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Created December 8, 2021 15:58
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mdns for arduino (esp8266)
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <AppleMIDI.h>
char ssid[] = " your ssid "; // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = " wifi password "; // your network password (use for WPA, or use as key for WEP)
WiFiUDP udp;
const IPAddress tgt_ip { 224, 0, 0, 251 };
constexpr int tgt_port = 5353;
constexpr char name[] = "mymdnstest";
const int name_len = sizeof name - 1;
constexpr uint16_t port = 5004;
constexpr char applemidi[] = "_apple-midi";
constexpr int applemidi_len = sizeof applemidi - 1;
constexpr char udp_[] = "_udp";
constexpr int udp__len = sizeof udp_ - 1;
constexpr char local[] = "local";
constexpr int local_len = sizeof local - 1;
constexpr int ttl = 5;
uint8_t mdns_buffer1[256];
uint8_t mdns_buffer2[256];
char mdns_name1[64];
void flash() {
static bool state = true;
digitalWrite(D0, state);
state = !state;
void dump(const uint8_t *const p, const uint16_t n)
for(uint16_t i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (p[i] >= 33 && p[i] < 127)
Serial.print(' '), Serial.print((char)p[i]), Serial.print(' ');
Serial.print(p[i], HEX), Serial.print(' ');
uint16_t add_ptr(uint8_t *const tgt)
uint16_t o = 0;
// svc name
tgt[o++] = applemidi_len;
o += sprintf((char *)&tgt[o], "%s", applemidi);
tgt[o++] = udp__len;
o += sprintf((char *)&tgt[o], "%s", udp_);
tgt[o++] = local_len;
o += sprintf((char *)&tgt[o], "%s", local);
tgt[o++] = 0x00;
tgt[o++] = 0x00; // PTR (12)
tgt[o++] = 0x0c;
tgt[o++] = 0x00; // class: in
tgt[o++] = 0x01;
tgt[o++] = ttl >> 24; // ttl
tgt[o++] = ttl >> 16;
tgt[o++] = ttl >> 8;
tgt[o++] = ttl;
const uint16_t ptr_data_len = 1 + name_len +
1 + applemidi_len +
1 + udp__len +
1 + local_len +
tgt[o++] = ptr_data_len >> 8;
tgt[o++] = ptr_data_len;
tgt[o++] = name_len;
o += sprintf((char *)&tgt[o], "%s", name); // name itself
tgt[o++] = applemidi_len;
o += sprintf((char *)&tgt[o], "%s", applemidi);
tgt[o++] = udp__len;
o += sprintf((char *)&tgt[o], "%s", udp_);
tgt[o++] = local_len;
o += sprintf((char *)&tgt[o], "%s", local);
tgt[o++] = 0x00;
return o;
uint16_t add_srv(uint8_t *const tgt)
uint16_t o = 0;
tgt[o++] = name_len; // length of name
o += sprintf((char *)&tgt[o], "%s", name); // name itself
tgt[o++] = applemidi_len; // length of name
o += sprintf((char *)&tgt[o], "%s", applemidi); // name itself
tgt[o++] = udp__len;
o += sprintf((char *)&tgt[o], "%s", udp_); // name itself
tgt[o++] = local_len;
o += sprintf((char *)&tgt[o], "%s", local); // name itself
tgt[o++] = 0; // string delimiter
tgt[o++] = 0x00; // type 33 SRV (server selection)
tgt[o++] = 0x21;
tgt[o++] = 0x80; // class (class: cache flush, in)
tgt[o++] = 0x01;
tgt[o++] = ttl >> 24; // ttl
tgt[o++] = ttl >> 16;
tgt[o++] = ttl >> 8;
tgt[o++] = ttl;
uint16_t srv_data_len = 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + name_len + 1 + local_len + 1;
tgt[o++] = srv_data_len >> 8; // data len
tgt[o++] = srv_data_len;
tgt[o++] = 0x00; // priority
tgt[o++] = 0x00;
tgt[o++] = 0x00; // weight
tgt[o++] = 0x00;
tgt[o++] = port >> 8; // port on which the apple thing listens
tgt[o++] = port;
tgt[o++] = name_len; // length of name
o += sprintf((char *)&tgt[o], "%s", name); // name itself
tgt[o++] = local_len;
o += sprintf((char *)&tgt[o], "%s", local); // name itself
tgt[o++] = 0x00;
return o;
uint16_t add_a(uint8_t *const tgt)
uint16_t o = 0;
tgt[o++] = name_len; // length of name
o += sprintf((char *)&tgt[o], "%s", name); // name itself
tgt[o++] = local_len; // length of "local"
o += sprintf((char *)&tgt[o], local);
tgt[o++] = 0; // string delimiter
tgt[o++] = 0x00; // type 0001 (A)
tgt[o++] = 0x01;
tgt[o++] = 0x80; // class (cache flush: True, class: in)
tgt[o++] = 0x01;
tgt[o++] = ttl >> 24; // ttl
tgt[o++] = ttl >> 16;
tgt[o++] = ttl >> 8;
tgt[o++] = ttl;
