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Created March 13, 2018 16:49
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package net.cakesolutions
import scala.util.Try
import scala.sys.process._
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.Keys._
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker._
import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtNativePackager._
object CakeDockerComposePlugin extends AutoPlugin {
override def requires = CakeDockerPlugin
override def trigger = allRequirements
val autoImport = CakeDockerComposePluginKeys
import autoImport._
def projectName =
.fold("")(name => s"-p $name")
val dockerComposeTestQuickTask: Def.Initialize[Task[Unit]] = Def.sequential(
val dockerComposeUpTask: Def.Initialize[Task[Unit]] = Def.sequential(
val dockerComposeUpQuickTask: Def.Initialize[Task[Unit]] = Def.task {
val input = dockerComposeFile.value.getCanonicalPath
val res = s"docker-compose $projectName -f $input up -d".!
if (res != 0)
throw new IllegalStateException(s"docker-compose up returned $res")
val dockerComposeDownTask: Def.Initialize[Task[Unit]] = Def.task {
val input = dockerComposeFile.value.getCanonicalPath
s"docker-compose $projectName -f $input kill -s 9".! // much faster
val res = s"docker-compose $projectName -f $input down".!
if (res != 0)
throw new IllegalStateException(s"docker-compose down returned $res")
// this task is very flakey and should never throw an exception, to
// avoid breaking the build workflow.
val dockerRemoveTask: Def.Initialize[Task[Unit]] = Def.task {
val image = (name in Docker).value
val repository = dockerRepository.value match {
case None => image
case Some(repo) => s"${repo}/${image}"
var limit = 100
def doit(): List[String] = {
if (limit == 0) throw new IllegalStateException("deleted too many times")
limit -= 1
val lines = "docker images".!!.split("\\n").toList
val Line = "^([^ ]+)[ ]+([^ ]+)[ ]+([^ ]+)[ ]+.*$".r
val ids = lines.collect {
case Line(repo, tag, id) if repo == repository => id
// alias deletes often fail, so only delete the head and loop
ids.headOption.foreach { id =>
s"docker rmi -f $id".!
Try {
while (doit().nonEmpty) {}
override val projectSettings = Seq(
// we trigger dockerRepository on envvar because we do not want it
// in publishLocal, but it gets picked up there, so we only pass
// the envvar when doing the final publish.
dockerRepository := sys.env
.orElse(Some((name in ThisBuild).value)),
dockerRemove := dockerRemoveTask.value
// manually added per test inConfig
def dockerComposeSettings = Seq(
dockerComposeImages := {},
dockerComposeUpQuick := dockerComposeUpQuickTask.value,
dockerComposeUp := dockerComposeUpTask.value,
dockerComposeDown := dockerComposeDownTask.value,
dockerComposeFile := file(
object CakeDockerComposePluginKeys {
val dockerComposeTestQuick =
taskKey[Unit]("brings up docker, runs 'test', brings down docker")
val dockerComposeFile =
settingKey[File]("docker-compose.yml file to use in dockerComposeUp.")
val dockerComposeImages =
taskKey[Unit]("Publishes the images used by dockerComposeUp.")
val dockerComposeUpQuick =
taskKey[Unit]("Runs `docker-compose -f <file> up -d` for the scope")
val dockerComposeUp =
"Builds the images and then runs `docker-compose -f <file> up -d` for the scope"
val dockerComposeDown =
taskKey[Unit]("Runs `docker-compose -f <file> down` for the scope")
val dockerRemove =
"Runs `docker rmi -f <ids>` for the images associated to the scope"
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