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Created May 8, 2011 21:55
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Save foogoof/961719 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
trying to verify a sequence of messages in one vows.js test
// vows calls transmute, which registers trap as the listener to all specified events
// node sends each message to the trap() callback
// FAIL: trap calls this.callback with its arguments
// PASS: trap calls this.callback with a property which cached arguments from each invocation of trap
// HOWTO pass / fail: toggle the conditional at line 152
// revised sample output:
// DEBUG: { event: 'Raw Text', rows: 'hello' }
// DEBUG: { trapped_values: [ 'hello' ] }
// DEBUG: { remainder: '\u001b[B' }
// DEBUG: { event: 'Cursor Down', rows: 1 }
// DEBUG: { trapped_values: [ 1 ] }
// DEBUG: { received_actual_results: [ 'hello', [ 1 ] ] }
// ·
// ✓ OK » 1 honored (0.006s)
// DEBUG: { received_actual_results: [ 'hello', [ 1 ] ] }
// ·
// FAIL (from node)
// DEBUG: { event: 'Raw Text', rows: 'hello' }
// DEBUG: { trapped_values: [ 'hello' ] }
// DEBUG: { remainder: '\u001b[B' }
// DEBUG: { event: 'Cursor Down', rows: 1 }
// DEBUG: { trapped_values: [ 1 ] }
// DEBUG: { received_actual_results: [ 'hello' ] }
// DEBUG: { actual: [ 'hello' ], expected: [ 'hello', [ 1 ] ] }
// ✗
// friendly data data then control
// ✗ should be two lines
// » expected expression to evaluate to true, but was false // foo.js:155
// ✗ Broken » 1 broken (0.012s)
// DEBUG: { received_actual_results: [ 1 ] }
// DEBUG: { actual: [ 1 ], expected: [ 'hello', [ 1 ] ] }
// ✗
// FAIL (from vows)
// vows foo.js
// DEBUG: { event: 'Raw Text', rows: 'hello' }
// DEBUG: { trapped_values: [ 'hello' ] }
// DEBUG: { remainder: '\u001b[B' }
// DEBUG: { event: 'Cursor Down', rows: 1 }
// DEBUG: { trapped_values: [ 1 ] }
// DEBUG: { received_actual_results: [ 'hello' ] }
// DEBUG: { actual: [ 'hello' ], expected: [ 'hello', [ 1 ] ] }
// ✗
// friendly data data then control
// ✗ should be two lines
// » expected expression to evaluate to true, but was false // foo.js:169
// ✗ Broken » 1 broken (0.008s)
// HOWTO run: node recall_this_callback.js
// environment: vows 0.5.8, node 0.4.6
// PLEASE NOTE: this code is really awkward and crude at this point in its life
var vows = require('vows'),
assert = require('assert'),
_ = require('underscore'),
events = require('events'),
util = require('util');
var suite = vows.describe('ansi control seq callback test');
var debug_inspect = _.compose(util.debug, util.inspect);
var read_all_codes = function(val) {
var remainder = val;
do {
remainder = this.read_code(remainder);
if (remainder) debug_inspect({remainder: remainder});
} while (remainder);
// Code intentionally crude, working slowly towards a general solution
var read_code = function(val) {
var event = undefined;
var rows = undefined;
var next_escape = val.indexOf('\x1b');
var remainder = '';
if (-1 === next_escape) {
event = 'Raw Text';
rows = val;
else if (0 !== next_escape) {
event = 'Raw Text';
rows = val.substring(0, next_escape);
remainder = val.slice(next_escape);
else if (0 === next_escape) {
if (1 === val.indexOf('[')) {
if (val.match(/A$/) ) {
event = 'Cursor Up';
} else if (val.match(/B$/)) {
event = 'Cursor Down';
if (val.match(/\[2/)) {
rows = 2;
} else if (val.match(/\[1/) || val.match(/\[[^\d]/)) {
rows = 1;
} else if (1 === val.indexOf(')')) {
event = 'setspecg1';
debug_inspect({event:event, rows:rows});
if (event) {
this.emit(event, rows);
return remainder;
var Machine = (function() {
util.inherits(Machine, events.EventEmitter);
function Machine() { } = read_all_codes;
Machine.prototype.read_code = read_code;
return Machine;
var transmute = function(event, value) {
return function() {
var machine = new Machine();
var trap = function() {
var args = _.compact(arguments);
debug_inspect({trapped_values: args});
if (false) {
this.callback(null, args);
} else {
if (!this.pool)
this.pool = args;
this.callback(null, this.pool);
if (!_.isArray(event)) {
event = [event];
var that = this;
_.each(event, function(evt) {
machine.on(evt, _.bind(trap, that));
var match_params = function(expected) {
return function(err, actual) {
assert.equal(err, undefined);
if (!_.isEqual(actual, expected)) {
debug_inspect({'actual': actual, 'expected': expected});
assert.ok(_.isEqual(actual, expected));
var flat_data_tests = {
'data then control': {
topic: transmute(['Raw Text', 'Cursor Down'], 'hello\x1b[B'),
'should be two lines': match_params(['hello',[1]])
suite.addBatch({'friendly data': flat_data_tests});
suite.export(module); // required when code from CLI exe
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