) {
$style[] = rtrim($sty[1], ';');
$matched = str_replace($sty[0], '', $matched);
if (preg_match("/\[([^]]+)\]/U", $matched, $lng)) {
$lang = $lng[1];
$matched = str_replace($lng[0], '', $matched);
if (preg_match("/\(([^()]+)\)/U", $matched, $cls)) {
$class = $cls[1];
$matched = str_replace($cls[0], '', $matched);
if (preg_match("/([(]+)/", $matched, $pl)) {
$style[] = "padding-left:" . strlen($pl[1]) . "em";
$matched = str_replace($pl[0], '', $matched);
if (preg_match("/([)]+)/", $matched, $pr)) {
$style[] = "padding-right:" . strlen($pr[1]) . "em";
$matched = str_replace($pr[0], '', $matched);
if (preg_match("/($this->hlgn)/", $matched, $horiz))
$style[] = "text-align:" . $this->hAlign($horiz[1]);
if (preg_match("/^(.*)#(.*)$/", $class, $ids)) {
$id = $ids[2];
$class = $ids[1];
if ($element == 'col') {
if (preg_match("/(?:\\\\(\d+))?\s*(\d+)?/", $matched, $csp)) {
$span = isset($csp[1]) ? $csp[1] : '';
$width = isset($csp[2]) ? $csp[2] : '';
if ($this->restricted)
return ($lang) ? ' lang="' . $lang . '"':'';
$o = '';
if( $style ) {
foreach($style as $s) {
$parts = split(';', $s);
foreach( $parts as $p ) {
$p = trim($p, '; ');
if( !empty( $p ) )
$o .= $p.'; ';
$style = trim( strtr($o, array("\n"=>'',';;'=>';')) );
return join('',array(
($style) ? ' style="' . $style .'"':'',
($class) ? ' class="' . $class .'"':'',
($lang) ? ' lang="' . $lang .'"':'',
($id and $include_id) ? ' id="' . $id .'"':'',
($colspan) ? ' colspan="' . $colspan .'"':'',
($rowspan) ? ' rowspan="' . $rowspan .'"':'',
($span) ? ' span="' . $span .'"':'',
($width) ? ' width="' . $width .'"':'',
return '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function hasRawText($text)
// checks whether the text has text not already enclosed by a block tag
$r = trim(preg_replace('@<(p|blockquote|div|form|table|ul|ol|dl|pre|h\d)[^>]*?>.*</\1>@s', '', trim($text)));
$r = trim(preg_replace('@<(hr|br)[^>]*?/>@', '', $r));
return '' != $r;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function table($text)
$text = $text . "\n\n";
return preg_replace_callback("/^(?:table(_?{$this->s}{$this->a}{$this->c})\.(.*)?\n)?^({$this->a}{$this->c}\.? ?\|.*\|)[\s]*\n\n/smU",
array(&$this, "fTable"), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fTable($matches)
$tatts = $this->pba($matches[1], 'table');
$sum = trim($matches[2]) ? ' summary="'.htmlspecialchars(trim($matches[2])).'"' : '';
$cap = '';
$colgrp = $last_rgrp = '';
foreach(preg_split("/\|\s*?$/m", $matches[3], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $row) {
// Caption
if (preg_match("/^\|\=($this->s$this->a$this->c)\. ([^\|\n]*)(.*)/s", ltrim($row), $cmtch)) {
$capts = $this->pba($cmtch[1]);
$cap = "\t<caption".$capts.">".trim($cmtch[2])."</caption>\n";
$row = $cmtch[3];
// Colgroup
if (preg_match("/^\|:($this->s$this->a$this->c\. .*)/m", ltrim($row), $gmtch)) {
foreach (explode('|', str_replace('.', '', $gmtch[1])) as $col) {
$gatts = $this->pba(trim($col), 'col');
$colgrp .= "\t<col".(($idx==0) ? "group".$gatts.">" : $gatts." />")."\n";
$colgrp .= "\t</colgroup>\n";
preg_match("/(:?^\|($this->vlgn)($this->s$this->a$this->c)\.\s*$\n)?^(.*)/sm", ltrim($row), $grpmatch);
// Row group
$rgrp = isset($grpmatch[2]) ? (($grpmatch[2] == '^') ? 'head' : ( ($grpmatch[2] == '~') ? 'foot' : (($grpmatch[2] == '-') ? 'body' : '' ) ) ) : '';
