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Created May 12, 2014 15:00
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data TypeOne = TypeOne T.Text TypeTwo TypeThree
deriving (Show)
data TypeTwo = TypeTwo Double
deriving (Show)
data TypeThree = TypeThree Double
deriving (Show)
newtype TheseT e m a = TheseT {
runTheseT :: m (These e a)
instance Functor m => Functor (TheseT e m) where
fmap f (TheseT m) = TheseT (fmap (fmap f) m)
instance (Monoid e, Applicative m) => Applicative (TheseT e m) where
pure x = TheseT (pure (pure x))
TheseT f <*> TheseT x = TheseT (liftA2 (<*>) f x)
instance (Monoid e, Monad m) => Monad (TheseT e m) where
return x = TheseT (return (return x))
m >>= f = TheseT $ do
t <- runTheseT m
case t of
This e -> return (This e)
That x -> runTheseT (f x)
These _ x -> do
t' <- runTheseT (f x)
return (t >> t') -- this is where errors get concatenated
main :: IO ()
main = scotty 3000 $ do
middleware logStdoutDev
post "/pdor" $ do
api_key <- param "api_key"
input <- param "input"
typeOne <- runTheseT $ do
result <- (decode (pack input) :: Maybe Value) >? ("Could not parse. Input JSON document is malformed", Nothing)
typeTwoObj <- (result ^? key "typeTwo") >? ("Could not find key typeTwo in JSON document.", Just $ object [])
typeThreeObj <- (result ^? key "typeThree") >? ("Could not find key typeThree in JSON document.", Just $ object [])
name <- (result ^? key "name" . _String) >? ("Could not find key name in JSON document.", Just "")
typeTwo <- eitherThese $ (flip (,) (Just $ TypeTwo 0)) $ prependLeft "Error when parsing TypeTwo: " $ parseEither jsonTypeTwo typeTwoObj
typeThree <- eitherThese $ (flip (,) (Just $ TypeThree 0)) $ prependLeft "Error when parsing TypeThree: " $ parseEither jsonTypeThree typeThreeObj
return $ TypeOne name typeTwo typeThree
let successHandler _ = S.json $ object ["api_key" .= (api_key :: String), "message" .= ("success" :: String)]
errorHandler errorMsgs = do
_ <- status badRequest400
S.json $ object ["errors" .= errorMsgs]
case typeOne of
That x -> successHandler x
These [] x -> successHandler x
These es _ -> errorHandler es
This es -> errorHandler es
prependLeft :: String -> Either String a -> Either String a
prependLeft msg (Left s) = Left (msg ++ s)
prependLeft _ x = x
jsonTypeTwo :: Value -> Parser TypeTwo
jsonTypeTwo (Object v) = TypeTwo <$> v .: "val"
jsonTypeTwo _ = fail $ "no data present for TypeTwo"
jsonTypeThree :: Value -> Parser TypeThree
jsonTypeThree (Object v) = TypeThree <$> v .: "val"
jsonTypeThree _ = fail $ "no data present for TypeThree"
-- | Convert Either into These, taking a Maybe default value.
-- If the default value is Nothing, then halt the computation,
-- if the default value is Just something we can continue.
eitherThese :: Monad m => (Either String a, Maybe a) -> TheseT [String] m a
eitherThese (Left err, Just def) = TheseT . return $ These [err] def
eitherThese (Left err, Nothing) = TheseT . return $ This [err]
eitherThese (Right x, _) = TheseT . return $ That x
-- | Continue with default if there is one
(>?) :: Monad m => Maybe a -> (String, Maybe a) -> TheseT [String] m a
(Just val) >? (_, _) = TheseT . return $ That val
(Nothing) >? (err, Just val) = TheseT . return $ These [err] val
(Nothing) >? (err, Nothing) = TheseT . return $ This [err]
{-# INLINE (>?) #-}
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