tgt[o++] = 0x00; // length of address
tgt[o++] = 0x04;
tgt[o++] = WiFi.localIP()[0];
tgt[o++] = WiFi.localIP()[1];
tgt[o++] = WiFi.localIP()[2];
tgt[o++] = WiFi.localIP()[3];
return o;
void update_mdns() {
static uint32_t last_msg = 0;
uint32_t now = millis();
if (last_msg == 0 || now - last_msg >= (ttl - 1) * 1000) {
last_msg = now;
uint16_t ro = 0;
mdns_buffer1[ro++] = 0x00; // transaction id
mdns_buffer1[ro++] = 0x00;
mdns_buffer1[ro++] = 0x84; // standard query response, no error
mdns_buffer1[ro++] = 0x00;
mdns_buffer1[ro++] = 0x00; // 0 questions
mdns_buffer1[ro++] = 0x00;
mdns_buffer1[ro++] = 0x00; // 3 answers
mdns_buffer1[ro++] = 0x03;
mdns_buffer1[ro++] = 0x00; // 0 authority rr
mdns_buffer1[ro++] = 0x00;
mdns_buffer1[ro++] = 0x00; // 0 additional rr
mdns_buffer1[ro++] = 0x00;
// PTR record
ro += add_ptr(&mdns_buffer1[ro]);
// SRV apple midi record
ro += add_srv(&mdns_buffer1[ro]);
// A record for the hostname to the ip-address
ro += add_a(&mdns_buffer1[ro]);
udp.beginPacketMulticast(tgt_ip, tgt_port, WiFi.localIP(), 2);
udp.write(mdns_buffer1, ro);
udp.beginMulticast(WiFi.localIP(), tgt_ip, 5353);
void get_name(char *const tgt, const uint8_t *const src, uint16_t *const o_in) {
uint16_t o_name = 0;
tgt[0] = 0x00;
while(src[*o_in]) {
memcpy(&tgt[o_name], &src[*o_in + 1], src[*o_in]);
o_name += src[*o_in];
tgt[o_name++] = '.';
tgt[o_name] = 0x00;
(*o_in) += 1 + src[*o_in];
(*o_in)++; // skip 0x00
void check_mdns_req() {
int n = 0;
if ((n = udp.available()) == 0)
if (n > sizeof mdns_buffer2) // processing a truncated msg makes no sense
memset(mdns_buffer2, 0x00, sizeof mdns_buffer2);, sizeof mdns_buffer2);
Serial.print(F("Recv msg, size: "));
Serial.print(' ');
Serial.print(F(" / "));
dump(mdns_buffer2, n);
uint16_t tx_id = (mdns_buffer2[0] << 8) | mdns_buffer2[1];
uint16_t n_req = (mdns_buffer2[4] << 8) | mdns_buffer2[5];
Serial.print(F("TX ID: "));
Serial.print(tx_id, HEX);
Serial.print(F(", #reqs: "));
uint8_t n_ans = 0;
uint16_t o_in = 12;
memset(mdns_buffer1, 0x00, sizeof mdns_buffer1);
uint16_t o_out = 0;
mdns_buffer1[o_out++] = mdns_buffer2[0]; // transaction id
mdns_buffer1[o_out++] = mdns_buffer2[1];
mdns_buffer1[o_out++] = 0x84; // standard query response, no error
mdns_buffer1[o_out++] = 0x00;
mdns_buffer1[o_out++] = 0x00; // 0 questions
mdns_buffer1[o_out++] = 0x00;
uint16_t n_ans_offset = o_out;
mdns_buffer1[o_out++] = 0x00; // answers
mdns_buffer1[o_out++] = 0x00;
mdns_buffer1[o_out++] = 0x00; // 0 authority rr
mdns_buffer1[o_out++] = 0x00;
mdns_buffer1[o_out++] = 0x00; // 0 additional rr
mdns_buffer1[o_out++] = 0x00;
for(uint16_t i=0; i<n_req; i++) {
get_name(mdns_name1, mdns_buffer2, &o_in);
Serial.print(F("Qname: "));
uint16_t type = mdns_buffer2[o_in++] << 8;
type += mdns_buffer2[o_in++];
Serial.print(F(", Qtype: "));
Serial.println(type, HEX);
o_in += 2; // ignore class
bool respond = strstr(mdns_name1, applemidi) != nullptr || strstr(mdns_name1, name) != nullptr;
if (respond) {
if (type == 0x01) // A
o_out += add_a(&mdns_buffer1[o_out]), n_ans++;
else if (type == 0x0c) // PTR
o_out += add_ptr(&mdns_buffer1[o_out]), n_ans++;
else if (type == 0x21) // SRV
o_out += add_srv(&mdns_buffer1[o_out]), n_ans++;
if (n_ans) {
Serial.print(F("send # answers: "));
mdns_buffer1[n_ans_offset++] = n_ans >> 8;
mdns_buffer1[n_ans_offset] = n_ans;
udp.beginPacketMulticast(tgt_ip, tgt_port, WiFi.localIP(), 2);
udp.write(mdns_buffer1, o_out);
udp.beginMulticast(WiFi.localIP(), tgt_ip, 5353);
dump(mdns_buffer1, o_out);
void setup() {
pinMode(D0, OUTPUT);
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
static bool state = true;
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
digitalWrite(D0, state);
state = !state;
digitalWrite(D0, false);
Serial.print("IP address:\t");
IPAddress myIP = WiFi.localIP();
udp.beginMulticast(WiFi.localIP(), tgt_ip, 5353);
void loop() {;
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