$rgrpatts = isset($grpmatch[3]) ? $this->pba($grpmatch[3]) : '';
$row = $grpmatch[4];
if (preg_match("/^($this->a$this->c\. )(.*)/m", ltrim($row), $rmtch)) {
$ratts = $this->pba($rmtch[1], 'tr');
$row = $rmtch[2];
} else $ratts = '';
$cells = array();
$cellctr = 0;
foreach(explode("|", $row) as $cell) {
$ctyp = "d";
if (preg_match("/^_/", $cell)) $ctyp = "h";
if (preg_match("/^(_?$this->s$this->a$this->c\. )(.*)/", $cell, $cmtch)) {
$catts = $this->pba($cmtch[1], 'td');
$cell = $cmtch[2];
} else $catts = '';
$cell = $this->graf($cell);
if ($cellctr>0) // Ignore first 'cell': it precedes the opening pipe
$cells[] = $this->doTagBr("t$ctyp", "\t\t\t<t$ctyp$catts>$cell</t$ctyp>");
$grp = (($rgrp && $last_rgrp) ? "\t</t".$last_rgrp.">\n" : '') . (($rgrp) ? "\t<t".$rgrp.$rgrpatts.">\n" : '');
$last_rgrp = ($rgrp) ? $rgrp : $last_rgrp;
$rows[] = $grp."\t\t<tr$ratts>\n" . join("\n", $cells) . ($cells ? "\n" : "") . "\t\t</tr>";
unset($cells, $catts);
return "\t<table{$tatts}{$sum}>\n" .$cap. $colgrp. join("\n", $rows) . "\n".(($last_rgrp) ? "\t</t".$last_rgrp.">\n" : '')."\t</table>\n\n";
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function lists($text)
return preg_replace_callback("/^([#*;:]+$this->lc[ .].*)$(?![^#*;:])/smU", array(&$this, "fList"), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fList($m)
$text = preg_split('/\n(?=[*#;:])/m', $m[0]);
$pt = '';
foreach($text as $nr => $line) {
$nextline = isset($text[$nr+1]) ? $text[$nr+1] : false;
if (preg_match("/^([#*;:]+)($this->lc)[ .](.*)$/s", $line, $m)) {
list(, $tl, $atts, $content) = $m;
$content = trim($content);
$nl = '';
$ltype = $this->lT($tl);
$litem = (strpos($tl, ';') !== false) ? 'dt' : ((strpos($tl, ':') !== false) ? 'dd' : 'li');
$showitem = (strlen($content) > 0);
if (preg_match("/^([#*;:]+)($this->lc)[ .].*/", $nextline, $nm))
$nl = $nm[1];
if ((strpos($pt, ';') !== false) && (strpos($tl, ':') !== false)) {
$lists[$tl] = 2; // We're already in a <dl> so flag not to start another
$atts = $this->pba($atts);
if (!isset($lists[$tl])) {
$lists[$tl] = 1;
$line = "\t<" . $ltype . "l$atts>" . (($showitem) ? "\n\t\t<$litem>" . $content : '');
} else {
$line = ($showitem) ? "\t\t<$litem$atts>" . $content : '';
if((strlen($nl) <= strlen($tl))) $line .= (($showitem) ? "</$litem>" : '');
foreach(array_reverse($lists) as $k => $v) {
if(strlen($k) > strlen($nl)) {
$line .= ($v==2) ? '' : "\n\t</" . $this->lT($k) . "l>";
if((strlen($k) > 1) && ($v != 2))
$line .= "</".$litem.">";
$pt = $tl; // Remember the current Textile tag
else {
$line .= "\n";
$out[] = $line;
return $this->doTagBr($litem, join("\n", $out));
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function lT($in)
return preg_match("/^#+/", $in) ? 'o' : ((preg_match("/^\*+/", $in)) ? 'u' : 'd');
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function doTagBr($tag, $in)
return preg_replace_callback('@<('.preg_quote($tag).')([^>]*?)>(.*)(</\1>)@s', array(&$this, 'fBr'), $in);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function doPBr($in)
return preg_replace_callback('@<(p)([^>]*?)>(.*)(</\1>)@s', array(&$this, 'fPBr'), $in);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fPBr($m)
