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Last active August 27, 2020 10:13
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Save fonsp/dacf389ec9997558834600b7478b7036 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.9.11
using Markdown
macro bind(def, element)
local el = $(esc(element))
global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.peek, el) ? Base.peek(el) : missing
# ╔═╡ fcac2038-b7aa-11ea-1320-355e0731afb4
using LinearAlgebra
# ╔═╡ d7eadad2-b7ad-11ea-22e3-f1e5ded42255
md"# Singular Value Decomposition
Lorem ipsum SVD est."
# ╔═╡ dfd0317e-b85f-11ea-3f2b-fd95c87a0a69
zeros(Float64, 0, 0)
# ╔═╡ d6f2ee1c-b7ad-11ea-0e1c-fb21a58c5711
md"## Step 1: upload your favorite image:"
# ╔═╡ 841551d2-b861-11ea-08de-c180ca50b9be
struct ImageInput
# ╔═╡ 8c0caad4-b861-11ea-3aab-83e4d3718aa9
img = ImageInput(true, "asdf", 200)
# ╔═╡ 74cac824-b861-11ea-37e9-e97065879618
ph = """
<span class="pl-image">
.pl-image video {
max-width: 250px;
.pl-image video.takepicture {
animation: pictureflash 200ms linear;
@keyframes pictureflash {
0% {
filter: grayscale(1.0) contrast(2.0);
100% {
filter: grayscale(0.0) contrast(1.0);
<div id="video-container" title="Click to take a picture">
<video playsinline autoplay></video>
// mostly taken from
// (by the same author)
const span = this.currentScript.parentElement
const video = span.querySelector("video")
const img = html`<img crossOrigin="anonymous">`
const maxsize = $(img.maxsize)
const send_source = (source, src_width, src_height) => {
const scale = Math.min(1.0, maxsize / src_width, maxsize / src_height)
const width = Math.floor(src_width * scale)
const height = Math.floor(src_height * scale)
const canvas = html`<canvas width=\${width} height=\${height}>`
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
ctx.drawImage(source, 0, 0, width, height)
span.value = {
width: width,
height: height,
data: Array.from(ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data),
span.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("input"))
audio: false,
video: {
facingMode: "environment",
}).then(function(stream) { = stream
video.srcObject = stream
window.cameraConnected = true
video.controls = false
video.controls = false
}).catch(function(error) {
var sending= false
span.querySelector("#video-container").onclick = function() {
sending = !sending
setInterval(() => {
const cl = video.classList
void video.offsetHeight
video.controls = false
send_source(video, video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight)
}, 200)
""" |> HTML;
# ╔═╡ 212d10d6-b7ae-11ea-1434-fb7d45aaf278
md"The (black-and-white) image data is now available as a Julia 2D array:"
# ╔═╡ 42578c50-b7ae-11ea-2f7d-6b8b3df44aed
md"This notebook defines a type `BWImage` that can be used to turn 2D Float arrays into a picture!"
# ╔═╡ 90715ff6-b7ae-11ea-3780-1d227049322c
md"You can use `img_data` like any other Julia 2D array! For example, here is the top left corner of your image:"
# ╔═╡ 7c8b8c96-b7ae-11ea-149d-61d29d35847c
md"## Step 2: running the SVD
The Julia standard library package `LinearAlgebra` contains a method to compute the SVD. "
# ╔═╡ 07834ab8-b7ba-11ea-0279-77179671d826
md"Let's look at the result."
# ╔═╡ 9765a090-b7b0-11ea-3c1f-e5a8ac58d7de
#[📚.U, 📚.S, 📚.V]
# ╔═╡ fe4c70fe-b7b0-11ea-232b-1996facd33a0
md"Let's verify the identity
$A = U \Sigma V^{\intercal}$"
# ╔═╡ 8e7cb972-b7b1-11ea-2c4d-ed583218740a
md"Are they equal?"
# ╔═╡ 4df00b20-b7b1-11ea-0836-41314f8a2d35
md"It looks like they are **not** equal - how come?
Since we are using a _computer_, the decomposition and multiplication both introduce some numerical errors. So instead of checking whether the reconstructed matrix is _equal_ to the original, we can check how _close_ they are to each other."
