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Created April 14, 2023 11:02
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rec schemes
{-# language TupleSections #-}
module Main where
data ListF a b = NilF | ConsF a b deriving Functor
data NatF a = ZeroF | SuccF a deriving Functor
data StreamF a b = StreamF a b deriving Functor
newtype Fix f = Fix {unfix :: f (Fix f)}
type Algebra f a = f a -> a
type CoAlgebra f a = a -> f a
cata :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
cata alg = alg . fmap (cata alg) . unfix
ana :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> a -> Fix f
ana coalg = Fix . fmap (ana coalg) . coalg
hylo :: Functor f => (f b -> b) -> (a -> f a) -> a -> b
hylo alg coalg = alg . fmap (cata alg . ana coalg) . coalg
para :: Functor f => (f (Fix f, a) -> a) -> Fix f -> a
para alg = alg . fmap (id &&& para alg) . unfix
where (f &&& g) x = (f x, g x)
apo :: Functor f => (a -> f (Either (Fix f) a)) -> a -> Fix f
apo coalg = Fix . fmap (id ||| apo coalg) . coalg
(f ||| g) (Left x) = f x
(f ||| g) (Right y) = g y
accu :: Functor f => (forall x. f x -> p -> f (x, p)) -> (f a -> p -> a) -> Fix f -> p -> a
accu st alg (Fix t) p = alg (fmap (uncurry (accu st alg)) (st t p)) p
fromList :: [a] -> Fix (ListF a)
fromList [] = Fix NilF
fromList (x:xs) = Fix (ConsF x (fromList xs))
toList :: Fix (ListF a) -> [a]
toList (Fix NilF) = []
toList (Fix (ConsF x xs)) = x : toList xs
stream2list :: StreamF a [a] -> [a]
stream2list (StreamF x y) = x : y
toNat :: Int -> Fix NatF
toNat 0 = Fix ZeroF
toNat n = Fix (SuccF (toNat (n-1)))
fromNat :: Fix NatF -> Int
fromNat (Fix ZeroF) = 0
fromNat (Fix (SuccF x)) = 1 + fromNat x
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.List
import Debug.Trace ( trace )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
-- number io
numberIO :: Float -> Integer -> Float
numberIO x y = x + fromInteger y
-- smallOrLarge
smallOrLarge :: Int -> String
smallOrLarge x
| (< 1000) x = "small"
| (> 2000) x = "large"
| otherwise = ""
-- for loop index
forLoopIndex :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
forLoopIndex start end step = toList $ ana coalg start
coalg seed
| seed == end = NilF
| otherwise = ConsF seed (seed + step)
-- compareStrLen
compareStrLen :: String -> String -> String -> Bool
compareStrLen x1 x2 x3 = length x1 < length x2 && length x2 < length x3
-- double letters
doubleLetters :: String -> String
doubleLetters xs = accu st alg (fromList xs) []
st NilF s = NilF
st (ConsF x xs) s = ConsF x (xs, if x == '!' then "!!!" else if isLetter x then [x,x] else [x])
alg NilF s = s
alg (ConsF x xs) s = s <> xs
-- assume we have that
snoc y ys = ys <> [y]
isLetter c = c `elem` (['A' .. 'Z'] <> ['a' .. 'z'])
-- collatz
collatz :: Int -> Int
collatz = cata alg . apo coalg
alg NilF = 0
alg (ConsF x xs) = 1 + xs
coalg x = ConsF x $ if x == 1
then Left (Fix NilF)
else (Right $ if even x then div x 2 else div (3*x + 1) 2)
-- replace space with newline
replaceSpaceCount :: String -> (String, Int)
replaceSpaceCount xs = accu st alg (fromList xs) 0
st NilF s = NilF
st (ConsF x xs) s = ConsF (if x==' ' then '\n' else x) (xs, if x == ' ' then 1 else 0)
alg NilF s = ("", s)
alg (ConsF x xs) s = bimap (x:) (s+) xs
