^ I will be discussing general implementations of Bayesian methods
... the Bayesian approach is attractive because it is useful. Its usefulness derives in large measure from its simplicity. Its simplicity allows the investigation of far more complex models than can be handled by the tools in the classical toolbox.
Link and Barker 2010
^ worth the trouble!
^ Sampling from un-normalized distributions
Markov chain Monte Carlo simulates a
for which some function of interest is the
^ e.g. the joint distribution of the parameters of some model
This is guaranteed when the Markov chain is constructed that satisfies the detailed balance equation:
^ First-generation MCMC
model {
for (j in 1:J){
y[j] ~ dnorm (theta[j], tau.y[j])
theta[j] ~ dnorm (mu.theta, tau.theta)
tau.y[j] <- pow(sigma.y[j], -2)
mu.theta ~ dnorm (0.0, 1.0E-6)
tau.theta <- pow(sigma.theta, -2)
sigma.theta ~ dunif (0, 1000)
- No other platforms, without virtual machine
- No cluster
- Closed source: cannot modify or redistribute
^ Debugging is impossible
^ Andrew Thomas
OpenBUGS is open source only in the read-only sense. -- Andrew Thomas
^ Source code is not posted on public website
Atrocities include:
- requires BlackBox Component Builder (Windows only)
- no debugger
- source code is not plain text
- abandoned by Oberon Microsystems
- Developed by Martyn Plummer (International Agency for Research on Cancer)
- first released in 2002, last release 2013
- written in C++
A platform for experimenting with ideas in Bayesian modeling
- uses variant of BUGS language
- interpreter creates virtual graphical model
- no graphical front-end
- no output processing
- cross-platform
- extensible: C/C++/Fortran
- general-purpose implementation
proc mcmc data=stagnant outpost=postout seed=24860 ntu=1000
ods select PostSummaries;
ods output PostSummaries=ds;
array beta[2];
parms alpha cp beta1 beta2;
parms s2;
prior cp ~ unif(-1.3, 1.1);
prior s2 ~ uniform(0, 5);
prior alpha beta: ~ normal(0, v = 1e6);
j = 1 + (x >= cp);
mu = alpha + beta[j] * (x - cp);
model y ~ normal(mu, var=s2);
- standard distributions available
- parms: declares unknown stochastics
Gelman Lab, Columbia University
^ Stanislaw Ulam (& Nicholas Metropolis) -- Manhattan project
- compiled
- statically typed
- imperative
- BSD licenced
- CmdStan
- RStan
- PyStan
- MStan
data {
int<lower=0> J; // number of schools
real y[J]; // estimated treatment effects
real<lower=0> sigma[J]; // s.e. of effect estimates
parameters {
real mu;
real<lower=0> tau;
real eta[J];
- BUGS-inspired syntax
transformed parameters {
real theta[J];
for (j in 1:J)
theta[j] <- mu + tau * eta[j];
model {
eta ~ normal(0, 1);
y ~ normal(theta, sigma);
>>> theta = Exponential('theta', 2.)
>>> theta
<pymc.distributions.Exponential 'theta' at 0x10f9e2790>
>>> theta = Exponential('theta', 2.)
>>> theta
<pymc.distributions.Exponential 'theta' at 0x10f9e2790>
>>> theta.value
>>> theta = Exponential('theta', 2.)
>>> theta
<pymc.distributions.Exponential 'theta' at 0x10f9e2790>
>>> theta.value
>>> theta.logp
>>> theta = Exponential('theta', 2.)
>>> theta
<pymc.distributions.Exponential 'theta' at 0x10f9e2790>
>>> theta.value
>>> theta.logp
>>> theta.random()
>>> theta = Exponential('theta', 2.)
>>> theta
<pymc.distributions.Exponential 'theta' at 0x10f9e2790>
>>> theta.value
>>> theta.logp
>>> theta.random()
>>> theta.value
>>> theta = Exponential('theta', 2.)