# ╔═╡ 2199d7b2-b7b2-11ea-2e86-95b23658a538
md"One way to quantify the _distance_ between two matrices is to look at the **point-wise difference**. If the **sum** of all differences is close to 0, the matrices are almost equal."
# ╔═╡ 489b7c9c-b7b1-11ea-3a54-87bd17341b2c
md"There are other ways to compare two matrices, such methods are called _**matrix norms**_."
# ╔═╡ a6dcc77c-b7b2-11ea-0c7d-d5686603d182
md"### The 👀-norm"
# ╔═╡ b15d683c-b7b2-11ea-1090-b392950bedb6
md"Another popular matrix norm is the **👀_-norm_**: you turn both matrices into a picture, and use your 👀 to see how close they are:"
# ╔═╡ 064d5a78-b7b3-11ea-399c-f968bf9c910a
md"""**How similar are these images?** $(@bind 👀_dist html"<input>")"""
# ╔═╡ 2c7c8cdc-b7b3-11ea-166c-cfd232fd2004
# ╔═╡ 64e51904-b7b3-11ea-0f72-359d63261b21
md"In some applications, like _**image compression**_, this is the _most imporant norm_."
# ╔═╡ d2de4480-b7b0-11ea-143d-033dc76cf6bc
md"## Step 3: compression"
# ╔═╡ 79a01d50-b7b1-11ea-27ee-4161da276cde
# ╔═╡ 54f79f6e-b865-11ea-2f16-ff76fe1f14ed
@bind upload_data ph
# ╔═╡ c8f52288-b7a9-11ea-02b7-698ec1d06357
img_data = let
# every 4th byte is the Red pixel value
reds = UInt8.(upload_data["data"][1:4:end])
# shuffle and flip to get it in the right shape
( reshape(reds, (upload_data["width"], upload_data["height"]))') / 255.0
# ╔═╡ a404b9f8-b7ab-11ea-0b07-a733a3c4f353
📚 = svd(img_data);
# ╔═╡ 1e866730-b7ac-11ea-3df1-9f7f92d504db
@bind keep HTML("<input type='range' max='50' value='10'>")
# ╔═╡ 9b18067e-b7b3-11ea-0372-d351201a0e7d
md"Showing the **first $(keep) singular pairs**."
# ╔═╡ 2fdd76dc-b7ce-11ea-12b1-59aa1c44ebbe
md"### Store fewer bytes"
# ╔═╡ 3bb96bf2-b7cc-11ea-377f-2d5d3f04e96d
#compressed_size(keep), uncompressed_size()
# ╔═╡ 906a267a-b7ca-11ea-1e73-a56b7e7c9115
#BWImage(Float16.(F.U)[:,1:keep] * Diagonal(Float16.(F.S[1:keep])) * Float16.(F.V)'[1:keep,:])
# ╔═╡ 444bc786-b7ce-11ea-0016-ff1fbb17d736
md"JPEG works in a similar way"
# ╔═╡ 1c55bd84-b7c9-11ea-0aa5-b95f58fae242
md"### Individual pairs"
# ╔═╡ 7485990a-b7af-11ea-10e4-53a3ab5dcea7
md"## Going further
More stuff to learn about SVD
To keep things simple (and dependency-free), this notebook only works with downscaled black-and-white images that you pick using the button. For **color**, **larger images**, or **images from your disk**, you should look into the [`Images.jl`]( package!"
# ╔═╡ 34de1bc0-b795-11ea-2cac-bbbc496133ad
struct BWImage
data::Array{UInt8, 2}
function BWImage(data::Array{T, 2}) where T <: AbstractFloat
BWImage(floor.(UInt8, clamp.(data * 255, 0, 255)))
import Base: show
function show(io::IO, ::MIME"image/bmp", i::BWImage)
height, width = size(
datawidth = Integer(ceil(width / 4)) * 4
bmp_header_size = 14
dib_header_size = 40
palette_size = 256 * 4
data_size = datawidth * height * 1
# BMP header
write(io, 0x42, 0x4d)
write(io, UInt32(bmp_header_size + dib_header_size + palette_size + data_size))
write(io, 0x00, 0x00)
write(io, 0x00, 0x00)
write(io, UInt32(bmp_header_size + dib_header_size + palette_size))
# DIB header
write(io, UInt32(dib_header_size))
write(io, Int32(width))
write(io, Int32(-height))
write(io, UInt16(1))
write(io, UInt16(8))
write(io, UInt32(0))
write(io, UInt32(0))
write(io, 0x12, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x00)
write(io, 0x12, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x00)
write(io, UInt32(0))
write(io, UInt32(0))
# color palette
write(io, [[x, x, x, 0x00] for x in UInt8.(0:255)]...)
