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Created September 22, 2022 12:17
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minimal example that hangs hegg
{-# language DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Main (main) where
import Data.Eq.Deriving
import Data.Ord.Deriving
import Text.Show.Deriving
import Data.Equality.Matching
import Data.Equality.Saturation
import Data.Equality.Language
import Data.Equality.Analysis
data TreeF a = VarF Int
| ConstF Double
| AddF a a
| SubF a a
| MulF a a
| DivF a a
| LogF a
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
deriveEq1 ''TreeF
deriveOrd1 ''TreeF
deriveShow1 ''TreeF
instance Num (Fix TreeF) where
l + r = Fix $ AddF l r
l - r = Fix $ SubF l r
l * r = Fix $ MulF l r
abs = undefined
negate t = fromInteger (-1) * t
signum t = undefined
fromInteger = Fix . ConstF . fromInteger
instance Fractional (Fix TreeF) where
(/) a b = Fix (DivF a b)
fromRational = Fix . ConstF . fromRational
instance Floating (Fix TreeF) where
pi = undefined
exp = undefined
log = Fix . LogF
sqrt = undefined
sin = undefined
cos = undefined
tan = undefined
asin = undefined
acos = undefined
atan = undefined
sinh = undefined
cosh = undefined
tanh = undefined
asinh = undefined
acosh = undefined
atanh = undefined
l ** r = undefined
logBase l r = undefined
instance Num (Pattern TreeF) where
l + r = NonVariablePattern $ AddF l r
l - r = NonVariablePattern $ SubF l r
l * r = NonVariablePattern $ MulF l r
abs = undefined
negate t = fromInteger (-1) * t
signum t = undefined
fromInteger = NonVariablePattern . ConstF . fromInteger
instance Fractional (Pattern TreeF) where
(/) a b = NonVariablePattern (DivF a b)
fromRational = NonVariablePattern . ConstF . fromRational
instance Floating (Pattern TreeF) where
pi = undefined
exp = undefined
log = NonVariablePattern . LogF
sqrt = undefined
sin = undefined
cos = undefined
tan = undefined
asin = undefined
acos = undefined
atan = undefined
sinh = undefined
cosh = undefined
tanh = undefined
asinh = undefined
acosh = undefined
atanh = undefined
l ** r = undefined
logBase l r = undefined
instance Analysis TreeF where
type Domain TreeF = ()
makeA _ _ = ()
joinA _ _ = ()
instance Language TreeF
cost :: CostFunction TreeF Int
cost = \case
ConstF x -> 5
VarF x -> 1
AddF c1 c2 -> c1 + c2 + 2
SubF c1 c2 -> c1 + c2 + 2
MulF c1 c2 -> c1 + c2 + 4
DivF c1 c2 -> c1 + c2 + 5
LogF c -> c + 2
tmpRewrites = [
"x" + "y" := "y" + "x"
, "x" * "y" := "y" * "x"
, "x" + ("y" + "z") := ("x" + "y") + "z"
, "x" * ("y" * "z") := ("x" * "y") * "z"
, "x" * ("y" / "z") := ("x" * "y") / "z"
, "x" + 0 := "x"
, "x" * 1 := "x"
, "x" * 0 := 0
, "x" / "x" := 1
, ("x" * "y") + ("x" * "z") := "x" * ("y" + "z")
, negate ("x" + "y") := negate "x" - "y"
, 0 - "x" := negate "x"
, log ("x" * "y") := log "x" + log "y"
, log ("x" / "y") := log "x" - log "y"
, log 1 := 0
rewriteTree t = equalitySaturation t tmpRewrites cost
x = Fix (VarF 0)
y = Fix (VarF 1)
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ rewriteTree $ (log x) / (x * ((y / y) / y))
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