# Less restrictive version of fBr() ... used only in paragraphs where the next
# row may start with a smiley or perhaps something like '#8 bolt...' or '*** stars...'
$content = preg_replace("@(.+)(?<!<br>|<br />)\n(?![\s|])@", '$1<br />', $m[3]);
return '<'.$m[1].$m[2].'>'.$content.$m[4];
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fBr($m)
$content = preg_replace("@(.+)(?<!<br>|<br />)\n(?![#*;:\s|])@", '$1<br />', $m[3]);
return '<'.$m[1].$m[2].'>'.$content.$m[4];
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function block($text)
$find = $this->btag;
$tre = join('|', $find);
$text = explode("\n\n", $text);
$tag = 'p';
$atts = $cite = $graf = $ext = '';
$eat = false;
$out = array();
foreach($text as $line) {
$anon = 0;
if (preg_match("/^($tre)($this->a$this->c)\.(\.?)(?::(\S+))? (.*)$/s", $line, $m)) {
// last block was extended, so close it
if ($ext)
$out[count($out)-1] .= $c1;
// new block
list(,$tag,$atts,$ext,$cite,$graf) = $m;
list($o1, $o2, $content, $c2, $c1, $eat) = $this->fBlock(array(0,$tag,$atts,$ext,$cite,$graf));
// leave off c1 if this block is extended, we'll close it at the start of the next block
if ($ext)
$line = $o1.$o2.$content.$c2;
$line = $o1.$o2.$content.$c2.$c1;
else {
// anonymous block
$anon = 1;
if ($ext or !preg_match('/^ /', $line)) {
list($o1, $o2, $content, $c2, $c1, $eat) = $this->fBlock(array(0,$tag,$atts,$ext,$cite,$line));
// skip $o1/$c1 because this is part of a continuing extended block
if ($tag == 'p' and !$this->hasRawText($content)) {
$line = $content;
else {
$line = $o2.$content.$c2;
else {
$line = $this->graf($line);
$line = $this->doPBr($line);
$line = preg_replace('/<br>/', '<br />', $line);
if ($ext and $anon)
$out[count($out)-1] .= "\n".$line;
$out[] = $line;
if (!$ext) {
$tag = 'p';
$atts = '';
$cite = '';
$graf = '';
$eat = false;
if ($ext) $out[count($out)-1] .= $c1;
return join("\n\n", $out);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fBlock($m)
list(, $tag, $att, $ext, $cite, $content) = $m;
$atts = $this->pba($att);
$o1 = $o2 = $c2 = $c1 = '';
$eat = false;
if( $tag === 'p' ) {
# Is this an anonymous block with a note definition?
$notedef = preg_replace_callback("/
^note\# # start of note def marker
([$wrd:-]+) # !label
([*!^]?) # !link
({$this->c}) # !att
\.[\s]+ # end of def marker
(.*)$ # !content
/x$mod", array(&$this, "fParseNoteDefs"), $content);
if( empty($notedef) ) # It will be empty if the regex matched and ate it.