>>> theta
<pymc.distributions.Exponential 'theta' at 0x10f9e2790>
>>> theta.value
>>> theta.logp
>>> theta.random()
>>> theta.value
>>> theta.logp
def survival(value=t, lam=theta, f=failure):
"""Exponential survival likelihood,
accounting for censoring"""
return sum(f * log(lam) - lam * value)
Christopher J. Fonnesbeck Melissa L. McPheeters Shanthi Krishnaswami Mary Louise Lindegren Tyler Reimschisel
J Inherit Metab Dis DOI 10.1007/s10545-012-9564-0
^part of a larger systematic review on the comparative effectiveness of treatment for PKU by Vanderbilt EPC
- prevalence: 1 in 13,500 to 19,000 infants: RARE
^ metabolic disorder in which a buildup of phenylalanine (Phe) in the blood results from an inability to properly metabolize it
- results in intellectual impairment (low IQ)
^ Complete re-write of PyMC2
Brown University
Uses a physical analogy of a frictionless particle moving on a hyper-surface
Requires an auxiliary variable to be specified
- position (unknown variable value)
- momentum (auxiliary)
- position is -log(p(θ|x))
- momentum is normal distribution corresponding to quadratic kinetic energy function
The Hamiltonian is defined as the sum of potential energy E(s) and kinetic energy K(φ)
- This transformation preserves volume and is reversible.
- Because the physical system conserves energy, the log probability that results will be similar to the log probability at the last iteration => high acceptance
- In practice, we cannot simulate Hamiltonian dynamics exactly because of the problem of time discretization.
- Discretization results in some error, so a Metropolis accept/reject step is required.
- Sample a new velocity from univariate Gaussian
- Perform n leapfrog steps to obtain new state 𝛘'
- Perform accept/reject move of 𝛘'
with pm.Model() as model:
pm.glm.glm('y ~ x', data)
step = pm.Metropolis()
iter_sample = pm.iter_sample(samples+1000, step)
animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
frames=samples, interval=5, blit=True)
with pm.Model() as model:
pm.glm.glm('y ~ x', data)
step = pm.NUTS()
iter_sample = pm.iter_sample(samples+1000, step)
animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
frames=samples, interval=5, blit=True)
Hamiltonian MC requires tuning of two parameters:
- too small ⇒ slow mixing (random walk)
- too large ⇒ u-turns
- too small ⇒ inefficient simulation
- too large ⇒ inaccurate simulation
- Extension of HMC that adaptively selects path lengths
- also sets leapfrog step size (epsilon)
NUTS uses a recursive algorithm to build a set of likely candidate points that spans a wide swath of the target distribution.
It stops automatically when it starts to double back and retrace its steps.
Doubling process builds a balanced binary tree whose leaf nodes correspond to position-momentum states.
Doubling is halted when the subtrajectory from the leftmost to the rightmost nodes of any balanced subtree of the overall binary tree starts to double back on itself
- stops when an additional doubling would not increase the squared distance from starting point (based on BALANCED binary subtrees)
(Hoffmann and Gelman 2011)
200-dimensional mvn with high correlation
>>> from theano import function,tensor as T
>>> x = T.dmatrix('x')
>>> s = T.sum(1 / (1 + T.exp(-x)))
>>> gs = T.grad(s, x)
>>> dlogistic = function([x], gs)
>>> dlogistic([[3, -1],[0, 2]])�
array([[ 0.04517666, 0.19661193],
[ 0.25 , 0.10499359]])
- Slice sampler
- Parallel chains
- Simplified code base
- R-style formulae for GLM
- automated missing data imputation
- automatic step method selection
- non-parametric Bayesian methods
- non-MCMC methods
- containers
- documentation(!)
Very little competition (or diversity) in space of Bayesian statistical software
Has potential for being "platform for experimenting with Bayesian ideas"
Much unfinished work