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Last active January 22, 2024 06:43
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River wayland compositor configuration in lua5.4
- execp() needs 'lua-posix' package
- bitwise operands for tag mappings need Lua version >= 5.3
-- Convenient functions ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
-- Wrapper around table.concat() to also handle other types
local function concat(...)
local list, sep, i, j = ...
if type(list) == 'table' then
return table.concat(list, sep, i, j)
return tostring(list)
-- All the setting tables ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
local wl_script_dir = os.getenv('HOME') .. '/.local/libexec/wayland'
local drun_menu = 'rofi -show drun'
local run_menu = 'rofi -show run'
local startup_commands = {
-- Inform dbus about the environment variables
-- Startup programs
'timeout 300 "swaylock"',
wl_script_dir .. '/launch_waybar',
{ wl_script_dir .. '/clipboard', '--start' },
wl_script_dir .. '/launch_pipewire',
wl_script_dir .. '/launch_mpd',
wl_script_dir .. '/launch_notify',
wl_script_dir .. '/wlwpp',
{ wl_script_dir .. '/launch_xdg_portal', 'wlr' },
{ wl_script_dir .. '/launch_xdg_portal', 'gtk' },
wl_script_dir .. '/launch_mpdris',
local outputs = {
['eDP-1'] = {
mode = '1920x1080',
pos = '1920,0',
transform = 'normal',
scale = '1.000000',
preferred = true,
['HDMI-A-1'] = {
mode = '1920x1080',
pos = '0,0',
transform = 'normal',
scale = '1.000000',
preferred = true,
local inputs = {
['pointer-2-7-SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad'] = {
['events'] = 'disabled-on-external-mouse',
['drag'] = 'enabled',
['tap'] = 'enabled',
['tap-button-map'] = 'left-right-middle',
['disable-while-typing'] = 'enabled',
['natural-scroll'] = 'enabled',
['scroll-method'] = 'two-finger',
local river_options = {
-- Theme options
['border-width'] = 2,
['border-color-focused'] = '0xeceff4',
['border-color-unfocused'] = '0x81a1c1',
['border-color-urgent'] = '0xbf616a',
['xcursor-theme'] = { 'Bibata-Modern-Ice', 24 },
['background-color'] = '0x2e3440',
-- Other options
['set-repeat'] = { 50, 300 },
['focus-follows-cursor'] = 'normal',
['set-cursor-warp'] = 'on-output-change',
['attach-mode'] = 'bottom',
['default-layout'] = 'rivertile',
local gsettings = {
['org.gnome.desktop.interface'] = {
['gtk-theme'] = 'Nordic',
['icon-theme'] = 'Papirus-Dark',
['cursor-theme'] = river_options['xcursor-theme'][1],
['cursor-size'] = river_options['xcursor-theme'][2],
local window_rules = {
['float-filter-add'] = {
['app-id'] = {
['title'] = {
-- 'About *',
['csd-filter-add'] = {
['app-id'] = { 'swappy' },
-- Additional modes and their mappings to switch between them and 'normal' mode
-- name: string (the name of the additional mode)
-- mod: string|list (modifiers for key binding, concanated by '+')
-- key: string
local modes = {
name = 'passthrough',
mod = 'Super',
key = 'F11',
-- Each mapping contains 4 keys:
-- mod: string|list (modifiers, concanated by '+')
-- key: string
-- command: string|list (the command passed to riverctl)
-- opt: string ('release' or 'repeat')
local mappings = {
-- Key bindings
map = {
normal = {
-- Terminal emulators
mod = 'Super',
key = 'Return',
command = { 'spawn', 'foot' },
mod = { 'Super', 'Shift' },
key = 'Return',
command = { 'spawn', 'alacritty' },
-- Application launcher
mod = 'Super',
key = 'D',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s']], drun_menu) },
mod = { 'Super', 'Shift' },
key = 'D',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s']], run_menu) },
-- Web search
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt' },
key = 'S',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/searchmenu']], wl_script_dir) },
-- Quickly open offline manga
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt' },
key = 'M',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/mangamenu']], wl_script_dir) },
-- Browser bookmarks (buku)
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt' },
