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Created October 28, 2023 23:46
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ascii mapper for shadertoy keyboard/font demo
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# For
maps = [0] * 256
shifts = [False] * 256
for i in range(16,20):
maps[i] = i+21
maps[ord(' ')] = 32
# !
maps[ord('!')] = 49
shifts[ord('!')] = True
# "
maps[ord('"')] = 222 # apostrophe
shifts[ord('"')] = True
# #
maps[ord('#')] = 51
shifts[ord('#')] = True
# $
maps[ord('$')] = 52
shifts[ord('$')] = True
# %
maps[ord('%')] = 53
shifts[ord('%')] = True
# &
maps[ord('&')] = 55
shifts[ord('&')] = True
# '
maps[ord('\'')] = 222
shifts[ord('\'')] = False
# (
maps[ord('(')] = 57
shifts[ord('(')] = True
# )
maps[ord(')')] = 48
shifts[ord(')')] = True
# *
maps[ord('*')] = 56
shifts[ord('*')] = True
# +
maps[ord('+')] = 187
shifts[ord('+')] = True
# ,
maps[ord(',')] = 188
shifts[ord(',')] = True
# -
maps[ord('-')] = 189
shifts[ord('-')] = False
# .
maps[ord('.')] = 190
shifts[ord('.')] = False
# /
maps[ord('/')] = 191
shifts[ord('/')] = False
# 0
maps[ord('0')] = 48
shifts[ord('0')] = False
# 1-9
for i in range(49,58):
maps[i] = i
shifts[i] = False
# :
maps[ord(':')] = 186
shifts[ord(':')] = True
# ;
maps[ord(';')] = 186
shifts[ord(';')] = False
# <
maps[ord('<')] = 188
shifts[ord('<')] = True
# =
maps[ord('=')] = 187
shifts[ord('=')] = False
# >
maps[ord('>')] = 190
shifts[ord('>')] = True
# ?
maps[ord('?')] = 191
shifts[ord('?')] = True
# @
maps[ord('@')] = 50
shifts[ord('@')] = True
# A-Z
for i in range(65,91):
maps[i] = i
shifts[i] = True
# [
maps[ord('[')] = 219
shifts[ord('[')] = False
# \
maps[ord('\\')] = 220
shifts[ord('\\')] = False
# ]
maps[ord(']')] = 221
shifts[ord(']')] = False
# ^
maps[ord('^')] = 54
shifts[ord('^')] = True
# _
maps[ord('_')] = 189
shifts[ord('_')] = True
# `
maps[ord('`')] = 192
shifts[ord('`')] = False
# a-z
for i in range(97,123):
maps[i] = i-32
shifts[i] = False
# {
maps[ord('{')] = 219
shifts[ord('{')] = True
# |
maps[ord('|')] = 220
shifts[ord('|')] = True
# }
maps[ord('}')] = 221
shifts[ord('}')] = True
# ~
maps[ord('}')] = 192
shifts[ord('}')] = True
# Shift
maps[167] = 16 ##
shifts[167] = False
# Backspace
maps[2] = 46 ## "Backward play symbol"
shifts[2] = False
# Del
maps[5] = 8 ## "Forward play symbol"
shifts[5] = False
# Tab
maps[20] = 9 ## "double-ended Left/right arrow"
shifts[20] = False
# Enter
maps[182] = 13 ## "Paragraph symbol
shifts[182] = False
# Ctrl
maps[199] = 17 # Diacritical C
shifts[199] = False
# LEFT Alt
maps[192] = 91 # Diacritical A
shifts[192] = False
maps[193] = 93 # Diacritical A
shifts[193] = False
# Esc
maps[200] = 27 # Diacritical E
shifts[200] = False
# PgUp
maps[0] = 33 # Previous Track
shifts[0] = False
# PgDn
maps[8] = 34 # Next Track
shifts[8] = False
# End
maps[187] = 35 # fast fwd
shifts[187] = False
# Home
maps[171] = 36 # fast rev
shifts[171] = False
comments = {}
comments[0] = '0: Prev Track'
comments[16] = '16: left arrow'
comments[32] = '32: space'
comments[48] = '48: 0'
comments[64] = '64: @'
comments[80] = '80: P'
comments[96] = '96: `'
comments[112] = '112: p'
comments[128] = '128: alpha'
comments[144] = '144: GAMMA'
comments[160] = '160: undefined?'
comments[176] = '176: degree?'
comments[192] = '192: Diacritical A'
comments[208] = '208: Diacritical D'
comments[224] = '224: Diacritical a'
comments[240] = '240: Diacritical delta'
print('uint ascii_to_keycode_map[64] = uint[64](')
for i in range(0,256,4):
if i in comments:
print('\t//', comments[i])
if i%16 == 0:
print('\t', end='')
val = (maps[i]<<24) | (maps[i+1]<<16) | (maps[i+2]<<8) | (maps[i+3])
print(str.format('0x%08Xu' % val), end='')
if(i != 252):
print(', ', end='')
if i%16 == 12:
print('uint ascii_to_keycode_shift_map[8] = uint[8](')
for i in range(0,256,32):
if i in comments:
print('\t//', comments[i])
print('\t', end='')
val = 0
for j in range(32):
val <<= 1
if shifts[i+j]:
val += 1
print(str.format('0x%08Xu' % val), end='')
if(i != 224):
print(',', end='')
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