return array($o1, $o2, $notedef, $c2, $c1, true);
if (preg_match("/fn(\d+)/", $tag, $fns)) {
$tag = 'p';
$fnid = empty($this->fn[$fns[1]]) ? $fns[1] : $this->fn[$fns[1]];
# If there is an author-specified ID goes on the wrapper & the auto-id gets pushed to the <sup>
$supp_id = '';
if (strpos($atts, ' id=') === false)
$atts .= ' id="fn' . $fnid . '"';
$supp_id = ' id="fn' . $fnid . '"';
if (strpos($atts, 'class=') === false)
$atts .= ' class="footnote"';
$backlink = (strpos($att, '^') === false) ? $fns[1] : '<a href="#fnrev' . $fnid . '">'.$fns[1].'</a>';
$sup = "<sup$supp_id>$backlink</sup>";
$content = $sup . ' ' . $content;
if ($tag == "bq") {
$cite = $this->shelveURL($cite);
$cite = ($cite != '') ? ' cite="' . $cite . '"' : '';
$o1 = "\t<blockquote$cite$atts>\n";
$o2 = "\t\t<p".$this->pba($att, '', 0).">";
$c2 = "</p>";
$c1 = "\n\t</blockquote>";
elseif ($tag == 'bc') {
$o1 = "<pre$atts>";
$o2 = "<code".$this->pba($att, '', 0).">";
$c2 = "</code>";
$c1 = "</pre>";
$content = $this->shelve($this->r_encode_html(rtrim($content, "\n")."\n"));
elseif ($tag == 'notextile') {
$content = $this->shelve($content);
$o1 = $o2 = '';
$c1 = $c2 = '';
elseif ($tag == 'pre') {
$content = $this->shelve($this->r_encode_html(rtrim($content, "\n")."\n"));
$o1 = "<pre$atts>";
$o2 = $c2 = '';
$c1 = "</pre>";
elseif ($tag == '###') {
$eat = true;
else {
$o2 = "\t<$tag$atts>";
$c2 = "</$tag>";
$content = (!$eat) ? $this->graf($content) : '';
return array($o1, $o2, $content, $c2, $c1, $eat);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function graf($text)
// handle normal paragraph text
if (!$this->lite) {
$text = $this->noTextile($text);
$text = $this->code($text);
$text = $this->getRefs($text);
$text = $this->links($text);
if (!$this->noimage)
$text = $this->image($text);
if (!$this->lite) {
$text = $this->table($text);
$text = $this->lists($text);
$text = $this->span($text);
$text = $this->footnoteRef($text);
$text = $this->noteRef($text);
$text = $this->glyphs($text);
return rtrim($text, "\n");
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function span($text)
$qtags = array('\*\*','\*','\?\?','-','__','_','%','\+','~','\^');
$pnct = ".,\"'?!;:";
if( $this->span_depth <= $this->max_span_depth )
foreach($qtags as $f)
$text = preg_replace_callback("/
(^|(?<=[\s>$pnct\(])|[{[]) # pre
($f)(?!$f) # tag
({$this->c}) # atts
(?::(\S+))? # cite
([^\s$f]+|\S.*?[^\s$f\n]) # content
([$pnct]*) # end
($|[\]}]|(?=[[:punct:]]{1,2}|\s|\))) # tail
/x", array(&$this, "fSpan"), $text);
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fSpan($m)
$qtags = array(
'*' => 'strong',
'**' => 'b',
'??' => 'cite',
'_' => 'em',
'__' => 'i',
'-' => 'del',
'%' => 'span',
'+' => 'ins',
'~' => 'sub',
'^' => 'sup',
list(, $pre, $tag, $atts, $cite, $content, $end, $tail) = $m;
$tag = $qtags[$tag];
$atts = $this->pba($atts);
$atts .= ($cite != '') ? 'cite="' . $cite . '"' : '';
$content = $this->span($content);
$opentag = '<'.$tag.$atts.'>';
$closetag = '</'.$tag.'>';
$tags = $this->storeTags($opentag, $closetag);
$out = "{$tags['open']}{$content}{$end}{$tags['close']}";
if (($pre and !$tail) or ($tail and !$pre))
$out = $pre.$out.$tail;
return $out;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function storeTags($opentag,$closetag='')
$key = ($this->tag_index++);
$key = str_pad( (string)$key, 10, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); # $key must be of fixed length to allow proper matching in retrieveTags
$this->tagCache[$key] = array('open'=>$opentag, 'close'=>$closetag);
$tags = array(
'open' => "textileopentag{$key} ",
'close' => " textileclosetag{$key}",
return $tags;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function retrieveTags($text)
$text = preg_replace_callback('/textileopentag([\d]{10}) /' , array(&$this, 'fRetrieveOpenTags'), $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback('/ textileclosetag([\d]{10})/', array(&$this, 'fRetrieveCloseTags'), $text);
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fRetrieveOpenTags($m)
list(, $key ) = $m;
return $this->tagCache[$key]['open'];
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fRetrieveCloseTags($m)
list(, $key ) = $m;
return $this->tagCache[$key]['close'];
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function placeNoteLists($text)
