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Created June 29, 2020 21:59
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  • Save foolem/7087bd69fe5ec67b49893a6b690ffefd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save foolem/7087bd69fe5ec67b49893a6b690ffefd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const icons = [
name: "AiFillAccountBook",
set: "ai",
translations: "conta,livro,",
name: "AiFillAlert",
set: "ai",
translations: "alerta,",
name: "AiFillAlipayCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "pagar,",
name: "AiFillAlipaySquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "pagar,quadrado,",
name: "AiFillAliwangwang",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillAmazonCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
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name: "AiFillAndroid",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillApi",
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translations: "",
name: "AiFillApple",
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name: "AiFillAppstore",
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translations: "",
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translations: "",
name: "AiFillCalculator",
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name: "AiFillCalendar",
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name: "AiFillChrome",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillCiCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
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name: "AiFillCode",
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set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillCompass",
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name: "AiFillContacts",
set: "ai",
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translations: "",
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translations: "",
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name: "AiFillDiff",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
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set: "ai",
translations: "",
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set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillDislike",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillDollarCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "AiFillDownCircle",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillDownSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "baixo,quadrado,",
name: "AiFillDribbbleCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillDribbbleSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "AiFillDropboxCircle",
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name: "AiFillDropboxSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "quadrado,caixa,",
name: "AiFillEdit",
set: "ai",
translations: "editar,editar,",
name: "AiFillEnvironment",
set: "ai",
translations: "ambiente,ferro,",
name: "AiFillEuroCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillExclamationCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "exclamação,",
name: "AiFillExperiment",
set: "ai",
translations: "experimento,",
name: "AiFillEyeInvisible",
set: "ai",
translations: "olho,olhar,invisivel,",
name: "AiFillEye",
set: "ai",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "AiFillFacebook",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillFastBackward",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillFile",
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name: "AiFillFlag",
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name: "AiFillFormatPainter",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillForward",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillFrown",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillFund",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillFunnelPlot",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillGift",
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set: "ai",
translations: "",
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set: "ai",
translations: "",
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set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillGoogleCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
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set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillGooglePlusSquare",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillGoogleSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "AiFillHdd",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillHeart",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillHighlight",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillHome",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillHourglass",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillHtml5",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillIdcard",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillIeCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillIeSquare",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillInfoCircle",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillInstagram",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillInsurance",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillInteraction",
set: "ai",
translations: "interação,",
name: "AiFillLayout",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
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set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "AiFillLeftSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,quadrado,",
name: "AiFillLike",
set: "ai",
translations: "gostar,estrela,favorito,",
name: "AiFillLinkedin",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillLock",
set: "ai",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "AiFillMacCommand",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillMail",
set: "ai",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "AiFillMedicineBox",
set: "ai",
translations: "remedio,medico,caixa,",
name: "AiFillMediumCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillMediumSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "AiFillMeh",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillMessage",
set: "ai",
translations: "mensagem,",
name: "AiFillMinusCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "menos,",
name: "AiFillMinusSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "menos,quadrado,",
name: "AiFillMobile",
set: "ai",
translations: "celular,telefone,",
name: "AiFillMoneyCollect",
set: "ai",
translations: "dinheiro,coletar,",
name: "AiFillNotification",
set: "ai",
translations: "notificação,",
name: "AiFillPauseCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "AiFillPayCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "pagar,",
name: "AiFillPhone",
set: "ai",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "AiFillPicture",
set: "ai",
translations: "foto,filme,imagem,filme,",
name: "AiFillPieChart",
set: "ai",
translations: "torta,grafico,",
name: "AiFillPlayCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "AiFillPlaySquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "iniciar,começar,quadrado,",
name: "AiFillPlusCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "AiFillPlusSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "mais,adicionar,quadrado,",
name: "AiFillPoundCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillPrinter",
set: "ai",
translations: "impressora,",
name: "AiFillProfile",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "AiFillProject",
set: "ai",
translations: "projeto,",
name: "AiFillPropertySafety",
set: "ai",
translations: "segurança,certificado,proteção,seguro,",
name: "AiFillPushpin",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillQqCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillQqSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "AiFillQuestionCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "questão,pergunta,",
name: "AiFillRead",
set: "ai",
translations: "ler,leitura,",
name: "AiFillReconciliation",
set: "ai",
translations: "reconciliação,",
name: "AiFillRedEnvelope",
set: "ai",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "AiFillRedditCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "AiFillRedditSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "vermelho,quadrado,",
name: "AiFillRest",
set: "ai",
translations: "descansar,",
name: "AiFillRightCircle",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillRightSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,quadrado,",
name: "AiFillRobot",
set: "ai",
translations: "robô,",
name: "AiFillRocket",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillSafetyCertificate",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillSave",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiFillSchedule",
set: "ai",
translations: "agendar,marcar,fim,",
name: "AiFillSecurityScan",
set: "ai",
translations: "segurança,",
name: "AiFillSetting",
set: "ai",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "AiFillShop",
set: "ai",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "AiFillShopping",
set: "ai",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "AiFillSignal",
set: "ai",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "AiFillSketchCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "rascunho,",
name: "AiFillSketchSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "rascunho,quadrado,",
name: "AiFillSkin",
set: "ai",
translations: "pele,",
name: "AiFillSkype",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillSlackCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillSlackSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "AiFillSliders",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillSmile",
set: "ai",
translations: "sorriso,",
name: "AiFillSnippets",
set: "ai",
translations: "bixo,animal,",
name: "AiFillSound",
set: "ai",
translations: "som,audio,",
name: "AiFillStar",
set: "ai",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "AiFillStepBackward",
set: "ai",
translations: "tras,passo,",
name: "AiFillStepForward",
set: "ai",
translations: "frente,passo,",
name: "AiFillStop",
set: "ai",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "AiFillSwitcher",
set: "ai",
translations: "interruptor,trocar,cima,controle,",
name: "AiFillTablet",
set: "ai",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "AiFillTag",
set: "ai",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "AiFillTags",
set: "ai",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "AiFillTaobaoCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillTaobaoSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "AiFillThunderbolt",
set: "ai",
translations: "trovão,raio,",
name: "AiFillTool",
set: "ai",
translations: "ferramenta,",
name: "AiFillTrademarkCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillTrophy",
set: "ai",
translations: "troféu,prêmio,",
name: "AiFillTwitterCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillTwitterSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "AiFillUnlock",
set: "ai",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,destrancar,abrir,",
name: "AiFillUpCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "cima,",
name: "AiFillUpSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "cima,quadrado,",
name: "AiFillUsb",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillVideoCamera",
set: "ai",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "AiFillWallet",
set: "ai",
translations: "carteira,",
name: "AiFillWarning",
set: "ai",
translations: "perigo,cuidado,",
name: "AiFillWechat",
set: "ai",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "AiFillWeiboCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillWeiboSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "AiFillWindows",
set: "ai",
translations: "vento,",
name: "AiFillYahoo",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillYoutube",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillYuque",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillZhihuCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiFillZhihuSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "AiOutlineAccountBook",
set: "ai",
translations: "conta,livro,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAim",
set: "ai",
translations: "mira,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAlert",
set: "ai",
translations: "alerta,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAlibaba",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAlignCenter",
set: "ai",
translations: "alinhar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAlignLeft",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,alinhar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAlignRight",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,alinhar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAlipayCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "pagar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAlipay",
set: "ai",
translations: "pagar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAliwangwang",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAliyun",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAmazon",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAndroid",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAntCloud",
set: "ai",
translations: "nuvem,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAntDesign",
set: "ai",
translations: "desenho,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineApartment",
set: "ai",
translations: "apartamento,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineApi",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineApple",
set: "ai",
translations: "maçã,aplicativo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAppstoreAdd",
set: "ai",
translations: "adicionar,ler,leitura,aplicativo,linha,loja,",
name: "AiOutlineAppstore",
set: "ai",
translations: "aplicativo,linha,loja,",
name: "AiOutlineAreaChart",
set: "ai",
translations: "grafico,linha,perto,",
name: "AiOutlineArrowDown",
set: "ai",
translations: "flecha,baixo,linha,perto,",
name: "AiOutlineArrowLeft",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,linha,perto,",
name: "AiOutlineArrowRight",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,flecha,linha,perto,",
name: "AiOutlineArrowUp",
set: "ai",
translations: "flecha,cima,linha,perto,",
name: "AiOutlineArrowsAlt",
set: "ai",
translations: "flecha,linha,perto,",
name: "AiOutlineAudioMuted",
set: "ai",
translations: "som,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAudio",
set: "ai",
translations: "som,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineAudit",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBackward",
set: "ai",
translations: "tras,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBank",
set: "ai",
translations: "banco,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBarChart",
set: "ai",
translations: "grafico,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBarcode",
set: "ai",
translations: "codigo,programar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBars",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBehanceSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "quadrado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBehance",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBell",
set: "ai",
translations: "sino,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBgColors",
set: "ai",
translations: "cor,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBlock",
set: "ai",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,linha,bloquear,bloco,",
name: "AiOutlineBold",
set: "ai",
translations: "forte,negrito,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBook",
set: "ai",
translations: "livro,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBorderBottom",
set: "ai",
translations: "baixo,ordem,ordenado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBorderHorizontal",
set: "ai",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBorderInner",
set: "ai",
translations: "dentro,interno,ordem,ordenado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBorderLeft",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,ordem,ordenado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBorderOuter",
set: "ai",
translations: "externo,fora,ordem,ordenado,rota,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBorderRight",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,ordem,ordenado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBorderTop",
set: "ai",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBorderVerticle",
set: "ai",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBorder",
set: "ai",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBorderlessTable",
set: "ai",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,mesa,linha,aba,",
name: "AiOutlineBoxPlot",
set: "ai",
translations: "caixa,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBranches",
set: "ai",
translations: "galho,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBug",
set: "ai",
translations: "inseto,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBuild",
set: "ai",
translations: "construir,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineBulb",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCalculator",
set: "ai",
translations: "calculadora,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCalendar",
set: "ai",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCamera",
set: "ai",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCar",
set: "ai",
translations: "carro,veiculo,automovel,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCaretDown",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiOutlineCaretLeft",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiOutlineCaretRight",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCaretUp",
set: "ai",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCarryOut",
set: "ai",
translations: "carregar,fora,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCheckCircle",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiOutlineCheckSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "checado,quadrado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCheck",
set: "ai",
translations: "checado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineChrome",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCiCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCi",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineClear",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,limpar,",
name: "AiOutlineClockCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCloseCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "fechar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCloseSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "fechar,quadrado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineClose",
set: "ai",
translations: "fechar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCloudDownload",
set: "ai",
translations: "nuvem,baixo,baixar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCloudServer",
set: "ai",
translations: "nuvem,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCloudSync",
set: "ai",
translations: "nuvem,sincronizar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCloudUpload",
set: "ai",
translations: "nuvem,cima,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCloud",
set: "ai",
translations: "nuvem,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCluster",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCodeSandbox",
set: "ai",
translations: "codigo,programar,caixa,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCode",
set: "ai",
translations: "codigo,programar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCodepenCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "codigo,programar,caneta,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCodepen",
set: "ai",
translations: "codigo,programar,caneta,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCoffee",
set: "ai",
translations: "café,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineColumnHeight",
set: "ai",
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name: "AiOutlineColumnWidth",
set: "ai",
translations: "coluna,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineComment",
set: "ai",
translations: "comentário,conversa,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCompass",
set: "ai",
translations: "bussola,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCompress",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineConsoleSql",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineContacts",
set: "ai",
translations: "contatos,contato,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineContainer",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineControl",
set: "ai",
translations: "controle,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCopy",
set: "ai",
translations: "copiar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCopyrightCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "copiar,direita,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCopyright",
set: "ai",
translations: "copiar,direita,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCreditCard",
set: "ai",
translations: "cartao,credito,vermelho,editar,linha,cartão,",
name: "AiOutlineCrown",
set: "ai",
translations: "coroa,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineCustomerService",
set: "ai",
translations: "cliente,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDash",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDashboard",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDatabase",
set: "ai",
translations: "dados,linha,aba,",
name: "AiOutlineDeleteColumn",
set: "ai",
translations: "remover,excluir,coluna,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDeleteRow",
set: "ai",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDelete",
set: "ai",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDeliveredProcedure",
set: "ai",
translations: "vermelho,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDeploymentUnit",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDesktop",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDiff",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDingding",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDingtalk",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDisconnect",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDislike",
set: "ai",
translations: "nao,não,gostar,estrela,favorito,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDollarCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "dinheiro,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDollar",
set: "ai",
translations: "dinheiro,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDotChart",
set: "ai",
translations: "grafico,ponto,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDoubleLeft",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDoubleRight",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDownCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "baixo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDownSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "baixo,quadrado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDown",
set: "ai",
translations: "baixo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDownload",
set: "ai",
translations: "baixo,baixar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDrag",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDribbbleSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "quadrado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDribbble",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineDropbox",
set: "ai",
translations: "caixa,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineEdit",
set: "ai",
translations: "editar,editar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineEllipsis",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineEnter",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineEnvironment",
set: "ai",
translations: "ambiente,ferro,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineEuroCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineEuro",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineException",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineExclamationCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "exclamação,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineExclamation",
set: "ai",
translations: "exclamação,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineExpandAlt",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineExpand",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineExperiment",
set: "ai",
translations: "experimento,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineExport",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineEyeInvisible",
set: "ai",
translations: "olho,olhar,invisivel,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineEye",
set: "ai",
translations: "olho,olhar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFacebook",
set: "ai",
translations: "livro,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFall",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFastBackward",
set: "ai",
translations: "tras,rapido,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFastForward",
set: "ai",
translations: "rapido,frente,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFieldBinary",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFieldNumber",
set: "ai",
translations: "número,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFieldString",
set: "ai",
translations: "sino,sinal,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFieldTime",
set: "ai",
translations: "tempo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFileAdd",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,adicionar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFileDone",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,pronto,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFileExcel",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFileExclamation",
set: "ai",
translations: "exclamação,arquivo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFileGif",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFileImage",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,imagem,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFileJpg",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFileMarkdown",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,baixo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFilePdf",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFilePpt",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFileProtect",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFileSearch",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,busca,procurar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFileSync",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,sincronizar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFileText",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFileUnknown",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFileWord",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFileZip",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFile",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFilter",
set: "ai",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFire",
set: "ai",
translations: "fogo,queimar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFlag",
set: "ai",
translations: "bandeira,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFolderAdd",
set: "ai",
translations: "adicionar,pasta,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFolderOpen",
set: "ai",
translations: "aberto,pasta,caneta,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFolderView",
set: "ai",
translations: "pasta,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFolder",
set: "ai",
translations: "pasta,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFontColors",
set: "ai",
translations: "cor,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFontSize",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,tamanho,",
name: "AiOutlineFork",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineForm",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFormatPainter",
set: "ai",
translations: "pintura,linha,formato,",
name: "AiOutlineForward",
set: "ai",
translations: "frente,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFrown",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFullscreenExit",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,cheio,",
name: "AiOutlineFullscreen",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,cheio,",
name: "AiOutlineFunction",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,função,",
name: "AiOutlineFundProjectionScreen",
set: "ai",
translations: "projeto,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFundView",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFund",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineFunnelPlot",
set: "ai",
translations: "funil,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineGateway",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineGif",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineGift",
set: "ai",
translations: "presente,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineGithub",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineGitlab",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineGlobal",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineGold",
set: "ai",
translations: "ouro,dourado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineGooglePlus",
set: "ai",
translations: "mais,adicionar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineGoogle",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineGroup",
set: "ai",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineHdd",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineHeart",
set: "ai",
translations: "coração,amor,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineHeatMap",
set: "ai",
translations: "mapa,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineHighlight",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineHistory",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineHome",
set: "ai",
translations: "casa,lar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineHourglass",
set: "ai",
translations: "ampulheta,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineHtml5",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineIdcard",
set: "ai",
translations: "identidadelinha,cartão,",
name: "AiOutlineIe",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineImport",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineInbox",
set: "ai",
translations: "caixa,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineInfoCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "informação,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineInfo",
set: "ai",
translations: "informação,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineInsertRowAbove",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineInsertRowBelow",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineInsertRowLeft",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineInsertRowRight",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineInstagram",
set: "ai",
translations: "etiqueta,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineInsurance",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineInteraction",
set: "ai",
translations: "interação,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineIssuesClose",
set: "ai",
translations: "fechar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineItalic",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineKey",
set: "ai",
translations: "chave,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLaptop",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLayout",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLeftCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLeftSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,quadrado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLeft",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLike",
set: "ai",
translations: "gostar,estrela,favorito,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLineChart",
set: "ai",
translations: "grafico,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLineHeight",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLine",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLink",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLinkedin",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLoading3Quarters",
set: "ai",
translations: "carregando,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLoading",
set: "ai",
translations: "carregando,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLock",
set: "ai",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLogin",
set: "ai",
translations: "entrar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineLogout",
set: "ai",
translations: "sair,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMacCommand",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMail",
set: "ai",
translations: "carta,email,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMan",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMedicineBox",
set: "ai",
translations: "remedio,medico,caixa,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMediumWorkmark",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMedium",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMeh",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMenuFold",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMenuUnfold",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMenu",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMergeCells",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMessage",
set: "ai",
translations: "mensagem,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMinusCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "menos,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMinusSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "menos,quadrado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMinus",
set: "ai",
translations: "menos,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMobile",
set: "ai",
translations: "celular,telefone,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMoneyCollect",
set: "ai",
translations: "dinheiro,coletar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMonitor",
set: "ai",
translations: "tela,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineMore",
set: "ai",
translations: "mais,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineNodeCollapse",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineNodeExpand",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineNodeIndex",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineNotification",
set: "ai",
translations: "notificação,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineNumber",
set: "ai",
translations: "número,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineOneToOne",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineOrderedList",
set: "ai",
translations: "vermelho,ordem,ordenado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePaperClip",
set: "ai",
translations: "papel,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePartition",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePauseCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "pausar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePause",
set: "ai",
translations: "pausar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePayCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "pagar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePercentage",
set: "ai",
translations: "etiqueta,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePhone",
set: "ai",
translations: "telefone,celular,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePicCenter",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePicLeft",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePicRight",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePicture",
set: "ai",
translations: "foto,filme,imagem,filme,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePieChart",
set: "ai",
translations: "torta,grafico,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePlayCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "iniciar,começar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePlaySquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "iniciar,começar,quadrado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePlusCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "mais,adicionar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePlusSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "mais,adicionar,quadrado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePlus",
set: "ai",
translations: "mais,adicionar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePoundCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePound",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePoweroff",
set: "ai",
translations: "desligar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePrinter",
set: "ai",
translations: "impressora,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineProfile",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineProject",
set: "ai",
translations: "projeto,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePropertySafety",
set: "ai",
translations: "segurança,certificado,proteção,seguro,linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePullRequest",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlinePushpin",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineQq",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineQrcode",
set: "ai",
translations: "codigo,programar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineQuestionCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "questão,pergunta,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineQuestion",
set: "ai",
translations: "questão,pergunta,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRadarChart",
set: "ai",
translations: "grafico,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRadiusBottomleft",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,baixo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRadiusBottomright",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,baixo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRadiusSetting",
set: "ai",
translations: "configuração,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRadiusUpleft",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,cima,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRadiusUpright",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,cima,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRead",
set: "ai",
translations: "ler,leitura,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineReconciliation",
set: "ai",
translations: "reconciliação,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRedEnvelope",
set: "ai",
translations: "vermelho,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineReddit",
set: "ai",
translations: "vermelho,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRedo",
set: "ai",
translations: "vermelho,refazer,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineReload",
set: "ai",
translations: "recarregar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRest",
set: "ai",
translations: "descansar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRetweet",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRightCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRightSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,quadrado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRight",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRise",
set: "ai",
translations: "levantar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRobot",
set: "ai",
translations: "robô,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRocket",
set: "ai",
translations: "foguete,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRollback",
set: "ai",
translations: "voltar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRotateLeft",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineRotateRight",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSafetyCertificate",
set: "ai",
translations: "segurança,certificado,proteção,seguro,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSafety",
set: "ai",
translations: "segurança,certificado,proteção,seguro,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSave",
set: "ai",
translations: "salvar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineScan",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSchedule",
set: "ai",
translations: "agendar,marcar,fim,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineScissor",
set: "ai",
translations: "tesoura,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSearch",
set: "ai",
translations: "busca,procurar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSecurityScan",
set: "ai",
translations: "segurança,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSelect",
set: "ai",
translations: "selecionar,seleção,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSend",
set: "ai",
translations: "enviar,envio,fim,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSetting",
set: "ai",
translations: "configuração,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineShake",
set: "ai",
translations: "balançar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineShareAlt",
set: "ai",
translations: "compartilhar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineShop",
set: "ai",
translations: "comprar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineShoppingCart",
set: "ai",
translations: "comprar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineShopping",
set: "ai",
translations: "comprar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineShrink",
set: "ai",
translations: "encolher,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSisternode",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSketch",
set: "ai",
translations: "rascunho,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSkin",
set: "ai",
translations: "pele,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSkype",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSlackSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "quadrado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSlack",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSliders",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSmallDash",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSmile",
set: "ai",
translations: "sorriso,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSnippets",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,bixo,animal,",
name: "AiOutlineSolution",
set: "ai",
translations: "solução,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSortAscending",
set: "ai",
translations: "ordenar,fim,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSortDescending",
set: "ai",
translations: "ordenar,fim,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSound",
set: "ai",
translations: "som,audio,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSplitCells",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineStar",
set: "ai",
translations: "estrela,favorito,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineStepBackward",
set: "ai",
translations: "tras,passo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineStepForward",
set: "ai",
translations: "frente,passo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineStock",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineStop",
set: "ai",
translations: "parar,pare,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineStrikethrough",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSubnode",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSwapLeft",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,trocar,troca,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSwapRight",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,trocar,troca,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSwap",
set: "ai",
translations: "trocar,troca,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSwitcher",
set: "ai",
translations: "interruptor,trocar,cima,controle,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineSync",
set: "ai",
translations: "sincronizar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineTable",
set: "ai",
translations: "mesa,linha,aba,",
name: "AiOutlineTablet",
set: "ai",
translations: "mesa,linha,aba,",
name: "AiOutlineTag",
set: "ai",
translations: "etiqueta,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineTags",
set: "ai",
translations: "etiqueta,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineTaobaoCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineTaobao",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineTeam",
set: "ai",
translations: "time,equipe,tempo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineThunderbolt",
set: "ai",
translations: "trovão,raio,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineToTop",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineTool",
set: "ai",
translations: "ferramenta,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineTrademarkCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineTrademark",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineTransaction",
set: "ai",
translations: "transação,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineTranslation",
set: "ai",
translations: "tradução,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineTrophy",
set: "ai",
translations: "troféu,prêmio,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineTwitter",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUnderline",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUndo",
set: "ai",
translations: "desfazer,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUngroup",
set: "ai",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUnlock",
set: "ai",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,destrancar,abrir,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUnorderedList",
set: "ai",
translations: "vermelho,ordem,ordenado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUpCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUpSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "cima,quadrado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUp",
set: "ai",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUpload",
set: "ai",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUsb",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUserAdd",
set: "ai",
translations: "adicionar,usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUserDelete",
set: "ai",
translations: "remover,usuario,excluir,pessoa,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUserSwitch",
set: "ai",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,controle,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUser",
set: "ai",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUsergroupAdd",
set: "ai",
translations: "adicionar,cima,usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineUsergroupDelete",
set: "ai",
translations: "remover,cima,usuario,excluir,pessoa,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineVerified",
set: "ai",
translations: "verificado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineVerticalAlignBottom",
set: "ai",
translations: "alinhar,baixo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineVerticalAlignMiddle",
set: "ai",
translations: "alinhar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineVerticalAlignTop",
set: "ai",
translations: "alinhar,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineVerticalLeft",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,ligação,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineVerticalRight",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineVideoCameraAdd",
set: "ai",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,adicionar,imagem,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineVideoCamera",
set: "ai",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineWallet",
set: "ai",
translations: "carteira,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineWarning",
set: "ai",
translations: "perigo,cuidado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineWechat",
set: "ai",
translations: "conversa,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineWeiboCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineWeiboSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "quadrado,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineWeibo",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineWhatsApp",
set: "ai",
translations: "aplicativo,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineWifi",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineWindows",
set: "ai",
translations: "vento,linha,",
name: "AiOutlineWoman",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineYahoo",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineYoutube",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineYuque",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineZhihu",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineZoomIn",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiOutlineZoomOut",
set: "ai",
translations: "linha,",
name: "AiTwotoneAccountBook",
set: "ai",
translations: "conta,livro,",
name: "AiTwotoneAlert",
set: "ai",
translations: "alerta,",
name: "AiTwotoneApi",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneAppstore",
set: "ai",
translations: "aplicativo,loja,",
name: "AiTwotoneAudio",
set: "ai",
translations: "som,",
name: "AiTwotoneBank",
set: "ai",
translations: "banco,",
name: "AiTwotoneBell",
set: "ai",
translations: "sino,",
name: "AiTwotoneBook",
set: "ai",
translations: "livro,",
name: "AiTwotoneBoxPlot",
set: "ai",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "AiTwotoneBug",
set: "ai",
translations: "inseto,",
name: "AiTwotoneBuild",
set: "ai",
translations: "construir,",
name: "AiTwotoneBulb",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneCalculator",
set: "ai",
translations: "calculadora,",
name: "AiTwotoneCalendar",
set: "ai",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "AiTwotoneCamera",
set: "ai",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "AiTwotoneCar",
set: "ai",
translations: "carro,veiculo,automovel,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "AiTwotoneCarryOut",
set: "ai",
translations: "carregar,fora,",
name: "AiTwotoneCheckCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "checado,",
name: "AiTwotoneCheckSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "checado,quadrado,",
name: "AiTwotoneCiCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneCi",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneClockCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "AiTwotoneCloseCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "fechar,",
name: "AiTwotoneCloseSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "fechar,quadrado,",
name: "AiTwotoneCloud",
set: "ai",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "AiTwotoneCode",
set: "ai",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "AiTwotoneCompass",
set: "ai",
translations: "bussola,",
name: "AiTwotoneContacts",
set: "ai",
translations: "contatos,contato,",
name: "AiTwotoneContainer",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneControl",
set: "ai",
translations: "controle,",
name: "AiTwotoneCopy",
set: "ai",
translations: "copiar,",
name: "AiTwotoneCopyrightCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "copiar,direita,",
name: "AiTwotoneCopyright",
set: "ai",
translations: "copiar,direita,",
name: "AiTwotoneCreditCard",
set: "ai",
translations: "cartao,credito,vermelho,editar,cartão,",
name: "AiTwotoneCrown",
set: "ai",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "AiTwotoneCustomerService",
set: "ai",
translations: "cliente,",
name: "AiTwotoneDashboard",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneDatabase",
set: "ai",
translations: "dados,aba,",
name: "AiTwotoneDelete",
set: "ai",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "AiTwotoneDiff",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneDislike",
set: "ai",
translations: "nao,não,gostar,estrela,favorito,",
name: "AiTwotoneDollarCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "AiTwotoneDollar",
set: "ai",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "AiTwotoneDownCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "AiTwotoneDownSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "baixo,quadrado,",
name: "AiTwotoneEdit",
set: "ai",
translations: "editar,editar,",
name: "AiTwotoneEnvironment",
set: "ai",
translations: "ambiente,ferro,",
name: "AiTwotoneEuroCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneEuro",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneExclamationCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "exclamação,",
name: "AiTwotoneExperiment",
set: "ai",
translations: "experimento,",
name: "AiTwotoneEyeInvisible",
set: "ai",
translations: "olho,olhar,invisivel,",
name: "AiTwotoneEye",
set: "ai",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "AiTwotoneFileAdd",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,adicionar,",
name: "AiTwotoneFileExcel",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "AiTwotoneFileExclamation",
set: "ai",
translations: "exclamação,arquivo,",
name: "AiTwotoneFileImage",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,imagem,",
name: "AiTwotoneFileMarkdown",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,baixo,",
name: "AiTwotoneFilePdf",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "AiTwotoneFilePpt",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "AiTwotoneFileText",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "AiTwotoneFileUnknown",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "AiTwotoneFileWord",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "AiTwotoneFileZip",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "AiTwotoneFile",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "AiTwotoneFilter",
set: "ai",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "AiTwotoneFire",
set: "ai",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "AiTwotoneFlag",
set: "ai",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "AiTwotoneFolderAdd",
set: "ai",
translations: "adicionar,pasta,",
name: "AiTwotoneFolderOpen",
set: "ai",
translations: "aberto,pasta,caneta,",
name: "AiTwotoneFolder",
set: "ai",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "AiTwotoneFrown",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneFund",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneFunnelPlot",
set: "ai",
translations: "funil,",
name: "AiTwotoneGift",
set: "ai",
translations: "presente,",
name: "AiTwotoneGold",
set: "ai",
translations: "ouro,dourado,",
name: "AiTwotoneHdd",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneHeart",
set: "ai",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "AiTwotoneHighlight",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneHome",
set: "ai",
translations: "casa,lar,",
name: "AiTwotoneHourglass",
set: "ai",
translations: "ampulheta,",
name: "AiTwotoneHtml5",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneIdcard",
set: "ai",
translations: "identidadecartão,",
name: "AiTwotoneInfoCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "informação,",
name: "AiTwotoneInsurance",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneInteraction",
set: "ai",
translations: "interação,",
name: "AiTwotoneLayout",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneLeftCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "AiTwotoneLeftSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "esquerda,quadrado,",
name: "AiTwotoneLike",
set: "ai",
translations: "gostar,estrela,favorito,",
