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Created August 30, 2012 07:28
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\title{scalaz "For the Rest of Us" Cheat Sheet}
\author[Adam Rosien]{Adam Rosien (\href{}{})}
\date{29 August 2012} % if the \date{} command is left out, the current date will be used
\maketitle% this prints the handout title, author, and date
In your \texttt{build.sbt} file:
libraryDependencies += "org.scalaz" \%\% "scalaz-core" \% "6.0.4"
\noindent Then in your \texttt{.scala} files:
\sidenote{Note that this is for \texttt{scalaz} 6. The imports (and many classes!) for \texttt{scalaz} 7 are much different.}
\ttfamily import scalaz.\_\\
import Scalaz.\_
\section{Style Stuff}\label{sec:style}
Make your code a bit nicer to read.
Name & Scala & \texttt{scalaz} \\
"unix-pipey"& \texttt{g(f(a))} & \texttt{a |> f |> g} \\
ternary "operator" & \texttt{if (p) "yes" else "no"} & \texttt{p ? "yes" | "no"} \\
\texttt{Option} constructors & \texttt{Some(42)} & \texttt{42.some} \\
& \texttt{None} & \texttt{none} \\
\texttt{Option.getOrElse} & \texttt{o.getOrElse("meh")} & \texttt{o | "meh"} \\
\texttt{Either} constructors & \texttt{Left("meh")} & \texttt{"meh".left} \\
& \texttt{Right(42)} & \texttt{42.right} \\
def expensive(foo: Foo): Bar = ...
val memo = immutableHashMapMemo \{ \\
\ \ foo: Foo => expensive(foo) \\
val f: Foo
memo(f) // \$\$\$ (cache miss \& fill) \\
memo(f) // 1\textcent\ \ (cache hit)
Constructor & Backing store \\
\texttt{immutableHashMapMemo[K, V]} & \texttt{HashMap} \\
\texttt{mutableHashMapMemo[K, V]} & \texttt{mutable.HashMap} \\
\texttt{weakHashMapMemo[K, V]} & remove+gc unused entries \\
\texttt{arrayMemo[V](size: Int)} & fixed size, \texttt{K = Int} \\
\texttt{Validation} improves on \texttt{Either}: \texttt{Success/Failure} is more natural than \texttt{Left/Right}, and \texttt{Validation}s can be composed together, accumulating failures.
\texttt{Validation[X, A]} constructors & \texttt{"meh".fail} \\
& \texttt{42.success} \\
\texttt{ValidationNel[X, A]} constructors & \texttt{"meh".failNel} \\
& \texttt{42.successNel} \\
Lift failure type into \texttt{NonEmptyList} & \texttt{v.liftFailNel} \\
De-construct into \texttt{Failure} or \texttt{Success} & \texttt{v.fold(} \\ & \texttt{ fail => ...,} \\ & \texttt{ success => ...)} \\
Combine \texttt{Validation}s, \\ accumulating failures (if any) & \texttt{(ValidationNEL[X, A] |@|} \\
& \texttt{ ValidationNEL[X, B]) \{} \\
& \texttt{ (A, B) => C} \\
& \texttt{\} // ValidationNEL[X, C]} \\
\caption{\newline \noindent \texttt{ValidationNEL[X, A]} is a type alias for \texttt{Validation[NonEmptyList[X], A]}. \texttt{NonEmptyList[X]} is, well, a \texttt{List} that can't be empty.}
\texttt{Lens} is a composable "getter/setter" object, letting you "peek" into a deep structure, and also transform that "slot" you are pointing at.
\texttt{Lens} constructor & \texttt{Lens[A, B](get: A => B, set: (A, B) => A)} \\
compose & \texttt{andThen[C](that: Lens[B,C]) = Lens[A,C]} \\
pair & \texttt{***[C,D](that: Lens[C,D]) = Lens[(A,C),(B,D)]} \\
get & \texttt{lens(a: A)} \\
set & \texttt{lens.set(a: A, b: B)} \\
modify & \texttt{lens.mod(a: A, f: B => B)} \\
\fancyfoot[C]{\copyright 2012 Adam S. Rosien (\href{}{\texttt{}}) \\ Source at \href{}{\texttt{}}}
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