# Sequence all referenced definitions...
if( !empty($this->notes) ) {
$o = array();
foreach( $this->notes as $label=>$info ) {
$i = @$info['seq'];
if( !empty($i) ) {
$info['seq'] = $label;
$o[$i] = $info;
} else {
$this->unreferencedNotes[] = $info; # unreferenced definitions go here for possible future use.
if( !empty($o) ) ksort($o);
$this->notes = $o;
# Replace list markers...
$text = preg_replace_callback("@<p>notelist({$this->c})(?:\:($wrd))?([\^!]?)(\+?)\.[\s]*</p>@U$mod", array(&$this, "fNoteLists"), $text );
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fParseNoteDefs($m)
list(, $label, $link, $att, $content) = $m;
# Assign an id if the note reference parse hasn't found the label yet.
$id = @$this->notes[$label]['id'];
if( !$id )
$this->notes[$label]['id'] = uniqid(rand());
if( empty($this->notes[$label]['def']) ) # Ignores subsequent defs using the same label
$this->notes[$label]['def'] = array(
'atts' => $this->pba($att),
'content' => $this->graf($content),
'link' => $link,
return '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function noteRef($text)
$text = preg_replace_callback("/
\[ # start
({$this->c}) # !atts
([^\]!]+?) # !label
([!]?) # !nolink
/Ux", array(&$this, "fParseNoteRefs"), $text);
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fParseNoteRefs($m)
# By the time this function is called, all the defs will have been processed
# into the notes array. So now we can resolve the link numbers in the order
# we process the refs...
list(, $atts, $label, $nolink) = $m;
$atts = $this->pba($atts);
$nolink = ($nolink === '!');
# Assign a sequence number to this reference if there isn't one already...
$num = @$this->notes[$label]['seq'];
if( !$num )
$num = $this->notes[$label]['seq'] = ($this->note_index++);
# Make our anchor point & stash it for possible use in backlinks when the
# note list is generated later...
$this->notes[$label]['refids'][] = $refid = uniqid(rand());
# If we are referencing a note that hasn't had the definition parsed yet, then assign it an ID...
$id = @$this->notes[$label]['id'];
if( !$id )
$id = $this->notes[$label]['id'] = uniqid(rand());
# Build the link (if any)...
$_ = '<span id="noteref'.$refid.'">'.$num.'</span>';
if( !$nolink )
$_ = '<a href="#note'.$id.'">'.$_.'</a>';
# Build the reference...
$_ = '<sup'.$atts.'>'.$_.'</sup>';
return $_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fNoteLists($m)
list(, $att, $start_char, $g_links, $extras) = $m;
if( !$start_char ) $start_char = 'a';
$index = $g_links.$extras.$start_char;
if( empty($this->notelist_cache[$index]) ) { # If not in cache, build the entry...