name: "AiTwotoneLock",
set: "ai",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "AiTwotoneMail",
set: "ai",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "AiTwotoneMedicineBox",
set: "ai",
translations: "remedio,medico,caixa,",
name: "AiTwotoneMeh",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneMessage",
set: "ai",
translations: "mensagem,",
name: "AiTwotoneMinusCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "menos,",
name: "AiTwotoneMinusSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "menos,quadrado,",
name: "AiTwotoneMobile",
set: "ai",
translations: "celular,telefone,",
name: "AiTwotoneMoneyCollect",
set: "ai",
translations: "dinheiro,coletar,",
name: "AiTwotoneNotification",
set: "ai",
translations: "notificação,",
name: "AiTwotonePauseCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "AiTwotonePhone",
set: "ai",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "AiTwotonePicture",
set: "ai",
translations: "foto,filme,imagem,filme,",
name: "AiTwotonePieChart",
set: "ai",
translations: "torta,grafico,",
name: "AiTwotonePlayCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "AiTwotonePlaySquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "iniciar,começar,quadrado,",
name: "AiTwotonePlusCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "AiTwotonePlusSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "mais,adicionar,quadrado,",
name: "AiTwotonePoundCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotonePrinter",
set: "ai",
translations: "impressora,",
name: "AiTwotoneProfile",
set: "ai",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "AiTwotoneProject",
set: "ai",
translations: "projeto,",
name: "AiTwotonePropertySafety",
set: "ai",
translations: "segurança,certificado,proteção,seguro,",
name: "AiTwotonePushpin",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneQuestionCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "questão,pergunta,",
name: "AiTwotoneReconciliation",
set: "ai",
translations: "reconciliação,",
name: "AiTwotoneRedEnvelope",
set: "ai",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "AiTwotoneRest",
set: "ai",
translations: "descansar,",
name: "AiTwotoneRightCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,",
name: "AiTwotoneRightSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "direita,quadrado,",
name: "AiTwotoneRocket",
set: "ai",
translations: "foguete,",
name: "AiTwotoneSafetyCertificate",
set: "ai",
translations: "segurança,certificado,proteção,seguro,",
name: "AiTwotoneSave",
set: "ai",
translations: "salvar,",
name: "AiTwotoneSchedule",
set: "ai",
translations: "agendar,marcar,fim,",
name: "AiTwotoneSecurityScan",
set: "ai",
translations: "segurança,",
name: "AiTwotoneSetting",
set: "ai",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "AiTwotoneShop",
set: "ai",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "AiTwotoneShopping",
set: "ai",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "AiTwotoneSkin",
set: "ai",
translations: "pele,",
name: "AiTwotoneSliders",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneSmile",
set: "ai",
translations: "sorriso,",
name: "AiTwotoneSnippets",
set: "ai",
translations: "bixo,animal,",
name: "AiTwotoneSound",
set: "ai",
translations: "som,audio,",
name: "AiTwotoneStar",
set: "ai",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "AiTwotoneStop",
set: "ai",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "AiTwotoneSwitcher",
set: "ai",
translations: "interruptor,trocar,cima,controle,",
name: "AiTwotoneTablet",
set: "ai",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "AiTwotoneTag",
set: "ai",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "AiTwotoneTags",
set: "ai",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "AiTwotoneThunderbolt",
set: "ai",
translations: "trovão,raio,",
name: "AiTwotoneTool",
set: "ai",
translations: "ferramenta,",
name: "AiTwotoneTrademarkCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneTrophy",
set: "ai",
translations: "troféu,prêmio,",
name: "AiTwotoneUnlock",
set: "ai",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,destrancar,abrir,",
name: "AiTwotoneUpCircle",
set: "ai",
translations: "cima,",
name: "AiTwotoneUpSquare",
set: "ai",
translations: "cima,quadrado,",
name: "AiTwotoneUsb",
set: "ai",
translations: "",
name: "AiTwotoneVideoCamera",
set: "ai",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "AiTwotoneWallet",
set: "ai",
translations: "carteira,",
name: "AiTwotoneWarning",
set: "ai",
translations: "perigo,cuidado,",
name: "BsFillAlarmFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "alarme,",
name: "BsFillArchiveFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivar,",
name: "BsFillAspectRatioFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "resolução,",
name: "BsFillAwardFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillBackspaceFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "voltar,",
name: "BsFillBackspaceReverseFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "voltar,",
name: "BsFillBagFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillBarChartFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "BsFillBellFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "sino,",
name: "BsFillBookmarkFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "livro,",
name: "BsFillBookmarksFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "livro,",
name: "BsFillBootstrapFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillBriefcaseFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillBrightnessAltHighFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "BsFillBrightnessAltLowFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "BsFillBrightnessHighFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "BsFillBrightnessLowFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "BsFillBucketFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "balde,",
name: "BsFillCalendarFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "BsFillCameraVideoFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "BsFillCapslockFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "BsFillCaretDownFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "BsFillCaretLeftFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "BsFillCaretRightFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,",
name: "BsFillCaretUpFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "cima,",
name: "BsFillChatDotsFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "conversa,ponto,",
name: "BsFillChatFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "BsFillChatQuoteFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "BsFillChatSquareDotsFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "vermelho,conversa,quadrado,ponto,refazer,",
name: "BsFillChatSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "conversa,quadrado,",
name: "BsFillChatSquareQuoteFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "conversa,quadrado,",
name: "BsFillCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillClockFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "BsFillCloudFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "BsFillCollectionFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "coletar,",
name: "BsFillCollectionPlayFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "iniciar,começar,coletar,",
name: "BsFillCursorFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillDashCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillDashSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "BsFillDiamondFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "diamante,",
name: "BsFillDisplayFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "BsFillDropletFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillEggFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "BsFillEjectFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "ejetar,",
name: "BsFillEnvelopeFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillEnvelopeOpenFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "BsFillExclamationCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,",
name: "BsFillExclamationDiamondFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,diamante,",
name: "BsFillExclamationOctagonFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,etiqueta,",
name: "BsFillExclamationSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,quadrado,",
name: "BsFillExclamationTriangleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,",
name: "BsFillEyeFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "BsFillEyeSlashFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "BsFillFlagFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "BsFillFolderFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "BsFillFolderSymlinkFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "BsFillForwardFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "frente,",
name: "BsFillFunnelFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "funil,",
name: "BsFillGearFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "equipamento,",
name: "BsFillGiftFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "presente,",
name: "BsFillGrid1X2Fill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillGrid3X2GapFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillGrid3X3GapFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillGridFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillHeartFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "BsFillHouseDoorFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "casa,porta,",
name: "BsFillHouseFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "casa,",
name: "BsFillImageFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "BsFillInboxFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "BsFillInboxesFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "BsFillInfoCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "informação,",
name: "BsFillInfoSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "informação,quadrado,",
name: "BsFillKanbanFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillLayersFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "camadas,",
name: "BsFillLightningFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "BsFillLockFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "BsFillMicFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "BsFillMicMuteFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "BsFillMusicPlayerFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "BsFillOctagonFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "BsFillPauseFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "BsFillPentagonFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "etiqueta,caneta,",
name: "BsFillPeopleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pessoas,gente,",
name: "BsFillPersonCheckFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "checado,pessoa,",
name: "BsFillPersonDashFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "BsFillPersonFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "BsFillPersonLinesFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pessoa,linha,",
name: "BsFillPersonPlusFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "mais,adicionar,pessoa,",
name: "BsFillPieChartFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "torta,grafico,",
name: "BsFillPipFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillPlayFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "BsFillPlusCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "BsFillPlusSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "mais,adicionar,quadrado,",
name: "BsFillPuzzleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "quebra,cabeça,",
name: "BsFillQuestionCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "questão,pergunta,",
name: "BsFillQuestionDiamondFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "questão,pergunta,diamante,",
name: "BsFillQuestionOctagonFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "questão,pergunta,etiqueta,",
name: "BsFillQuestionSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "questão,pergunta,quadrado,",
name: "BsFillReplyAllFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "responder,",
name: "BsFillReplyFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "responder,",
name: "BsFillShieldFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "BsFillShieldLockFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,escudo,",
name: "BsFillShiftFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillSkipBackwardFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "tras,pular,",
name: "BsFillSkipEndFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pular,caneta,fim,",
name: "BsFillSkipForwardFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "frente,pular,",
name: "BsFillSkipStartFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "estrela,favorito,pular,começar,",
name: "BsFillSlashCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillSlashSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "BsFillSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "BsFillStarFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "BsFillStopFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "BsFillStopwatchFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "BsFillTagFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "BsFillTerminalFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillTrashFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "BsFillTrash2Fill",
set: "bs",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "BsFillTriangleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillTvFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "BsFillUnlockFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,destrancar,abrir,",
name: "BsFillVolumeDownFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "BsFillVolumeMuteFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillVolumeUpFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "cima,",
name: "BsFillXCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsFillXDiamondFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "diamante,",
name: "BsFillXOctagonFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "BsFillXSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "BsReverseBackspaceReverse",
set: "bs",
translations: "voltar,",
name: "BsReverseLayoutSidebarInsetReverse",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsReverseLayoutSidebarReverse",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsReverseLayoutTextSidebarReverse",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsReverseLayoutTextWindowReverse",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsAlarmFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "alarme,",
name: "BsAlarm",
set: "bs",
translations: "alarme,",
name: "BsAlt",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsAppIndicator",
set: "bs",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "BsApp",
set: "bs",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "BsArchiveFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivar,",
name: "BsArchive",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivar,",
name: "BsArrow90DegDown",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "BsArrow90DegLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "BsArrow90DegRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "BsArrow90DegUp",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "BsArrowBarDown",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "BsArrowBarLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "BsArrowBarRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "BsArrowBarUp",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "BsArrowClockwise",
set: "bs",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,flecha,",
name: "BsArrowCounterclockwise",
set: "bs",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,flecha,",
name: "BsArrowDownLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,baixo,",
name: "BsArrowDownRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,flecha,baixo,",
name: "BsArrowDownShort",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "BsArrowDown",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "BsArrowLeftRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,direita,flecha,",
name: "BsArrowLeftShort",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "BsArrowLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "BsArrowRepeat",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,repetir,bixo,animal,",
name: "BsArrowReturnLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "BsArrowReturnRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "BsArrowRightShort",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "BsArrowRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "BsArrowUpDown",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,baixo,cima,",
name: "BsArrowUpLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,cima,",
name: "BsArrowUpRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,flecha,cima,",
name: "BsArrowUpShort",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "BsArrowUp",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "BsArrowsAngleContract",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "BsArrowsAngleExpand",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "BsArrowsCollapse",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "BsArrowsExpand",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "BsArrowsFullscreen",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,cheio,",
name: "BsArrowsMove",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "BsAspectRatioFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "resolução,",
name: "BsAspectRatio",
set: "bs",
translations: "resolução,",
name: "BsAt",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsAwardFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsAward",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsBackspaceFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "voltar,",
name: "BsBackspaceReverseFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "voltar,",
name: "BsBackspaceReverse",
set: "bs",
translations: "voltar,",
name: "BsBackspace",
set: "bs",
translations: "voltar,",
name: "BsBagFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsBag",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsBarChartFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "BsBarChart",
set: "bs",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "BsBatteryCharging",
set: "bs",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "BsBatteryFull",
set: "bs",
translations: "bateria,carga,cheio,",
name: "BsBatteryHalf",
set: "bs",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "BsBattery",
set: "bs",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "BsBellFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "sino,",
name: "BsBell",
set: "bs",
translations: "sino,",
name: "BsBlockquoteLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,trancar,cadeado,bloquear,bloco,",
name: "BsBlockquoteRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,direita,bloquear,bloco,",
name: "BsBookHalf",
set: "bs",
translations: "livro,",
name: "BsBook",
set: "bs",
translations: "livro,",
name: "BsBookmarkCheck",
set: "bs",
translations: "livro,checado,",
name: "BsBookmarkDash",
set: "bs",
translations: "livro,",
name: "BsBookmarkFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "livro,",
name: "BsBookmarkPlus",
set: "bs",
translations: "livro,mais,adicionar,",
name: "BsBookmark",
set: "bs",
translations: "livro,",
name: "BsBookmarksFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "livro,",
name: "BsBookmarks",
set: "bs",
translations: "livro,",
name: "BsBootstrapFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsBootstrapReboot",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsBootstrap",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsBoundingBoxCircles",
set: "bs",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "BsBoundingBox",
set: "bs",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "BsBoxArrowDownLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,baixo,caixa,",
name: "BsBoxArrowDownRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,flecha,baixo,caixa,",
name: "BsBoxArrowDown",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,baixo,caixa,",
name: "BsBoxArrowInDownLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,baixo,caixa,vento,",
name: "BsBoxArrowInDownRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,flecha,baixo,caixa,vento,",
name: "BsBoxArrowInDown",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,baixo,caixa,vento,",
name: "BsBoxArrowInLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,caixa,",
name: "BsBoxArrowInRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,flecha,caixa,",
name: "BsBoxArrowInUpLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,cima,caixa,",
name: "BsBoxArrowInUpRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,flecha,cima,caixa,",
name: "BsBoxArrowInUp",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,cima,caixa,",
name: "BsBoxArrowLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,caixa,",
name: "BsBoxArrowRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,flecha,caixa,",
name: "BsBoxArrowUpLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,cima,caixa,",
name: "BsBoxArrowUpRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,flecha,cima,caixa,",
name: "BsBoxArrowUp",
set: "bs",
translations: "flecha,cima,caixa,",
name: "BsBraces",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsBriefcaseFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsBriefcase",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsBrightnessAltHighFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "BsBrightnessAltHigh",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "BsBrightnessAltLowFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "BsBrightnessAltLow",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "BsBrightnessHighFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "BsBrightnessHigh",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "BsBrightnessLowFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "BsBrightnessLow",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "BsBrush",
set: "bs",
translations: "pincel,pintura,",
name: "BsBucketFill",
set: "bs",
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name: "BsBucket",
set: "bs",
translations: "balde,",
name: "BsBuilding",
set: "bs",
translations: "construir,",
name: "BsBullseye",
set: "bs",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "BsCalendarFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "BsCalendar",
set: "bs",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "BsCameraVideoFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "BsCameraVideo",
set: "bs",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "BsCamera",
set: "bs",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "BsCapslockFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "BsCapslock",
set: "bs",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "BsCardChecklist",
set: "bs",
translations: "checado,cartão,",
name: "BsCardHeading",
set: "bs",
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name: "BsCardImage",
set: "bs",
translations: "imagem,cartão,",
name: "BsCardList",
set: "bs",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "BsCardText",
set: "bs",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "BsCaretDownFill",
set: "bs",
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name: "BsCaretDown",
set: "bs",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "BsCaretLeftFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "BsCaretLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "BsCaretRightFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,",
name: "BsCaretRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,",
name: "BsCaretUpFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "cima,",
name: "BsCaretUp",
set: "bs",
translations: "cima,",
name: "BsChatDotsFill",
set: "bs",
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name: "BsChatDots",
set: "bs",
translations: "conversa,ponto,",
name: "BsChatFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "BsChatQuoteFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "BsChatQuote",
set: "bs",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "BsChatSquareDotsFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "vermelho,conversa,quadrado,ponto,refazer,",
name: "BsChatSquareDots",
set: "bs",
translations: "vermelho,conversa,quadrado,ponto,refazer,",
name: "BsChatSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "conversa,quadrado,",
name: "BsChatSquareQuoteFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "conversa,quadrado,",
name: "BsChatSquareQuote",
set: "bs",
translations: "conversa,quadrado,",
name: "BsChatSquare",
set: "bs",
translations: "conversa,quadrado,",
name: "BsChat",
set: "bs",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "BsCheckAll",
set: "bs",
translations: "checado,",
name: "BsCheckBox",
set: "bs",
translations: "checado,caixa,",
name: "BsCheckCircle",
set: "bs",
translations: "checado,",
name: "BsCheck",
set: "bs",
translations: "checado,",
name: "BsChevronBarContract",
set: "bs",
translations: "seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronBarDown",
set: "bs",
translations: "baixo,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronBarExpand",
set: "bs",
translations: "seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronBarLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronBarRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronBarUp",
set: "bs",
translations: "cima,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronCompactDown",
set: "bs",
translations: "baixo,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronCompactLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronCompactRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronCompactUp",
set: "bs",
translations: "cima,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronContract",
set: "bs",
translations: "seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronDoubleDown",
set: "bs",
translations: "baixo,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronDoubleLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronDoubleRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronDoubleUp",
set: "bs",
translations: "cima,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronDown",
set: "bs",
translations: "baixo,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronExpand",
set: "bs",
translations: "seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsChevronUp",
set: "bs",
translations: "cima,seta,flecha,",
name: "BsCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsCircleHalf",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsCircleSquare",
set: "bs",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "BsCircle",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsClipboardData",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsClipboard",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsClockFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "BsClockHistory",
set: "bs",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "BsClock",
set: "bs",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "BsCloudDownload",
set: "bs",
translations: "nuvem,baixo,baixar,",
name: "BsCloudFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "BsCloudUpload",
set: "bs",
translations: "nuvem,cima,",
name: "BsCloud",
set: "bs",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "BsCodeSlash",
set: "bs",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "BsCode",
set: "bs",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "BsCollectionFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "coletar,",
name: "BsCollectionPlayFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "iniciar,começar,coletar,",
name: "BsCollectionPlay",
set: "bs",
translations: "iniciar,começar,coletar,",
name: "BsCollection",
set: "bs",
translations: "coletar,",
name: "BsColumnsGap",
set: "bs",
translations: "coluna,",
name: "BsColumns",
set: "bs",
translations: "coluna,",
name: "BsCommand",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsCompass",
set: "bs",
translations: "bussola,",
name: "BsConeStriped",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsCone",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsController",
set: "bs",
translations: "controle,",
name: "BsCreditCard",
set: "bs",
translations: "cartao,credito,vermelho,editar,cartão,",
name: "BsCrop",
set: "bs",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "BsCursorFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsCursorText",
set: "bs",
translations: "ordenar,",
name: "BsCursor",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsDashCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsDashCircle",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsDashSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "BsDashSquare",
set: "bs",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "BsDash",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsDiamondFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "diamante,",
name: "BsDiamondHalf",
set: "bs",
translations: "diamante,",
name: "BsDiamond",
set: "bs",
translations: "diamante,",
name: "BsDisplayFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "BsDisplay",
set: "bs",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "BsDot",
set: "bs",
translations: "ponto,",
name: "BsDownload",
set: "bs",
translations: "baixo,baixar,",
name: "BsDropletFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsDropletHalf",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsDroplet",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsEggFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "BsEggFried",
set: "bs",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "BsEgg",
set: "bs",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "BsEjectFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "ejetar,",
name: "BsEject",
set: "bs",
translations: "ejetar,",
name: "BsEnvelopeFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsEnvelopeOpenFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "BsEnvelopeOpen",
set: "bs",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "BsEnvelope",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsExclamationCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,",
name: "BsExclamationCircle",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,",
name: "BsExclamationDiamondFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,diamante,",
name: "BsExclamationDiamond",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,diamante,",
name: "BsExclamationOctagonFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,etiqueta,",
name: "BsExclamationOctagon",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,etiqueta,",
name: "BsExclamationSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,quadrado,",
name: "BsExclamationSquare",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,quadrado,",
name: "BsExclamationTriangleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,",
name: "BsExclamationTriangle",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,",
name: "BsExclamation",
set: "bs",
translations: "exclamação,",
name: "BsExclude",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsEyeFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "BsEyeSlashFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "BsEyeSlash",
set: "bs",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "BsEye",
set: "bs",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "BsFileArrowDown",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,flecha,baixo,",
name: "BsFileArrowUp",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,flecha,cima,",
name: "BsFileBreak",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFileCheck",
set: "bs",
translations: "checado,arquivo,",
name: "BsFileCode",
set: "bs",
translations: "codigo,programar,arquivo,",
name: "BsFileDiff",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFileEarmarkArrowDown",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,flecha,baixo,",
name: "BsFileEarmarkArrowUp",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,flecha,cima,",
name: "BsFileEarmarkBreak",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFileEarmarkCheck",
set: "bs",
translations: "checado,arquivo,",
name: "BsFileEarmarkCode",
set: "bs",
translations: "codigo,programar,arquivo,",
name: "BsFileEarmarkDiff",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFileEarmarkMinus",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,menos,",
name: "BsFileEarmarkPlus",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,mais,adicionar,",
name: "BsFileEarmarkRuled",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFileEarmarkSpreadsheet",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,ler,leitura,",
name: "BsFileEarmarkText",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFileEarmarkZip",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFileEarmark",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFileMinus",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,menos,",
name: "BsFilePlus",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,mais,adicionar,",
name: "BsFilePost",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFileRichtext",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFileRuled",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFileSpreadsheet",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,ler,leitura,",
name: "BsFileText",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFileZip",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFile",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFilesAlt",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFiles",
set: "bs",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "BsFilm",
set: "bs",
translations: "filme,",
name: "BsFilterLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,esquerda,",
name: "BsFilterRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,direita,",
name: "BsFilter",
set: "bs",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "BsFlagFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "BsFlag",
set: "bs",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "BsFolderCheck",
set: "bs",
translations: "checado,pasta,",
name: "BsFolderFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "BsFolderMinus",
set: "bs",
translations: "pasta,menos,",
name: "BsFolderPlus",
set: "bs",
translations: "pasta,mais,adicionar,",
name: "BsFolderSymlinkFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "BsFolderSymlink",
set: "bs",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "BsFolder",
set: "bs",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "BsFonts",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsForwardFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "frente,",
name: "BsForward",
set: "bs",
translations: "frente,",
name: "BsFullscreenExit",
set: "bs",
translations: "cheio,",
name: "BsFullscreen",
set: "bs",
translations: "cheio,",
name: "BsFunnelFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "funil,",
name: "BsFunnel",
set: "bs",
translations: "funil,",
name: "BsGearFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "equipamento,",
name: "BsGearWideConnected",
set: "bs",
translations: "equipamento,",
name: "BsGearWide",
set: "bs",
translations: "equipamento,",
name: "BsGear",
set: "bs",
translations: "equipamento,",
name: "BsGem",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsGeoAlt",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsGeo",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsGiftFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "presente,",
name: "BsGift",
set: "bs",
translations: "presente,",
name: "BsGraphDown",
set: "bs",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "BsGraphUp",
set: "bs",
translations: "cima,",
name: "BsGrid1X2Fill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsGrid1X2",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsGrid3X2GapFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsGrid3X2Gap",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsGrid3X2",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsGrid3X3GapFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsGrid3X3Gap",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsGrid3X3",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsGridFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsGrid",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsHammer",
set: "bs",
translations: "martelo,",
name: "BsHash",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsHeartFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "BsHeartHalf",
set: "bs",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "BsHeart",
set: "bs",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "BsHouseDoorFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "casa,porta,",
name: "BsHouseDoor",
set: "bs",
translations: "casa,porta,",
name: "BsHouseFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "casa,",
name: "BsHouse",
set: "bs",
translations: "casa,",
name: "BsHr",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsImageAlt",
set: "bs",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "BsImageFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "BsImage",
set: "bs",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "BsImages",
set: "bs",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "BsInboxFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "BsInbox",
set: "bs",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "BsInboxesFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "BsInboxes",
set: "bs",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "BsInfoCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "informação,",
name: "BsInfoCircle",
set: "bs",
translations: "informação,",
name: "BsInfoSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "informação,quadrado,",
name: "BsInfoSquare",
set: "bs",
translations: "informação,quadrado,",
name: "BsInfo",
set: "bs",
translations: "informação,",
name: "BsIntersect",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsJustifyLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,justificado,",
name: "BsJustifyRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,justificado,",
name: "BsJustify",
set: "bs",
translations: "justificado,",
name: "BsKanbanFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsKanban",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsLaptop",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsLayersFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "camadas,",
name: "BsLayersHalf",
set: "bs",
translations: "camadas,",
name: "BsLayers",
set: "bs",
translations: "camadas,",
name: "BsLayoutSidebarInsetReverse",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsLayoutSidebarInset",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsLayoutSidebarReverse",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsLayoutSidebar",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsLayoutSplit",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsLayoutTextSidebarReverse",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsLayoutTextSidebar",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsLayoutTextWindowReverse",
set: "bs",
translations: "vento,",
name: "BsLayoutTextWindow",
set: "bs",
translations: "vento,",
name: "BsLayoutThreeColumns",
set: "bs",
translations: "coluna,",
name: "BsLayoutWtf",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsLifePreserver",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsLightningFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "BsLightning",
set: "bs",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "BsLink45Deg",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsLink",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsListCheck",
set: "bs",
translations: "checado,",
name: "BsListNested",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsListOl",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsListTask",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsListUl",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsList",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsLockFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "BsLock",
set: "bs",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "BsMap",
set: "bs",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "BsMicFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "BsMicMuteFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "BsMicMute",
set: "bs",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "BsMic",
set: "bs",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "BsMoon",
set: "bs",
translations: "lua,",
name: "BsMusicNoteBeamed",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsMusicNoteList",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsMusicNote",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsMusicPlayerFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "BsMusicPlayer",
set: "bs",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "BsNewspaper",
set: "bs",
translations: "papel,jornal,noticia,",
name: "BsOctagonFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "BsOctagonHalf",
set: "bs",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "BsOctagon",
set: "bs",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "BsOption",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsOutlet",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsPaperclip",
set: "bs",
translations: "papel,",
name: "BsPauseFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "BsPause",
set: "bs",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "BsPen",
set: "bs",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "BsPencilSquare",
set: "bs",
translations: "quadrado,caneta,",
name: "BsPencil",
set: "bs",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "BsPentagonFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "etiqueta,caneta,",
name: "BsPentagonHalf",
set: "bs",
translations: "etiqueta,caneta,",
name: "BsPentagon",
set: "bs",
translations: "etiqueta,caneta,",
name: "BsPeopleCircle",
set: "bs",
translations: "pessoas,gente,",
name: "BsPeopleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pessoas,gente,",
name: "BsPeople",
set: "bs",
translations: "pessoas,gente,",
name: "BsPersonBoundingBox",
set: "bs",
translations: "pessoa,caixa,",
name: "BsPersonCheckFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "checado,pessoa,",
name: "BsPersonCheck",
set: "bs",
translations: "checado,pessoa,",
name: "BsPersonDashFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "BsPersonDash",
set: "bs",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "BsPersonFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "BsPersonLinesFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pessoa,linha,",
name: "BsPersonPlusFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "mais,adicionar,pessoa,",
name: "BsPersonPlus",
set: "bs",
translations: "mais,adicionar,pessoa,",
name: "BsPersonSquare",
set: "bs",
translations: "pessoa,quadrado,",
name: "BsPerson",
set: "bs",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "BsPhoneLandscape",
set: "bs",
translations: "telefone,celular,paisagem,",
name: "BsPhone",
set: "bs",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "BsPieChartFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "torta,grafico,",
name: "BsPieChart",
set: "bs",
translations: "torta,grafico,",
name: "BsPipFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsPip",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsPlayFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "BsPlay",
set: "bs",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "BsPlug",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsPlusCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "BsPlusCircle",
set: "bs",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "BsPlusSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "mais,adicionar,quadrado,",
name: "BsPlusSquare",
set: "bs",
translations: "mais,adicionar,quadrado,",
name: "BsPlus",
set: "bs",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "BsPower",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsPuzzleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "quebra,cabeça,",
name: "BsPuzzle",
set: "bs",
translations: "quebra,cabeça,",
name: "BsQuestionCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "questão,pergunta,",
name: "BsQuestionCircle",
set: "bs",
translations: "questão,pergunta,",
name: "BsQuestionDiamondFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "questão,pergunta,diamante,",
name: "BsQuestionDiamond",
set: "bs",
translations: "questão,pergunta,diamante,",
name: "BsQuestionOctagonFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "questão,pergunta,etiqueta,",
name: "BsQuestionOctagon",
set: "bs",
translations: "questão,pergunta,etiqueta,",
name: "BsQuestionSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "questão,pergunta,quadrado,",
name: "BsQuestionSquare",
set: "bs",
translations: "questão,pergunta,quadrado,",
name: "BsQuestion",
set: "bs",
translations: "questão,pergunta,",
name: "BsReplyAllFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "responder,",
name: "BsReplyAll",
set: "bs",
translations: "responder,",
name: "BsReplyFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "responder,",
name: "BsReply",
set: "bs",
translations: "responder,",
name: "BsScrewdriver",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsSearch",
set: "bs",
translations: "busca,procurar,",
name: "BsServer",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsShieldFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "BsShieldLockFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,escudo,",
name: "BsShieldLock",
set: "bs",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,escudo,",
name: "BsShieldShaded",
set: "bs",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "BsShield",
set: "bs",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "BsShiftFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsShift",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsShuffle",
set: "bs",
translations: "aleatório,",
name: "BsSkipBackwardFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "tras,pular,",
name: "BsSkipBackward",
set: "bs",
translations: "tras,pular,",
name: "BsSkipEndFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "pular,caneta,fim,",
name: "BsSkipEnd",
set: "bs",
translations: "pular,caneta,fim,",
name: "BsSkipForwardFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "frente,pular,",
name: "BsSkipForward",
set: "bs",
translations: "frente,pular,",
name: "BsSkipStartFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "estrela,favorito,pular,começar,",
name: "BsSkipStart",
set: "bs",
translations: "estrela,favorito,pular,começar,",
name: "BsSlashCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsSlashCircle",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsSlashSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "BsSlashSquare",
set: "bs",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "BsSlash",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsSliders",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsSoundwave",
set: "bs",
translations: "som,audio,",
name: "BsSpeaker",
set: "bs",
translations: "som,caixa,",
name: "BsSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "BsSquareHalf",
set: "bs",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "BsSquare",
set: "bs",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "BsStarFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "BsStarHalf",
set: "bs",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "BsStar",
set: "bs",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "BsStopFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "BsStop",
set: "bs",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "BsStopwatchFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "BsStopwatch",
set: "bs",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "BsSubtract",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsSun",
set: "bs",
translations: "sol,",
name: "BsTable",
set: "bs",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "BsTabletLandscape",
set: "bs",
translations: "mesa,paisagem,aba,",
name: "BsTablet",
set: "bs",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "BsTagFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "BsTag",
set: "bs",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "BsTerminalFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsTerminal",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsTextCenter",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsTextIndentLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "BsTextIndentRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,",
name: "BsTextLeft",
set: "bs",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "BsTextRight",
set: "bs",
translations: "direita,",
name: "BsTextareaT",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsTextarea",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsThreeDotsVertical",
set: "bs",
translations: "ponto,",
name: "BsThreeDots",
set: "bs",
translations: "ponto,",
name: "BsToggleOff",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsToggleOn",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsToggles",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsTools",
set: "bs",
translations: "ferramenta,",
name: "BsTrashFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "BsTrash",
set: "bs",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "BsTrash2Fill",
set: "bs",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "BsTrash2",
set: "bs",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "BsTriangleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsTriangleHalf",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsTriangle",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsTrophy",
set: "bs",
translations: "troféu,prêmio,",
name: "BsTvFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "BsTv",
set: "bs",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "BsTypeBold",
set: "bs",
translations: "forte,negrito,",
name: "BsTypeH1",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsTypeH2",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsTypeH3",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsTypeItalic",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsTypeStrikethrough",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsTypeUnderline",
set: "bs",
translations: "linha,",
name: "BsType",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsUnion",
set: "bs",
translations: "sol,",
name: "BsUnlockFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,destrancar,abrir,sol,",
name: "BsUnlock",
set: "bs",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,destrancar,abrir,sol,",
name: "BsUpload",
set: "bs",
translations: "cima,",
name: "BsViewList",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsViewStacked",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsVolumeDownFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "BsVolumeDown",
set: "bs",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "BsVolumeMuteFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsVolumeMute",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsVolumeUpFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "cima,",
name: "BsVolumeUp",
set: "bs",
translations: "cima,",
name: "BsVr",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsWallet",
set: "bs",
translations: "carteira,",
name: "BsWatch",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsWifi",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsWindow",
set: "bs",
translations: "vento,",
name: "BsWrench",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsXCircleFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsXCircle",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "BsXDiamondFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "diamante,",
name: "BsXDiamond",
set: "bs",
translations: "diamante,",
name: "BsXOctagonFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "BsXOctagon",
set: "bs",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "BsXSquareFill",
set: "bs",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "BsXSquare",
set: "bs",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "BsX",
set: "bs",
translations: "",
name: "DiAndroid",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiAngularSimple",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiAppcelerator",
set: "di",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "DiApple",
set: "di",
translations: "maçã,aplicativo,",
name: "DiAppstore",
set: "di",
translations: "aplicativo,loja,",
name: "DiAptana",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiAsterisk",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiAtlassian",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiAtom",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiAws",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiBackbone",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiBingSmall",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiBintray",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiBitbucket",
set: "di",
translations: "balde,",
name: "DiBlackberry",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiBootstrap",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiBower",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiBrackets",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiBugsense",
set: "di",
translations: "inseto,",
name: "DiCelluloid",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiChrome",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiCisco",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiClojureAlt",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiClojure",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiCloud9",
set: "di",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "DiCoda",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiCodeBadge",
set: "di",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "DiCode",
set: "di",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "DiCodeigniter",
set: "di",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "DiCodepen",
set: "di",
translations: "codigo,programar,caneta,",
name: "DiCodrops",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiCoffeescript",
set: "di",
translations: "café,",
name: "DiCompass",
set: "di",
translations: "bussola,",
name: "DiComposer",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiCreativecommonsBadge",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiCreativecommons",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiCssTricks",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiCss3Full",
set: "di",
translations: "cheio,",
name: "DiCss3",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiCssdeck",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiDart",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiDatabase",
set: "di",
translations: "dados,aba,",
name: "DiDebian",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiDigitalOcean",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiDjango",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiDlang",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiDocker",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiDoctrine",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiDojo",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiDotnet",
set: "di",
translations: "ponto,",
name: "DiDreamweaver",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiDropbox",
set: "di",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "DiDrupal",
set: "di",
translations: "cima,",
name: "DiEclipse",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiEmber",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiEnvato",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiErlang",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiExtjs",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiFirebase",