# data
padding = fill(0x00, datawidth - width)
for y in 1:height
write(io,[y,:], padding)
# ╔═╡ 04c34a64-b7ac-11ea-0cc0-6709153eaf18
📚.U[:,1:keep] *
Diagonal(📚.S[1:keep]) *
# ╔═╡ Cell order:
# ╟─d7eadad2-b7ad-11ea-22e3-f1e5ded42255
# ╠═dfd0317e-b85f-11ea-3f2b-fd95c87a0a69
# ╟─d6f2ee1c-b7ad-11ea-0e1c-fb21a58c5711
# ╠═841551d2-b861-11ea-08de-c180ca50b9be
# ╠═8c0caad4-b861-11ea-3aab-83e4d3718aa9
# ╠═74cac824-b861-11ea-37e9-e97065879618
# ╟─212d10d6-b7ae-11ea-1434-fb7d45aaf278
# ╠═c8f52288-b7a9-11ea-02b7-698ec1d06357
# ╟─42578c50-b7ae-11ea-2f7d-6b8b3df44aed
# ╟─90715ff6-b7ae-11ea-3780-1d227049322c
# ╟─7c8b8c96-b7ae-11ea-149d-61d29d35847c
# ╠═fcac2038-b7aa-11ea-1320-355e0731afb4
# ╠═a404b9f8-b7ab-11ea-0b07-a733a3c4f353
# ╟─07834ab8-b7ba-11ea-0279-77179671d826
# ╠═9765a090-b7b0-11ea-3c1f-e5a8ac58d7de
# ╟─fe4c70fe-b7b0-11ea-232b-1996facd33a0
# ╟─8e7cb972-b7b1-11ea-2c4d-ed583218740a
# ╟─4df00b20-b7b1-11ea-0836-41314f8a2d35
# ╟─2199d7b2-b7b2-11ea-2e86-95b23658a538
# ╟─489b7c9c-b7b1-11ea-3a54-87bd17341b2c
# ╟─a6dcc77c-b7b2-11ea-0c7d-d5686603d182
# ╟─b15d683c-b7b2-11ea-1090-b392950bedb6
# ╟─064d5a78-b7b3-11ea-399c-f968bf9c910a
# ╠═2c7c8cdc-b7b3-11ea-166c-cfd232fd2004
# ╟─64e51904-b7b3-11ea-0f72-359d63261b21
# ╟─d2de4480-b7b0-11ea-143d-033dc76cf6bc
# ╟─79a01d50-b7b1-11ea-27ee-4161da276cde
# ╠═54f79f6e-b865-11ea-2f16-ff76fe1f14ed
# ╠═1e866730-b7ac-11ea-3df1-9f7f92d504db
# ╟─9b18067e-b7b3-11ea-0372-d351201a0e7d
# ╠═04c34a64-b7ac-11ea-0cc0-6709153eaf18
# ╟─2fdd76dc-b7ce-11ea-12b1-59aa1c44ebbe
# ╠═3bb96bf2-b7cc-11ea-377f-2d5d3f04e96d
# ╠═906a267a-b7ca-11ea-1e73-a56b7e7c9115
# ╟─444bc786-b7ce-11ea-0016-ff1fbb17d736
# ╟─1c55bd84-b7c9-11ea-0aa5-b95f58fae242
# ╟─7485990a-b7af-11ea-10e4-53a3ab5dcea7
# ╠═34de1bc0-b795-11ea-2cac-bbbc496133ad
### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.9.11
using Markdown
macro bind(def, element)
local el = $(esc(element))
global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.peek, el) ? Base.peek(el) : missing
# ╔═╡ fcac2038-b7aa-11ea-1320-355e0731afb4
using LinearAlgebra
# ╔═╡ d7eadad2-b7ad-11ea-22e3-f1e5ded42255
md"# Singular Value Decomposition
Lorem ipsum SVD est."