stringDiffs :: String -> String -> [(Int, (Char, Char))]
stringDiffs xs ys = accu st alg (fromList $ zip xs ys) 0
st NilF s = NilF
st (ConsF x xs) s = ConsF x (xs, s+1)
alg NilF s = []
alg (ConsF x xs) s = if uncurry (/=) x then (s, x) : xs else xs
evenSquares :: Int -> [Int]
evenSquares n = toList $ ana coalg 2
coalg seed
| seed^2 >= n = NilF
| otherwise = ConsF (seed^2) (seed + 2)
wallisPi :: Int -> Double
wallisPi = hylo alg coalg
alg NilF = 1.0
alg (ConsF x xs) = x * xs
coalg x = if x == 0
then NilF
else ConsF (fromIntegral (4 * x ^ 2) / fromIntegral ((2*x - 1)*(2*x + 1))) (x-1)
strLenBack :: [String] -> [Int]
strLenBack xs = accu st alg (fromList xs) []
st NilF s = NilF
st (ConsF x xs) s = ConsF x (xs, length x : s)
alg NilF s = s
alg (ConsF x xs) s = xs
lastIndexZero :: [Int] -> Maybe (Last Int)
lastIndexZero xs = accu st alg (fromList xs) 0
st NilF s = NilF
st (ConsF x xs) s = ConsF x (xs, s+1)
alg NilF s = Nothing
alg (ConsF x xs) s = if x == 0 then Just (Last s) <> xs else xs
--alternative if you don't like maybe
--alg NilF s = -1
--alg (ConsF x xs) s = if x == 0 && xs == -1 then s else xs
vecAvg :: [Double] -> Double
vecAvg xs = accu st alg (fromList xs) (0.0, 0.0)
st NilF s = NilF
st (ConsF x xs) s = ConsF x (xs, (fst s + x, snd s + 1))
alg NilF s = uncurry (/) s
alg (ConsF x xs) s = xs
countOdds :: [Int] -> Int
countOdds = cata alg . fromList
alg NilF = 0
alg (ConsF x xs) = xs + mod x 2
mirrorImage :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
mirrorImage xs ys = accu st alg (fromList xs) ys
st NilF s = NilF
st (ConsF x xs) s = ConsF x (xs, init s)
alg NilF s = null s
alg (ConsF x xs) s = (not . null) s && xs && last s == x
superAnagram :: String -> String -> Bool
superAnagram xs ys = accu st alg (fromList xs) ys
st NilF s = NilF
st (ConsF x xs) s = ConsF x (xs, delete x s)
alg NilF s = True
alg (ConsF x xs) s = xs && x `elem` s
sumOfSquares :: [Int] -> Int
sumOfSquares = cata alg . fromList
alg NilF = 0
alg (ConsF x xs) = x^2 + xs
sumOfVecs :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
sumOfVecs xs ys = accu st alg (fromList xs) ys
st NilF s = NilF
st (ConsF x xs) s = ConsF x (xs, tail s)
alg NilF s = []
alg (ConsF x xs) s = (x + head s) : xs
xWordLines :: Int -> String -> [String]
xWordLines n = toList . ana coalg . words
coalg ws = if null ws
then NilF
else let (x, y) = splitAt n ws in ConsF (unwords x) y
pigLatin :: String -> String
pigLatin xs = accu st alg (fromList $ words xs) []
st NilF s = NilF
st (ConsF x xs) s = ConsF x (xs, if (head x) `elem` "aeiouAEIOU" then x <> "ay" else tail x <> (head x : "ay"))
alg NilF s = []
alg (ConsF x xs) s = s <> " " <> xs
negativeToZero :: [Int] -> [Int]
negativeToZero = cata alg . fromList
alg NilF = []
alg (ConsF x xs) = max 0 x : xs
scrabbleScore :: String -> Int
scrabbleScore = cata alg . fromList
alg NilF = 0
alg (ConsF x xs) = M.findWithDefault 0 x scores + xs
scores = M.fromList $ concat [map (,1) "AEIOULNSTR", map (,2) "DG", map (,4) "FHVWY", [('K',5)], map (,8) "JX", map (,10) "QX"]
wordDist :: String -> M.Map Int Int
wordDist xs = accu st alg (fromList $ words xs) M.empty
st NilF s = NilF
st (ConsF x xs) s = ConsF x (xs, M.insertWith (+) (length x) 1 s)
alg NilF s = s
