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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Simple function match3 in Scala
package com.tenderowls.opensource.match3
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* @author Aleksey Fomkin <>
object Board {
sealed trait Direction
case class Horizontal() extends Direction
case class Vertical() extends Direction
trait Cell {
def matchWith(x: Cell) = {
override def toString: String = super.toString
case class EmptyCell() extends Cell {
override def matchWith(x: Cell) = false
override def toString = "* "
case class BadCell() extends Cell {
override def matchWith(x: Cell) = false
override def toString = " "
case class MatchedCell(x:Int, y:Int, value:Cell)
abstract class Rules {
def randomValue: Cell
val width:Int
val height:Int
type Board = Vector[Cell]
def square(stable:Boolean = true)(implicit p: Rules): Board = {
val raw =
0 until p.height map { y =>
0 until p.width map { x =>
val set = raw.flatten.toVector
stable match {
case true => set.stable
case false => set
implicit class BoardMethods(val board: Board)(implicit rules: Rules) {
val range = 0 until board.length
private def calcY(index:Int) = index / rules.width
private def calcX(index:Int) = index % rules.width
private def getUnsafe(x:Int, y:Int) = board(x + y * rules.width)
private type Result = List[MatchedCell]
private type Inc = Int => Int
@tailrec private def sequenceInternal(lst:Result, nx:Inc, ny:Inc):Result = {
val prev = lst.head
val x = nx(prev.x)
val y = ny(prev.y)
apply(x, y) match {
case Some(next) if prev.value matchWith next =>
sequenceInternal(MatchedCell(x, y, next) :: lst, nx, ny)
case _ => lst
def apply(x: Int, y: Int) = {
if (x >= rules.width || y >= rules.height) {
else {
Some(getUnsafe(x, y))
def fillEmptyCells: Board = {
board map {
case EmptyCell() => rules.randomValue
case x => x
@tailrec final def stable: Board = {
matchedSequences().toList match {
case Nil => board
case sequences =>
val replace = => sequence.head).groupBy( cell => (cell.x, cell.y) )
val newBoard = range.view map { i =>
val aX = calcX(i)
val aY = calcY(i)
replace.get(aX, aY) match {
case Some(_) => rules.randomValue
case None => getUnsafe(aX, aY)
* Find homogeneous sequences
* @param startLength match2, match3
* @return
def matchedSequences(startLength: Int = 3) = {
val view = range.view
// Horizontal sequences
val rs = { i =>
val mr = List(MatchedCell(calcX(i), calcY(i), board(i)))
sequenceInternal(mr, x => x + 1, y => y)
// Vertical sequences
val bs = { i =>
val mr = List(MatchedCell(calcX(i), calcY(i), board(i)))
sequenceInternal(mr, x => x, y => y + 1)
val sequences = rs ++ bs
sequences.filter(_.size >= startLength)
* First homogeneous sequences of 3 to 5 cells
* @return
def matchedSequence = matchedSequences().headOption
def stringify = {
val s = new StringBuilder()
0 until rules.height map { y =>
0 until rules.width map { x =>
getUnsafe(x, y) match {
case BadCell() => s.append(" ")
case cell => s.append(cell.toString + " ")
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