key = 'B',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/bukumenu']], wl_script_dir) },
-- Open current MPD playlist
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt' },
key = 'U',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/musicmenu']], wl_script_dir) },
-- Rofi has qalc and file-browser-extended plugins
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt' },
key = 'T',
command = { 'spawn', [['rofi -show calc']] },
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt' },
key = 'F',
command = { 'spawn', [['rofi -show file-browser-extended']] },
-- Clipboard management with clipman
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt' },
key = 'D',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/clipboard --rofi']], wl_script_dir) },
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt' },
key = 'C',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/clipboard --clear']], wl_script_dir) },
mod = 'Super',
key = 'C',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/clipboard --rofi-clear']], wl_script_dir) },
-- Dismiss notifications
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt' },
key = 'N',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/dismiss_notify']], wl_script_dir) },
-- Launch Emacs
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt' },
key = 'E',
command = { 'spawn', [['emacsclient -c -a emacs']] },
-- Taking screenshots
mod = 'Super',
key = 'Print',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/screenshot --full']], wl_script_dir) },
mod = 'None',
key = 'Print',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/screenshot --region']], wl_script_dir) },
mod = 'Alt',
key = 'Print',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/screenshot --region-optional']], wl_script_dir) },
mod = 'Control',
key = 'Print',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/screenshot --full-optional']], wl_script_dir) },
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt' },
key = 'Print',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/screenshot --region-copy']], wl_script_dir) },
mod = { 'Super', 'Control' },
key = 'Print',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/screenshot --full-copy']], wl_script_dir) },
-- Super+Q to close the focused view
mod = 'Super',
key = 'Q',
command = 'close',
-- Super+Shift+Q to exit river (requires 'swaynag' program from sway)
mod = { 'Super', 'Shift' },
key = 'Q',
command = { 'spawn', [['swaynag -t warning -m "Exit river?" -b "Yes" "riverctl exit"']] },
-- Super+Shift+X to lock the screen
mod = { 'Super', 'Shift' },
key = 'X',
command = { 'spawn', 'swaylock' },
-- Super+{J,K} to focus next/previous view in the layout stack
mod = 'Super',
key = 'J',
command = { 'focus-view', 'previous' },
mod = 'Super',
key = 'K',
command = { 'focus-view', 'next' },
-- Super+Shift+{J,K} to swap focused view with the next/previous view in the layout stack
mod = { 'Super', 'Shift' },
key = 'J',
command = { 'swap', 'previous' },
mod = { 'Super', 'Shift' },
key = 'K',
command = { 'swap', 'next' },
-- Super+{P,N} to focus next/previous output
mod = 'Super',
key = 'P',
command = { 'focus-output', 'previous' },
mod = 'Super',
key = 'N',
command = { 'focus-output', 'next' },
-- Super+Shift+{P,N} to send the focused view to next/previous output
mod = { 'Super', 'Shift' },
key = 'P',
command = { 'send-to-output', 'previous' },
mod = { 'Super', 'Shift' },
key = 'N',
command = { 'send-to-output', 'next' },
-- Super+E to bump the focused view to the top of the layout stack
mod = 'Super',
key = 'E',
command = 'zoom',
-- Super+{H,L} to decrease/increase the main_factor value of rivertile by 0.02
mod = 'Super',
key = 'H',
command = { 'send-layout-cmd', 'rivertile', [['main-ratio -0.02']] },
mod = 'Super',
key = 'L',
command = { 'send-layout-cmd', 'rivertile', [['main-ratio +0.02']] },
-- Super+Shift+{H,L} to increment/decrement the main_count value of rivertile
mod = { 'Super', 'Shift' },