# ╔═╡ dfd0317e-b85f-11ea-3f2b-fd95c87a0a69
zeros(Float64, 0, 0)
# ╔═╡ d6f2ee1c-b7ad-11ea-0e1c-fb21a58c5711
md"## Step 1: upload your favorite image:"
# ╔═╡ 841551d2-b861-11ea-08de-c180ca50b9be
struct ImageInput
# ╔═╡ 8c0caad4-b861-11ea-3aab-83e4d3718aa9
img = ImageInput(true, "asdf", 512)
# ╔═╡ 74cac824-b861-11ea-37e9-e97065879618
ph = """
<span class="pl-image">
.pl-image video {
max-width: 250px;
.pl-image video.takepicture {
animation: pictureflash 200ms linear;
@keyframes pictureflash {
0% {
filter: grayscale(1.0) contrast(2.0);
100% {
filter: grayscale(0.0) contrast(1.0);
<div id="video-container" title="Click to take a picture">
<video playsinline autoplay></video>
// mostly taken from
// (by the same author)
const span = this.currentScript.parentElement
const video = span.querySelector("video")
const img = html`<img crossOrigin="anonymous">`
const maxsize = $(img.maxsize)
const send_source = (source, src_width, src_height) => {
const scale = Math.min(1.0, maxsize / src_width, maxsize / src_height)
const width = Math.floor(src_width * scale)
const height = Math.floor(src_height * scale)
const canvas = html`<canvas width=\${width} height=\${height}>`
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
ctx.drawImage(source, 0, 0, width, height)
span.value = {
width: width,
height: height,
data: Array.from(ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data),
span.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("input"))
audio: false,
video: {
facingMode: "environment",
}).then(function(stream) { = stream
video.srcObject = stream
window.cameraConnected = true
video.controls = false
video.controls = false
}).catch(function(error) {
span.querySelector("#video-container").onclick = function() {
const cl = video.classList
void video.offsetHeight
video.controls = false
send_source(video, video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight)
""" |> HTML;
# ╔═╡ 711bdf40-b7a5-11ea-2605-97b5d7f7e938
@bind upload_data_file html"""
<input type='file' accept="image/*">
const span = this.currentScript.parentElement
const input = span.querySelector("input")
const img = html`<img crossOrigin="anonymous">`
const maxsize = 512
img.onload = () => {
const scale = Math.min(1.0, maxsize / img.width, maxsize / img.height)
const width = Math.floor(img.width * scale)
const height = Math.floor(img.height * scale)
const canvas = html`<canvas width=${width} height=${height}>`
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height)
span.value = {
width: width,
height: height,
data: Array.from(ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data),
span.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("input"))
input.oninput = (e) => {
img.src = URL.createObjectURL(input.files[0])
// set default URL so that you have something to look at:
img.src = ""
# ╔═╡ 54f79f6e-b865-11ea-2f16-ff76fe1f14ed
@bind upload_data ph
# ╔═╡ 212d10d6-b7ae-11ea-1434-fb7d45aaf278
md"The (black-and-white) image data is now available as a Julia 2D array:"
# ╔═╡ c8f52288-b7a9-11ea-02b7-698ec1d06357
img_data = let
# every 4th byte is the Red pixel value
reds = UInt8.(upload_data["data"][1:4:end])
# shuffle and flip to get it in the right shape
( reshape(reds, (upload_data["width"], upload_data["height"]))') / 255.0
# ╔═╡ 42578c50-b7ae-11ea-2f7d-6b8b3df44aed
md"This notebook defines a type `BWImage` that can be used to turn 2D Float arrays into a picture!"
# ╔═╡ 90715ff6-b7ae-11ea-3780-1d227049322c
md"You can use `img_data` like any other Julia 2D array! For example, here is the top left corner of your image:"
# ╔═╡ 7c8b8c96-b7ae-11ea-149d-61d29d35847c
md"## Step 2: running the SVD
The Julia standard library package `LinearAlgebra` contains a method to compute the SVD. "
# ╔═╡ a404b9f8-b7ab-11ea-0b07-a733a3c4f353
📚 = svd(img_data);
# ╔═╡ 07834ab8-b7ba-11ea-0279-77179671d826
md"Let's look at the result."