$o = array();
if( !empty($this->notes)) {
foreach($this->notes as $seq=>$info) {
$links = $this->makeBackrefLink($info, $g_links, $start_char );
if( !empty($info['def'])) {
$id = $info['id'];
$o[] = "\t".'<li'.$atts.'>'.$links.'<span id="note'.$id.'"> </span>'.$content.'</li>';
} else {
$o[] = "\t".'<li'.$atts.'>'.$links.' Undefined Note [#'.$info['seq'].'].</li>';
if( '+' == $extras && !empty($this->unreferencedNotes) ) {
foreach($this->unreferencedNotes as $seq=>$info) {
if( !empty($info['def'])) {
$o[] = "\t".'<li'.$atts.'>'.$content.'</li>';
$this->notelist_cache[$index] = join("\n",$o);
$_ = ($this->notelist_cache[$index]) ? $this->notelist_cache[$index] : '';
if( !empty($_) ) {
$list_atts = $this->pba($att);
$_ = "<ol$list_atts>\n$_\n</ol>";
return $_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function makeBackrefLink( &$info, $g_links, $i )
$atts = $content = $id = $link = '';
@extract( $info['def'] );
$backlink_type = ($link) ? $link : $g_links;
$i_ = strtr( $this->encode_high($i) , array('&'=>'', ';'=>'', '#'=>''));
$decode = (strlen($i) !== strlen($i_));
if( $backlink_type === '!' )
return '';
elseif( $backlink_type === '^' )
return '<a href="#noteref'.$info['refids'][0].'"><sup>'.$i.'</sup></a>';
else {
$_ = array();
foreach( $info['refids'] as $id ) {
$_[] = '<a href="#noteref'.$id.'"><sup>'. ( ($decode) ? $this->decode_high('&#'.$i_.';') : $i_ ) .'</sup></a>';
$_ = join( ' ', $_ );
return $_;
return '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function links($text)
return preg_replace_callback('/
(^|(?<=[\s>.\(])|[{[]) # $pre
" # start
(' . $this->c . ') # $atts
([^"]+?) # $text
(?:\(([^)]+?)\)(?="))? # $title
('.$this->urlch.'+?) # $url
(\/)? # $slash
([^\w\/;]*?) # $post
/x', array(&$this, "fLink"), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fLink($m)
list(, $pre, $atts, $text, $title, $url, $slash, $post, $tail) = $m;
if( '$' === $text ) $text = $url;
$atts = $this->pba($atts);
$atts .= ($title != '') ? ' title="' . $this->encode_html($title) . '"' : '';
if (!$this->noimage)
$text = $this->image($text);
$text = $this->span($text);
$text = $this->glyphs($text);
$url = $this->shelveURL($url.$slash);
$opentag = '<a href="' . $url . '"' . $atts . $this->rel . '>';
$closetag = '</a>';
$tags = $this->storeTags($opentag, $closetag);
$out = $tags['open'].trim($text).$tags['close'];
if (($pre and !$tail) or ($tail and !$pre))
$out = $pre.$out.$post.$tail;
$post = '';
return $this->shelve($out).$post;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function getRefs($text)
return preg_replace_callback("/^\[(.+)\]((?:http:\/\/|\/)\S+)(?=\s|$)/Um",
array(&$this, "refs"), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function refs($m)
list(, $flag, $url) = $m;
$this->urlrefs[$flag] = $url;
return '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function shelveURL($text)
if (!$text) return '';
$ref = md5($text);
$this->urlshelf[$ref] = $text;
return 'urlref:'.$ref;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function retrieveURLs($text)
return preg_replace_callback('/urlref:(\w{32})/',
array(&$this, "retrieveURL"), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function retrieveURL($m)
$ref = $m[1];
if (!isset($this->urlshelf[$ref]))
return $ref;
$url = $this->urlshelf[$ref];
if (isset($this->urlrefs[$url]))
$url = $this->urlrefs[$url];
return $this->r_encode_html($this->relURL($url));
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function relURL($url)
$parts = @parse_url(urldecode($url));
if ((empty($parts['scheme']) or @$parts['scheme'] == 'http') and
empty($parts['host']) and
preg_match('/^\w/', @$parts['path']))
$url = $this->hu.$url;
if ($this->restricted and !empty($parts['scheme']) and
!in_array($parts['scheme'], $this->url_schemes))
return '#';
return $url;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function isRelURL($url)
$parts = @parse_url($url);
return (empty($parts['scheme']) and empty($parts['host']));
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function image($text)
return preg_replace_callback("/
(?:[[{])? # pre
\! # opening !