set: "di",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "DiFirefox",
set: "di",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "DiFsharp",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGhostSmall",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGhost",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGitBranch",
set: "di",
translations: "galho,",
name: "DiGitCommit",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGitCompare",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGitMerge",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGitPullRequest",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGit",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGithubAlt",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGithubBadge",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGithubFull",
set: "di",
translations: "cheio,",
name: "DiGithub",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGnu",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGo",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGoogleAnalytics",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGoogleDrive",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGoogleCloudPlatform",
set: "di",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "DiGrails",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGroovy",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGrunt",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiGulp",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiHackernews",
set: "di",
translations: "noticia,",
name: "DiHaskell",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiHeroku",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiHtml53DEffects",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiHtml5Connectivity",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiHtml5DeviceAccess",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiHtml5Multimedia",
set: "di",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "DiHtml5",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiIe",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiIllustrator",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiIntellij",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiIonic",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiJava",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiJavascript1",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiJavascript",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiJekyllSmall",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiJenkins",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiJira",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiJoomla",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiJqueryLogo",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiJqueryUiLogo",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiJsBadge",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiKomodo",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiKrakenjsBadge",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiKrakenjs",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiLaravel",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiLess",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiLinux",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiMagento",
set: "di",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "DiMailchimp",
set: "di",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "DiMarkdown",
set: "di",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "DiMaterializecss",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiMeteor",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiMeteorfull",
set: "di",
translations: "cheio,",
name: "DiMitlicence",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiModernizr",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiMongodb",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiMootoolsBadge",
set: "di",
translations: "ferramenta,",
name: "DiMootools",
set: "di",
translations: "ferramenta,",
name: "DiMozilla",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiMsqlServer",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiMysql",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiNancy",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiNetbeans",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiNetmagazine",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiNginx",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiNodejsSmall",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiNodejs",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiNpm",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiOnedrive",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiOpenshift",
set: "di",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "DiOpensource",
set: "di",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "DiOpera",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiPerl",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiPhonegap",
set: "di",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "DiPhotoshop",
set: "di",
translations: "comprar,quente,calor,",
name: "DiPhp",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiPostgresql",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiProlog",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiPython",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiRackspace",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiRaphael",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiRasberryPi",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiReact",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiRedhat",
set: "di",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "DiRedis",
set: "di",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "DiRequirejs",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiResponsive",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiRor",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiRubyRough",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiRuby",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiRust",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiSafari",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiSass",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiScala",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiScriptcs",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiScrum",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiSenchatouch",
set: "di",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "DiSizzlejs",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiSmashingMagazine",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiSnapSvg",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiSpark",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiSqllite",
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translations: "",
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set: "di",
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name: "DiStreamline",
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name: "DiStylus",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiSublime",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiSwift",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiSymfonyBadge",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiSymfony",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiTechcrunch",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiTerminalBadge",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiTerminal",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiTravis",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiTrello",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiTypo3",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiUbuntu",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiUikit",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiUnitySmall",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiVim",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiVisualstudio",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiW3C",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiWebplatform",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiWindows",
set: "di",
translations: "vento,",
name: "DiWordpress",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiYahooSmall",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiYahoo",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiYeoman",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiYii",
set: "di",
translations: "",
name: "DiZend",
set: "di",
translations: "fim,",
name: "Fa500Px",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAccessibleIcon",
set: "fa",
translations: "acessibilidade,",
name: "FaAccusoft",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAcquisitionsIncorporated",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAdn",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAdobe",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAdversal",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAffiliatetheme",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAirbnb",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAlgolia",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAlipay",
set: "fa",
translations: "pagar,",
name: "FaAmazonPay",
set: "fa",
translations: "pagar,",
name: "FaAmazon",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAmilia",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAndroid",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAngellist",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAngrycreative",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAngular",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAppStoreIos",
set: "fa",
translations: "aplicativo,loja,",
name: "FaAppStore",
set: "fa",
translations: "aplicativo,loja,",
name: "FaApper",
set: "fa",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "FaApplePay",
set: "fa",
translations: "pagar,maçã,aplicativo,",
name: "FaApple",
set: "fa",
translations: "maçã,aplicativo,",
name: "FaArtstation",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAsymmetrik",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAtlassian",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAudible",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAutoprefixer",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAvianex",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAviato",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAws",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBandcamp",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBattleNet",
set: "fa",
translations: "batalha,",
name: "FaBehanceSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaBehance",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBimobject",
set: "fa",
translations: "objeto,",
name: "FaBitbucket",
set: "fa",
translations: "balde,",
name: "FaBitcoin",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBity",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBlackTie",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBlackberry",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBloggerB",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBlogger",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBluetoothB",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBluetooth",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBootstrap",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBtc",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBuffer",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBuromobelexperte",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBuyNLarge",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBuysellads",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCanadianMapleLeaf",
set: "fa",
translations: "mapa,folha,",
name: "FaCcAmazonPay",
set: "fa",
translations: "pagar,",
name: "FaCcAmex",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCcApplePay",
set: "fa",
translations: "pagar,maçã,aplicativo,",
name: "FaCcDinersClub",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCcDiscover",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCcJcb",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCcMastercard",
set: "fa",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "FaCcPaypal",
set: "fa",
translations: "pagar,",
name: "FaCcStripe",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCcVisa",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCentercode",
set: "fa",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "FaCentos",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaChrome",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaChromecast",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCloudscale",
set: "fa",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "FaCloudsmith",
set: "fa",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "FaCloudversify",
set: "fa",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "FaCodepen",
set: "fa",
translations: "codigo,programar,caneta,",
name: "FaCodiepie",
set: "fa",
translations: "torta,",
name: "FaConfluence",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaConnectdevelop",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaContao",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCottonBureau",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCpanel",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCreativeCommonsBy",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCreativeCommonsNcEu",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCreativeCommonsNcJp",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCreativeCommonsNc",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCreativeCommonsNd",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCreativeCommonsPdAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCreativeCommonsPd",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCreativeCommonsRemix",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCreativeCommonsSa",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCreativeCommonsSamplingPlus",
set: "fa",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "FaCreativeCommonsSampling",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCreativeCommonsShare",
set: "fa",
translations: "compartilhar,",
name: "FaCreativeCommonsZero",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCreativeCommons",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCriticalRole",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCss3Alt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCss3",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCuttlefish",
set: "fa",
translations: "peixe,cortar,",
name: "FaDAndDBeyond",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDAndD",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDailymotion",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDashcube",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDelicious",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDeploydog",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDeskpro",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDev",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDeviantart",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDhl",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDiaspora",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDigg",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDigitalOcean",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDiscord",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDiscourse",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDochub",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDocker",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDraft2Digital",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDribbbleSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaDribbble",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDropbox",
set: "fa",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "FaDrupal",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaDyalog",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEarlybirds",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEbay",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEdge",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaElementor",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEllo",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEmber",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEmpire",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEnvira",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaErlang",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEthereum",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEtsy",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEvernote",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaExpeditedssl",
set: "fa",
translations: "editar,",
name: "FaFacebookF",
set: "fa",
translations: "livro,",
name: "FaFacebookMessenger",
set: "fa",
translations: "livro,",
name: "FaFacebookSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "livro,quadrado,",
name: "FaFacebook",
set: "fa",
translations: "livro,",
name: "FaFantasyFlightGames",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFedex",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFedora",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFigma",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFirefoxBrowser",
set: "fa",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "FaFirefox",
set: "fa",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "FaFirstOrderAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,primeiro,",
name: "FaFirstOrder",
set: "fa",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,primeiro,",
name: "FaFirstdraft",
set: "fa",
translations: "primeiro,",
name: "FaFlickr",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFlipboard",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFly",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFontAwesomeAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFontAwesomeFlag",
set: "fa",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "FaFontAwesomeLogoFull",
set: "fa",
translations: "cheio,",
name: "FaFontAwesome",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFonticonsFi",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFonticons",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFortAwesomeAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFortAwesome",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaForumbee",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFoursquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaFreeCodeCamp",
set: "fa",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "FaFreebsd",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFulcrum",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGalacticRepublic",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGalacticSenate",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGetPocket",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGgCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGg",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGitAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGitSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaGit",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGithubAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGithubSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaGithub",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGitkraken",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGitlab",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGitter",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGlideG",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGlide",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGofore",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGoodreadsG",
set: "fa",
translations: "ler,leitura,bom,",
name: "FaGoodreads",
set: "fa",
translations: "ler,leitura,bom,",
name: "FaGoogleDrive",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGooglePlay",
set: "fa",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "FaGooglePlusG",
set: "fa",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "FaGooglePlusSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "mais,adicionar,quadrado,",
name: "FaGooglePlus",
set: "fa",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "FaGoogleWallet",
set: "fa",
translations: "carteira,",
name: "FaGoogle",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGratipay",
set: "fa",
translations: "pagar,",
name: "FaGrav",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGripfire",
set: "fa",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "FaGrunt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGulp",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHackerNewsSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,noticia,",
name: "FaHackerNews",
set: "fa",
translations: "noticia,",
name: "FaHackerrank",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHips",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHireAHelper",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHooli",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHornbill",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHotjar",
set: "fa",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "FaHouzz",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHtml5",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHubspot",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaIdeal",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaImdb",
set: "fa",
translations: "mira,",
name: "FaInstagramSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "etiqueta,quadrado,",
name: "FaInstagram",
set: "fa",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "FaIntercom",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaInternetExplorer",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaInvision",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaIoxhost",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaItchIo",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaItunesNote",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaItunes",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaJava",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaJediOrder",
set: "fa",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,",
name: "FaJenkins",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaJira",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaJoget",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaJoomla",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaJsSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaJs",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaJsfiddle",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaKaggle",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaKeybase",
set: "fa",
translations: "chave,",
name: "FaKeycdn",
set: "fa",
translations: "chave,",
name: "FaKickstarterK",
set: "fa",
translations: "estrela,favorito,começar,",
name: "FaKickstarter",
set: "fa",
translations: "estrela,favorito,começar,",
name: "FaKorvue",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLaravel",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLastfmSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaLastfm",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLeanpub",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLess",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLine",
set: "fa",
translations: "linha,",
name: "FaLinkedinIn",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLinkedin",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLinode",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLinux",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLyft",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMagento",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMailchimp",
set: "fa",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "FaMandalorian",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMarkdown",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "FaMastodon",
set: "fa",
translations: "tarefa,",
name: "FaMaxcdn",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMdb",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMedapps",
set: "fa",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "FaMediumM",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMedium",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMedrt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMeetup",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaMegaport",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMendeley",
set: "fa",
translations: "fim,",
name: "FaMicroblog",
set: "fa",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "FaMicrosoft",
set: "fa",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "FaMix",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMixcloud",
set: "fa",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "FaMixer",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMizuni",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaModx",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMonero",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaNapster",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaNeos",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaNimblr",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaNodeJs",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaNode",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaNpm",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaNs8",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaNutritionix",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaOdnoklassnikiSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaOdnoklassniki",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaOldRepublic",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaOpencart",
set: "fa",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "FaOpenid",
set: "fa",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "FaOpera",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaOptinMonster",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaOrcid",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaOsi",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPage4",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPagelines",
set: "fa",
translations: "linha,",
name: "FaPalfed",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPatreon",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPaypal",
set: "fa",
translations: "pagar,",
name: "FaPennyArcade",
set: "fa",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "FaPeriscope",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPhabricator",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPhoenixFramework",
set: "fa",
translations: "tela,",
name: "FaPhoenixSquadron",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPhp",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPiedPiperAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "torta,",
name: "FaPiedPiperHat",
set: "fa",
translations: "torta,",
name: "FaPiedPiperPp",
set: "fa",
translations: "torta,",
name: "FaPiedPiperSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "torta,quadrado,",
name: "FaPiedPiper",
set: "fa",
translations: "torta,",
name: "FaPinterestP",
set: "fa",
translations: "descansar,",
name: "FaPinterestSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "descansar,quadrado,",
name: "FaPinterest",
set: "fa",
translations: "descansar,",
name: "FaPlaystation",
set: "fa",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "FaProductHunt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPushed",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPython",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaQq",
set: "fa",
translations: "frequente,",
name: "FaQuinscape",
set: "fa",
translations: "frequente,",
name: "FaQuora",
set: "fa",
translations: "frequente,",
name: "FaRProject",
set: "fa",
translations: "projeto,",
name: "FaRaspberryPi",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRavelry",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaReact",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaReacteurope",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaReadme",
set: "fa",
translations: "ler,leitura,",
name: "FaRebel",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRedRiver",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "FaRedditAlien",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "FaRedditSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,quadrado,",
name: "FaReddit",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "FaRedhat",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "FaRenren",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaReplyd",
set: "fa",
translations: "responder,",
name: "FaResearchgate",
set: "fa",
translations: "busca,procurar,",
name: "FaResolving",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRev",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRocketchat",
set: "fa",
translations: "foguete,conversa,",
name: "FaRockrms",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSafari",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSalesforce",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSass",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSchlix",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaScribd",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSearchengin",
set: "fa",
translations: "busca,procurar,",
name: "FaSellcast",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSellsy",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaServicestack",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaShirtsinbulk",
set: "fa",
translations: "camiseta,",
name: "FaShopify",
set: "fa",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "FaShopware",
set: "fa",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "FaSimplybuilt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSistrix",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSith",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSketch",
set: "fa",
translations: "rascunho,",
name: "FaSkyatlas",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSkype",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSlackHash",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSlack",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSlideshare",
set: "fa",
translations: "compartilhar,",
name: "FaSnapchatGhost",
set: "fa",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "FaSnapchatSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "conversa,quadrado,",
name: "FaSnapchat",
set: "fa",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "FaSoundcloud",
set: "fa",
translations: "nuvem,som,audio,",
name: "FaSourcetree",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSpeakap",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSpeakerDeck",
set: "fa",
translations: "som,caixa,",
name: "FaSpotify",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSquarespace",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaStackExchange",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaStackOverflow",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaStackpath",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaStaylinked",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaSteamSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,time,equipe,quadrado,tempo,",
name: "FaSteamSymbol",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,time,equipe,tempo,",
name: "FaSteam",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,time,equipe,tempo,",
name: "FaStickerMule",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaStrava",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaStripeS",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaStripe",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaStudiovinari",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaStumbleuponCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,cima,",
name: "FaStumbleupon",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,cima,",
name: "FaSuperpowers",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaSupple",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaSuse",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSwift",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSymfony",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTeamspeak",
set: "fa",
translations: "time,equipe,tempo,",
name: "FaTelegramPlane",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTelegram",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTencentWeibo",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTheRedYeti",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "FaThemeco",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaThemeisle",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaThinkPeaks",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTradeFederation",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTrello",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTripadvisor",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTumblrSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaTumblr",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTwitch",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTwitterSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaTwitter",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTypo3",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaUber",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaUbuntu",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaUikit",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaUmbraco",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaUniregistry",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaUnity",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaUntappd",
set: "fa",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "FaUps",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaUsb",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaUsps",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaUssunnah",
set: "fa",
translations: "sol,",
name: "FaVaadin",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaViacoin",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaViadeoSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaViadeo",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaViber",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVimeoSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaVimeoV",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVimeo",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVine",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVk",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVnv",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVuejs",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWaze",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWeebly",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWeibo",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWeixin",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWhatsappSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,aplicativo,",
name: "FaWhatsapp",
set: "fa",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "FaWhmcs",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWikipediaW",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWindows",
set: "fa",
translations: "vento,",
name: "FaWix",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWizardsOfTheCoast",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWolfPackBattalion",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWordpressSimple",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWordpress",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWpbeginner",
set: "fa",
translations: "dentro,interno,",
name: "FaWpexplorer",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWpforms",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWpressr",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaXbox",
set: "fa",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "FaXingSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaXing",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaYCombinator",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaYahoo",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaYammer",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaYandexInternational",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaYandex",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaYarn",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaYelp",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaYoast",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaYoutubeSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaYoutube",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaZhihu",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAd",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAddressBook",
set: "fa",
translations: "livro,adicionar,endereço,fim,",
name: "FaAddressCard",
set: "fa",
translations: "adicionar,endereço,fim,cartão,",
name: "FaAdjust",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAirFreshener",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAlignCenter",
set: "fa",
translations: "alinhar,",
name: "FaAlignJustify",
set: "fa",
translations: "alinhar,justificado,",
name: "FaAlignLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,alinhar,",
name: "FaAlignRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,alinhar,",
name: "FaAllergies",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAmbulance",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAmericanSignLanguageInterpreting",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAnchor",
set: "fa",
translations: "âncora,link,",
name: "FaAngleDoubleDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "FaAngleDoubleLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "FaAngleDoubleRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,",
name: "FaAngleDoubleUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaAngleDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "FaAngleLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "FaAngleRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,",
name: "FaAngleUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaAngry",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAnkh",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAppleAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "maçã,aplicativo,",
name: "FaArchive",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivar,",
name: "FaArchway",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaArrowAltCircleDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "FaArrowAltCircleLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "FaArrowAltCircleRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "FaArrowAltCircleUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "FaArrowCircleDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "FaArrowCircleLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "FaArrowCircleRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "FaArrowCircleUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "FaArrowDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "FaArrowLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "FaArrowRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "FaArrowUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "FaArrowsAltH",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "FaArrowsAltV",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,televisão,",
name: "FaArrowsAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "FaAssistiveListeningSystems",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAsterisk",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAtlas",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAtom",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaAudioDescription",
set: "fa",
translations: "som,",
name: "FaAward",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBabyCarriage",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBaby",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBackspace",
set: "fa",
translations: "voltar,",
name: "FaBackward",
set: "fa",
translations: "tras,",
name: "FaBacon",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBahai",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBalanceScaleLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "FaBalanceScaleRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,",
name: "FaBalanceScale",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBan",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBandAid",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBarcode",
set: "fa",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "FaBars",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBaseballBall",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBasketballBall",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBath",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBatteryEmpty",
set: "fa",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "FaBatteryFull",
set: "fa",
translations: "bateria,carga,cheio,",
name: "FaBatteryHalf",
set: "fa",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "FaBatteryQuarter",
set: "fa",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "FaBatteryThreeQuarters",
set: "fa",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "FaBed",
set: "fa",
translations: "cama,",
name: "FaBeer",
set: "fa",
translations: "cerveja,",
name: "FaBellSlash",
set: "fa",
translations: "sino,",
name: "FaBell",
set: "fa",
translations: "sino,",
name: "FaBezierCurve",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBible",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBicycle",
set: "fa",
translations: "bicicleta,bike,",
name: "FaBiking",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBinoculars",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBiohazard",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBirthdayCake",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBlenderPhone",
set: "fa",
translations: "telefone,celular,fim,",
name: "FaBlender",
set: "fa",
translations: "fim,",
name: "FaBlind",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBlog",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBold",
set: "fa",
translations: "forte,negrito,",
name: "FaBolt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBomb",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBone",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBong",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBookDead",
set: "fa",
translations: "livro,",
name: "FaBookMedical",
set: "fa",
translations: "livro,médico,",
name: "FaBookOpen",
set: "fa",
translations: "livro,aberto,caneta,",
name: "FaBookReader",
set: "fa",
translations: "livro,ler,leitura,",
name: "FaBook",
set: "fa",
translations: "livro,",
name: "FaBookmark",
set: "fa",
translations: "livro,",
name: "FaBorderAll",
set: "fa",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,",
name: "FaBorderNone",
set: "fa",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,",
name: "FaBorderStyle",
set: "fa",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,estilo,",
name: "FaBowlingBall",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBoxOpen",
set: "fa",
translations: "aberto,caneta,caixa,",
name: "FaBox",
set: "fa",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "FaBoxes",
set: "fa",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "FaBraille",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBrain",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBreadSlice",
set: "fa",
translations: "ler,leitura,",
name: "FaBriefcaseMedical",
set: "fa",
translations: "médico,",
name: "FaBriefcase",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBroadcastTower",
set: "fa",
translations: "rua,rodovia,",
name: "FaBroom",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBrush",
set: "fa",
translations: "pincel,pintura,",
name: "FaBug",
set: "fa",
translations: "inseto,",
name: "FaBuilding",
set: "fa",
translations: "construir,",
name: "FaBullhorn",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBullseye",
set: "fa",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "FaBurn",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBusAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBus",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaBusinessTime",
set: "fa",
translations: "negócio,empresário,tempo,",
name: "FaCalculator",
set: "fa",
translations: "calculadora,",
name: "FaCalendarAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "FaCalendarCheck",
set: "fa",
translations: "calendario,data,checado,fim,",
name: "FaCalendarDay",
set: "fa",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "FaCalendarMinus",
set: "fa",
translations: "calendario,data,menos,fim,",
name: "FaCalendarPlus",
set: "fa",
translations: "calendario,data,mais,adicionar,fim,",
name: "FaCalendarTimes",
set: "fa",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,tempo,",
name: "FaCalendarWeek",
set: "fa",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "FaCalendar",
set: "fa",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "FaCameraRetro",
set: "fa",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "FaCamera",
set: "fa",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "FaCampground",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCandyCane",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCannabis",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCapsules",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCarAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCarBattery",
set: "fa",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "FaCarCrash",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCarSide",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCar",
set: "fa",
translations: "carro,veiculo,automovel,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "FaCaravan",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCaretDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "FaCaretLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "FaCaretRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,",
name: "FaCaretSquareDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,baixo,quadrado,refazer,",
name: "FaCaretSquareLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,quadrado,",
name: "FaCaretSquareRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,quadrado,",
name: "FaCaretSquareUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,quadrado,",
name: "FaCaretUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaCarrot",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCartArrowDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "FaCartPlus",
set: "fa",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "FaCashRegister",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCat",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCertificate",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaChair",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaChalkboardTeacher",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaChalkboard",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaChargingStation",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaChartArea",
set: "fa",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "FaChartBar",
set: "fa",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "FaChartLine",
set: "fa",
translations: "grafico,linha,",
name: "FaChartPie",
set: "fa",
translations: "torta,grafico,",
name: "FaCheckCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "checado,",
name: "FaCheckDouble",
set: "fa",
translations: "checado,",
name: "FaCheckSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "checado,quadrado,",
name: "FaCheck",
set: "fa",
translations: "checado,",
name: "FaCheese",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaChessBishop",
set: "fa",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "FaChessBoard",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaChessKing",
set: "fa",
translations: "pele,",
name: "FaChessKnight",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaChessPawn",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaChessQueen",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaChessRook",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaChess",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaChevronCircleDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,seta,flecha,",
name: "FaChevronCircleLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,seta,flecha,",
name: "FaChevronCircleRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,seta,flecha,",
name: "FaChevronCircleUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,seta,flecha,",
name: "FaChevronDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,seta,flecha,",
name: "FaChevronLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,seta,flecha,",
name: "FaChevronRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,seta,flecha,",
name: "FaChevronUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,seta,flecha,",
name: "FaChild",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaChurch",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCircleNotch",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCity",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaClinicMedical",
set: "fa",
translations: "médico,",
name: "FaClipboardCheck",
set: "fa",
translations: "checado,",
name: "FaClipboardList",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaClipboard",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaClock",
set: "fa",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "FaClone",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaClosedCaptioning",
set: "fa",
translations: "fechar,",
name: "FaCloudDownloadAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "nuvem,baixo,baixar,",
name: "FaCloudMeatball",
set: "fa",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "FaCloudMoonRain",
set: "fa",
translations: "nuvem,lua,",
name: "FaCloudMoon",
set: "fa",
translations: "nuvem,lua,",
name: "FaCloudRain",
set: "fa",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "FaCloudShowersHeavy",
set: "fa",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "FaCloudSunRain",
set: "fa",
translations: "nuvem,sol,",
name: "FaCloudSun",
set: "fa",
translations: "nuvem,sol,",
name: "FaCloudUploadAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "nuvem,cima,",
name: "FaCloud",
set: "fa",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "FaCocktail",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCodeBranch",
set: "fa",
translations: "codigo,programar,galho,",
name: "FaCode",
set: "fa",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "FaCoffee",
set: "fa",
translations: "café,",
name: "FaCog",
set: "fa",
translations: "engrenagem,configuração,",
name: "FaCogs",
set: "fa",
translations: "engrenagem,configuração,",
name: "FaCoins",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaColumns",
set: "fa",
translations: "coluna,",
name: "FaCommentAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "comentário,conversa,",
name: "FaCommentDollar",
set: "fa",
translations: "dinheiro,comentário,conversa,",
name: "FaCommentDots",
set: "fa",
translations: "ponto,comentário,conversa,",
name: "FaCommentMedical",
set: "fa",
translations: "comentário,conversa,médico,",
name: "FaCommentSlash",
set: "fa",
translations: "comentário,conversa,",
name: "FaComment",
set: "fa",
translations: "comentário,conversa,",
name: "FaCommentsDollar",
set: "fa",
translations: "dinheiro,comentário,conversa,",
name: "FaComments",
set: "fa",
translations: "comentário,conversa,",
name: "FaCompactDisc",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCompass",
set: "fa",
translations: "bussola,",
name: "FaCompressAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCompressArrowsAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "FaCompress",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaConciergeBell",
set: "fa",
translations: "sino,",
name: "FaCookieBite",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCookie",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCopy",
set: "fa",
translations: "copiar,",
name: "FaCopyright",
set: "fa",
translations: "copiar,direita,",
name: "FaCouch",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCreditCard",
set: "fa",
translations: "cartao,credito,vermelho,editar,cartão,",
name: "FaCropAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "FaCrop",
set: "fa",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "FaCross",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCrosshairs",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCrow",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCrown",
set: "fa",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "FaCrutch",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCube",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCubes",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaCut",
set: "fa",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "FaDatabase",
set: "fa",
translations: "dados,aba,",
name: "FaDeaf",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDemocrat",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDesktop",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDharmachakra",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDiagnoses",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDiceD20",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDiceD6",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDiceFive",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDiceFour",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDiceOne",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDiceSix",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDiceThree",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDiceTwo",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDice",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDigitalTachograph",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDirections",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDivide",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDizzy",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDna",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDog",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDollarSign",
set: "fa",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "FaDollyFlatbed",
set: "fa",
translations: "cama,",
name: "FaDolly",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDonate",
set: "fa",
translations: "doação,",
name: "FaDoorClosed",
set: "fa",
translations: "fechar,porta,",
name: "FaDoorOpen",
set: "fa",
translations: "aberto,porta,caneta,",
name: "FaDotCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "ponto,",
name: "FaDove",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDownload",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,baixar,",
name: "FaDraftingCompass",
set: "fa",
translations: "bussola,",
name: "FaDragon",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDrawPolygon",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDrumSteelpan",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDrum",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDrumstickBite",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDumbbell",
set: "fa",
translations: "sino,",
name: "FaDumpsterFire",
set: "fa",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "FaDumpster",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaDungeon",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEdit",
set: "fa",
translations: "editar,editar,",
name: "FaEgg",
set: "fa",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "FaEject",
set: "fa",
translations: "ejetar,",
name: "FaEllipsisH",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEllipsisV",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEnvelopeOpenText",