# ╔═╡ a8039914-b7ce-11ea-25fe-03f554383d31
# ╔═╡ 9765a090-b7b0-11ea-3c1f-e5a8ac58d7de
#[📚.U, 📚.S, 📚.V]
# ╔═╡ fe4c70fe-b7b0-11ea-232b-1996facd33a0
md"Let's verify the identity
$A = U \Sigma V^{\intercal}$"
# ╔═╡ dbfa7a96-b7b0-11ea-2737-c7bfd486db3c
img_data_reconstructed = 📚.U * Diagonal(📚.S) * 📚.V'
# ╔═╡ 8e7cb972-b7b1-11ea-2c4d-ed583218740a
md"Are they equal?"
# ╔═╡ 917b7e88-b7b1-11ea-1d05-ef95e73ff181
img_data == img_data_reconstructed
# ╔═╡ 4df00b20-b7b1-11ea-0836-41314f8a2d35
md"It looks like they are **not** equal - how come?
Since we are using a _computer_, the decomposition and multiplication both introduce some numerical errors. So instead of checking whether the reconstructed matrix is _equal_ to the original, we can check how _close_ they are to each other."
# ╔═╡ 2199d7b2-b7b2-11ea-2e86-95b23658a538
md"One way to quantify the _distance_ between two matrices is to look at the **point-wise difference**. If the **sum** of all differences is close to 0, the matrices are almost equal."
# ╔═╡ 315955ac-b7b1-11ea-31a1-31a206c2ab72
p1_dist = sum(abs.(img_data_reconstructed - img_data))
# ╔═╡ 489b7c9c-b7b1-11ea-3a54-87bd17341b2c
md"There are other ways to compare two matrices, such methods are called _**matrix norms**_."
# ╔═╡ a6dcc77c-b7b2-11ea-0c7d-d5686603d182
md"### The 👀-norm"
# ╔═╡ b15d683c-b7b2-11ea-1090-b392950bedb6
md"Another popular matrix norm is the **👀_-norm_**: you turn both matrices into a picture, and use your 👀 to see how close they are:"
# ╔═╡ 064d5a78-b7b3-11ea-399c-f968bf9c910a
md"""**How similar are these images?** $(@bind 👀_dist html"<input>")"""
# ╔═╡ 2c7c8cdc-b7b3-11ea-166c-cfd232fd2004
# ╔═╡ 64e51904-b7b3-11ea-0f72-359d63261b21
md"In some applications, like _**image compression**_, this is the _most imporant norm_."
# ╔═╡ d2de4480-b7b0-11ea-143d-033dc76cf6bc
md"## Step 3: compression"
# ╔═╡ 79a01d50-b7b1-11ea-27ee-4161da276cde
# ╔═╡ 1e866730-b7ac-11ea-3df1-9f7f92d504db
@bind keep HTML("<input type='range' max='$(length(📚.S))' value='10'>")
# ╔═╡ 9b18067e-b7b3-11ea-0372-d351201a0e7d
md"Showing the **first $(keep) singular pairs**."
# ╔═╡ dc229eae-b87a-11ea-33c8-83552d0fc8e3
# ╔═╡ 2fdd76dc-b7ce-11ea-12b1-59aa1c44ebbe
md"### Store fewer bytes"
# ╔═╡ 3bb96bf2-b7cc-11ea-377f-2d5d3f04e96d
#compressed_size(keep), uncompressed_size()
# ╔═╡ 075510e6-b7cc-11ea-1abe-8725d3153c12
function uncompressed_size()
num_el = length(img_data)
return num_el * 8 ÷ 8
# ╔═╡ db5c4ad6-b7cb-11ea-096f-a35ef7bc2c7c
function compressed_size(keep)
num_el = (
length(📚.U[:,1:keep]) +
length(📚.S[1:keep]) +
return num_el * 16 ÷ 8
# ╔═╡ 906a267a-b7ca-11ea-1e73-a56b7e7c9115
#BWImage(Float16.(F.U)[:,1:keep] * Diagonal(Float16.(F.S[1:keep])) * Float16.(F.V)'[1:keep,:])
# ╔═╡ 444bc786-b7ce-11ea-0016-ff1fbb17d736
md"JPEG works in a similar way"
# ╔═╡ 1c55bd84-b7c9-11ea-0aa5-b95f58fae242
md"### Individual pairs"
# ╔═╡ 27a61bb6-b7c9-11ea-0122-09850dc4322c
@bind pair_index HTML("<input type='range' min='1' max='$(length(📚.S))' value='10'>")
# ╔═╡ 779fc8e6-b7c9-11ea-0d74-4da167b76227
normalize_mat(A, p=2) = A ./ norm(A, p)
# ╔═╡ 7485990a-b7af-11ea-10e4-53a3ab5dcea7
md"## Going further
More stuff to learn about SVD
To keep things simple (and dependency-free), this notebook only works with downscaled black-and-white images that you pick using the button. For **color**, **larger images**, or **images from your disk**, you should look into the [`Images.jl`]( package!"