(\<|\=|\>)? # optional alignment atts
($this->c) # optional style,class atts
(?:\. )? # optional dot-space
([^\s(!]+) # presume this is the src
\s? # optional space
(?:\(([^\)]+)\))? # optional title
\! # closing
(?::(\S+))? # optional href
(?:[\]}]|(?=\s|$|\))) # lookahead: space or end of string
/x", array(&$this, "fImage"), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fImage($m)
list(, $algn, $atts, $url) = $m;
$atts = $this->pba($atts);
$atts .= ($algn != '') ? ' align="' . $this->iAlign($algn) . '"' : '';
$atts .= (isset($m[4])) ? ' title="' . $m[4] . '"' : '';
$atts .= (isset($m[4])) ? ' alt="' . $m[4] . '"' : ' alt=""';
$size = false;
if ($this->isRelUrl($url))
$size = @getimagesize(realpath($this->doc_root.ltrim($url, $this->ds)));
if ($size) $atts .= " $size[3]";
$href = (isset($m[5])) ? $this->shelveURL($m[5]) : '';
$url = $this->shelveURL($url);
$out = array(
($href) ? '<a href="' . $href . '">' : '',
'<img src="' . $url . '"' . $atts . ' />',
($href) ? '</a>' : ''
return $this->shelve(join('',$out));
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function code($text)
$text = $this->doSpecial($text, '<code>', '</code>', 'fCode');
$text = $this->doSpecial($text, '@', '@', 'fCode');
$text = $this->doSpecial($text, '<pre>', '</pre>', 'fPre');
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fCode($m)
@list(, $before, $text, $after) = $m;
return $before.$this->shelve('<code>'.$this->r_encode_html($text).'</code>').$after;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fPre($m)
@list(, $before, $text, $after) = $m;
return $before.'<pre>'.$this->shelve($this->r_encode_html($text)).'</pre>'.$after;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function shelve($val)
$i = uniqid(rand());
$this->shelf[$i] = $val;
return $i;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function retrieve($text)
if (is_array($this->shelf))
do {
$old = $text;
$text = strtr($text, $this->shelf);
} while ($text != $old);
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: deprecated
function incomingEntities($text)
return preg_replace("/&(?![#a-z0-9]+;)/i", "x%x%", $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: deprecated
function encodeEntities($text)
return (function_exists('mb_encode_numericentity'))
? $this->encode_high($text)
: htmlentities($text, ENT_NOQUOTES, "utf-8");
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: deprecated
function fixEntities($text)
/* de-entify any remaining angle brackets or ampersands */
return str_replace(array("&gt;", "&lt;", "&amp;"),
array(">", "<", "&"), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function cleanWhiteSpace($text)
$out = preg_replace("/^\xEF\xBB\xBF|\x1A/", '', $text); # Byte order mark (if present)
$out = preg_replace("/\r\n?/", "\n", $out); # DOS and MAC line endings to *NIX style endings
$out = preg_replace("/^[ \t]*\n/m", "\n", $out); # lines containing only whitespace
$out = preg_replace("/\n{3,}/", "\n\n", $out); # 3 or more line ends
$out = preg_replace("/^\n*/", "", $out); # leading blank lines
return $out;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function doSpecial($text, $start, $end, $method='fSpecial')
return preg_replace_callback('/(^|\s|[[({>])'.preg_quote($start, '/').'(.*?)'.preg_quote($end, '/').'(\s|$|[\])}])?/ms',
array(&$this, $method), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fSpecial($m)
// A special block like notextile or code
@list(, $before, $text, $after) = $m;
return $before.$this->shelve($this->encode_html($text)).$after;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function noTextile($text)
$text = $this->doSpecial($text, '<notextile>', '</notextile>', 'fTextile');
return $this->doSpecial($text, '==', '==', 'fTextile');
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fTextile($m)
@list(, $before, $notextile, $after) = $m;
#$notextile = str_replace(array_keys($modifiers), array_values($modifiers), $notextile);
return $before.$this->shelve($notextile).$after;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function footnoteRef($text)
return preg_replace('/(?<=\S)\[([0-9]+)([\!]?)\](\s)?/Ue',
'$this->footnoteID(\'\1\',\'\2\',\'\3\')', $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function footnoteID($id, $nolink, $t)
$backref = '';
if (empty($this->fn[$id])) {
$this->fn[$id] = $a = uniqid(rand());
$backref = 'id="fnrev'.$a.'" ';
$fnid = $this->fn[$id];
$footref = ( '!' == $nolink ) ? $id : '<a href="#fn'.$fnid.'">'.$id.'</a>';
$footref = '<sup '.$backref.'class="footnote">'.$footref.'</sup>';
return $footref;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function glyphs($text)
if( skip_glyphs ) {
return $text;
// fix: hackish -- adds a space if final char of text is a double quote.