set: "fa",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "FaEnvelopeOpen",
set: "fa",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "FaEnvelopeSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaEnvelope",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEquals",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEraser",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEthernet",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaEuroSign",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaExchangeAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaExclamationCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "exclamação,",
name: "FaExclamationTriangle",
set: "fa",
translations: "exclamação,",
name: "FaExclamation",
set: "fa",
translations: "exclamação,",
name: "FaExpandAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaExpandArrowsAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "FaExpand",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaExternalLinkAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaExternalLinkSquareAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaEyeDropper",
set: "fa",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "FaEyeSlash",
set: "fa",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "FaEye",
set: "fa",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "FaFan",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFastBackward",
set: "fa",
translations: "tras,rapido,",
name: "FaFastForward",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,frente,",
name: "FaFax",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFeatherAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFeather",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFemale",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFighterJet",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFileAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaFileArchive",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,arquivar,",
name: "FaFileAudio",
set: "fa",
translations: "som,arquivo,",
name: "FaFileCode",
set: "fa",
translations: "codigo,programar,arquivo,",
name: "FaFileContract",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaFileCsv",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaFileDownload",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,baixo,baixar,",
name: "FaFileExcel",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaFileExport",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaFileImage",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,imagem,",
name: "FaFileImport",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaFileInvoiceDollar",
set: "fa",
translations: "dinheiro,arquivo,",
name: "FaFileInvoice",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaFileMedicalAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,médico,",
name: "FaFileMedical",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,médico,",
name: "FaFilePdf",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaFilePowerpoint",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaFilePrescription",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaFileSignature",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaFileUpload",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,cima,",
name: "FaFileVideo",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaFileWord",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaFile",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaFillDrip",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFill",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFilm",
set: "fa",
translations: "filme,",
name: "FaFilter",
set: "fa",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "FaFingerprint",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFireAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "FaFireExtinguisher",
set: "fa",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "FaFire",
set: "fa",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "FaFirstAid",
set: "fa",
translations: "primeiro,",
name: "FaFish",
set: "fa",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "FaFistRaised",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFlagCheckered",
set: "fa",
translations: "checado,bandeira,vermelho,",
name: "FaFlagUsa",
set: "fa",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "FaFlag",
set: "fa",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "FaFlask",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFlushed",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFolderMinus",
set: "fa",
translations: "pasta,menos,",
name: "FaFolderOpen",
set: "fa",
translations: "aberto,pasta,caneta,",
name: "FaFolderPlus",
set: "fa",
translations: "pasta,mais,adicionar,",
name: "FaFolder",
set: "fa",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "FaFont",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFootballBall",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaForward",
set: "fa",
translations: "frente,",
name: "FaFrog",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFrownOpen",
set: "fa",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "FaFrown",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaFunnelDollar",
set: "fa",
translations: "dinheiro,funil,",
name: "FaFutbol",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGamepad",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGasPump",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGavel",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGem",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGenderless",
set: "fa",
translations: "fim,",
name: "FaGhost",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGift",
set: "fa",
translations: "presente,",
name: "FaGifts",
set: "fa",
translations: "presente,",
name: "FaGlassCheers",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGlassMartiniAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGlassMartini",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGlassWhiskey",
set: "fa",
translations: "chave,",
name: "FaGlasses",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGlobeAfrica",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGlobeAmericas",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGlobeAsia",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGlobeEurope",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGlobe",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGolfBall",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGopuram",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGraduationCap",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGreaterThanEqual",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGreaterThan",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGrimace",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGrinAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGrinBeamSweat",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGrinBeam",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGrinHearts",
set: "fa",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "FaGrinSquintTears",
set: "fa",
translations: "lágrima,",
name: "FaGrinSquint",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGrinStars",
set: "fa",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "FaGrinTears",
set: "fa",
translations: "lágrima,",
name: "FaGrinTongueSquint",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGrinTongueWink",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGrinTongue",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGrinWink",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGrin",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGripHorizontal",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGripLinesVertical",
set: "fa",
translations: "linha,",
name: "FaGripLines",
set: "fa",
translations: "linha,",
name: "FaGripVertical",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaGuitar",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaHamburger",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHammer",
set: "fa",
translations: "martelo,",
name: "FaHamsa",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHandHoldingHeart",
set: "fa",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "FaHandHoldingUsd",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHandHolding",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHandLizard",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHandMiddleFinger",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHandPaper",
set: "fa",
translations: "papel,",
name: "FaHandPeace",
set: "fa",
translations: "paz,",
name: "FaHandPointDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "FaHandPointLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "FaHandPointRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,",
name: "FaHandPointUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaHandPointer",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHandRock",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHandScissors",
set: "fa",
translations: "tesoura,",
name: "FaHandSpock",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHandsHelping",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHands",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHandshake",
set: "fa",
translations: "balançar,",
name: "FaHanukiah",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHardHat",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHashtag",
set: "fa",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "FaHatCowboySide",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHatCowboy",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHatWizard",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHdd",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHeading",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHeadphonesAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FaHeadphones",
set: "fa",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FaHeadset",
set: "fa",
translations: "fone,",
name: "FaHeartBroken",
set: "fa",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "FaHeart",
set: "fa",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "FaHeartbeat",
set: "fa",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "FaHelicopter",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHighlighter",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHiking",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHippo",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHistory",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHockeyPuck",
set: "fa",
translations: "chave,",
name: "FaHollyBerry",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHome",
set: "fa",
translations: "casa,lar,",
name: "FaHorseHead",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHorse",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHospitalAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHospitalSymbol",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHospital",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaHotTub",
set: "fa",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "FaHotdog",
set: "fa",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "FaHotel",
set: "fa",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "FaHourglassEnd",
set: "fa",
translations: "ampulheta,enviar,envio,fim,",
name: "FaHourglassHalf",
set: "fa",
translations: "ampulheta,",
name: "FaHourglassStart",
set: "fa",
translations: "ampulheta,estrela,favorito,começar,",
name: "FaHourglass",
set: "fa",
translations: "ampulheta,",
name: "FaHouseDamage",
set: "fa",
translations: "casa,",
name: "FaHryvnia",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaICursor",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaIceCream",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaIcicles",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaIcons",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaIdBadge",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaIdCardAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "identidadecartão,",
name: "FaIdCard",
set: "fa",
translations: "identidadecartão,",
name: "FaIgloo",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaImage",
set: "fa",
translations: "imagem,mira,",
name: "FaImages",
set: "fa",
translations: "imagem,mira,",
name: "FaInbox",
set: "fa",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "FaIndent",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaIndustry",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaInfinity",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaInfoCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "informação,",
name: "FaInfo",
set: "fa",
translations: "informação,",
name: "FaItalic",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaJedi",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaJoint",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaJournalWhills",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaKaaba",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaKey",
set: "fa",
translations: "chave,",
name: "FaKeyboard",
set: "fa",
translations: "chave,teclado,",
name: "FaKhanda",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaKissBeam",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaKissWinkHeart",
set: "fa",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "FaKiss",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaKiwiBird",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLandmark",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLanguage",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLaptopCode",
set: "fa",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "FaLaptopMedical",
set: "fa",
translations: "médico,",
name: "FaLaptop",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLaughBeam",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLaughSquint",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLaughWink",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLaugh",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLayerGroup",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaLeaf",
set: "fa",
translations: "folha,",
name: "FaLemon",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLessThanEqual",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLessThan",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLevelDownAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "FaLevelUpAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaLifeRing",
set: "fa",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "FaLightbulb",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLink",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLiraSign",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaListAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaListOl",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaListUl",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaList",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLocationArrow",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,localização,",
name: "FaLockOpen",
set: "fa",
translations: "aberto,trancar,cadeado,caneta,",
name: "FaLock",
set: "fa",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "FaLongArrowAltDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "FaLongArrowAltLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "FaLongArrowAltRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "FaLongArrowAltUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "FaLowVision",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaLuggageCart",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMagic",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMagnet",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMailBulk",
set: "fa",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "FaMale",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMapMarkedAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "FaMapMarked",
set: "fa",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "FaMapMarkerAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "FaMapMarker",
set: "fa",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "FaMapPin",
set: "fa",
translations: "aplicativo,mapa,",
name: "FaMapSigns",
set: "fa",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "FaMap",
set: "fa",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "FaMarker",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMarsDouble",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMarsStrokeH",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMarsStrokeV",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMarsStroke",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMars",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMask",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMedal",
set: "fa",
translations: "medalha,",
name: "FaMedkit",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMehBlank",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMehRollingEyes",
set: "fa",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "FaMeh",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMemory",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMenorah",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMercury",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMeteor",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMicrochip",
set: "fa",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "FaMicrophoneAltSlash",
set: "fa",
translations: "telefone,celular,microfone,cortar,",
name: "FaMicrophoneAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "telefone,celular,microfone,cortar,",
name: "FaMicrophoneSlash",
set: "fa",
translations: "telefone,celular,microfone,cortar,",
name: "FaMicrophone",
set: "fa",
translations: "telefone,celular,microfone,cortar,",
name: "FaMicroscope",
set: "fa",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "FaMinusCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "menos,",
name: "FaMinusSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "menos,quadrado,",
name: "FaMinus",
set: "fa",
translations: "menos,",
name: "FaMitten",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMobileAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "celular,telefone,",
name: "FaMobile",
set: "fa",
translations: "celular,telefone,",
name: "FaMoneyBillAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "FaMoneyBillWaveAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "FaMoneyBillWave",
set: "fa",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "FaMoneyBill",
set: "fa",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "FaMoneyCheckAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "checado,dinheiro,",
name: "FaMoneyCheck",
set: "fa",
translations: "checado,dinheiro,",
name: "FaMonument",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMoon",
set: "fa",
translations: "lua,",
name: "FaMortarPestle",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMosque",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMotorcycle",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMountain",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMousePointer",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMouse",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaMugHot",
set: "fa",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "FaMusic",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaNetworkWired",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "FaNeuter",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaNewspaper",
set: "fa",
translations: "papel,jornal,noticia,",
name: "FaNotEqual",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaNotesMedical",
set: "fa",
translations: "médico,",
name: "FaObjectGroup",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,objeto,",
name: "FaObjectUngroup",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,objeto,",
name: "FaOilCan",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaOm",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaOtter",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaOutdent",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPager",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPaintBrush",
set: "fa",
translations: "pincel,pintura,pintura,",
name: "FaPaintRoller",
set: "fa",
translations: "pintura,",
name: "FaPalette",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPallet",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPaperPlane",
set: "fa",
translations: "papel,",
name: "FaPaperclip",
set: "fa",
translations: "papel,",
name: "FaParachuteBox",
set: "fa",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "FaParagraph",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaParking",
set: "fa",
translations: "estacionamento,",
name: "FaPassport",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPastafarianism",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPaste",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPauseCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "FaPause",
set: "fa",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "FaPaw",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPeace",
set: "fa",
translations: "paz,",
name: "FaPenAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "FaPenFancy",
set: "fa",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "FaPenNib",
set: "fa",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "FaPenSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,caneta,",
name: "FaPen",
set: "fa",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "FaPencilAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "FaPencilRuler",
set: "fa",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "FaPeopleCarry",
set: "fa",
translations: "pessoas,gente,",
name: "FaPepperHot",
set: "fa",
translations: "pimenta,quente,calor,",
name: "FaPercent",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPercentage",
set: "fa",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "FaPersonBooth",
set: "fa",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "FaPhoneAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FaPhoneSlash",
set: "fa",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FaPhoneSquareAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "telefone,celular,quadrado,",
name: "FaPhoneSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "telefone,celular,quadrado,",
name: "FaPhoneVolume",
set: "fa",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FaPhone",
set: "fa",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FaPhotoVideo",
set: "fa",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "FaPiggyBank",
set: "fa",
translations: "banco,",
name: "FaPills",
set: "fa",
translations: "pílulas,",
name: "FaPizzaSlice",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPlaceOfWorship",
set: "fa",
translations: "lugar,",
name: "FaPlaneArrival",
set: "fa",
translations: "perto,",
name: "FaPlaneDeparture",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPlane",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPlayCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "FaPlay",
set: "fa",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "FaPlug",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPlusCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "FaPlusSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "mais,adicionar,quadrado,",
name: "FaPlus",
set: "fa",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "FaPodcast",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPollH",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPoll",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPooStorm",
set: "fa",
translations: "tempestade,",
name: "FaPoo",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPoop",
set: "fa",
translations: "cocô,",
name: "FaPortrait",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPoundSign",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPowerOff",
set: "fa",
translations: "desligar,",
name: "FaPray",
set: "fa",
translations: "rezar,",
name: "FaPrayingHands",
set: "fa",
translations: "rezar,",
name: "FaPrescriptionBottleAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPrescriptionBottle",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPrescription",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaPrint",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaProcedures",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaProjectDiagram",
set: "fa",
translations: "projeto,",
name: "FaPuzzlePiece",
set: "fa",
translations: "torta,quebra,cabeça,",
name: "FaQrcode",
set: "fa",
translations: "codigo,programar,frequente,",
name: "FaQuestionCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "questão,pergunta,frequente,",
name: "FaQuestion",
set: "fa",
translations: "questão,pergunta,frequente,",
name: "FaQuidditch",
set: "fa",
translations: "frequente,",
name: "FaQuoteLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,frequente,",
name: "FaQuoteRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,frequente,",
name: "FaQuran",
set: "fa",
translations: "frequente,",
name: "FaRadiationAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "radiação,",
name: "FaRadiation",
set: "fa",
translations: "radiação,",
name: "FaRainbow",
set: "fa",
translations: "arcoíris,",
name: "FaRandom",
set: "fa",
translations: "aleatório,",
name: "FaReceipt",
set: "fa",
translations: "receita,recibo,",
name: "FaRecordVinyl",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRecycle",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRedoAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,refazer,",
name: "FaRedo",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,refazer,",
name: "FaRegistered",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "FaRemoveFormat",
set: "fa",
translations: "excluir,mexer,movimentar,formato,",
name: "FaReplyAll",
set: "fa",
translations: "responder,",
name: "FaReply",
set: "fa",
translations: "responder,",
name: "FaRepublican",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRestroom",
set: "fa",
translations: "descansar,quarto,",
name: "FaRetweet",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRibbon",
set: "fa",
translations: "faixa,",
name: "FaRing",
set: "fa",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "FaRoad",
set: "fa",
translations: "rua,rodovia,",
name: "FaRobot",
set: "fa",
translations: "robô,",
name: "FaRocket",
set: "fa",
translations: "foguete,",
name: "FaRoute",
set: "fa",
translations: "rota,",
name: "FaRssSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaRss",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRubleSign",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRulerCombined",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRulerHorizontal",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRulerVertical",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRuler",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRunning",
set: "fa",
translations: "correndo,rodando,fim,",
name: "FaRupeeSign",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaSadCry",
set: "fa",
translations: "triste,choro,chorar,",
name: "FaSadTear",
set: "fa",
translations: "triste,lágrima,",
name: "FaSatelliteDish",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSatellite",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSave",
set: "fa",
translations: "salvar,",
name: "FaSchool",
set: "fa",
translations: "escola,",
name: "FaScrewdriver",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaScroll",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSdCard",
set: "fa",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "FaSearchDollar",
set: "fa",
translations: "dinheiro,busca,procurar,",
name: "FaSearchLocation",
set: "fa",
translations: "busca,procurar,localização,",
name: "FaSearchMinus",
set: "fa",
translations: "menos,busca,procurar,",
name: "FaSearchPlus",
set: "fa",
translations: "mais,adicionar,busca,procurar,",
name: "FaSearch",
set: "fa",
translations: "busca,procurar,",
name: "FaSeedling",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaServer",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaShapes",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaShareAltSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "compartilhar,quadrado,",
name: "FaShareAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "compartilhar,",
name: "FaShareSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "compartilhar,quadrado,",
name: "FaShare",
set: "fa",
translations: "compartilhar,",
name: "FaShekelSign",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaShieldAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "FaShip",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaShippingFast",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaShoePrints",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaShoppingBag",
set: "fa",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "FaShoppingBasket",
set: "fa",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "FaShoppingCart",
set: "fa",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "FaShower",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaShuttleVan",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSignInAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSignLanguage",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSignOutAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSign",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSignal",
set: "fa",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "FaSignature",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSimCard",
set: "fa",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "FaSitemap",
set: "fa",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "FaSkating",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSkiingNordic",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSkiing",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSkullCrossbones",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSkull",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSlash",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSleigh",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSlidersH",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSmileBeam",
set: "fa",
translations: "sorriso,",
name: "FaSmileWink",
set: "fa",
translations: "sorriso,",
name: "FaSmile",
set: "fa",
translations: "sorriso,",
name: "FaSmog",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSmokingBan",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSmoking",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSms",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSnowboarding",
set: "fa",
translations: "neve,",
name: "FaSnowflake",
set: "fa",
translations: "neve,neve,",
name: "FaSnowman",
set: "fa",
translations: "neve,",
name: "FaSnowplow",
set: "fa",
translations: "neve,",
name: "FaSocks",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSolarPanel",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSortAlphaDownAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,ordenar,",
name: "FaSortAlphaDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,ordenar,",
name: "FaSortAlphaUpAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,ordenar,",
name: "FaSortAlphaUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,ordenar,",
name: "FaSortAmountDownAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,ordenar,",
name: "FaSortAmountDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,ordenar,",
name: "FaSortAmountUpAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,ordenar,",
name: "FaSortAmountUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,ordenar,",
name: "FaSortDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,ordenar,",
name: "FaSortNumericDownAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,ordenar,",
name: "FaSortNumericDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,ordenar,",
name: "FaSortNumericUpAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,ordenar,",
name: "FaSortNumericUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,ordenar,",
name: "FaSortUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,ordenar,",
name: "FaSort",
set: "fa",
translations: "ordenar,",
name: "FaSpa",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSpaceShuttle",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSpellCheck",
set: "fa",
translations: "checado,",
name: "FaSpider",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSpinner",
set: "fa",
translations: "dentro,interno,",
name: "FaSplotch",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSprayCan",
set: "fa",
translations: "rezar,",
name: "FaSquareFull",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,cheio,",
name: "FaSquareRootAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaStamp",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaStarAndCrescent",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,estrela,favorito,",
name: "FaStarHalfAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,estrela,favorito,",
name: "FaStarHalf",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,estrela,favorito,",
name: "FaStarOfDavid",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,estrela,favorito,",
name: "FaStarOfLife",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,estrela,favorito,",
name: "FaStar",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,estrela,favorito,",
name: "FaStepBackward",
set: "fa",
translations: "tras,rapido,passo,",
name: "FaStepForward",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,frente,passo,",
name: "FaStethoscope",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaStickyNote",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaStopCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,parar,pare,",
name: "FaStop",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,parar,pare,",
name: "FaStopwatch",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,parar,pare,",
name: "FaStoreAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,loja,",
name: "FaStore",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,loja,",
name: "FaStream",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaStreetView",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,televisão,",
name: "FaStrikethrough",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaStroopwafel",
set: "fa",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "FaSubscript",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSubway",
set: "fa",
translations: "metrô,",
name: "FaSuitcaseRolling",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSuitcase",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSun",
set: "fa",
translations: "sol,",
name: "FaSuperscript",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaSurprise",
set: "fa",
translations: "levantar,",
name: "FaSwatchbook",
set: "fa",
translations: "livro,",
name: "FaSwimmer",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSwimmingPool",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSynagogue",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaSyncAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "sincronizar,",
name: "FaSync",
set: "fa",
translations: "sincronizar,",
name: "FaSyringe",
set: "fa",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "FaTableTennis",
set: "fa",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "FaTable",
set: "fa",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "FaTabletAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "FaTablet",
set: "fa",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "FaTablets",
set: "fa",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "FaTachometerAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "casa,lar,",
name: "FaTag",
set: "fa",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "FaTags",
set: "fa",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "FaTape",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTasks",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTaxi",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTeethOpen",
set: "fa",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "FaTeeth",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTemperatureHigh",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTemperatureLow",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTenge",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTerminal",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTextHeight",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTextWidth",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaThLarge",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaThList",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTh",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTheaterMasks",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaThermometerEmpty",
set: "fa",
translations: "termômetro,temperatura,",
name: "FaThermometerFull",
set: "fa",
translations: "termômetro,temperatura,cheio,",
name: "FaThermometerHalf",
set: "fa",
translations: "termômetro,temperatura,",
name: "FaThermometerQuarter",
set: "fa",
translations: "termômetro,temperatura,",
name: "FaThermometerThreeQuarters",
set: "fa",
translations: "termômetro,temperatura,",
name: "FaThermometer",
set: "fa",
translations: "termômetro,temperatura,",
name: "FaThumbsDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,ruim,",
name: "FaThumbsUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,beleza,",
name: "FaThumbtack",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTicketAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTimesCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "FaTimes",
set: "fa",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "FaTintSlash",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTint",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTired",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "FaToggleOff",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaToggleOn",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaToiletPaper",
set: "fa",
translations: "papel,",
name: "FaToilet",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaToolbox",
set: "fa",
translations: "ferramenta,caixa,",
name: "FaTools",
set: "fa",
translations: "ferramenta,",
name: "FaTooth",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTorah",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaToriiGate",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTractor",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTrademark",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTrafficLight",
set: "fa",
translations: "tráfego,",
name: "FaTrailer",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTrain",
set: "fa",
translations: "trem,",
name: "FaTram",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTransgenderAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "fim,",
name: "FaTransgender",
set: "fa",
translations: "fim,",
name: "FaTrashAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "FaTrashRestoreAlt",
set: "fa",
name: "FaTrashRestore",
set: "fa",
name: "FaTrash",
set: "fa",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "FaTree",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTrophy",
set: "fa",
translations: "troféu,prêmio,",
name: "FaTruckLoading",
set: "fa",
translations: "carregando,caminhão,",
name: "FaTruckMonster",
set: "fa",
translations: "caminhão,",
name: "FaTruckMoving",
set: "fa",
translations: "caminhão,",
name: "FaTruckPickup",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,caminhão,",
name: "FaTruck",
set: "fa",
translations: "caminhão,",
name: "FaTshirt",
set: "fa",
translations: "camiseta,",
name: "FaTty",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaTv",
set: "fa",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "FaUmbrellaBeach",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaUmbrella",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaUnderline",
set: "fa",
translations: "linha,",
name: "FaUndoAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "desfazer,",
name: "FaUndo",
set: "fa",
translations: "desfazer,",
name: "FaUniversalAccess",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaUniversity",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaUnlink",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaUnlockAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,destrancar,abrir,",
name: "FaUnlock",
set: "fa",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,destrancar,abrir,",
name: "FaUpload",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaUserAltSlash",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserAstronaut",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserCheck",
set: "fa",
translations: "checado,usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserClock",
set: "fa",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserCog",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,engrenagem,configuração,",
name: "FaUserEdit",
set: "fa",
translations: "editar,vermelho,usuario,pessoa,editar,",
name: "FaUserFriends",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,fim,",
name: "FaUserGraduate",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserInjured",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserLock",
set: "fa",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserMd",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserMinus",
set: "fa",
translations: "menos,usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserNinja",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserNurse",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserPlus",
set: "fa",
translations: "mais,adicionar,usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserSecret",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserShield",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,escudo,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserSlash",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserTag",
set: "fa",
translations: "etiqueta,usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserTie",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUserTimes",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,tempo,",
name: "FaUser",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUsersCog",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,engrenagem,configuração,",
name: "FaUsers",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaUtensilSpoon",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaUtensils",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVectorSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaVenusDouble",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVenusMars",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVenus",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVial",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVials",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVideoSlash",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVideo",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVihara",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVoicemail",
set: "fa",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "FaVolleyballBall",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVolumeDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "FaVolumeMute",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVolumeOff",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaVolumeUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaVoteYea",
set: "fa",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "FaVrCardboard",
set: "fa",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "FaWalking",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWallet",
set: "fa",
translations: "carteira,",
name: "FaWarehouse",
set: "fa",
translations: "casa,",
name: "FaWater",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWaveSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaWeightHanging",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWeight",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWheelchair",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWifi",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWind",
set: "fa",
translations: "vento,",
name: "FaWindowClose",
set: "fa",
translations: "fechar,vento,",
name: "FaWindowMaximize",
set: "fa",
translations: "vento,",
name: "FaWindowMinimize",
set: "fa",
translations: "vento,",
name: "FaWindowRestore",
set: "fa",
translations: "descansar,vento,loja,",
name: "FaWineBottle",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWineGlassAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWineGlass",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWonSign",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaWrench",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaXRay",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaYenSign",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaYinYang",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegAddressBook",
set: "fa",
translations: "livro,adicionar,endereço,fim,",
name: "FaRegAddressCard",
set: "fa",
translations: "adicionar,endereço,fim,cartão,",
name: "FaRegAngry",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegArrowAltCircleDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "FaRegArrowAltCircleLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "FaRegArrowAltCircleRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "FaRegArrowAltCircleUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "FaRegBellSlash",
set: "fa",
translations: "sino,",
name: "FaRegBell",
set: "fa",
translations: "sino,",
name: "FaRegBookmark",
set: "fa",
translations: "livro,",
name: "FaRegBuilding",
set: "fa",
translations: "construir,",
name: "FaRegCalendarAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "FaRegCalendarCheck",
set: "fa",
translations: "calendario,data,checado,fim,",
name: "FaRegCalendarMinus",
set: "fa",
translations: "calendario,data,menos,fim,",
name: "FaRegCalendarPlus",
set: "fa",
translations: "calendario,data,mais,adicionar,fim,",
name: "FaRegCalendarTimes",
set: "fa",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,tempo,",
name: "FaRegCalendar",
set: "fa",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "FaRegCaretSquareDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,baixo,quadrado,refazer,",
name: "FaRegCaretSquareLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,quadrado,",
name: "FaRegCaretSquareRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,quadrado,",
name: "FaRegCaretSquareUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,quadrado,",
name: "FaRegChartBar",
set: "fa",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "FaRegCheckCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "checado,",
name: "FaRegCheckSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "checado,quadrado,",
name: "FaRegCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegClipboard",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegClock",
set: "fa",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "FaRegClone",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegClosedCaptioning",
set: "fa",
translations: "fechar,",
name: "FaRegCommentAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "comentário,conversa,",
name: "FaRegCommentDots",
set: "fa",
translations: "ponto,comentário,conversa,",
name: "FaRegComment",
set: "fa",
translations: "comentário,conversa,",
name: "FaRegComments",
set: "fa",
translations: "comentário,conversa,",
name: "FaRegCompass",
set: "fa",
translations: "bussola,",
name: "FaRegCopy",
set: "fa",
translations: "copiar,",
name: "FaRegCopyright",
set: "fa",
translations: "copiar,direita,",
name: "FaRegCreditCard",
set: "fa",
translations: "cartao,credito,vermelho,editar,cartão,",
name: "FaRegDizzy",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegDotCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "ponto,",
name: "FaRegEdit",
set: "fa",
translations: "editar,editar,",
name: "FaRegEnvelopeOpen",
set: "fa",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "FaRegEnvelope",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegEyeSlash",
set: "fa",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "FaRegEye",
set: "fa",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "FaRegFileAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaRegFileArchive",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,arquivar,",
name: "FaRegFileAudio",
set: "fa",
translations: "som,arquivo,",
name: "FaRegFileCode",
set: "fa",
translations: "codigo,programar,arquivo,",
name: "FaRegFileExcel",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaRegFileImage",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,imagem,",
name: "FaRegFilePdf",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaRegFilePowerpoint",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaRegFileVideo",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaRegFileWord",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaRegFile",
set: "fa",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FaRegFlag",
set: "fa",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "FaRegFlushed",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegFolderOpen",
set: "fa",
translations: "aberto,pasta,caneta,",
name: "FaRegFolder",
set: "fa",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "FaRegFontAwesomeLogoFull",
set: "fa",
translations: "cheio,",
name: "FaRegFrownOpen",
set: "fa",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "FaRegFrown",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegFutbol",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegGem",
set: "fa",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "FaRegGrimace",
set: "fa",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "FaRegGrinAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "FaRegGrinBeamSweat",
set: "fa",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "FaRegGrinBeam",
set: "fa",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "FaRegGrinHearts",
set: "fa",
translations: "coração,amor,ovo,",
name: "FaRegGrinSquintTears",
set: "fa",
translations: "ovo,lágrima,",
name: "FaRegGrinSquint",
set: "fa",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "FaRegGrinStars",
set: "fa",
translations: "estrela,favorito,ovo,",
name: "FaRegGrinTears",
set: "fa",
translations: "ovo,lágrima,",
name: "FaRegGrinTongueSquint",
set: "fa",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "FaRegGrinTongueWink",
set: "fa",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "FaRegGrinTongue",
set: "fa",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "FaRegGrinWink",
set: "fa",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "FaRegGrin",
set: "fa",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "FaRegHandLizard",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegHandPaper",
set: "fa",
translations: "papel,",
name: "FaRegHandPeace",
set: "fa",
translations: "paz,",
name: "FaRegHandPointDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "FaRegHandPointLeft",
set: "fa",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "FaRegHandPointRight",
set: "fa",
translations: "direita,",
name: "FaRegHandPointUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FaRegHandPointer",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegHandRock",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegHandScissors",
set: "fa",
translations: "tesoura,",
name: "FaRegHandSpock",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegHandshake",
set: "fa",
translations: "balançar,",
name: "FaRegHdd",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegHeart",
set: "fa",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "FaRegHospital",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegHourglass",
set: "fa",
translations: "ampulheta,",
name: "FaRegIdBadge",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegIdCard",
set: "fa",
translations: "identidadecartão,",
name: "FaRegImage",
set: "fa",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "FaRegImages",
set: "fa",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "FaRegKeyboard",
set: "fa",
translations: "chave,teclado,",
name: "FaRegKissBeam",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegKissWinkHeart",
set: "fa",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "FaRegKiss",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegLaughBeam",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegLaughSquint",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegLaughWink",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegLaugh",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegLemon",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegLifeRing",
set: "fa",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "FaRegLightbulb",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegListAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegMap",
set: "fa",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "FaRegMehBlank",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegMehRollingEyes",
set: "fa",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "FaRegMeh",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegMinusSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "menos,quadrado,",
name: "FaRegMoneyBillAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "FaRegMoon",
set: "fa",
translations: "lua,",
name: "FaRegNewspaper",
set: "fa",
translations: "papel,jornal,noticia,",
name: "FaRegObjectGroup",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,objeto,",
name: "FaRegObjectUngroup",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,objeto,",
name: "FaRegPaperPlane",
set: "fa",
translations: "papel,",
name: "FaRegPauseCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "FaRegPlayCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "FaRegPlusSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "mais,adicionar,quadrado,",
name: "FaRegQuestionCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "questão,pergunta,",
name: "FaRegRegistered",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "FaRegSadCry",
set: "fa",
translations: "triste,choro,chorar,",
name: "FaRegSadTear",
set: "fa",
translations: "triste,lágrima,",
name: "FaRegSave",
set: "fa",
translations: "salvar,",
name: "FaRegShareSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "compartilhar,quadrado,",
name: "FaRegSmileBeam",
set: "fa",
translations: "sorriso,",
name: "FaRegSmileWink",
set: "fa",
translations: "sorriso,",
name: "FaRegSmile",
set: "fa",
translations: "sorriso,",
name: "FaRegSnowflake",
set: "fa",
translations: "neve,neve,",
name: "FaRegSquare",
set: "fa",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FaRegStarHalf",
set: "fa",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "FaRegStar",
set: "fa",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "FaRegStickyNote",
set: "fa",
translations: "",
name: "FaRegStopCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "FaRegSun",
set: "fa",
translations: "sol,",
name: "FaRegSurprise",
set: "fa",
translations: "levantar,",
name: "FaRegThumbsDown",
set: "fa",
translations: "baixo,ruim,",
name: "FaRegThumbsUp",
set: "fa",
translations: "cima,beleza,",
name: "FaRegTimesCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "FaRegTired",
set: "fa",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "FaRegTrashAlt",
set: "fa",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "FaRegUserCircle",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaRegUser",
set: "fa",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FaRegWindowClose",
set: "fa",
translations: "fechar,vento,",
name: "FaRegWindowMaximize",
set: "fa",
translations: "vento,",
name: "FaRegWindowMinimize",
set: "fa",
translations: "vento,",
name: "FaRegWindowRestore",
set: "fa",
translations: "descansar,vento,loja,",
name: "FcAbout",
set: "fc",
translations: "sobre,",
name: "FcAcceptDatabase",
set: "fc",
translations: "dados,aceitar,aba,",
name: "FcAddColumn",
set: "fc",
translations: "adicionar,coluna,",
name: "FcAddDatabase",
set: "fc",
translations: "dados,adicionar,aba,",
name: "FcAddImage",
set: "fc",
translations: "adicionar,imagem,",