key = 'H',
command = { 'send-layout-cmd', 'rivertile', [['main-count +1']] },
mod = { 'Super', 'Shift' },
key = 'L',
command = { 'send-layout-cmd', 'rivertile', [['main-count -1']] },
-- Control+Alt+{H,J,K,L} to change layout orientation
mod = { 'Control', 'Alt' },
key = 'H',
command = { 'send-layout-cmd', 'rivertile', [['main-location left']] },
mod = { 'Control', 'Alt' },
key = 'J',
command = { 'send-layout-cmd', 'rivertile', [['main-location bottom']] },
mod = { 'Control', 'Alt' },
key = 'K',
command = { 'send-layout-cmd', 'rivertile', [['main-location top']] },
mod = { 'Control', 'Alt' },
key = 'L',
command = { 'send-layout-cmd', 'rivertile', [['main-location right']] },
-- Super+Alt+{H,J,K,L} to move views (floating)
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt' },
key = 'H',
command = { 'move', 'left', 100 },
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt' },
key = 'J',
command = { 'move', 'down', 100 },
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt' },
key = 'K',
command = { 'move', 'up', 100 },
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt' },
key = 'L',
command = { 'move', 'right', 100 },
-- Super+Control+{H,J,K,L} to resize views
mod = { 'Super', 'Control' },
key = 'H',
command = { 'resize', 'horizontal', -100 },
mod = { 'Super', 'Control' },
key = 'J',
command = { 'resize', 'vertical', 100 },
mod = { 'Super', 'Control' },
key = 'K',
command = { 'resize', 'vertical', -100 },
mod = { 'Super', 'Control' },
key = 'L',
command = { 'resize', 'horizontal', 100 },
-- Super+Alt+Control+{H,J,K,L} to snap views to screen edges
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt', 'Control' },
key = 'H',
command = { 'snap', 'left' },
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt', 'Control' },
key = 'J',
command = { 'snap', 'down' },
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt', 'Control' },
key = 'K',
command = { 'snap', 'up' },
mod = { 'Super', 'Alt', 'Control' },
key = 'L',
command = { 'snap', 'right' },
-- Super+Space to toggle float
mod = 'Super',
key = 'Space',
command = 'toggle-float',
-- Super+F to toggle fullscreen
mod = 'Super',
key = 'F',
command = 'toggle-fullscreen',
locked = {
-- Eject optical drives
mod = 'None',
key = 'XF86Eject',
command = { 'spawn', [['eject -T']] },
-- Control pulseaudio volume
mod = 'None',
key = 'XF86AudioRaiseVolume',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/volumecontrol --increase']], wl_script_dir) },
opt = 'repeat',
mod = 'None',
key = 'XF86AudioLowerVolume',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/volumecontrol --decrease']], wl_script_dir) },
opt = 'repeat',
mod = 'None',
key = 'XF86AudioMute',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/volumecontrol --toggle']], wl_script_dir) },
mod = 'None',
key = 'XF86AudioMicMute',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/volumecontrol --toggle-source']], wl_script_dir) },
-- Control MPRIS aware media players with 'playerctl'
mod = 'None',
key = 'XF86AudioMedia',
command = { 'spawn', [['playerctl play-pause']] },
mod = 'None',
key = 'XF86AudioPlay',
command = { 'spawn', [['playerctl play-pause']] },
mod = 'None',
key = 'XF86AudioPrev',
command = { 'spawn', [['playerctl previous']] },
mod = 'None',
key = 'XF86AudioNext',
command = { 'spawn', [['playerctl next']] },
-- Control screen backlight brightness
mod = 'None',
key = 'XF86MonBrightnessUp',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/brightness up']], wl_script_dir) },
opt = 'repeat',
mod = 'None',
key = 'XF86MonBrightnessDown',
command = { 'spawn', string.format([['%s/brightness down']], wl_script_dir) },
opt = 'repeat',
-- Mappings for pointer (mouse)
['map-pointer'] = {
normal = {
-- Super + Left Mouse Button to move views
mod = 'Super',
key = 'BTN_LEFT',
command = 'move-view',
-- Super + Right Mouse Button to resize views
mod = 'Super',
key = 'BTN_RIGHT',
command = 'resize-view',
-- These mappings are repeated, so they are separated from the mappings table
