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Last active November 15, 2015 23:09
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octoprint client libs
var App = function(ready) {
var self = this;
self.config = {
options : {baseurl: "http://localhost:5000", apikey:"raspberry"},
scripts: ["/static/webassets/packed_libs.js", "/static/webassets/packed_client.js"]
self.load = function(idx) {
idx = idx || 0;
if (idx === self.config.scripts.length) return self.done();
var tag = document.createElement("script");
tag.setAttribute("src", self.config.options.baseurl + self.config.scripts[idx]);
tag.onload = function() {self.load(idx + 1);};
self.done = function() {
OctoPrint.options = self.config.options;
$(function() {
if (ready) ready();
// First pass at a TS wrapper for OctoPrint
interface browser {
login: (username, password, remember, opts) => any;
passiveLogin: (opts) => any;
logout: (opts) => any;
interface connection {
getSettings: (opts) => any;
connect: (data, opts) => any;
disconnect: (opts) => any;
fakeAck: (opts) => any;
interface control {
getCustomControls: (opts) => any;
sendGcode: (commands, opts) => any;
sendGcodeScript: (script, context, opts) => any;
interface files {
list: (opts) => any;
listForLocation: (location, opts) => any;
select: (location, filename, print, opts) => any;
slice: (location, filename, parameters, opts) => any;
delete: (location, filename, opts) => any;
upload: (location, file, data) => any;
download: (location, filename, opts) => any;
interface job {
get: (opts) => any;
start: (opts) => any;
restart: (opts) => any;
pause: (opts) => any;
cancel: (opts) => any;
interface languages {
list: (opts) => any;
upload: (file) => any;
delete: (locale, pack, opts) => any;
interface logs {
list: (opts) => any;
delete: (file, opts) => any;
download: (file, opts) => any;
interface printer {
getFullState: (data, opts) => any;
getToolState: (data, opts) => any;
getBedState: (data, opts) => any;
getSdState: (opts) => any;
jog: (data, opts) => any;
home: (axes, opts) => any;
setFeedrate: (factor, opts) => any;
setToolTargetTemperatures: (targets, opts) => any;
setToolTemperatureOffsets: (offsets, opts) => any;
selectTool: (tool, opts) => any;
extrude: (amount, opts) => any;
setFlowrate: (factor, opts) => any;
setBedTargetTemperature: (temperature, opts) => any;
setBedTemperatureOffset: (offset, opts) => any;
initSd: (opts) => any;
refreshSd: (opts) => any;
releaseSd: (opts) => any;
interface printerprofiles {
get: (opts) => any;
add: (profile, additional, opts) => any;
update: (id, profile, additional, opts) => any;
delete: (id, opts) => any;
interface settings {
getPluginSettings: (plugin, opts) => any;
savePluginSettings: (plugin, settings, opts) => any;
interface slicing {
listAllSlicersAndProfiles: (opts) => any;
listProfilesForSlicer: (slicer, opts) => any;
getProfileForSlicer: (slicer, profileId, opts) => any;
addProfileForSlicer: (slicer, profileId, profile, opts) => any;
updateProfileForSlicer: (slicer, profileId, profile, opts) => any;
deleteProfileForSlicer: (slicer, profileId, opts) => any;
interface system {
getCommands: (opts) => any;
getCommandsForSource: (source, opts) => any;
executeCommand: (source, action, opts) => any;
interface timelapse {
list: (opts) => any;
download: (filename, opts) => any;
delete: (filename, opts) => any;
getConfig: (opts) => any;
saveConfig: (config, opts) => any;
interface users {
list: (opts) => any;
add: (user, opts) => any;
get: (name, opts) => any;
update: (name, active, admin, opts) => any;
delete: (name, opts) => any;
changePassword: (name, password, opts) => any;
generateApiKey: (name, opts) => any;
resetApiKey: (name, opts) => any;
getSettings: (name, opts) => any;
saveSettings: (name, settings, opts) => any;
interface util {
testPath: (path, additional, opts) => any;
testExecutable: (path, additional, opts) => any;
testUrl: (url, additional, opts) => any;
interface wizard {
get: (opts) => any;
finish: (handled, opts) => any;
interface Printer {
browser: browser;
connection: connection;
control: control;
files: files;
job: job;
languages: languages;
logs: logs;
printer: printer;
printerprofiles: printerprofiles;
settings: settings;
slicing: slicing;
system: system;
timelapse: timelapse;
users: users;
util: util;
wizard: wizard;
class Octo {
static options = { baseurl: "http://myprinter", apikey: "myapikey" };
static Print: Printer = Octo.getPrinter();
private static getPrinter() {
var ret = window["OctoPrint"];
ret.options = Octo.options;
return ret;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="jquery-2.1.4.js"></script>
<script src="lodash.min.js"></script>
<script src="knockout.js"></script>
<script src="packed_client.js"></script>
var vm = {
options: {baseurl: "http://myprinter", apikey: "myapikey" },
status: ko.observable(""),
refresh: function() {
OctoPrint.options = vm.options;
OctoPrint.printer.getFullState().done(function (data) {
$(function () {
<div data-bind="text: status"></div>
<hr />
<button data-bind="click: refresh">refresh</button>
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