name: "FcAddRow",
set: "fc",
translations: "adicionar,",
name: "FcAddressBook",
set: "fc",
translations: "livro,adicionar,endereço,fim,",
name: "FcAdvance",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcAdvertising",
set: "fc",
translations: "anúncio,",
name: "FcAlarmClock",
set: "fc",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,alarme,",
name: "FcAlphabeticalSortingAz",
set: "fc",
translations: "ordenar,",
name: "FcAlphabeticalSortingZa",
set: "fc",
translations: "ordenar,",
name: "FcAndroidOs",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcAnswers",
set: "fc",
translations: "respostas,",
name: "FcApproval",
set: "fc",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "FcApprove",
set: "fc",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "FcAreaChart",
set: "fc",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "FcAssistant",
set: "fc",
translations: "assistente,",
name: "FcAudioFile",
set: "fc",
translations: "som,arquivo,",
name: "FcAutomatic",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcAutomotive",
set: "fc",
translations: "carro,",
name: "FcBadDecision",
set: "fc",
translations: "adicionar,decisão,",
name: "FcBarChart",
set: "fc",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "FcBbc",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcBearish",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcBinoculars",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcBiohazard",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcBiomass",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcBiotech",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcBookmark",
set: "fc",
translations: "livro,",
name: "FcBriefcase",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcBrokenLink",
set: "fc",
translations: "link,",
name: "FcBullish",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcBusinessContact",
set: "fc",
translations: "negócio,empresário,contato,",
name: "FcBusiness",
set: "fc",
translations: "negócio,empresário,",
name: "FcBusinessman",
set: "fc",
translations: "negócio,empresário,",
name: "FcBusinesswoman",
set: "fc",
translations: "negócio,empresário,",
name: "FcButtingIn",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcCableRelease",
set: "fc",
translations: "cabo,",
name: "FcCalculator",
set: "fc",
translations: "calculadora,",
name: "FcCalendar",
set: "fc",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "FcCallTransfer",
set: "fc",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "FcCallback",
set: "fc",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "FcCamcorderPro",
set: "fc",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,",
name: "FcCamcorder",
set: "fc",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,",
name: "FcCameraAddon",
set: "fc",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,adicionar,imagem,",
name: "FcCameraIdentification",
set: "fc",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "FcCamera",
set: "fc",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "FcCancel",
set: "fc",
translations: "cancelar,",
name: "FcCandleSticks",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcCapacitor",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcCdLogo",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcCellPhone",
set: "fc",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FcChargeBattery",
set: "fc",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "FcCheckmark",
set: "fc",
translations: "checado,",
name: "FcCircuit",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcClapperboard",
set: "fc",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "FcClearFilters",
set: "fc",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,limpar,",
name: "FcClock",
set: "fc",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "FcCloseUpMode",
set: "fc",
translations: "fechar,cima,",
name: "FcCloth",
set: "fc",
translations: "pano,",
name: "FcCollaboration",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcCollapse",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcCollect",
set: "fc",
translations: "coletar,",
name: "FcComboChart",
set: "fc",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "FcCommandLine",
set: "fc",
translations: "linha,",
name: "FcComments",
set: "fc",
translations: "comentário,conversa,",
name: "FcCompactCamera",
set: "fc",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "FcConferenceCall",
set: "fc",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "FcContacts",
set: "fc",
translations: "contatos,contato,",
name: "FcCopyleft",
set: "fc",
translations: "copiar,esquerda,",
name: "FcCopyright",
set: "fc",
translations: "copiar,direita,",
name: "FcCrystalOscillator",
set: "fc",
translations: "choro,chorar,",
name: "FcCurrencyExchange",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcCursor",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcCustomerSupport",
set: "fc",
translations: "cliente,cima,",
name: "FcDam",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcDataBackup",
set: "fc",
translations: "cima,aba,",
name: "FcDataConfiguration",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcDataEncryption",
set: "fc",
translations: "choro,chorar,",
name: "FcDataProtection",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcDataRecovery",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcDataSheet",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcDatabase",
set: "fc",
translations: "dados,aba,",
name: "FcDebian",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcDebt",
set: "fc",
translations: "débito,",
name: "FcDecision",
set: "fc",
translations: "decisão,",
name: "FcDeleteColumn",
set: "fc",
translations: "remover,excluir,coluna,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "FcDeleteDatabase",
set: "fc",
translations: "dados,remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,aba,",
name: "FcDeleteRow",
set: "fc",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "FcDepartment",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcDeployment",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcDiploma1",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcDiploma2",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcDisapprove",
set: "fc",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "FcDisclaimer",
set: "fc",
translations: "mira,",
name: "FcDislike",
set: "fc",
translations: "nao,não,gostar,estrela,favorito,",
name: "FcDisplay",
set: "fc",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "FcDoNotInhale",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcDoNotInsert",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcDoNotMix",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcDocument",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcDonate",
set: "fc",
translations: "doação,",
name: "FcDoughnutChart",
set: "fc",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "FcDownLeft",
set: "fc",
translations: "esquerda,baixo,",
name: "FcDownRight",
set: "fc",
translations: "direita,baixo,",
name: "FcDown",
set: "fc",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "FcDownload",
set: "fc",
translations: "baixo,baixar,",
name: "FcDribbble",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcDvdLogo",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcEditImage",
set: "fc",
translations: "imagem,editar,",
name: "FcElectricalSensor",
set: "fc",
translations: "elétrico,eletricidade,",
name: "FcElectricalThreshold",
set: "fc",
translations: "elétrico,eletricidade,",
name: "FcElectricity",
set: "fc",
translations: "elétrico,eletricidade,",
name: "FcElectroDevices",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcElectronics",
set: "fc",
translations: "eletrônico,",
name: "FcEmptyBattery",
set: "fc",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "FcEmptyFilter",
set: "fc",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "FcEmptyTrash",
set: "fc",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "FcEndCall",
set: "fc",
translations: "fim,ligação,",
name: "FcEngineering",
set: "fc",
translations: "sino,sinal,engenheiro,engenharia,",
name: "FcEnteringHeavenAlive",
set: "fc",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "FcExpand",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcExpired",
set: "fc",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "FcExport",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcExternal",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcFactoryBreakdown",
set: "fc",
translations: "baixo,fábrica,",
name: "FcFactory",
set: "fc",
translations: "fábrica,",
name: "FcFaq",
set: "fc",
translations: "frequente,",
name: "FcFeedIn",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcFeedback",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcFile",
set: "fc",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FcFilingCabinet",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcFilledFilter",
set: "fc",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "FcFilmReel",
set: "fc",
translations: "filme,",
name: "FcFilm",
set: "fc",
translations: "filme,",
name: "FcFinePrint",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcFlashAuto",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcFlashOff",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcFlashOn",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcFlowChart",
set: "fc",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "FcFolder",
set: "fc",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "FcFrame",
set: "fc",
translations: "tela,",
name: "FcFullBattery",
set: "fc",
translations: "bateria,carga,cheio,",
name: "FcFullTrash",
set: "fc",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,cheio,",
name: "FcGallery",
set: "fc",
translations: "galeria,imagens,fotos,",
name: "FcGenealogy",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcGenericSortingAsc",
set: "fc",
translations: "ordenar,",
name: "FcGenericSortingDesc",
set: "fc",
translations: "ordenar,",
name: "FcGlobe",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcGoodDecision",
set: "fc",
translations: "decisão,bom,",
name: "FcGoogle",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcGraduationCap",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcGrid",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcHeadset",
set: "fc",
translations: "fone,",
name: "FcHeatMap",
set: "fc",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "FcHighBattery",
set: "fc",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "FcHighPriority",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcHome",
set: "fc",
translations: "casa,lar,",
name: "FcIcons8Cup",
set: "fc",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FcIdea",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcImageFile",
set: "fc",
translations: "arquivo,imagem,",
name: "FcImport",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcInTransit",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcInfo",
set: "fc",
translations: "informação,",
name: "FcInspection",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcIntegratedWebcam",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcInternal",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcInvite",
set: "fc",
translations: "convite,",
name: "FcIpad",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcIphone",
set: "fc",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FcKey",
set: "fc",
translations: "chave,",
name: "FcKindle",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcLandscape",
set: "fc",
translations: "paisagem,",
name: "FcLeave",
set: "fc",
translations: "sair,",
name: "FcLeftDown",
set: "fc",
translations: "esquerda,baixo,",
name: "FcLeftDown2",
set: "fc",
translations: "esquerda,baixo,",
name: "FcLeftUp",
set: "fc",
translations: "esquerda,cima,",
name: "FcLeftUp2",
set: "fc",
translations: "esquerda,cima,",
name: "FcLeft",
set: "fc",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "FcLibrary",
set: "fc",
translations: "biblioteca,",
name: "FcLightAtTheEndOfTunnel",
set: "fc",
translations: "fim,",
name: "FcLikePlaceholder",
set: "fc",
translations: "gostar,estrela,favorito,lugar,",
name: "FcLike",
set: "fc",
translations: "gostar,estrela,favorito,",
name: "FcLineChart",
set: "fc",
translations: "grafico,linha,",
name: "FcLink",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcLinux",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcList",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcLockLandscape",
set: "fc",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,paisagem,",
name: "FcLockPortrait",
set: "fc",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "FcLock",
set: "fc",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "FcLowBattery",
set: "fc",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "FcLowPriority",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcMakeDecision",
set: "fc",
translations: "decisão,",
name: "FcManager",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcMediumPriority",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcMenu",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcMiddleBattery",
set: "fc",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "FcMindMap",
set: "fc",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "FcMinus",
set: "fc",
translations: "menos,",
name: "FcMissedCall",
set: "fc",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "FcMms",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcMoneyTransfer",
set: "fc",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "FcMultipleCameras",
set: "fc",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "FcMultipleDevices",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcMultipleInputs",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcMultipleSmartphones",
set: "fc",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FcMusic",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcNegativeDynamic",
set: "fc",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "FcNeutralDecision",
set: "fc",
translations: "decisão,",
name: "FcNeutralTrading",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcNews",
set: "fc",
translations: "noticia,",
name: "FcNext",
set: "fc",
translations: "próximo,",
name: "FcNfcSign",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcNightLandscape",
set: "fc",
translations: "paisagem,",
name: "FcNightPortrait",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcNoIdea",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcNoVideo",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcNook",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcNumericalSorting12",
set: "fc",
translations: "ordenar,",
name: "FcNumericalSorting21",
set: "fc",
translations: "ordenar,",
name: "FcOk",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcOldTimeCamera",
set: "fc",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,tempo,",
name: "FcOnlineSupport",
set: "fc",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "FcOpenedFolder",
set: "fc",
translations: "aberto,pasta,caneta,",
name: "FcOrgUnit",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcOrganization",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcOvertime",
set: "fc",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "FcPackage",
set: "fc",
translations: "pacote,",
name: "FcPaid",
set: "fc",
translations: "pago,",
name: "FcPanorama",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcParallelTasks",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcPhoneAndroid",
set: "fc",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FcPhone",
set: "fc",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FcPhotoReel",
set: "fc",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "FcPicture",
set: "fc",
translations: "foto,filme,imagem,filme,",
name: "FcPieChart",
set: "fc",
translations: "torta,grafico,",
name: "FcPlanner",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcPlus",
set: "fc",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "FcPodiumWithAudience",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcPodiumWithSpeaker",
set: "fc",
translations: "som,caixa,",
name: "FcPodiumWithoutSpeaker",
set: "fc",
translations: "som,caixa,",
name: "FcPortraitMode",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcPositiveDynamic",
set: "fc",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "FcPrevious",
set: "fc",
translations: "anterior,antes,",
name: "FcPrint",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcPrivacy",
set: "fc",
translations: "privacidade,",
name: "FcProcess",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcPuzzle",
set: "fc",
translations: "quebra,cabeça,",
name: "FcQuestions",
set: "fc",
translations: "questão,pergunta,",
name: "FcRadarPlot",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcRating",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcRatings",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcReadingEbook",
set: "fc",
translations: "livro,ler,leitura,",
name: "FcReading",
set: "fc",
translations: "ler,leitura,",
name: "FcReddit",
set: "fc",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "FcRedo",
set: "fc",
translations: "vermelho,refazer,",
name: "FcRefresh",
set: "fc",
translations: "atualizar,",
name: "FcRegisteredTrademark",
set: "fc",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "FcRemoveImage",
set: "fc",
translations: "imagem,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "FcReuse",
set: "fc",
translations: "reutilizar,",
name: "FcRightDown",
set: "fc",
translations: "direita,baixo,",
name: "FcRightDown2",
set: "fc",
translations: "direita,baixo,",
name: "FcRightUp",
set: "fc",
translations: "direita,cima,",
name: "FcRightUp2",
set: "fc",
translations: "direita,cima,",
name: "FcRight",
set: "fc",
translations: "direita,",
name: "FcRotateCamera",
set: "fc",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "FcRotateToLandscape",
set: "fc",
translations: "paisagem,",
name: "FcRotateToPortrait",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcRuler",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcRules",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcSafe",
set: "fc",
translations: "seguro,",
name: "FcSalesPerformance",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcScatterPlot",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcSearch",
set: "fc",
translations: "busca,procurar,",
name: "FcSelfServiceKiosk",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcSelfie",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcSerialTasks",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcServiceMark",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcServices",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcSettings",
set: "fc",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "FcShare",
set: "fc",
translations: "compartilhar,",
name: "FcShipped",
set: "fc",
translations: "frete,enviado,",
name: "FcShop",
set: "fc",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "FcSignature",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcSimCardChip",
set: "fc",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "FcSimCard",
set: "fc",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "FcSlrBackSide",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcSmartphoneTablet",
set: "fc",
translations: "telefone,celular,mesa,aba,",
name: "FcSms",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcSoundRecordingCopyright",
set: "fc",
translations: "copiar,direita,som,audio,",
name: "FcSpeaker",
set: "fc",
translations: "som,caixa,",
name: "FcSportsMode",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcStackOfPhotos",
set: "fc",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "FcStart",
set: "fc",
translations: "estrela,favorito,começar,",
name: "FcStatistics",
set: "fc",
translations: "estatística,",
name: "FcSteam",
set: "fc",
translations: "time,equipe,tempo,",
name: "FcStumbleupon",
set: "fc",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FcSupport",
set: "fc",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FcSurvey",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcSwitchCamera",
set: "fc",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,controle,",
name: "FcSynchronize",
set: "fc",
translations: "sincronizar,",
name: "FcTabletAndroid",
set: "fc",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "FcTemplate",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcTimeline",
set: "fc",
translations: "linha do tempo,tempo,linha,",
name: "FcTodoList",
set: "fc",
translations: "tarefa,",
name: "FcTouchscreenSmartphone",
set: "fc",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FcTrademark",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcTreeStructure",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcTwoSmartphones",
set: "fc",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FcUndo",
set: "fc",
translations: "desfazer,",
name: "FcUnlock",
set: "fc",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,destrancar,abrir,",
name: "FcUpLeft",
set: "fc",
translations: "esquerda,cima,",
name: "FcUpRight",
set: "fc",
translations: "direita,cima,",
name: "FcUp",
set: "fc",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FcUpload",
set: "fc",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FcUsb",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcVideoCall",
set: "fc",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "FcVideoFile",
set: "fc",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FcVideoProjector",
set: "fc",
translations: "projeto,",
name: "FcViewDetails",
set: "fc",
translations: "detalhes,",
name: "FcVip",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcVlc",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcVoicePresentation",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcVoicemail",
set: "fc",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "FcWebcam",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcWiFiLogo",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcWikipedia",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FcWorkflow",
set: "fc",
translations: "",
name: "FiActivity",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiAirplay",
set: "fi",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "FiAlertCircle",
set: "fi",
translations: "alerta,",
name: "FiAlertOctagon",
set: "fi",
translations: "alerta,etiqueta,",
name: "FiAlertTriangle",
set: "fi",
translations: "alerta,",
name: "FiAlignCenter",
set: "fi",
translations: "alinhar,",
name: "FiAlignJustify",
set: "fi",
translations: "alinhar,justificado,",
name: "FiAlignLeft",
set: "fi",
translations: "esquerda,alinhar,",
name: "FiAlignRight",
set: "fi",
translations: "direita,alinhar,",
name: "FiAnchor",
set: "fi",
translations: "âncora,link,",
name: "FiAperture",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiArchive",
set: "fi",
translations: "arquivar,",
name: "FiArrowDownCircle",
set: "fi",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "FiArrowDownLeft",
set: "fi",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,baixo,",
name: "FiArrowDownRight",
set: "fi",
translations: "direita,flecha,baixo,",
name: "FiArrowDown",
set: "fi",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "FiArrowLeftCircle",
set: "fi",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "FiArrowLeft",
set: "fi",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "FiArrowRightCircle",
set: "fi",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "FiArrowRight",
set: "fi",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "FiArrowUpCircle",
set: "fi",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "FiArrowUpLeft",
set: "fi",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,cima,",
name: "FiArrowUpRight",
set: "fi",
translations: "direita,flecha,cima,",
name: "FiArrowUp",
set: "fi",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "FiAtSign",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiAward",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiBarChart2",
set: "fi",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "FiBarChart",
set: "fi",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "FiBatteryCharging",
set: "fi",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "FiBattery",
set: "fi",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "FiBellOff",
set: "fi",
translations: "sino,",
name: "FiBell",
set: "fi",
translations: "sino,",
name: "FiBluetooth",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiBold",
set: "fi",
translations: "forte,negrito,",
name: "FiBookOpen",
set: "fi",
translations: "livro,aberto,caneta,",
name: "FiBook",
set: "fi",
translations: "livro,",
name: "FiBookmark",
set: "fi",
translations: "livro,",
name: "FiBox",
set: "fi",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "FiBriefcase",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiCalendar",
set: "fi",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "FiCameraOff",
set: "fi",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "FiCamera",
set: "fi",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "FiCast",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiCheckCircle",
set: "fi",
translations: "checado,",
name: "FiCheckSquare",
set: "fi",
translations: "checado,quadrado,",
name: "FiCheck",
set: "fi",
translations: "checado,",
name: "FiChevronDown",
set: "fi",
translations: "baixo,seta,flecha,",
name: "FiChevronLeft",
set: "fi",
translations: "esquerda,seta,flecha,",
name: "FiChevronRight",
set: "fi",
translations: "direita,seta,flecha,",
name: "FiChevronUp",
set: "fi",
translations: "cima,seta,flecha,",
name: "FiChevronsDown",
set: "fi",
translations: "baixo,seta,flecha,",
name: "FiChevronsLeft",
set: "fi",
translations: "esquerda,seta,flecha,",
name: "FiChevronsRight",
set: "fi",
translations: "direita,seta,flecha,",
name: "FiChevronsUp",
set: "fi",
translations: "cima,seta,flecha,",
name: "FiChrome",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiCircle",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiClipboard",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiClock",
set: "fi",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "FiCloudDrizzle",
set: "fi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "FiCloudLightning",
set: "fi",
translations: "nuvem,relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "FiCloudOff",
set: "fi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "FiCloudRain",
set: "fi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "FiCloudSnow",
set: "fi",
translations: "nuvem,neve,",
name: "FiCloud",
set: "fi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "FiCode",
set: "fi",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "FiCodepen",
set: "fi",
translations: "codigo,programar,caneta,",
name: "FiCodesandbox",
set: "fi",
translations: "codigo,programar,caixa,",
name: "FiCoffee",
set: "fi",
translations: "café,",
name: "FiColumns",
set: "fi",
translations: "coluna,",
name: "FiCommand",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiCompass",
set: "fi",
translations: "bussola,",
name: "FiCopy",
set: "fi",
translations: "copiar,",
name: "FiCornerDownLeft",
set: "fi",
translations: "esquerda,baixo,",
name: "FiCornerDownRight",
set: "fi",
translations: "direita,baixo,",
name: "FiCornerLeftDown",
set: "fi",
translations: "esquerda,baixo,",
name: "FiCornerLeftUp",
set: "fi",
translations: "esquerda,cima,",
name: "FiCornerRightDown",
set: "fi",
translations: "direita,baixo,",
name: "FiCornerRightUp",
set: "fi",
translations: "direita,cima,",
name: "FiCornerUpLeft",
set: "fi",
translations: "esquerda,cima,",
name: "FiCornerUpRight",
set: "fi",
translations: "direita,cima,",
name: "FiCpu",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiCreditCard",
set: "fi",
translations: "cartao,credito,vermelho,editar,cartão,",
name: "FiCrop",
set: "fi",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "FiCrosshair",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiDatabase",
set: "fi",
translations: "dados,aba,",
name: "FiDelete",
set: "fi",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "FiDisc",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiDollarSign",
set: "fi",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "FiDownloadCloud",
set: "fi",
translations: "nuvem,baixo,baixar,",
name: "FiDownload",
set: "fi",
translations: "baixo,baixar,",
name: "FiDroplet",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiEdit2",
set: "fi",
translations: "editar,",
name: "FiEdit3",
set: "fi",
translations: "editar,",
name: "FiEdit",
set: "fi",
translations: "editar,editar,",
name: "FiExternalLink",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiEyeOff",
set: "fi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "FiEye",
set: "fi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "FiFacebook",
set: "fi",
translations: "livro,",
name: "FiFastForward",
set: "fi",
translations: "rapido,frente,",
name: "FiFeather",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiFigma",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiFileMinus",
set: "fi",
translations: "arquivo,menos,",
name: "FiFilePlus",
set: "fi",
translations: "arquivo,mais,adicionar,",
name: "FiFileText",
set: "fi",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FiFile",
set: "fi",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "FiFilm",
set: "fi",
translations: "filme,",
name: "FiFilter",
set: "fi",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "FiFlag",
set: "fi",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "FiFolderMinus",
set: "fi",
translations: "pasta,menos,",
name: "FiFolderPlus",
set: "fi",
translations: "pasta,mais,adicionar,",
name: "FiFolder",
set: "fi",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "FiFrown",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiGift",
set: "fi",
translations: "presente,",
name: "FiGitBranch",
set: "fi",
translations: "galho,",
name: "FiGitCommit",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiGitMerge",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiGitPullRequest",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiGithub",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiGitlab",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiGlobe",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiGrid",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiHardDrive",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiHash",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiHeadphones",
set: "fi",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FiHeart",
set: "fi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "FiHelpCircle",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiHexagon",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiHome",
set: "fi",
translations: "casa,lar,",
name: "FiImage",
set: "fi",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "FiInbox",
set: "fi",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "FiInfo",
set: "fi",
translations: "informação,",
name: "FiInstagram",
set: "fi",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "FiItalic",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiKey",
set: "fi",
translations: "chave,",
name: "FiLayers",
set: "fi",
translations: "camadas,",
name: "FiLayout",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiLifeBuoy",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiLink2",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiLink",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiLinkedin",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiList",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiLoader",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiLock",
set: "fi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "FiLogIn",
set: "fi",
translations: "entrar,",
name: "FiLogOut",
set: "fi",
translations: "sair,",
name: "FiMail",
set: "fi",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "FiMapPin",
set: "fi",
translations: "aplicativo,mapa,",
name: "FiMap",
set: "fi",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "FiMaximize2",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiMaximize",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiMeh",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiMenu",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiMessageCircle",
set: "fi",
translations: "mensagem,",
name: "FiMessageSquare",
set: "fi",
translations: "mensagem,quadrado,",
name: "FiMicOff",
set: "fi",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "FiMic",
set: "fi",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "FiMinimize2",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiMinimize",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiMinusCircle",
set: "fi",
translations: "menos,",
name: "FiMinusSquare",
set: "fi",
translations: "menos,quadrado,",
name: "FiMinus",
set: "fi",
translations: "menos,",
name: "FiMonitor",
set: "fi",
translations: "tela,",
name: "FiMoon",
set: "fi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "FiMoreHorizontal",
set: "fi",
translations: "mais,",
name: "FiMoreVertical",
set: "fi",
translations: "mais,",
name: "FiMousePointer",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiMove",
set: "fi",
translations: "mexer,movimentar,",
name: "FiMusic",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiNavigation2",
set: "fi",
translations: "navegação,",
name: "FiNavigation",
set: "fi",
translations: "navegação,",
name: "FiOctagon",
set: "fi",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "FiPackage",
set: "fi",
translations: "pacote,",
name: "FiPaperclip",
set: "fi",
translations: "papel,",
name: "FiPauseCircle",
set: "fi",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "FiPause",
set: "fi",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "FiPenTool",
set: "fi",
translations: "ferramenta,caneta,",
name: "FiPercent",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiPhoneCall",
set: "fi",
translations: "telefone,celular,ligação,",
name: "FiPhoneForwarded",
set: "fi",
translations: "frente,telefone,celular,",
name: "FiPhoneIncoming",
set: "fi",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FiPhoneMissed",
set: "fi",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FiPhoneOff",
set: "fi",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FiPhoneOutgoing",
set: "fi",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FiPhone",
set: "fi",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FiPieChart",
set: "fi",
translations: "torta,grafico,",
name: "FiPlayCircle",
set: "fi",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "FiPlay",
set: "fi",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "FiPlusCircle",
set: "fi",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "FiPlusSquare",
set: "fi",
translations: "mais,adicionar,quadrado,",
name: "FiPlus",
set: "fi",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "FiPocket",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiPower",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiPrinter",
set: "fi",
translations: "impressora,",
name: "FiRadio",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiRefreshCcw",
set: "fi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,atualizar,",
name: "FiRefreshCw",
set: "fi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,atualizar,",
name: "FiRepeat",
set: "fi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,repetir,bixo,animal,",
name: "FiRewind",
set: "fi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,vento,",
name: "FiRotateCcw",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiRotateCw",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiRss",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiSave",
set: "fi",
translations: "salvar,",
name: "FiScissors",
set: "fi",
translations: "tesoura,",
name: "FiSearch",
set: "fi",
translations: "busca,procurar,",
name: "FiSend",
set: "fi",
translations: "enviar,envio,fim,",
name: "FiServer",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiSettings",
set: "fi",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "FiShare2",
set: "fi",
translations: "compartilhar,peixe,",
name: "FiShare",
set: "fi",
translations: "compartilhar,peixe,",
name: "FiShieldOff",
set: "fi",
translations: "escudo,peixe,",
name: "FiShield",
set: "fi",
translations: "escudo,peixe,",
name: "FiShoppingBag",
set: "fi",
translations: "comprar,peixe,",
name: "FiShoppingCart",
set: "fi",
translations: "comprar,peixe,",
name: "FiShuffle",
set: "fi",
translations: "aleatório,peixe,",
name: "FiSidebar",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiSkipBack",
set: "fi",
translations: "pular,",
name: "FiSkipForward",
set: "fi",
translations: "frente,pular,",
name: "FiSlack",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiSlash",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiSliders",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiSmartphone",
set: "fi",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "FiSmile",
set: "fi",
translations: "sorriso,",
name: "FiSpeaker",
set: "fi",
translations: "som,caixa,",
name: "FiSquare",
set: "fi",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FiStar",
set: "fi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "FiStopCircle",
set: "fi",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "FiSun",
set: "fi",
translations: "sol,",
name: "FiSunrise",
set: "fi",
translations: "levantar,sol,nascer do sol,",
name: "FiSunset",
set: "fi",
translations: "sol,por do sol,",
name: "FiTablet",
set: "fi",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "FiTag",
set: "fi",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "FiTarget",
set: "fi",
translations: "alvo,",
name: "FiTerminal",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiThermometer",
set: "fi",
translations: "termômetro,temperatura,",
name: "FiThumbsDown",
set: "fi",
translations: "baixo,ruim,",
name: "FiThumbsUp",
set: "fi",
translations: "cima,beleza,",
name: "FiToggleLeft",
set: "fi",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "FiToggleRight",
set: "fi",
translations: "direita,",
name: "FiTrash2",
set: "fi",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "FiTrash",
set: "fi",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "FiTrello",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiTrendingDown",
set: "fi",
translations: "baixo,fim,",
name: "FiTrendingUp",
set: "fi",
translations: "cima,fim,",
name: "FiTriangle",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiTruck",
set: "fi",
translations: "caminhão,",
name: "FiTv",
set: "fi",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "FiTwitter",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiType",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiUmbrella",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiUnderline",
set: "fi",
translations: "linha,",
name: "FiUnlock",
set: "fi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,destrancar,abrir,",
name: "FiUploadCloud",
set: "fi",
translations: "nuvem,cima,",
name: "FiUpload",
set: "fi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "FiUserCheck",
set: "fi",
translations: "checado,usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FiUserMinus",
set: "fi",
translations: "menos,usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FiUserPlus",
set: "fi",
translations: "mais,adicionar,usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FiUserX",
set: "fi",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FiUser",
set: "fi",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FiUsers",
set: "fi",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "FiVideoOff",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiVideo",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiVoicemail",
set: "fi",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "FiVolume1",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiVolume2",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiVolumeX",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiVolume",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiWatch",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiWifiOff",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiWifi",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiWind",
set: "fi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "FiXCircle",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiXOctagon",
set: "fi",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "FiXSquare",
set: "fi",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "FiX",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiYoutube",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiZapOff",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiZap",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiZoomIn",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "FiZoomOut",
set: "fi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPoliceBadge",
set: "gi",
translations: "polícia,",
name: "GiBrutalHelm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrossbow",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlame",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMiteAlt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpiderAlt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpiderFace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAnnexation",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBadGnome",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBattleship",
set: "gi",
translations: "batalha,",
name: "GiBoarEnsign",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCarnyx",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCarrier",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChariot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCruiser",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDread",
set: "gi",
translations: "ler,leitura,",
name: "GiDreadnought",
set: "gi",
translations: "ler,leitura,",
name: "GiEarthWorm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlyingTrout",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFomorian",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGreatWarTank",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHolyOak",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIronHulledWarship",
set: "gi",
translations: "ferro,",
name: "GiMedusaHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNunFace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOccupy",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiOldKing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOppidum",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPolarBear",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordman",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordwoman",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTorc",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTransparentSlime",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTreeFace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTumulus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWitchFace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAcrobatic",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiApothecary",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBigGear",
set: "gi",
translations: "equipamento,",
name: "GiCatch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCauldron",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChameleonGlyph",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDeathJuice",
set: "gi",
translations: "morte,",
name: "GiDistraction",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFishCooked",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiFlyingShuriken",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFriedFish",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiHoodedAssassin",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHoodedFigure",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKusarigama",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNinjaHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNinjaHeroicStance",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNorthStarShuriken",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiOnSight",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPlantsAndAnimals",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRam",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRevolt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRobberHand",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRunningNinja",
set: "gi",
translations: "correndo,rodando,fim,",
name: "GiSeveredHand",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "GiSharpShuriken",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShuriken",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSkullSabertooth",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSmokeBomb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStarShuriken",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiTabiBoot",
set: "gi",
translations: "aba,",
name: "GiThreePointedShuriken",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWhirlpoolShuriken",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "Gi3DHammer",
set: "gi",
translations: "martelo,",
name: "Gi3DMeeple",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "Gi3DStairs",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAbacus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAchillesHeel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAcousticMegaphone",
set: "gi",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "GiAfrica",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAges",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAirBalloon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAirtightHatch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAlarmClock",
set: "gi",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,alarme,",
name: "GiAlgae",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAlienBug",
set: "gi",
translations: "inseto,",
name: "GiAlienEgg",
set: "gi",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "GiAllSeeingEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiAlmond",
set: "gi",
translations: "amêndoa,",
name: "GiAmberMosquito",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAmbulance",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAmericanFootballBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAmericanFootballHelmet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAmericanShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiAmphora",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAnarchy",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAncientRuins",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAncientScrew",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAncientSword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAngola",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAngryEyes",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiAnimalHide",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAnt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAntarctica",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAntibody",
set: "gi",
translations: "corpo,",
name: "GiAnticlockwiseRotation",
set: "gi",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GiAnts",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAnubis",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAquarium",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAquarius",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAqueduct",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArabicDoor",
set: "gi",
translations: "porta,",
name: "GiArcTriomphe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArcher",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAries",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArmBandage",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArmSling",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArmadillo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArmorDowngrade",
set: "gi",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GiArmorPunch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArmorUpgrade",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiArmoredBoomerang",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,mais,",
name: "GiArrest",
set: "gi",
translations: "descansar,",
name: "GiArrowCursor",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiArrowWings",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiAscendingBlock",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,fim,bloquear,bloco,",
name: "GiAsianLantern",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAspergillum",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAsteroid",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAstronautHelmet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAtlas",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAttachedShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiAudioCassette",
set: "gi",
translations: "som,",
name: "GiAustralia",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAxeInLog",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBabyFace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBabyfootPlayers",
set: "gi",
translations: "iniciar,começar,camadas,",
name: "GiBackgammon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBackpack",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBackwardTime",
set: "gi",
translations: "tras,tempo,",
name: "GiBadBreath",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBallerinaShoes",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBalloonDog",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBambooFountain",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBamboo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBananaBunch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBananaPeel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBananaPeeled",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBanana",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBandit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBangingGavel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBank",
set: "gi",
translations: "banco,",
name: "GiBanknote",
set: "gi",
translations: "banco,",
name: "GiBarbarian",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBarbecue",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBarn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBarracksTent",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBarracks",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBarrel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBarricade",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBarrier",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBaseballBat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBaseballGlove",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBasketballBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBasketballBasket",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBasketballJersey",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBastet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBatMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBattleMech",
set: "gi",
translations: "batalha,",
name: "GiBeachBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBeachBucket",
set: "gi",
translations: "balde,",
name: "GiBeamSatellite",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBearHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBedLamp",
set: "gi",
translations: "cama,",
name: "GiBed",
set: "gi",
translations: "cama,",
name: "GiBeehive",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBeerBottle",
set: "gi",
translations: "cerveja,",
name: "GiBeet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBelgium",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBeltArmor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBerriesBowl",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBerryBush",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBiceps",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBilledCap",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBindle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBinoculars",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBison",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBlackBelt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBlackKnightHelm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBlackSea",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBlacksmith",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBlindfold",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBlockHouse",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,casa,bloquear,bloco,",
name: "GiBo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBoatFishing",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,barco,",
name: "GiBoatHorizon",
set: "gi",
translations: "barco,",
name: "GiBoatPropeller",
set: "gi",
translations: "barco,",
name: "GiBodyBalance",
set: "gi",
translations: "corpo,",
name: "GiBodyHeight",
set: "gi",
translations: "corpo,",
name: "GiBolivia",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBoltBomb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBoltCutter",
set: "gi",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "GiBoltSpellCast",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBoneKnife",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBoneMace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBonsaiTree",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBookCover",
set: "gi",
translations: "livro,",
name: "GiBookPile",
set: "gi",
translations: "livro,",
name: "GiBookshelf",
set: "gi",
translations: "livro,",
name: "GiBoomerang",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBooze",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBossKey",
set: "gi",
translations: "chave,",
name: "GiBottleCap",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBottledShadow",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBoulderDash",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBouncingSpring",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,primavera,",
name: "GiBowArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiBowTieRibbon",
set: "gi",
translations: "faixa,",
name: "GiBowTie",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBowels",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBowenKnot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBowlingPin",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBowlingStrike",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBoxCutter",
set: "gi",
translations: "caixa,cortar,",
name: "GiBracer",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrainLeak",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrainTentacle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrasero",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrassKnuckles",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrazilFlag",
set: "gi",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "GiBrazil",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBread",
set: "gi",
translations: "ler,leitura,",
name: "GiBrickPile",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrickWall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBriefcase",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBroccoli",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrokenAxe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrokenPottery",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrokenWall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBroom",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrute",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBuffaloHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBulldozer",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBulletImpacts",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBullyMinion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBuoy",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiButter",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiButterflyKnife",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiButtonFinger",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBuyCard",
