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Created September 30, 2019 10:18
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requires = ["poetry==0.12.12"]
build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"
name = "a"
description = "b"
version = "0.1.0"
readme = ""
authors = []
python = "3.7.3"
django = "^2.2"
django-split-settings = "^0.3"
django-axes = "^4.5"
django-csp = "^3.5"
django-health-check = "^3.9"
django-feature-policy = "^2.0"
psycopg2 = "^2.8"
gunicorn = "^19.9"
python-decouple = "^3.1"
dump-env = "^0.2"
bcrypt = "^3.1"
django-jinja = "^2.4"
django-extensions = "^2.1"
djangorestframework = "^3.9"
djangorestframework-jwt = "^1.11"
Unipath = "^1.1"
ujson = "^1.35"
tqdm = "^4.31"
xlrd = "^1.2"
requests = "^2.21"
transliterate = "^1.10"
django-money = "^0.14.4"
django-autoslug = "^1.9"
sorl-thumbnail = "^12.5"
django-ace = "^1.0"
django-suit = "^0.2.26"
django-suit-redactor = "^0.0.4"
django-import-export = "^1.2"
python-social-auth = "^0.3.6"
Pillow = "^6.0"
django-rest-swagger = "^2.2"
drf-yasg = "^1.15"
django-compressor = "^2.2"
xmltodict = "^0.12.0"
Unidecode = "=0.4.19"
django-phonenumber-field = "^2.4"
phonenumbers = "^8.10"
django-rest-auth = "^0.9.5"
dicttoxml = "^1.7"
django-cors-headers = "^3.0"
snowballstemmer = "^1.2"
pandas = "^0.24.2"
cssselect = "^1.0"
uvloop = "^0.12.2"
aiohttp = "^3.5"
celery = "^4.3"
lxml = "^4.4"
django-choices = "^1.7"
django-redis = "^4.10"
django-debug-toolbar = "^1.11"
django-querycount = "^0.7"
nplusone = "^1.0"
wemake-python-styleguide = "^0.8"
flake8-pytest = "^1.3"
flake8-django = "^0.0.4"
pytest = "^4.4"
pytest-django = "^3.4"
pytest-cov = "^2.6"
pytest-randomly = "^3.0"
pytest-deadfixtures = "^2.1"
pytest-testmon = "^0.9"
pytest-timeout = "^1.3"
pre-commit = "^1.15"
xenon = "^0.5"
mypy = "^0.701"
ipython = "^7.4"
sphinx = "^2.0"
sphinx-autodoc-typehints = "^1.6"
doc8 = "^0.8"
yamllint = "^1.15"
safety = "^1.8"
dotenv-linter = "^0.1"
polint = "^0.4"
dennis = "^0.9"
django-dynamic-fixture = "^2.0"
Faker = "^1.0"
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