$text = preg_replace('/"\z/', "\" ", $text);
$text = preg_split("@(<[\w/!?].*>)@Us", $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$i = 0;
foreach($text as $line) {
// text tag text tag text ...
if (++$i % 2) {
// raw < > & chars are already entity encoded in restricted mode
if (!$this->restricted) {
$line = $this->encode_raw_amp($line);
$line = $this->encode_lt_gt($line);
$line = preg_replace($this->glyph_search, $this->glyph_replace, $line);
$glyph_out[] = $line;
return join('', $glyph_out);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function replaceGlyphs($text)
if( skip_glyphs ) {
return $text;
return preg_replace('/glyph:([^<]+)/','$1',$text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function iAlign($in)
$vals = array(
'<' => 'left',
'=' => 'center',
'>' => 'right');
return (isset($vals[$in])) ? $vals[$in] : '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function hAlign($in)
$vals = array(
'<' => 'left',
'=' => 'center',
'>' => 'right',
'<>' => 'justify');
return (isset($vals[$in])) ? $vals[$in] : '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function vAlign($in)
$vals = array(
'^' => 'top',
'-' => 'middle',
'~' => 'bottom');
return (isset($vals[$in])) ? $vals[$in] : '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: used in notelists
function encode_high($text, $charset = "UTF-8")
return mb_encode_numericentity($text, $this->cmap(), $charset);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: used in notelists
function decode_high($text, $charset = "UTF-8")
return mb_decode_numericentity($text, $this->cmap(), $charset);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: deprecated
function cmap()
$f = 0xffff;
$cmap = array(
0x0080, 0xffff, 0, $f);
return $cmap;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function encode_raw_amp($text)
return preg_replace('/&(?!#?[a-z0-9]+;)/i', '&amp;', $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function encode_lt_gt($text)
return strtr($text, array('<' => '&lt;', '>' => '&gt;'));
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function encode_html($str, $quotes=1)
$a = array(
'&' => '&amp;',
'<' => '&lt;',
'>' => '&gt;',
if ($quotes) $a = $a + array(
"'" => '&#39;', // numeric, as in htmlspecialchars
'"' => '&quot;',
return strtr($str, $a);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function r_encode_html($str, $quotes=1)
// in restricted mode, input has already been escaped
if ($this->restricted)
return $str;
return $this->encode_html($str, $quotes);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function textile_popup_help($name, $helpvar, $windowW, $windowH)
return ' <a target="_blank" href="' . $helpvar . '" onclick=", \'popupwindow\', \'width=' . $windowW . ',height=' . $windowH . ',scrollbars,resizable\'); return false;">' . $name . '</a><br />';
return $out;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: deprecated
function txtgps($thing)
if (isset($_POST[$thing])) {
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
return stripslashes($_POST[$thing]);
else {
return $_POST[$thing];
else {
return '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: deprecated
function dump()
static $bool = array( 0=>'false', 1=>'true' );
foreach (func_get_args() as $a)
echo "\n<pre>",(is_array($a)) ? print_r($a) : ((is_bool($a)) ? $bool[(int)$a] : $a), "</pre>\n";
return $this;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function blockLite($text)
$this->btag = array('bq', 'p');
return $this->block($text."\n\n");
} // end class
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