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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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My bio for the team page
"path": "fabio+oliveira",
"firstName": "Fábio",
"lastName": "Oliveira",
"role": "Node.js",
"longRole": "Node.js Consultant",
"location": "Lisbon, Portugal",
"organization": "YLD Limited",
"bio": "Fábio is a professional Node.js developer, with a huge appetite for learning. Always curious and eager to learn more, he considers himself a full-stack developer and has worked on projects ranging from augmented reality frameworks to realtime analytics products. In his list of interests one can find diverse subjects such has photography, Star Wars, cats and reading 'out-of-the-ordinary' literature.",
"twitter": "fanoliveira",
"github": "foliveira"
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