alg (ConsF x xs) s = xs
lineCount :: String -> Int
lineCount = cata alg . fromList
alg NilF = 1
alg (ConsF x xs) = xs + if x=='\n' then 1 else 0
avgLineLen :: String -> Double
avgLineLen xs = accu st alg (fromList $ lines xs) (0.0, 0.0)
st NilF s = NilF
st (ConsF x xs) s = ConsF x (xs, bimap (fromIntegral (length x) +) (1 +) s)
alg NilF s = uncurry (/) s
alg (ConsF x xs) s = xs
checksum :: String -> Char
checksum = toEnum . cata alg . fromList
alg NilF = fromEnum ' '
alg (ConsF x xs) = mod (fromEnum x + xs) 64
digits :: Int -> [Int]
digits = toList . ana coalg
coalg x = if x == 0 then NilF else ConsF ((if abs x < 10 then id else abs) $ x `rem` 10) (x `quot` 10)
grade :: [Double] -> Double -> Char
grade thrs n = accu st alg (fromList thrs) "ABCDF"
st NilF s = NilF
st (ConsF x xs) s = ConsF x (xs, if n < x then tail s else s)
alg NilF s = head s
alg (ConsF x xs) s = xs
median :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
median x y z = accu st alg (fromList [x, y, z]) (x, y, 0)
st NilF s = NilF
st (ConsF x xs) (a, b, c) = ConsF x (xs, (min x a, max x b, x + c))
alg NilF (a, b, c) = c - a - b
alg (ConsF x xs) s = xs
smallest :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
smallest x y z w = cata alg (fromList [y,z,w])
alg NilF = x
alg (ConsF x xs) = min x xs
syllables :: String -> Int
syllables = cata alg . fromList
alg NilF = 0
alg (ConsF x xs) = xs + if x `elem` "aeiouyAEIOUY" then 1 else 0
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ numberIO 2.1 3
print $ map smallOrLarge [500, 2500, 1500]
print $ forLoopIndex 10 100 10
print $ map (compareStrLen "hi" "hello") ["world", "world!"]
print $ doubleLetters "Hello! World!!"
print $ collatz 27
print $ replaceSpaceCount "Hello world with spaces"
print $ stringDiffs "dealer" "dollars"
print $ evenSquares 100
print $ wallisPi 1000
print $ strLenBack ["Hello", "World!!", "Haskell", "Mighty", "Morphisms"]
print $ lastIndexZero [1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6, 0, 7]
print $ vecAvg [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print $ countOdds [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print $ mirrorImage [1, 2, 3, 4] [4, 3, 2, 1]
print $ mirrorImage [1, 2, 3, 4] [4, 3, 2]
print $ mirrorImage [1, 2, 3] [4, 3, 2, 1]
print $ mirrorImage [1, 2, 3, 4] [4, 3, 1, 2]
print $ superAnagram "haskell eh bom" "lhkesa lhe mob"
print $ superAnagram "haskell eh bom" "lhkesa lhe ob"
print $ sumOfSquares [1 .. 5]
print $ sumOfVecs [1 .. 5] [2 .. 6]
print $ xWordLines 2 "Haskell is good\nHaskell is not bad"
print $ pigLatin "About time to upper love"
print $ negativeToZero [1, -2, 3, 4, -5, -6, 7, -8, 9]
print $ scrabbleScore "Haskell"
print $ wordDist "Haskell is good Haskell\nis not bad"
print $ lineCount "Haskell is good Haskell\nis not bad"
print $ avgLineLen "Haskell is good Haskell\nis not bad"
print $ checksum "Haskell is good Haskell\nis not bad"
print $ digits (-1234)
print $ grade [9, 7, 6, 5] 5
print $ grade [9, 7, 6, 5] 3
print $ grade [9, 7, 6, 5] 6.5
print $ grade [9, 7, 6, 5] 7.2
print $ grade [9, 7, 6, 5] 10
print $ median 5 3 1
print $ smallest 3 1 2 4
print $ syllables "Haskell is good Haskell\nis not bad"
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