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Last active August 11, 2016 09:29
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KorolevServer[State, Action](
initialState = State(),
reducer = {
case (state, Action.AddTodo(todo)) =>
state.copy(todos = state.todos :+ todo)
case (state, Action.TodoSetDone(i, done)) =>
val updated = state.todos.updated(i, state.todos(i).copy(done = done))
state.copy(todos = updated)
initRender = { access =>
// Handler to input
val inputId =
// Generate actions when clicking checkboxes
val todoClick: EventFactory[(Int, Todo)] =
access.event("click") { case (i, todo) =>
val res = Action.TodoSetDone(i, done = !todo.done)
// Generate AddTodo action when 'Add' button clicked
val addTodoClick: EventFactory[Unit] =
access.event("click") { _ =>
inputId[String]('value) map { value =>
Action.AddTodo(Todo(value, done = false))
// Create a DOM using state
state => {
'div("Super TODO tracker"),
'div('style /= "height: 250px; overflow-y: scroll",
(state.todos zipWithIndex) map {
case (todo, i) =>
'type /= "checkbox",
'checked := todo.done,
todoClick(i, todo)
if (!todo.done) 'span(todo.text)
else 'strike(todo.text)
'type /= "text",
'placeholder /= "What should be done?"
"Add todo",
sealed trait Action
object Action {
case class AddTodo(todo: Todo) extends Action
case class TodoSetDone(i: Int, done: Boolean) extends Action
case class Todo(text: String, done: Boolean)
case class State(todos: Vector[Todo] = (0 to 10).toVector map {
i => Todo(s"This is TODO #$i", done = false)
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