set: "gi",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "GiByzantinTemple",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCactus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCadillacHelm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCaduceus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCaesar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCage",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCalavera",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCalendar",
set: "gi",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "GiCaltrops",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCamargueCross",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCambodia",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCamelHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCamel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCampingTent",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCancer",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCandles",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCandlestickPhone",
set: "gi",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "GiCandyCanes",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCanoe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCape",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCapricorn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCaptainHatProfile",
set: "gi",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "GiCarBattery",
set: "gi",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "GiCarKey",
set: "gi",
translations: "chave,",
name: "GiCarWheel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCarambola",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCaravan",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCardBurn",
set: "gi",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "GiCardExchange",
set: "gi",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "GiCardJoker",
set: "gi",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "GiCardboardBox",
set: "gi",
translations: "caixa,cartão,",
name: "GiCarnivalMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCarnivorousPlant",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCarrot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCassowaryHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCastleRuins",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCastle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCaterpillar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCavalry",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCaveEntrance",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCaveman",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCctvCamera",
set: "gi",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,televisão,",
name: "GiCeilingBarnacle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCeilingLight",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCentaur",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChainsaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChalkOutlineMurder",
set: "gi",
translations: "linha,",
name: "GiChampions",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChargingBull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChart",
set: "gi",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "GiCheckeredFlag",
set: "gi",
translations: "checado,bandeira,vermelho,",
name: "GiChecklist",
set: "gi",
translations: "checado,",
name: "GiChefToque",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChelseaBoot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCherish",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCherry",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChestArmor",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiChest",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChickenOven",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChicken",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChiliPepper",
set: "gi",
translations: "pimenta,",
name: "GiChimney",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChipsBag",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChisel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChurch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCigale",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCigar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCigarette",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCircle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCityCar",
set: "gi",
translations: "carro,veiculo,automovel,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "GiClapperboard",
set: "gi",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "GiClaws",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiClayBrick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiClaymoreExplosive",
set: "gi",
translations: "mais,",
name: "GiClockwiseRotation",
set: "gi",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GiClosedBarbute",
set: "gi",
translations: "fechar,",
name: "GiClosedDoors",
set: "gi",
translations: "fechar,porta,",
name: "GiClothespin",
set: "gi",
translations: "pano,",
name: "GiCloudDownload",
set: "gi",
translations: "nuvem,baixo,baixar,",
name: "GiCloudUpload",
set: "gi",
translations: "nuvem,cima,",
name: "GiClown",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiClownfish",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiCoalWagon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCobra",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCoconuts",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCoffeeBeans",
set: "gi",
translations: "café,",
name: "GiCoffeeCup",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,café,",
name: "GiCoinsPile",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCoins",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiColiseum",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiColombia",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiColombianStatue",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCompactDisc",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCompanionCube",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiComputerFan",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiConcreteBag",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiConfrontation",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCongress",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiConqueror",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiContortionist",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiContract",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiControlTower",
set: "gi",
translations: "controle,",
name: "GiConvergenceTarget",
set: "gi",
translations: "alvo,",
name: "GiConvict",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiConvince",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiConwayLifeGlider",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCookie",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCookingPot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCorn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCornerFlag",
set: "gi",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "GiCornucopia",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCoronation",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCorporal",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCorset",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCottonFlower",
set: "gi",
translations: "flor,flores,",
name: "GiCoveredJar",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "GiCow",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCowboyBoot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCowboyHolster",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrafting",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrane",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrenelCrown",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "GiCricketBat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCricket",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrimeSceneTape",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCroissant",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrookFlail",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrossShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiCrosscutSaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "GiCrosshair",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrowNest",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "GiCrowbar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrucifix",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCryoChamber",
set: "gi",
translations: "choro,chorar,",
name: "GiCrystalShrine",
set: "gi",
translations: "choro,chorar,",
name: "GiCube",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCupcake",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiCurlingStone",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCustodianHelmet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCutLemon",
set: "gi",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "GiCyberEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiCyborgFace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCycling",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDaemonPull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDaggerRose",
set: "gi",
translations: "rosa,",
name: "GiDandelionFlower",
set: "gi",
translations: "flor,flores,",
name: "GiDango",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDart",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDatabase",
set: "gi",
translations: "dados,aba,",
name: "GiDeadHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDefenseSatellite",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDesert",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDeshretRedCrown",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,vermelho,",
name: "GiDesk",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDetour",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiamondHilt",
set: "gi",
translations: "diamante,",
name: "GiDiamondRing",
set: "gi",
translations: "diamante,sino,sinal,",
name: "GiDiceEightFacesEight",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiceSixFacesFive",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiceSixFacesFour",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiceSixFacesOne",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiceSixFacesSix",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiceSixFacesThree",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiceSixFacesTwo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiceTwentyFacesTwenty",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDigHole",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDimetrodon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiplodocus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiploma",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDirectionSign",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDirectionSigns",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDirectorChair",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiscGolfBag",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiscGolfBasket",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiscussion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDivingHelmet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDjinn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDogBowl",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDolmen",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDolphin",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDominoTiles",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDonut",
set: "gi",
translations: "biscoito,",
name: "GiDoorHandle",
set: "gi",
translations: "porta,",
name: "GiDoughRoller",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDragonOrb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDrakkarDragon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDrakkar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDrawbridge",
set: "gi",
translations: "ponte,",
name: "GiDreamCatcher",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDrill",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDrinking",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDrum",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDuckPalm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDuck",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDunceCap",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDungeonGate",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDungeonLight",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDuration",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDutchBike",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDwarfFace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDwennimmen",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDynamite",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEagleHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEarrings",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiEarthAfricaEurope",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEarthAmerica",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEarthAsiaOceania",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEasterEgg",
set: "gi",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "GiEatingPelican",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEating",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEcology",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEgypt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEgyptianBird",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEgyptianProfile",
set: "gi",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "GiEgyptianPyramids",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEgyptianSphinx",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEgyptianTemple",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEgyptianUrns",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEgyptianWalk",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEightBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiElectricalResistance",
set: "gi",
translations: "elétrico,eletricidade,",
name: "GiElephantHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiElephant",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiElfEar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEmeraldNecklace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEmptyChessboard",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEmptyMetalBucketHandle",
set: "gi",
translations: "balde,",
name: "GiEmptyMetalBucket",
set: "gi",
translations: "balde,",
name: "GiEmptyWoodBucketHandle",
set: "gi",
translations: "balde,",
name: "GiEmptyWoodBucket",
set: "gi",
translations: "balde,",
name: "GiEncirclement",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEnergyTank",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEnrage",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEntryDoor",
set: "gi",
translations: "porta,",
name: "GiErmine",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEternalLove",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEuropeanFlag",
set: "gi",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "GiEvasion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEvilTower",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiExitDoor",
set: "gi",
translations: "porta,",
name: "GiExpand",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiExpense",
set: "gi",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "GiEyeOfHorus",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiEyeTarget",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,alvo,",
name: "GiEyelashes",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiFClef",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFaceToFace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFactoryArm",
set: "gi",
translations: "fábrica,",
name: "GiFactory",
set: "gi",
translations: "fábrica,",
name: "GiFairyWings",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFairy",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFalconMoon",
set: "gi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "GiFallingBomb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFallingRocks",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFalloutShelter",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFamilyHouse",
set: "gi",
translations: "casa,",
name: "GiFamilyTree",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFarmTractor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFarmer",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFeline",
set: "gi",
translations: "linha,",
name: "GiFemaleLegs",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFemaleVampire",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFemale",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFencer",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFertilizerBag",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFez",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFigurehead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFiles",
set: "gi",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "GiFilmProjector",
set: "gi",
translations: "projeto,filme,",
name: "GiFilmSpool",
set: "gi",
translations: "filme,",
name: "GiFilmStrip",
set: "gi",
translations: "filme,",
name: "GiFinch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFingerPrint",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFingernail",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFireExtinguisher",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireFlower",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,flor,flores,",
name: "GiFireShrine",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireSpellCast",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireplace",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,lugar,",
name: "GiFirstAidKit",
set: "gi",
translations: "primeiro,",
name: "GiFishMonster",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiFishSmoking",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiFishingBoat",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,barco,",
name: "GiFishingPole",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiFishingSpoon",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiFishing",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiFlail",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlamethrowerSoldier",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlamethrower",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlamingo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlangedMace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlashlight",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlatTire",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlax",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFleurDeLys",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlintSpark",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlipFlops",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFloatingGhost",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFloatingTentacles",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlood",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFloorHatch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFloorPolisher",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlowerStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,flor,flores,",
name: "GiFlute",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFly",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlyingFox",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlyingTarget",
set: "gi",
translations: "alvo,",
name: "GiFog",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFoodTruck",
set: "gi",
translations: "caminhão,",
name: "GiFootPlaster",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFootyField",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiForearm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiForestCamp",
set: "gi",
translations: "descansar,",
name: "GiForest",
set: "gi",
translations: "descansar,",
name: "GiForklift",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFoxTail",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFreemasonry",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFriedEggs",
set: "gi",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "GiFrisbee",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFrogPrince",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFruitTree",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFuelTank",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFuji",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFullFolder",
set: "gi",
translations: "pasta,cheio,",
name: "GiFullMetalBucketHandle",
set: "gi",
translations: "balde,cheio,",
name: "GiFullMetalBucket",
set: "gi",
translations: "balde,cheio,",
name: "GiFullMotorcycleHelmet",
set: "gi",
translations: "cheio,",
name: "GiFullWoodBucketHandle",
set: "gi",
translations: "balde,cheio,",
name: "GiFullWoodBucket",
set: "gi",
translations: "balde,cheio,",
name: "GiFunnel",
set: "gi",
translations: "funil,",
name: "GiFurBoot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFurShirt",
set: "gi",
translations: "camiseta,",
name: "GiGClef",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGalea",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGameConsole",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGamepad",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGargoyle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGarlic",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGasPump",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGate",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGaulsHelm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGauntlet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGemini",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGiantSquid",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGiant",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGingerbreadMan",
set: "gi",
translations: "ler,leitura,",
name: "GiGlaive",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGlassBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGlassCelebration",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGlobeRing",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiGloves",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGoblinCamp",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGoblinHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGoldMine",
set: "gi",
translations: "ouro,dourado,",
name: "GiGoldNuggets",
set: "gi",
translations: "ouro,dourado,",
name: "GiGoldStack",
set: "gi",
translations: "ouro,dourado,",
name: "GiGolemHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGolfFlag",
set: "gi",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "GiGoose",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGorilla",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGps",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGraduateCap",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGrain",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGranary",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGraspingSlug",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGrass",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGraveyard",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGreatPyramid",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGreaves",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGreekSphinx",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGreekTemple",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGreenhouse",
set: "gi",
translations: "casa,",
name: "GiGriffinSymbol",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGuards",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGunRose",
set: "gi",
translations: "rosa,",
name: "GiH2O",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHabitatDome",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHairStrands",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHalfBodyCrawling",
set: "gi",
translations: "corpo,",
name: "GiHalfDead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHamburgerMenu",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHamburger",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHammerSickle",
set: "gi",
translations: "martelo,",
name: "GiHandBag",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHandBandage",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHandGrip",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHandOfGod",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHandOk",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHandSaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHandcuffed",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHandheldFan",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHangGlider",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHanger",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHangingSign",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHazmatSuit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHeadbandKnot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHeadphones",
set: "gi",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "GiHealing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHealthCapsule",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHealthPotion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHeartBattery",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,bateria,carga,",
name: "GiHeartBeats",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiHeartNecklace",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiHeartWings",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiHedjetWhiteCrown",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "GiHelicoprion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHelicopterTail",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHelicopter",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHellCrosses",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHemp",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHeptagram",
set: "gi",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "GiHerbsBundle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHexagonalNut",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHieroglyphY",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHighGrass",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHighHeel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHighKick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHighTide",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHillConquest",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHillFort",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHills",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHistogram",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHobbitDwelling",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHockey",
set: "gi",
translations: "chave,",
name: "GiHoleLadder",
set: "gi",
translations: "adicionar,",
name: "GiHole",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHolyHandGrenade",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHolyWater",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHomeGarage",
set: "gi",
translations: "casa,lar,",
name: "GiHops",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHorizontalFlip",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHornedReptile",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHorseHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHorseshoe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHorus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHospital",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHotMeal",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiHouseKeys",
set: "gi",
translations: "casa,chave,",
name: "GiHouse",
set: "gi",
translations: "casa,",
name: "GiHumanCannonball",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHumanEar",
set: "gi",
translations: "perto,",
name: "GiHumanPyramid",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHummingbird",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHungary",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHuntingBolas",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHut",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHutsVillage",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIBeam",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIBrick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIcarus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIceCreamCone",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIceGolem",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIcePop",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIceSkate",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIceSpellCast",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIceberg",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIceland",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIdCard",
set: "gi",
translations: "identidadecartão,",
name: "GiIdea",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIgloo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiImperialCrown",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "GiIndianPalace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInfo",
set: "gi",
translations: "informação,",
name: "GiInjustice",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInterceptorShip",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInvisibleFace",
set: "gi",
translations: "invisivel,",
name: "GiInvisible",
set: "gi",
translations: "invisivel,",
name: "GiIonicColumn",
set: "gi",
translations: "coluna,",
name: "GiIsland",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiItalia",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIvoryTusks",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJBrick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJackPlug",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJapan",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJasmine",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJasonMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJawlessCyclop",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJeep",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJerrycan",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJesterHat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJetFighter",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJewelCrown",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "GiJoin",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJoystick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJug",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJugglingClubs",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJugglingSeal",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJumpAcross",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJumpingDog",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJupiter",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiKangaroo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKatana",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKenkuHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKeyboard",
set: "gi",
translations: "chave,teclado,",
name: "GiKeyring",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,chave,",
name: "GiKidneys",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKimono",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKingJuMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKite",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKiwiBird",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKiwiFruit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKlingon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKneePad",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKneeling",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKnot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKoala",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKrakenTentacle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLBrick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLabCoat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLadder",
set: "gi",
translations: "adicionar,",
name: "GiLadle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLadybug",
set: "gi",
translations: "inseto,",
name: "GiLargeDress",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLargePaintBrush",
set: "gi",
translations: "pincel,pintura,pintura,",
name: "GiLaserTurret",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLasso",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLatvia",
set: "gi",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "GiLaurelsTrophy",
set: "gi",
translations: "troféu,prêmio,",
name: "GiLeadPipe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLeak",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLeatherArmor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLed",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLegArmor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLemon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLeo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLevelCrossing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLiar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLibertyWing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLibra",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLifeBar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLifeBuoy",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLightBackpack",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLightProjector",
set: "gi",
translations: "projeto,",
name: "GiLightSabers",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLighter",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLighthouse",
set: "gi",
translations: "casa,",
name: "GiLightningDome",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLilyPads",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLipstick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLiver",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLoad",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLockPicking",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GiLockSpy",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,espião,",
name: "GiLockedBox",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,caixa,",
name: "GiLockedHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GiLockpicks",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GiLog",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLoincloth",
set: "gi",
translations: "pano,",
name: "GiLookAt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLoveLetter",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLoveMystery",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLovers",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLowTide",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLuchador",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLunarModule",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLunarWand",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLungs",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLynxHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMagicHat",
set: "gi",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "GiMagicPotion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMagicTrident",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMagickTrick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMailbox",
set: "gi",
translations: "carta,email,caixa,",
name: "GiMale",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMammoth",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMandrillHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMantaRay",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiManualJuicer",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiManualMeatGrinder",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMarbles",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMarsCuriosity",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMarsPathfinder",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMatryoshkaDolls",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMayanPyramid",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMeal",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMechaHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMechaMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMechanicGarage",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMedallist",
set: "gi",
translations: "medalha,",
name: "GiMedicinePills",
set: "gi",
translations: "remedio,medico,pílulas,",
name: "GiMedicines",
set: "gi",
translations: "remedio,medico,",
name: "GiMedievalGate",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMedievalPavilion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMeepleGroup",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiMeepleKing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMeeple",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMegaphone",
set: "gi",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "GiMeltingIceCube",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMenhir",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMermaid",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMeshNetwork",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMetalPlate",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMetalSkirt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMetroid",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMetronome",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMexico",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMicrophone",
set: "gi",
translations: "telefone,celular,microfone,cortar,",
name: "GiMightyBoosh",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMightyForce",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMilitaryFort",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMilleniumKey",
set: "gi",
translations: "chave,",
name: "GiMimicChest",
set: "gi",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "GiMineTruck",
set: "gi",
translations: "caminhão,",
name: "GiMineWagon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMiner",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMiniSubmarine",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMiningHelmet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMissileLauncher",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMoai",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiModernCity",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMokaPot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMonaLisa",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMonclerJacket",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMoneyStack",
set: "gi",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "GiMonkFace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMonkeyWrench",
set: "gi",
translations: "chave,",
name: "GiMonoWheelRobot",
set: "gi",
translations: "robô,",
name: "GiMonumentValley",
set: "gi",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "GiMoonOrbit",
set: "gi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "GiMorgueFeet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMorphBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMortar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMountainCave",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMouse",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMove",
set: "gi",
translations: "mexer,movimentar,",
name: "GiMp5",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMugShot",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiMultipleTargets",
set: "gi",
translations: "alvo,",
name: "GiMummyHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMuscularTorso",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMushroomHouse",
set: "gi",
translations: "casa,",
name: "GiMushrooms",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMusicalKeyboard",
set: "gi",
translations: "chave,teclado,",
name: "GiMusicalNotes",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMusicalScore",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMute",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNeckBite",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNefertiti",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNestedHearts",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiNestedHexagons",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNetworkBars",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNewBorn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNewspaper",
set: "gi",
translations: "papel,jornal,noticia,",
name: "GiNightVision",
set: "gi",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "GiNinjaArmor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNinjaVelociraptor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNoodles",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNoseFront",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNoseSide",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNuclearPlant",
set: "gi",
translations: "limpar,",
name: "GiNunchaku",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNurseFemale",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNurseMale",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOBrick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOakLeaf",
set: "gi",
translations: "folha,",
name: "GiOasis",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiObelisk",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiObservatory",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOcarina",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOden",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOffshorePlatform",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOgre",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOilPump",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOilRig",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOldLantern",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOldMicrophone",
set: "gi",
translations: "telefone,celular,microfone,cortar,",
name: "GiOldWagon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOlive",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOni",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOpenFolder",
set: "gi",
translations: "aberto,pasta,caneta,",
name: "GiOpenedFoodCan",
set: "gi",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "GiOphiuchus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOrange",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOrcHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOrganigram",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOstrich",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOutbackHat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOverlordHelm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOysterPearl",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPaddles",
set: "gi",
translations: "adicionar,",
name: "GiPagoda",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPaintBrush",
set: "gi",
translations: "pincel,pintura,pintura,",
name: "GiPaintBucket",
set: "gi",
translations: "balde,pintura,",
name: "GiPaintRoller",
set: "gi",
translations: "pintura,",
name: "GiPaintedPottery",
set: "gi",
translations: "pintura,",
name: "GiPalette",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPalisade",
set: "gi",
translations: "triste,",
name: "GiPalmTree",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPanFlute",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPanda",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPanzerfaust",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPaperBoat",
set: "gi",
translations: "papel,barco,",
name: "GiPaperClip",
set: "gi",
translations: "papel,",
name: "GiPaperPlane",
set: "gi",
translations: "papel,",
name: "GiPaperTray",
set: "gi",
translations: "papel,",
name: "GiPaperWindmill",
set: "gi",
translations: "papel,vento,",
name: "GiPapyrus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiParaguay",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiParasaurolophus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPartyFlags",
set: "gi",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "GiPathDistance",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPathTile",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPayMoney",
set: "gi",
translations: "dinheiro,pagar,",
name: "GiPeach",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPear",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPearlNecklace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPelvisBone",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPencilBrush",
set: "gi",
translations: "pincel,pintura,caneta,",
name: "GiPencil",
set: "gi",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "GiPendulumSwing",
set: "gi",
translations: "caneta,fim,",
name: "GiPenguin",
set: "gi",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "GiPeriscope",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPerson",
set: "gi",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "GiPerspectiveDiceFive",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPerspectiveDiceFour",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPerspectiveDiceOne",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPerspectiveDiceSixFacesFive",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPerspectiveDiceSixFacesFour",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPerspectiveDiceSixFacesOne",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPerspectiveDiceSixFacesRand",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPerspectiveDiceSixFacesSix",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPerspectiveDiceSixFacesThree",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPerspectiveDiceSixFacesTwo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPerspectiveDiceSix",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPerspectiveDiceThree",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPerspectiveDiceTwo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPharoah",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPhone",
set: "gi",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "GiPhotoCamera",
set: "gi",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,quente,calor,",
name: "GiPhrygianCap",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPianoKeys",
set: "gi",
translations: "chave,",
name: "GiPickOfDestiny",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPieChart",
set: "gi",
translations: "torta,grafico,",
name: "GiPiggyBank",
set: "gi",
translations: "banco,",
name: "GiPikeman",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPilgrimHat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPillow",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPin",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPinballFlipper",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPineapple",
set: "gi",
translations: "maçã,aplicativo,",
name: "GiPingPongBat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPipes",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPiranha",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPirateCannon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPirateCaptain",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPirateCoat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPirateFlag",
set: "gi",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "GiPirateHat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPirateHook",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPisaTower",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPisces",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPizzaSlice",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPlagueDoctorProfile",
set: "gi",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "GiPlainArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiPlainCircle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPlainSquare",
set: "gi",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "GiPlaneWing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPlanetCore",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPlanks",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPlasticDuck",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPlesiosaurus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPlow",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPlug",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPocketRadio",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPodiumSecond",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPodiumThird",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPodiumWinner",
set: "gi",
translations: "dentro,interno,",
name: "GiPodium",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPoliceCar",
set: "gi",
translations: "carro,veiculo,automovel,mexer,movimentar,polícia,",
name: "GiPoliceOfficerHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "polícia,",
name: "GiPoliceTarget",
set: "gi",
translations: "alvo,polícia,",
name: "GiPoloShirt",
set: "gi",
translations: "camiseta,",
name: "GiPoncho",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPoolDive",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPopcorn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPopeCrown",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "GiPorcelainVase",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPositionMarker",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPotato",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPowderBag",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPowerGenerator",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPowerRing",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiPrayerBeads",
set: "gi",
translations: "rezar,",
name: "GiPrayingMantis",
set: "gi",
translations: "rezar,",
name: "GiPresent",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPretzel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPriceTag",
set: "gi",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "GiPrimitiveNecklace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPrimitiveTorch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPrisoner",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPrivateFirstClass",
set: "gi",
translations: "primeiro,",
name: "GiPrivate",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPropellerBeanie",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiProtectionGlasses",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPschentDoubleCrown",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "GiPterodactylus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPublicSpeaker",
set: "gi",
translations: "som,caixa,",
name: "GiPull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPulleyHook",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPumpkin",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPurpleTentacle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPush",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPuzzle",
set: "gi",
translations: "quebra,cabeça,",
name: "GiQuiver",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRabbitHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRabbit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRadiations",
set: "gi",
translations: "radiação,",
name: "GiRadioTower",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRailway",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRake",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRamProfile",
set: "gi",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "GiRaspberry",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRattlesnake",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiReceiveMoney",
set: "gi",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "GiReed",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRefinery",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiReloadGunBarrel",
set: "gi",
translations: "recarregar,",
name: "GiReptileTail",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiResize",
set: "gi",
translations: "recortar,redimensionar,tamanho,",
name: "GiRevolver",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRhinocerosHorn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRibbonMedal",
set: "gi",
translations: "faixa,medalha,",
name: "GiRibbonShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,faixa,",
name: "GiRingMould",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiRing",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiRingingAlarm",
set: "gi",
translations: "alarme,sino,sinal,",
name: "GiRingmaster",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiRiver",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRoad",
set: "gi",
translations: "rua,rodovia,",
name: "GiRobberMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRobber",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRobinHoodHat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRobotAntennas",
set: "gi",
translations: "robô,",
name: "GiRobotHelmet",
set: "gi",
translations: "robô,",
name: "GiRobotLeg",
set: "gi",
translations: "robô,",
name: "GiRocketThruster",
set: "gi",
translations: "foguete,",
name: "GiRockingChair",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRodOfAsclepius",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRolledCloth",
set: "gi",
translations: "pano,",
name: "GiRollingDiceCup",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiRollingDices",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRomanShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiRomanToga",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRooster",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRopeCoil",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRopeway",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRoundKnob",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRoundSilo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRoundStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiRoundStrawBale",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRoundTable",
set: "gi",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "GiRss",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRugbyConversion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRunningShoe",
set: "gi",
translations: "correndo,rodando,fim,",
name: "GiRupee",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiRustySword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSBrick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSaberAndPistol",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSaberToothedCatHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSaddle",
set: "gi",
translations: "adicionar,triste,",
name: "GiSafetyPin",
set: "gi",
translations: "segurança,certificado,proteção,seguro,",
name: "GiSagittarius",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSai",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSail",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSailboat",
set: "gi",
translations: "barco,",
name: "GiSaintBasilCathedral",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSaiyanSuit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSaloonDoors",
set: "gi",
translations: "porta,",
name: "GiSaloon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSamuraiHelmet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSandCastle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSandSnake",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSandwich",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSarcophagus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSasquatch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSatelliteCommunication",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSauropodHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSausage",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSausagesRibbon",