# ╔═╡ 34de1bc0-b795-11ea-2cac-bbbc496133ad
struct BWImage
data::Array{UInt8, 2}
function BWImage(data::Array{T, 2}) where T <: AbstractFloat
BWImage(floor.(UInt8, clamp.(data * 255, 0, 255)))
import Base: show
function show(io::IO, ::MIME"image/bmp", i::BWImage)
height, width = size(
datawidth = Integer(ceil(width / 4)) * 4
bmp_header_size = 14
dib_header_size = 40
palette_size = 256 * 4
data_size = datawidth * height * 1
# BMP header
write(io, 0x42, 0x4d)
write(io, UInt32(bmp_header_size + dib_header_size + palette_size + data_size))
write(io, 0x00, 0x00)
write(io, 0x00, 0x00)
write(io, UInt32(bmp_header_size + dib_header_size + palette_size))
# DIB header
write(io, UInt32(dib_header_size))
write(io, Int32(width))
write(io, Int32(-height))
write(io, UInt16(1))
write(io, UInt16(8))
write(io, UInt32(0))
write(io, UInt32(0))
write(io, 0x12, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x00)
write(io, 0x12, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x00)
write(io, UInt32(0))
write(io, UInt32(0))
# color palette
write(io, [[x, x, x, 0x00] for x in UInt8.(0:255)]...)
# data
padding = fill(0x00, datawidth - width)
for y in 1:height
write(io,[y,:], padding)
# ╔═╡ 64ca87b0-b7ae-11ea-384d-0ddb81bdb366
uploaded_image = BWImage(img_data)
# ╔═╡ b8f3fa2e-b7ae-11ea-1089-3d08cd1e7874
# the first coordinate is vertical, the second is horizontal (it's a matrix!)
half_height = size(img_data)[1] ÷ 2
half_width = size(img_data)[2] ÷ 2
topleft = img_data[1:half_height, 1:half_width]
# ╔═╡ f0e75616-b7b2-11ea-1187-714258b32e84
[BWImage(img_data), BWImage(img_data_reconstructed)]
# ╔═╡ 04c34a64-b7ac-11ea-0cc0-6709153eaf18
📚.U[:,1:keep] *
Diagonal(📚.S[1:keep]) *
# ╔═╡ 3909738e-b7d1-11ea-0e12-955a86967870
[md"# Hi", md"_there_", [BWImage(
📚.U[:,1:keep] *
Diagonal(📚.S[1:keep]) *
) for keep in 0:20]...]