local function tag_mappings()
for i = 1, 9 do
local tag_num = 1 << (i - 1)
-- Super+[1-9] to focus tag [0-8]
os.execute(string.format('riverctl map normal Super %s set-focused-tags %s', i, tag_num))
-- Super+Shift+[1-9] to tag focused view with tag [0-8]
os.execute(string.format('riverctl map normal Super+Shift %s set-view-tags %s', i, tag_num))
-- Super+Control+[1-9] to toggle focus of tag [0-8]
os.execute(string.format('riverctl map normal Super+Control %s toggle-focused-tags %s', i, tag_num))
-- Super+Alt+[1-9] to toggle tag [0-8] of focused view
os.execute(string.format('riverctl map normal Super+Alt %s toggle-view-tags %s', i, tag_num))
-- river has a total of 32 tags
local all_tags = (1 << 32) - 1
os.execute(string.format('riverctl map normal Super 0 set-focused-tags %s', all_tags))
os.execute(string.format('riverctl map normal Super+Shift 0 set-view-tags %s', all_tags))
-- Apply settings ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
-- Run startup commands
-- 'riverctl spawn ...' always returns (even when the child process is a daemon)
-- so we don't need to resort to posix.unistd.spawn()
for _, cmd in ipairs(startup_commands) do
os.execute(string.format([[riverctl spawn '%s']], concat(cmd, ' ')))
-- Configure outputs
local randr_cmd = 'wlr-randr'
for output, options in pairs(outputs) do
randr_cmd = randr_cmd .. ' --output ' .. output
for opt, value in pairs(options) do
if opt ~= 'preferred' then
randr_cmd = string.format(randr_cmd .. ' --%s %s', opt, value)
-- Ensure '--preferred' is the last argument for each monitor
if options.preferred then
randr_cmd = randr_cmd .. ' --preferred'
-- Configure input devices
for device, options in pairs(inputs) do
for key, val in pairs(options) do
os.execute(string.format('riverctl input %s %s %s', device, key, val))
-- GNOME-related settings
for group, tbl in pairs(gsettings) do
for key, value in pairs(tbl) do
os.execute(string.format('gsettings set %s %s %s', group, key, value))
-- Set river's options
for key, value in pairs(river_options) do
os.execute(string.format('riverctl %s %s', key, concat(value, ' ')))
-- Additional modes (beside 'normal' and 'locked')
for _, mode in ipairs(modes) do
local mode_name =
local modifiers = concat(mode.mod, '+')
-- Declare the mode
os.execute('riverctl declare-mode ' .. mode_name)
-- Setup key bindings to enter/exit the mode
os.execute(string.format('riverctl map normal %s %s enter-mode %s', modifiers, mode.key, mode_name))
os.execute(string.format('riverctl map %s %s %s enter-mode normal', mode_name, modifiers, mode.key))
-- Keyboard and mouse bindings
for map_type, tbl in pairs(mappings) do
for mode, value in pairs(tbl) do
for _, binding in ipairs(value) do
local modifiers = concat(binding.mod, '+')
local cmd = concat(binding.command, ' ')
-- Options -release and -repeat for 'map' and 'unmap' commands
local opt = binding.opt
if opt ~= 'release' and opt ~= 'repeat' then
opt = ''
opt = '-' .. opt
os.execute(string.format('riverctl %s %s %s %s %s %s', map_type, opt, mode, modifiers, binding.key, cmd))
-- Duplicate mappings of mode 'locked' for mode 'normal'
if mode == 'locked' then
os.execute(string.format('riverctl %s %s normal %s %s %s', map_type, opt, modifiers, binding.key, cmd))
-- Mappings for tag management
-- Window rules (float/csd filters)
for key, value in pairs(window_rules) do
for type, patterns in pairs(value) do
for _, pattern in ipairs(patterns) do
os.execute(string.format('riverctl %s %s %s', key, type, pattern))
-- Launch the layout generator as the final initial process.
-- River run the init file as a process group leader and send
-- SIGTERM to the group on exit. Therefore, keep the main init
-- process running (replace it with the layout generator process).
local unistd = require('posix.unistd')
unistd.execp('rivertile', {
'-view-padding', 5,
'-outer-padding', 5,
'-main-location', 'left',
'-main-count', 1,
'-main-ratio', 0.54,
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