set: "gi",
translations: "faixa,",
name: "GiSaveArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "salvar,flecha,",
name: "GiSave",
set: "gi",
translations: "salvar,",
name: "GiSawedOffShotgun",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiSaxophone",
set: "gi",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "GiScabbard",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScooter",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScorpio",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScoutShip",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScubaTanks",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSeaStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiSeahorse",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSecretBook",
set: "gi",
translations: "livro,",
name: "GiSecretDoor",
set: "gi",
translations: "porta,",
name: "GiSeedling",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSellCard",
set: "gi",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "GiSergeant",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSettingsKnobs",
set: "gi",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "GiSevenPointedStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiSextant",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShakingHands",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShamblingMound",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShamblingZombie",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShamrock",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSharkBite",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSharkFin",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSharpAxe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSharpHalberd",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSheep",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSherlockHolmes",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GiShieldBash",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiShintoShrineMirror",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShintoShrine",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShipWheel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShipWreck",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShop",
set: "gi",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "GiShoppingCart",
set: "gi",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "GiShorts",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShotgunRounds",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiShoulderArmor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShoulderBag",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShower",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShrimp",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShrug",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShuttlecock",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSickle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSiegeTower",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSilenced",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSilex",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSinagot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSinkingShip",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSkeletalHand",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSkiBoot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSkirt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSkullStaff",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSlalom",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSleevelessJacket",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSleevelessTop",
set: "gi",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "GiSlicedMushroom",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSlime",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSling",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSlingshot",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiSmart",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSmartphone",
set: "gi",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "GiSmokingPipe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSmokingVolcano",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSnailEyes",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiSnakeEgg",
set: "gi",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "GiSnakeSpiral",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSnakeTongue",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSniffingDog",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSnitchQuidditchBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSoccerBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSoccerField",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSocks",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSofa",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSolarSystem",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSolarTime",
set: "gi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "GiSolidLeaf",
set: "gi",
translations: "folha,",
name: "GiSombrero",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSoundOff",
set: "gi",
translations: "som,audio,desfazer,",
name: "GiSoundOn",
set: "gi",
translations: "som,audio,desfazer,",
name: "GiSouthAfricaFlag",
set: "gi",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "GiSouthAfrica",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSouthAmerica",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpaceShuttle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpaceship",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpain",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpartanHelmet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpeakerOff",
set: "gi",
translations: "som,caixa,",
name: "GiSpeaker",
set: "gi",
translations: "som,caixa,",
name: "GiSpearFeather",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpearfishing",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiSpeedBoat",
set: "gi",
translations: "barco,",
name: "GiSpeedometer",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpellBook",
set: "gi",
translations: "livro,",
name: "GiSpermWhale",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpiderBot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikedDragonHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikedShoulderArmor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikedTrunk",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikyPit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpiralHilt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpiralLollipop",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpookyHouse",
set: "gi",
translations: "casa,",
name: "GiSportMedal",
set: "gi",
translations: "medalha,",
name: "GiSpring",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,primavera,",
name: "GiSpy",
set: "gi",
translations: "espião,",
name: "GiSquare",
set: "gi",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "GiSquirrel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSriLanka",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStabbedNote",
set: "gi",
translations: "cama,aba,",
name: "GiStack",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStairsGoal",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStairs",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStakeHammer",
set: "gi",
translations: "martelo,",
name: "GiStakesFence",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStalactites",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStarAltar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiStarFormation",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,formato,",
name: "GiStarGate",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiStarStruck",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,caminhão,",
name: "GiStarfighter",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiStarsStack",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiSteak",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStealthBomber",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSteamBlast",
set: "gi",
translations: "time,equipe,tempo,",
name: "GiSteamLocomotive",
set: "gi",
translations: "time,equipe,tempo,",
name: "GiSteam",
set: "gi",
translations: "time,equipe,tempo,",
name: "GiSteampunkGoggles",
set: "gi",
translations: "time,equipe,tempo,",
name: "GiSteeringWheel",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiStegosaurusScales",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStethoscope",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStickFrame",
set: "gi",
translations: "tela,",
name: "GiStickyBoot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStockpiles",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStomach",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStoneBridge",
set: "gi",
translations: "ponte,",
name: "GiStoneBust",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStonePile",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStoneStack",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStoneWall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStoneWheel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStopSign",
set: "gi",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "GiStorkDelivery",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStrawberry",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStreetLight",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStripedSun",
set: "gi",
translations: "sol,",
name: "GiStrongMan",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStumpRegrowth",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStunGrenade",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSubmarine",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSubway",
set: "gi",
translations: "metrô,",
name: "GiSugarCane",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSuitcase",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSummits",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSunCloud",
set: "gi",
translations: "nuvem,sol,",
name: "GiSunSpear",
set: "gi",
translations: "sol,",
name: "GiSunflower",
set: "gi",
translations: "sol,flor,flores,",
name: "GiSunglasses",
set: "gi",
translations: "sol,",
name: "GiSunrise",
set: "gi",
translations: "levantar,sol,nascer do sol,",
name: "GiSunset",
set: "gi",
translations: "sol,por do sol,",
name: "GiSverdIFjell",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwallow",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwallower",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwampBat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwamp",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwimfins",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwissArmyKnife",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwitchWeapon",
set: "gi",
translations: "controle,",
name: "GiSwitzerland",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordAltar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordBrandish",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordsPower",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTBrick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTShirt",
set: "gi",
translations: "camiseta,",
name: "GiTable",
set: "gi",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "GiTabletopPlayers",
set: "gi",
translations: "iniciar,começar,mesa,camadas,aba,",
name: "GiTacos",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTakeMyMoney",
set: "gi",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "GiTallBridge",
set: "gi",
translations: "ponte,",
name: "GiTangerine",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTap",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTaurus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTeacher",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTeamIdea",
set: "gi",
translations: "time,equipe,tempo,",
name: "GiTeapotLeaves",
set: "gi",
translations: "sair,",
name: "GiTeePipe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTemplarShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiTemporaryShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiTennisBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTennisCourt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTennisRacket",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTexas",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTheaterCurtains",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiThermometerCold",
set: "gi",
translations: "termômetro,temperatura,",
name: "GiThermometerHot",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,termômetro,temperatura,",
name: "GiThink",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiThorHammer",
set: "gi",
translations: "martelo,",
name: "GiThreeFriends",
set: "gi",
translations: "fim,",
name: "GiThroneKing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiThrowingBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiThrustBend",
set: "gi",
translations: "fim,",
name: "GiThumbDown",
set: "gi",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GiThumbUp",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiThwomp",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTiara",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTicTacToe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTicket",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTie",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTigerHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTiger",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTightrope",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTipi",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTireTracks",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiToaster",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTomahawk",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTomato",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTongue",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiToolbox",
set: "gi",
translations: "ferramenta,caixa,",
name: "GiTorch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTorpedo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTortoise",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTotem",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiToucan",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTowerBridge",
set: "gi",
translations: "ponte,",
name: "GiTowerFlag",
set: "gi",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "GiToyMallet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTrackedRobot",
set: "gi",
translations: "robô,",
name: "GiTrafficCone",
set: "gi",
translations: "tráfego,",
name: "GiTrafficLightsGreen",
set: "gi",
translations: "tráfego,",
name: "GiTrafficLightsOrange",
set: "gi",
translations: "tráfego,",
name: "GiTrafficLightsReadyToGo",
set: "gi",
translations: "ler,leitura,tráfego,",
name: "GiTrafficLightsRed",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,tráfego,",
name: "GiTransform",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTrashCan",
set: "gi",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "GiTrebuchet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTreeBeehive",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTreeGrowth",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTreeSwing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTriangleTarget",
set: "gi",
translations: "alvo,",
name: "GiTribalPendant",
set: "gi",
translations: "caneta,fim,",
name: "GiTriceratopsHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTridentShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiTriforce",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTripleGate",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTriquetra",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTrireme",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTroglodyte",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTrojanHorse",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTrophyCup",
set: "gi",
translations: "troféu,prêmio,cima,",
name: "GiTropicalFish",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiTrowel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTruck",
set: "gi",
translations: "caminhão,",
name: "GiTrumpetFlag",
set: "gi",
translations: "bandeira,bixo,animal,",
name: "GiTrumpet",
set: "gi",
translations: "bixo,animal,",
name: "GiTumbleweed",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTurban",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTurbine",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTusksFlag",
set: "gi",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "GiTvRemote",
set: "gi",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "GiTvTower",
set: "gi",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "GiTv",
set: "gi",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "GiTwoCoins",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTwoHandedSword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUdder",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUfo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUluru",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUmbrellaBayonet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUnbalanced",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUnderwear",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUnicorn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUnicycle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUnionJack",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUpCard",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,cartão,",
name: "GiUpgrade",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiUprising",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiUrsaMajor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUruguay",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUsaFlag",
set: "gi",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "GiUsbKey",
set: "gi",
translations: "chave,",
name: "GiUzi",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVacuumCleaner",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiValve",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVampireCape",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVampireDracula",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "GiVanDammeSplit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVelocipede",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVelociraptorTracks",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVelociraptor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVendingMachine",
set: "gi",
translations: "fim,",
name: "GiVenezuela",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVenusOfWillendorf",
set: "gi",
translations: "fim,",
name: "GiVerticalBanner",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVerticalFlip",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVibratingShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiVideoCamera",
set: "gi",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "GiVikingChurch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVikingHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVikingHelmet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVikingLonghouse",
set: "gi",
translations: "casa,",
name: "GiVikingShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiVillage",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVirgo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVirtualMarker",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVitruvianMan",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVolleyballBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVote",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVrHeadset",
set: "gi",
translations: "fone,",
name: "GiVuvuzelas",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWalk",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWalkieTalkie",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWalkingScout",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWalkingTurret",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWallLight",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWallet",
set: "gi",
translations: "carteira,",
name: "GiWalrusHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWantedReward",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWarAxe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWarBonnet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWarPick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWarlockEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,trancar,cadeado,chave,",
name: "GiWarlockHood",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GiWarpPipe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWatch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWatchtower",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWaterBottle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWaterDivinerStick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWaterFountain",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWaterGallon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWaterfall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWateringCan",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiWatermelon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWaveSurfer",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWaxTablet",
set: "gi",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "GiWeightLiftingDown",
set: "gi",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GiWeightLiftingUp",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiWeight",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWell",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWesternHat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWhaleTail",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWheelbarrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiWhistle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWindTurbine",
set: "gi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "GiWindmill",
set: "gi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "GiWindowBars",
set: "gi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "GiWindow",
set: "gi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "GiWindpump",
set: "gi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "GiWindsock",
set: "gi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "GiWineBottle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWinterGloves",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWinterHat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWireframeGlobe",
set: "gi",
translations: "tela,",
name: "GiWisdom",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWizardFace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWomanElfFace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWoodCabin",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWoodCanoe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWoodClub",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWoodPile",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWoodStick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWoodenClogs",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWoodenCrate",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWoodenPegleg",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWoodenPier",
set: "gi",
translations: "torta,",
name: "GiWool",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWorms",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiXylophone",
set: "gi",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "GiYinYang",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiZBrick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiZatGun",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiZigzagHieroglyph",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiZipper",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCardDiscard",
set: "gi",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "GiCardDraw",
set: "gi",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "GiCardPick",
set: "gi",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "GiCardRandom",
set: "gi",
translations: "aleatório,cartão,",
name: "GiDragonHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiForwardSun",
set: "gi",
translations: "frente,sol,",
name: "GiMinerals",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNautilusShell",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNinjaStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiOre",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFingersCrossed",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShepherdsCrook",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPauseButton",
set: "gi",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "GiPlayButton",
set: "gi",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "GiSodaCan",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCatapult",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDefensiveWall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArmoredPants",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,mais,",
name: "GiPistolGun",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDwarfHelmet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDwarfKing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiElfHelmet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAce",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAcidBlob",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAcorn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAerialSignal",
set: "gi",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "GiAerodynamicHarpoon",
set: "gi",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "GiAerosol",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAfterburn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAirZigzag",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAlienFire",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiAlienSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAlienStare",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiAllForOne",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAlligatorClip",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAmmoniteFossil",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAmmonite",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAnatomy",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAnchor",
set: "gi",
translations: "âncora,link,",
name: "GiAndroidMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAndromedaChain",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAngelOutfit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAngelWings",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAnglerFish",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiAngularSpider",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAnimalSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAnkh",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAnthem",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAnvilImpact",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAnvil",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAppleMaggot",
set: "gi",
translations: "maçã,aplicativo,",
name: "GiAppleSeeds",
set: "gi",
translations: "maçã,aplicativo,",
name: "GiArcheryTarget",
set: "gi",
translations: "alvo,",
name: "GiArchitectMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArcingBolt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArmadilloTail",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArmorVest",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArmouredShell",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "GiArrowCluster",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiArrowDunk",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiArrowFlights",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiArrowScope",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiArrowed",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiArrowhead",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiArrowsShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,escudo,",
name: "GiArson",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArtificialHive",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAssassinPocket",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAtSea",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAtomicSlashes",
set: "gi",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "GiAubergine",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAura",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAutoRepair",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAutogun",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAutomaticSas",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAwareness",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAxeInStump",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAxeSwing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBackForth",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBackPain",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBackboneShell",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBackstab",
set: "gi",
translations: "aba,",
name: "GiBackup",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiBallGlow",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBallHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiBalloons",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBandageRoll",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBandaged",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBarbedArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,cama,",
name: "GiBarbedCoil",
set: "gi",
translations: "cama,",
name: "GiBarbedNails",
set: "gi",
translations: "cama,",
name: "GiBarbedSpear",
set: "gi",
translations: "cama,",
name: "GiBarbedStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,cama,",
name: "GiBarbedSun",
set: "gi",
translations: "sol,cama,",
name: "GiBarbedWire",
set: "gi",
translations: "cama,",
name: "GiBarbute",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBarefoot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBatBlade",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBatWing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBatteredAxe",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "GiBatteries",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBattleAxe",
set: "gi",
translations: "batalha,",
name: "GiBattleGear",
set: "gi",
translations: "equipamento,batalha,",
name: "GiBatwingEmblem",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBeamWake",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBeamsAura",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBeanstalk",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBeard",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBeastEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiBee",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBeech",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBeerStein",
set: "gi",
translations: "cerveja,",
name: "GiBeetleShell",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBehold",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBellShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,escudo,",
name: "GiBeltBuckles",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBestialFangs",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBeveledStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiBigWave",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBiohazard",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBirdClaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBirdLimb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBirdMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBirdTwitter",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBlackBar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBlackCat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBlackFlag",
set: "gi",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "GiBlackHandShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiBlackHoleBolas",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBlackball",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBlackcurrant",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBladeBite",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBladeDrag",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBladeFall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBleedingEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiBleedingHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiBleedingWound",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBloodyStash",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBloodySword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBlunderbuss",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBoarTusks",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBodySwapping",
set: "gi",
translations: "trocar,troca,aplicativo,corpo,",
name: "GiBoilingBubbles",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBolas",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBoltEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiBoltSaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBoltShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiBolterGun",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBombingRun",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBoneGnawer",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBookAura",
set: "gi",
translations: "livro,",
name: "GiBookStorm",
set: "gi",
translations: "livro,tempestade,",
name: "GiBookmark",
set: "gi",
translations: "livro,",
name: "GiBookmarklet",
set: "gi",
translations: "livro,",
name: "GiBoomerangSun",
set: "gi",
translations: "sol,",
name: "GiBootPrints",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBootStomp",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBoots",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBorderedShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,ordem,ordenado,escudo,",
name: "GiBottleVapors",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBottledBolt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBottomRight3DArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "direita,flecha,baixo,",
name: "GiBouncingSword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBowieKnife",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBowlSpiral",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBowlingPropulsion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBowman",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBoxingGloveSurprise",
set: "gi",
translations: "levantar,caixa,",
name: "GiBoxingGlove",
set: "gi",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "GiBrainFreeze",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrainStem",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrain",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrainstorm",
set: "gi",
translations: "tempestade,",
name: "GiBranchArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,galho,",
name: "GiBrandyBottle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrassEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiBreastplate",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBridge",
set: "gi",
translations: "ponte,",
name: "GiBrightExplosion",
set: "gi",
translations: "direita,",
name: "GiBroadDagger",
set: "gi",
translations: "adicionar,rua,rodovia,",
name: "GiBroadheadArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,rua,rodovia,",
name: "GiBroadsword",
set: "gi",
translations: "rua,rodovia,",
name: "GiBrokenBone",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrokenBottle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrokenHeartZone",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiBrokenHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiBrokenRibbon",
set: "gi",
translations: "faixa,",
name: "GiBrokenShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiBrokenSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrokenTablet",
set: "gi",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "GiBubbleField",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBubbles",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBubblingBeam",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBubblingBowl",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBubblingFlask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBud",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBugleCall",
set: "gi",
translations: "inseto,ligação,",
name: "GiBulb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBullHorns",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBullets",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBurningBlobs",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBurningBook",
set: "gi",
translations: "livro,",
name: "GiBurningDot",
set: "gi",
translations: "ponto,",
name: "GiBurningEmbers",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBurningEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiBurningMeteor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBurningPassion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBurningRoundShot",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiBurningTree",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBurstBlob",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiButterflyWarning",
set: "gi",
translations: "perigo,cuidado,",
name: "GiButterfly",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCagedBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCakeSlice",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCaldera",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCampfire",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiCandleFlame",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCandleHolder",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCandleLight",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCandleSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCandlebright",
set: "gi",
translations: "direita,",
name: "GiCannister",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCannonBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCannonShot",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiCannon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCapitol",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCargoCrane",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCarillon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCarnivoreMouth",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCarrion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCartwheel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCash",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCelebrationFire",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiCentipede",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChainedArrowHeads",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiChainedHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiChaliceDrops",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChargedArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiCharm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCheckboxTree",
set: "gi",
translations: "checado,caixa,",
name: "GiCheckedShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "checado,escudo,",
name: "GiCheckeredDiamond",
set: "gi",
translations: "checado,vermelho,diamante,",
name: "GiCheerful",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCheeseWedge",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChemicalArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,microfone,",
name: "GiChemicalBolt",
set: "gi",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "GiChemicalDrop",
set: "gi",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "GiChemicalTank",
set: "gi",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "GiChewedHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiChewedSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChickenLeg",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChoppedSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCircleCage",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCircleClaws",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCircleSparks",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCircuitry",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCircularSawblade",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiClawHammer",
set: "gi",
translations: "martelo,",
name: "GiClawSlashes",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiClawString",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiCloakDagger",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiClockwork",
set: "gi",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GiCloudRing",
set: "gi",
translations: "nuvem,sino,sinal,",
name: "GiCloudyFork",
set: "gi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "GiClout",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiClover",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiClusterBomb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCobweb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCoffeeMug",
set: "gi",
translations: "café,",
name: "GiCoffin",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCogLock",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,engrenagem,configuração,",
name: "GiCog",
set: "gi",
translations: "engrenagem,configuração,",
name: "GiCogsplosion",
set: "gi",
translations: "engrenagem,configuração,",
name: "GiCoilingCurl",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiColdHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiComa",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiComb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCometSpark",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCompass",
set: "gi",
translations: "bussola,",
name: "GiConcentrationOrb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiConcentricCrescents",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCondorEmblem",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCondyluraSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiConversation",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCoolSpices",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCorkedTube",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCornerExplosion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCowled",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrabClaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrab",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrackedAlienSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrackedBallDunk",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrackedDisc",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrackedGlass",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrackedHelm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrackedMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrackedSaber",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrackedShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiCrags",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrenulatedShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiCrescentBlade",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrestedHelmet",
set: "gi",
translations: "descansar,",
name: "GiCrocJaws",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrocSword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCroissantsPupil",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiCrossFlare",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrossMark",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrossedAirFlows",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrossedAxes",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrossedBones",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrossedChains",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrossedClaws",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrossedPistols",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrossedSabres",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrossedSlashes",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrossedSwords",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrosshairArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiCrowDive",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrownCoin",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "GiCrownOfThorns",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "GiCrown",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "GiCrownedExplosion",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "GiCrownedHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,coração,amor,",
name: "GiCrownedSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "GiCrumblingBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrystalBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "choro,chorar,",
name: "GiCrystalBars",
set: "gi",
translations: "choro,chorar,",
name: "GiCrystalCluster",
set: "gi",
translations: "choro,chorar,",
name: "GiCrystalEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,choro,chorar,",
name: "GiCrystalGrowth",
set: "gi",
translations: "choro,chorar,",
name: "GiCrystalShine",
set: "gi",
translations: "choro,chorar,",
name: "GiCrystalWand",
set: "gi",
translations: "choro,chorar,",
name: "GiCrystalize",
set: "gi",
translations: "choro,chorar,",
name: "GiCubeforce",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCubes",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCultist",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCupidonArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "GiCurledLeaf",
set: "gi",
translations: "folha,",
name: "GiCurledTentacle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCurlingVines",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCurlyMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCurlyWing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCursedStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiCurvyKnife",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCutDiamond",
set: "gi",
translations: "diamante,cortar,",
name: "GiCutPalm",
set: "gi",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "GiCycle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCyclops",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDaemonSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDaggers",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDaisy",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDarkSquad",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDeadEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiDeadWood",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDeadlyStrike",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDeathNote",
set: "gi",
translations: "morte,",
name: "GiDeathZone",
set: "gi",
translations: "morte,",
name: "GiDeathcab",
set: "gi",
translations: "morte,",
name: "GiDecapitation",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDefibrilate",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDelighted",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDemolish",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDervishSwords",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDesertSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDeskLamp",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDespair",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDew",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiabloSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiamondHard",
set: "gi",
translations: "diamante,",
name: "GiDiamondsSmile",
set: "gi",
translations: "sorriso,diamante,",
name: "GiDigDug",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDinosaurBones",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDinosaurEgg",
set: "gi",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "GiDinosaurRex",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDirewolf",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDisintegrate",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDivergence",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDivert",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDividedSpiral",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDivingDagger",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDna1",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDna2",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDoctorFace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDodging",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDominoMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDorsalScales",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDoubleDiaphragm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDoubleDragon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDoubleFaceMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDoubleQuaver",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDoubleRingedOrb",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiDoubleShot",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiDove",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDozen",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDragonBalls",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDragonBreath",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDragonSpiral",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDragonfly",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDramaMasks",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDreadSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "ler,leitura,",
name: "GiDrinkMe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDrippingBlade",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDrippingGoo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDrippingHoney",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDrippingKnife",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDrippingStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiDrippingStone",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDrippingSword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDrippingTube",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDrop",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDropletSplash",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDroplets",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDrowning",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDualityMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDuality",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDustCloud",
set: "gi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "GiEagleEmblem",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEarthCrack",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEarthSpit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEarwig",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEchoRipples",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEclipseFlare",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEclipseSaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEclipse",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEdgeCrack",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEdgedShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiEggClutch",
set: "gi",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "GiEggDefense",
set: "gi",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "GiElderberry",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiElectricWhip",
set: "gi",
translations: "elétrico,eletricidade,",
name: "GiElectricalCrescent",
set: "gi",
translations: "elétrico,eletricidade,",
name: "GiEmberShot",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiEmbrassedEnergy",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEmbryo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEmerald",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEmptyHourglass",
set: "gi",
translations: "ampulheta,",
name: "GiEnergise",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEnergyArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiEnergyBreath",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEnergyShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiEnergySword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEngagementRing",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiEnlightenment",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEntMouth",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEntangledTyphoon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEnvelope",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiErlenmeyer",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiEruption",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiEskimo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEvilBat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEvilBook",
set: "gi",
translations: "livro,",
name: "GiEvilBud",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEvilComet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEvilFork",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEvilHand",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEvilMinion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEvilMoon",
set: "gi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "GiEvilTree",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiExpandedRays",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiExplosionRays",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiExplosiveMaterials",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiExplosiveMeeting",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiExtraLucid",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiExtractionOrb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEyeShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,escudo,",
name: "GiEyeball",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiEyedropper",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiEyestalk",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiFairyWand",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFallingBlob",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFallingBoulder",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFallingEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiFallingLeaf",
set: "gi",
translations: "folha,",
name: "GiFallingOvoid",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFangedSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFangsCircle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFastArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "rapido,estrela,favorito,flecha,",
name: "GiFeatherWound",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFeather",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFeatheredWing",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "GiFedora",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiField",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFireAce",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireAxe",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireBomb",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireBottle",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireBowl",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireBreath",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireDash",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,vermelho,",
name: "GiFirePunch",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireRay",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireRing",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,sino,sinal,",
name: "GiFireShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,escudo,",
name: "GiFireSilhouette",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireTail",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireWave",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireZone",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireball",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireworkRocket",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,foguete,",
