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Created November 14, 2017 22:24
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// Copyright: 2017 Sam Halliday
// License:
package scalaz
import scala.Option
import Scalaz._
sealed abstract class /~\[F[_], C[_]] {
type T
def value: C[T]
def tc: F[T]
object /~\ {
type Aux[F[_], C[_], A] = /~\[F, C] { type T = A }
def unapply[F[_], C[_]](p: F /~\ C): Option[(F[p.T], C[p.T])] =
def apply[F[_], A](a: A, fa: => F[A]): Aux[F, Id, A] = new /~\[F, Id] {
type T = A
def value: A = a
def tc: F[A] = fa
type T2[A] = (A, A)
def apply[F[_], A](a1: A, a2: A, fa: => F[A]): Aux[F, T2, A] =
new /~\[F, T2] {
type T = A
def value: (A, A) = (a1, a2)
def tc: F[A] = fa
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