# ╔═╡ 379d608c-b7c9-11ea-1ae2-89a2713a91ff
📚.U[:,pair_index:pair_index] *
Diagonal(📚.S[pair_index:pair_index]) *
), Inf))
# ╔═╡ Cell order:
# ╟─d7eadad2-b7ad-11ea-22e3-f1e5ded42255
# ╠═dfd0317e-b85f-11ea-3f2b-fd95c87a0a69
# ╟─d6f2ee1c-b7ad-11ea-0e1c-fb21a58c5711
# ╠═841551d2-b861-11ea-08de-c180ca50b9be
# ╠═8c0caad4-b861-11ea-3aab-83e4d3718aa9
# ╠═74cac824-b861-11ea-37e9-e97065879618
# ╠═711bdf40-b7a5-11ea-2605-97b5d7f7e938
# ╠═54f79f6e-b865-11ea-2f16-ff76fe1f14ed
# ╟─212d10d6-b7ae-11ea-1434-fb7d45aaf278
# ╟─c8f52288-b7a9-11ea-02b7-698ec1d06357
# ╟─42578c50-b7ae-11ea-2f7d-6b8b3df44aed
# ╠═64ca87b0-b7ae-11ea-384d-0ddb81bdb366
# ╟─90715ff6-b7ae-11ea-3780-1d227049322c
# ╠═b8f3fa2e-b7ae-11ea-1089-3d08cd1e7874
# ╟─7c8b8c96-b7ae-11ea-149d-61d29d35847c
# ╠═fcac2038-b7aa-11ea-1320-355e0731afb4
# ╠═a404b9f8-b7ab-11ea-0b07-a733a3c4f353
# ╟─07834ab8-b7ba-11ea-0279-77179671d826
# ╠═a8039914-b7ce-11ea-25fe-03f554383d31
# ╠═9765a090-b7b0-11ea-3c1f-e5a8ac58d7de
# ╟─fe4c70fe-b7b0-11ea-232b-1996facd33a0
# ╠═dbfa7a96-b7b0-11ea-2737-c7bfd486db3c
# ╟─8e7cb972-b7b1-11ea-2c4d-ed583218740a
# ╠═917b7e88-b7b1-11ea-1d05-ef95e73ff181
# ╟─4df00b20-b7b1-11ea-0836-41314f8a2d35
# ╟─2199d7b2-b7b2-11ea-2e86-95b23658a538
# ╠═315955ac-b7b1-11ea-31a1-31a206c2ab72
# ╟─489b7c9c-b7b1-11ea-3a54-87bd17341b2c
# ╟─a6dcc77c-b7b2-11ea-0c7d-d5686603d182
# ╟─b15d683c-b7b2-11ea-1090-b392950bedb6
# ╟─f0e75616-b7b2-11ea-1187-714258b32e84
# ╟─064d5a78-b7b3-11ea-399c-f968bf9c910a
# ╠═2c7c8cdc-b7b3-11ea-166c-cfd232fd2004
# ╟─64e51904-b7b3-11ea-0f72-359d63261b21
# ╟─d2de4480-b7b0-11ea-143d-033dc76cf6bc
# ╟─79a01d50-b7b1-11ea-27ee-4161da276cde
# ╟─1e866730-b7ac-11ea-3df1-9f7f92d504db
# ╟─9b18067e-b7b3-11ea-0372-d351201a0e7d
# ╠═04c34a64-b7ac-11ea-0cc0-6709153eaf18
# ╠═3909738e-b7d1-11ea-0e12-955a86967870
# ╠═dc229eae-b87a-11ea-33c8-83552d0fc8e3
# ╟─2fdd76dc-b7ce-11ea-12b1-59aa1c44ebbe
# ╠═3bb96bf2-b7cc-11ea-377f-2d5d3f04e96d
# ╠═075510e6-b7cc-11ea-1abe-8725d3153c12
# ╠═db5c4ad6-b7cb-11ea-096f-a35ef7bc2c7c
# ╠═906a267a-b7ca-11ea-1e73-a56b7e7c9115
# ╟─444bc786-b7ce-11ea-0016-ff1fbb17d736
# ╟─1c55bd84-b7c9-11ea-0aa5-b95f58fae242
# ╟─27a61bb6-b7c9-11ea-0122-09850dc4322c
# ╠═379d608c-b7c9-11ea-1ae2-89a2713a91ff
# ╠═779fc8e6-b7c9-11ea-0d74-4da167b76227
# ╟─7485990a-b7af-11ea-10e4-53a3ab5dcea7
# ╠═34de1bc0-b795-11ea-2cac-bbbc496133ad
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Sh4pe commented Aug 27, 2020

Awesome! 👍

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Sh4pe commented Aug 27, 2020

In your JuliaCon Video, you showed a custom input element at 16:25 (rectangle_widget). Can you post the link to this? Whould be really helpful for learning how to define such elements.

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fonsp commented Aug 27, 2020

Sure! That one is in the Interactivity sample notebook

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