name: "GiFishCorpse",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiFishbone",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiFishhookFork",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiFishingHook",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiFishingNet",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiFission",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFist",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFizzingFlask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlameClaws",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlameSpin",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlameTunnel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlamedLeaf",
set: "gi",
translations: "folha,",
name: "GiFlamingArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiFlamingClaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlamingSheet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlamingTrident",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlashGrenade",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlatHammer",
set: "gi",
translations: "martelo,",
name: "GiFlatStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiFleshyMass",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlexibleStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiFloatingCrystal",
set: "gi",
translations: "choro,chorar,",
name: "GiFlowerPot",
set: "gi",
translations: "flor,flores,",
name: "GiFlowerTwirl",
set: "gi",
translations: "flor,flores,",
name: "GiFlowers",
set: "gi",
translations: "flor,flores,",
name: "GiFluffyCloud",
set: "gi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "GiFluffyFlame",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFluffySwirl",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFluffyTrefoil",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFluffyWing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlyingDagger",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlyingFlag",
set: "gi",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "GiFoam",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFoamyDisc",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFocusedLightning",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiFoldedPaper",
set: "gi",
translations: "papel,",
name: "GiFoodChain",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFootTrip",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFootprint",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiForwardField",
set: "gi",
translations: "frente,",
name: "GiFossil",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFountainPen",
set: "gi",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "GiFountain",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFoxHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFragmentedMeteor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFragmentedSword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFragrance",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFrankensteinCreature",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFrayedArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiFreedomDove",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFrog",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFrontTeeth",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFrontalLobe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFrostfire",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFrozenArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiFrozenBlock",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,bloquear,bloco,",
name: "GiFrozenOrb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFruiting",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFulguroPunch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGalleon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGamepadCross",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGasMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGavel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGaze",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGearHammer",
set: "gi",
translations: "equipamento,martelo,",
name: "GiGears",
set: "gi",
translations: "equipamento,",
name: "GiGecko",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGemChain",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGemNecklace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGemPendant",
set: "gi",
translations: "caneta,fim,",
name: "GiGems",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGhostAlly",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGhost",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGibbet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGiftOfKnowledge",
set: "gi",
translations: "presente,",
name: "GiGiftTrap",
set: "gi",
translations: "presente,",
name: "GiGlassHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiGlassShot",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiGlobe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGloop",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGlowingHands",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGluttonousSmile",
set: "gi",
translations: "sorriso,",
name: "GiGluttony",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGoldScarab",
set: "gi",
translations: "ouro,dourado,",
name: "GiGoldShell",
set: "gi",
translations: "ouro,dourado,",
name: "GiGooExplosion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGooSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGooSpurt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGooeyDaemon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGooeyEyedSun",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,sol,",
name: "GiGooeyImpact",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGooeyMolecule",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGooeySword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGothicCross",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGrab",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGrapes",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGrapple",
set: "gi",
translations: "maçã,aplicativo,",
name: "GiGraspingClaws",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGreaseTrap",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGrenade",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGrimReaper",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGroundSprout",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGroundbreaker",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGroupedDrops",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiGuardedTower",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGuillotine",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGuitar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGunshot",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiHalberdShuriken",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHalberd",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHalfHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiHalfTornado",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHammerDrop",
set: "gi",
translations: "martelo,",
name: "GiHammerNails",
set: "gi",
translations: "martelo,",
name: "GiHand",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHandcuffs",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHangingSpider",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHappySkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "GiHarpoonChain",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHarpoonTrident",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHarpy",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHarryPotterSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHatchets",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHaunting",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHawkEmblem",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHazardSign",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHeadshot",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiHeartBottle",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiHeartDrop",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiHeartInside",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiHeartOrgan",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiHeartTower",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiHeartburn",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiHeatHaze",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHeavyArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiHeavyFall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHeavyHelm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHeavyLightning",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiHeavyRain",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHeavyThornyTriskelion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHeavyTimer",
set: "gi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "GiHelmetHeadShot",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiHidden",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHighFive",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHighShot",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiHolyGrail",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHolySymbol",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHoneycomb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHoneypot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHood",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHoof",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHornInternal",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHornedHelm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHornedSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHospitalCross",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHotSpices",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiHound",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHourglass",
set: "gi",
translations: "ampulheta,",
name: "GiHuntingHorn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHydraShot",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiHydra",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHypersonicBolt",
set: "gi",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "GiHypersonicMelon",
set: "gi",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "GiHypodermicTest",
set: "gi",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "GiIceBolt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIceBomb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIceCube",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIceShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiIceSpear",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIcebergs",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIciclesAura",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIciclesFence",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIfrit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiImbricatedArrows",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiImpLaugh",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiImp",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiImpactPoint",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiImplosion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiImprisoned",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIncense",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIncisors",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIncomingRocket",
set: "gi",
translations: "foguete,",
name: "GiInfestedMass",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInkSwirl",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInnerSelf",
set: "gi",
translations: "dentro,interno,",
name: "GiInsectJaws",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInterdiction",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInterlacedTentacles",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInterleavedArrows",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,sair,",
name: "GiInterleavedClaws",
set: "gi",
translations: "sair,",
name: "GiInternalInjury",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInternalOrgan",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInterstellarPath",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIonCannonBlast",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIronMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "ferro,",
name: "GiJamesBondAperture",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJawbone",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJellyfish",
set: "gi",
translations: "peixe,",
name: "GiJetpack",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJeweledChalice",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJigsawBox",
set: "gi",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "GiJigsawPiece",
set: "gi",
translations: "torta,",
name: "GiJourney",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJuggler",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiJusticeStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiKaleidoscopePearls",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKey",
set: "gi",
translations: "chave,",
name: "GiKindle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKitchenKnives",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKnapsack",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKnifeFork",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKnifeThrust",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLamellar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLampreyMouth",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLandMine",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLanternFlame",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLantern",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLargeWound",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLaserBlast",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLaserPrecision",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLaserSparks",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLaserWarning",
set: "gi",
translations: "perigo,cuidado,",
name: "GiLaserburn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLaurelCrown",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "GiLaurels",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLawStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiLayeredArmor",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "GiLeafSkeleton",
set: "gi",
translations: "folha,",
name: "GiLeafSwirl",
set: "gi",
translations: "folha,",
name: "GiLeakySkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLeatherBoot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLeatherVest",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLeechingWorm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLetterBomb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLever",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLifeInTheBalance",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLifeSupport",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiLifeTap",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLift",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLightBulb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLightThornyTriskelion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLightningArc",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLightningBow",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLightningBranches",
set: "gi",
translations: "galho,relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLightningDissipation",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLightningElectron",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLightningFrequency",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLightningHelix",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLightningMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLightningSaber",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLightningShadow",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLightningShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,escudo,",
name: "GiLightningShout",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLightningSlashes",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLightningSpanner",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLightningStorm",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,tempestade,",
name: "GiLightningTear",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,lágrima,",
name: "GiLightningTree",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLightningTrio",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiLindenLeaf",
set: "gi",
translations: "folha,",
name: "GiLinkedRings",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiLion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLips",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLitCandelabra",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLizardTongue",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLizardman",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLobArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiLockedChest",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GiLockedFortress",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GiLongAntennaeBug",
set: "gi",
translations: "inseto,",
name: "GiLotusFlower",
set: "gi",
translations: "flor,flores,",
name: "GiLotus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLoveHowl",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLoveInjection",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLoveSong",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLyre",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMaceHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMachete",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMadScientist",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMaggot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMagicGate",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMagicLamp",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMagicPalm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMagicPortal",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMagicShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiMagicSwirl",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMagnetBlast",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMagnet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMagnifyingGlass",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMailShirt",
set: "gi",
translations: "carta,email,camiseta,",
name: "GiMailedFist",
set: "gi",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "GiManacles",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMantrap",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMapleLeaf",
set: "gi",
translations: "mapa,folha,",
name: "GiMarrowDrain",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiMartini",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMaskedSpider",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMasterOfArms",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMatchHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMatchTip",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMaterialsScience",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMazeCornea",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMazeSaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMaze",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMeatCleaver",
set: "gi",
translations: "sair,",
name: "GiMeatHook",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMeat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMechanicalArm",
set: "gi",
translations: "alarme,",
name: "GiMedalSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "medalha,",
name: "GiMedal",
set: "gi",
translations: "medalha,",
name: "GiMeditation",
set: "gi",
translations: "editar,",
name: "GiMegabot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMeshBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMetalBar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMetalDisc",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMetalHand",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMetalScales",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMeteorImpact",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMicrochip",
set: "gi",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "GiMicroscopeLens",
set: "gi",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "GiMiddleArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiMidnightClaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMightySpanner",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMineExplosion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMineralHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiMinigun",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMining",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMinions",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMinotaur",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMiracleMedecine",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMirrorMirror",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMissileMech",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMissilePod",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMissileSwarm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMite",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMoebiusStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiMoebiusTrefoil",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMoebiusTriangle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMolecule",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMolotov",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMonkey",
set: "gi",
translations: "chave,",
name: "GiMonsterGrasp",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMoonClaws",
set: "gi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "GiMoon",
set: "gi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "GiMorbidHumour",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMountains",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMountaintop",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMouthWatering",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiMovementSensor",
set: "gi",
translations: "mexer,movimentar,",
name: "GiMucousPillar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMuscleFat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMuscleUp",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiMushroomCloud",
set: "gi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "GiMushroomGills",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMushroom",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMusicSpell",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNailedFoot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNailedHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNails",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNeedleDrill",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNeedleJaws",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNestedEclipses",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNightSky",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNinjaMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNoodleBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNothingToSay",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOak",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOctogonalEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiOctoman",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOctopus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOilySpiral",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOmega",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOnTarget",
set: "gi",
translations: "alvo,",
name: "GiOneEyed",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiOpenBook",
set: "gi",
translations: "livro,aberto,caneta,",
name: "GiOpenWound",
set: "gi",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "GiOpeningShell",
set: "gi",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "GiOppression",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOrbDirection",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOrbitalRays",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOrbital",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOuroboros",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOverInfinity",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOverdose",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOverdrive",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOwl",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPadlock",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GiPalm",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPaperArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,papel,",
name: "GiPaperBomb",
set: "gi",
translations: "papel,",
name: "GiPaperLantern",
set: "gi",
translations: "papel,",
name: "GiPapers",
set: "gi",
translations: "papel,",
name: "GiParachute",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiParanoia",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiParmecia",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiParrotHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPawFront",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPawHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiPawPrint",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPawn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPawprint",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPeaks",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPentagramRose",
set: "gi",
translations: "etiqueta,caneta,rosa,",
name: "GiPentarrowsTornado",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,caneta,",
name: "GiPerfumeBottle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPerpendicularRings",
set: "gi",
translations: "caneta,sino,sinal,fim,",
name: "GiPieSlice",
set: "gi",
translations: "torta,",
name: "GiPieceSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "torta,",
name: "GiPiercedBody",
set: "gi",
translations: "torta,corpo,",
name: "GiPiercedHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,torta,",
name: "GiPiercingSword",
set: "gi",
translations: "torta,",
name: "GiPigFace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPillDrop",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPill",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPincers",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPineTree",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPirateGrave",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPirateSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPizzaCutter",
set: "gi",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "GiPlainDagger",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPlasmaBolt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPlastron",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPlateClaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPocketBow",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPointing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPointyHat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPointySword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPoisonBottle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPoisonGas",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPokecog",
set: "gi",
translations: "engrenagem,configuração,",
name: "GiPokerHand",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPollenDust",
set: "gi",
translations: "fim,",
name: "GiPortal",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPortculis",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPotionBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPouringChalice",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiPowder",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPowerLightning",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiPrayer",
set: "gi",
translations: "rezar,",
name: "GiPrettyFangs",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiProcessor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiProfit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPsychicWaves",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPummeled",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPumpkinLantern",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPumpkinMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPunchBlast",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPunch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPuppet",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,bixo,animal,",
name: "GiPyromaniac",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiQuakeStomp",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiQueenCrown",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "GiQuickSlash",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiQuicksand",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiQuillInk",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiQuill",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRadarDish",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRadarSweep",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRadialBalance",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRadioactive",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRaggedWound",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRainbowStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,arcoíris,",
name: "GiRaining",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRallyTheTroops",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRapidshareArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,compartilhar,",
name: "GiRaven",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRayGun",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRazorBlade",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiReaperScythe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRearAura",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRecycle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRelationshipBounds",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRelicBlade",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiResonance",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiReticule",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiReturnArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiRibbon",
set: "gi",
translations: "faixa,",
name: "GiRibcage",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRingedBeam",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiRingedPlanet",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiRingingBell",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sino,sinal,",
name: "GiRiotShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiRoastChicken",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRobe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRobotGolem",
set: "gi",
translations: "robô,",
name: "GiRock",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRocketFlight",
set: "gi",
translations: "foguete,",
name: "GiRocket",
set: "gi",
translations: "foguete,",
name: "GiRogue",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRollingBomb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRollingEnergy",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRootTip",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRosaShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiRose",
set: "gi",
translations: "rosa,",
name: "GiRoughWound",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRoundBottomFlask",
set: "gi",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GiRoundStruck",
set: "gi",
translations: "caminhão,",
name: "GiRoyalLove",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRun",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRuneStone",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRuneSword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSaberSlash",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSaberTooth",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSabersChoc",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSacrificialDagger",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSadCrab",
set: "gi",
translations: "triste,",
name: "GiSalamander",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSaltShaker",
set: "gi",
translations: "balançar,",
name: "GiSandsOfTime",
set: "gi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "GiSaphir",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSattelite",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSawClaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScaleMail",
set: "gi",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "GiScales",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScallop",
set: "gi",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "GiScalpelStrike",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScalpel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScarWound",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScarabBeetle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScarecrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScissors",
set: "gi",
translations: "tesoura,",
name: "GiScorpionTail",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScorpion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScreaming",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScreenImpact",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScrewdriver",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScrollUnfurled",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiScythe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSeaDragon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSeaSerpent",
set: "gi",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "GiSeatedMouse",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSelfLove",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSemiClosedEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "fechar,olho,olhar,microfone,",
name: "GiSensuousness",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSentryGun",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSerratedSlash",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSewedShell",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSewingNeedle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShadowFollower",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShadowGrasp",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShardSword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSharkJaws",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSharpCrown",
set: "gi",
translations: "coroa,",
name: "GiSharpLips",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSharpSmile",
set: "gi",
translations: "sorriso,",
name: "GiSharpedTeethSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShatter",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShatteredGlass",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "GiShatteredSword",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "GiSheikahEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiShieldBounces",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiShieldEchoes",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiShieldReflect",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiShieldcomb",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiShiningClaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShiningHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiShiningSword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShinyApple",
set: "gi",
translations: "maçã,aplicativo,",
name: "GiShinyEntrance",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShinyIris",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShinyOmega",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShinyPurse",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShoulderScales",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShouting",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShurikenAperture",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShutRose",
set: "gi",
translations: "rosa,",
name: "GiSilence",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSinkingTrap",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSinusoidalBeam",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSixEyes",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiSkeletonInside",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSkeletonKey",
set: "gi",
translations: "chave,",
name: "GiSkidMark",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSkullBolt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSkullCrack",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSkullCrossedBones",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSkullInJar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSkullMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSkullRing",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiSkullShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiSkullSignet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSkullSlices",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSlap",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSlashedShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiSlaveryWhip",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSleepy",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSlicedBread",
set: "gi",
translations: "ler,leitura,",
name: "GiSlicingArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiSly",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSmallFire",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiSmashArrows",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiSmitten",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSmokingFinger",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSmokingOrb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSnail",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSnakeBite",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSnakeTotem",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSnake",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSnatch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSnowBottle",
set: "gi",
translations: "neve,",
name: "GiSnowflake1",
set: "gi",
translations: "neve,neve,",
name: "GiSnowflake2",
set: "gi",
translations: "neve,neve,",
name: "GiSnowing",
set: "gi",
translations: "neve,",
name: "GiSnowman",
set: "gi",
translations: "neve,",
name: "GiSoapExperiment",
set: "gi",
translations: "experimento,",
name: "GiSonicBoom",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSonicLightning",
set: "gi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "GiSonicScreech",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSonicShout",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpaceSuit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpadeSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpade",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpanner",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSparkSpirit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSparklingSabre",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSparkyBomb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSparrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiSpartan",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpatter",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpearHook",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpears",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpectacleLenses",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpectacles",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpectre",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpiderWeb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikedArmor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikedCollar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikedFence",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikedHalo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikedMace",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikedShell",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikedSnail",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikedTail",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikedTentacle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikyEclipse",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikyExplosion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikyField",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpill",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpinalCoil",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpineArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,perto,",
name: "GiSpinningBlades",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpinningRibbons",
set: "gi",
translations: "faixa,",
name: "GiSpinningSword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpiralArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiSpiralBloom",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpiralBottle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpiralShell",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpiralTentacle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpiralThrust",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSplash",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSplashyStream",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSplitBody",
set: "gi",
translations: "corpo,",
name: "GiSplitCross",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSplurt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpoon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpotedFlower",
set: "gi",
translations: "flor,flores,",
name: "GiSpottedArrowhead",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiSpottedMushroom",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpottedWound",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpoutnik",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpray",
set: "gi",
translations: "rezar,",
name: "GiSprint",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSproutDisc",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSprout",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpyglass",
set: "gi",
translations: "espião,",
name: "GiSquareBottle",
set: "gi",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "GiSquib",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSquidHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSquid",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStagHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "GiStalagtite",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStandingPotion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStarCycle",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiStarProminences",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiStarPupil",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,cima,",
name: "GiStarSattelites",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiStarSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiStarSwirl",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiStaryu",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiStaticGuard",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStaticWaves",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStatic",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSteelClaws",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSteeltoeBoots",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSteelwingEmblem",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStickSplitting",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStickingPlaster",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStigmata",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStiletto",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStitchedWound",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStompTornado",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStomp",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStoneAxe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStoneBlock",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,bloquear,bloco,",
name: "GiStoneCrafting",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStoneSpear",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStoneSphere",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStoneTablet",
set: "gi",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "GiStoneThrone",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStoneTower",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStonedSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStopwatch",
set: "gi",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "GiStrafe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStrikingArrows",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiStrikingBalls",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStrikingClamps",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStrikingDiamonds",
set: "gi",
translations: "diamante,",
name: "GiStrikingSplinter",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStripedSword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiStrong",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSuckeredTentacle",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "GiSuits",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSunRadiations",
set: "gi",
translations: "radiação,sol,",
name: "GiSun",
set: "gi",
translations: "sol,",
name: "GiSunbeams",
set: "gi",
translations: "sol,",
name: "GiSundial",
set: "gi",
translations: "sol,",
name: "GiSunkenEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,sol,",
name: "GiSuperMushroom",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GiSupersonicArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,cima,pessoa,",
name: "GiSupersonicBullet",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,pessoa,",
name: "GiSurprisedSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "levantar,",
name: "GiSurprised",
set: "gi",
translations: "levantar,",
name: "GiSurroundedEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiSurroundedShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiSuspicious",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwanBreeze",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwan",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwapBag",
set: "gi",
translations: "trocar,troca,",
name: "GiSwirlRing",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiSwirlString",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiSwordArray",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordBreak",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordClash",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordHilt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordInStone",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordSlice",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordSmithing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordSpade",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordSpin",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordTie",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordWound",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSwordsEmblem",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSyringe",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiTank",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTargetArrows",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,alvo,",
name: "GiTargetDummy",
set: "gi",
translations: "alvo,",
name: "GiTargetShot",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,alvo,",
name: "GiTargeting",
set: "gi",
translations: "alvo,",
name: "GiTatteredBanner",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "GiTeapot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTearTracks",
set: "gi",
translations: "lágrima,",
name: "GiTearing",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,lágrima,",
name: "GiTechnoHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiTelepathy",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTeleport",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTemplarEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiTemplarHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiTemptation",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTensionSnowflake",
set: "gi",
translations: "neve,neve,",
name: "GiTentacleHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiTentacleStrike",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTentaclesSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTentacurl",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTerror",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTeslaCoil",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTeslaTurret",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTestTubes",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiThermometerScale",
set: "gi",
translations: "termômetro,temperatura,",
name: "GiThirdEye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiThorFist",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiThornHelix",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiThornedArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiThornyTentacle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiThornyVine",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiThreeBurningBalls",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiThreeKeys",
set: "gi",
translations: "chave,",
name: "GiThreeLeaves",
set: "gi",
translations: "sair,",
name: "GiThrownCharcoal",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiThrownDaggers",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiThrownKnife",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiThrownSpear",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiThunderBlade",
set: "gi",
translations: "trovão,raio,",
name: "GiThunderSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "trovão,raio,",
name: "GiThunderStruck",
set: "gi",
translations: "trovão,raio,caminhão,",
name: "GiThunderball",
set: "gi",
translations: "trovão,raio,",
name: "GiTick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTiedScroll",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTimeBomb",
set: "gi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "GiTimeTrap",
set: "gi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "GiTinker",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiToadTeeth",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTombstone",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTooth",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTopHat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTopPaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTornadoDiscs",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTornado",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTotemHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTotemMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTowerFall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTrade",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTransfuse",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTransparentTubes",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTransportationRings",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiTrapMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTread",
set: "gi",
translations: "ler,leitura,",
name: "GiTreasureMap",
set: "gi",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "GiTreeBranch",
set: "gi",
translations: "galho,",
name: "GiTrefoilLily",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTrefoilShuriken",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTribalMask",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTrident",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTrilobite",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTriorb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTripleBeak",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTripleClaws",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTripleCorn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTripleLock",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GiTripleNeedle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTriplePlier",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTripleScratches",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTripleShells",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTripleSkulls",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTripleYin",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTripwire",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTritonHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTronArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiTrophy",
set: "gi",
translations: "troféu,prêmio,",
name: "GiTrousers",
set: "gi",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "GiTumor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTunePitch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTurd",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTurtleShell",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTurtle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTwinShell",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTwirlCenter",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTwirlyFlower",
set: "gi",
translations: "flor,flores,",
name: "GiTwister",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTwoFeathers",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTwoShadows",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTyre",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUbisoftSun",
set: "gi",
translations: "sol,",
name: "GiUltrasound",
set: "gi",
translations: "som,audio,",
name: "GiUmbrella",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUncertainty",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUnfriendlyFire",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,fim,",
name: "GiUnlitBomb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUnlitCandelabra",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUnlocking",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,destrancar,abrir,",
name: "GiUnstableOrb",
set: "gi",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "GiUnstableProjectile",
set: "gi",
translations: "projeto,mesa,aba,",
name: "GiValley",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVanillaFlower",
set: "gi",
translations: "flor,flores,",
name: "GiVibratingBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVileFluid",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVineFlower",
set: "gi",
translations: "flor,flores,",
name: "GiVineLeaf",
set: "gi",
translations: "folha,",
name: "GiVineWhip",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVintageRobot",
set: "gi",
translations: "robô,etiqueta,",
name: "GiViola",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVirus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVisoredHelm",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "GiVolcano",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVomiting",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVoodooDoll",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVortex",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVulture",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWalkingBoot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWaspSting",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWaterBolt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWaterSplash",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWaveCrest",
set: "gi",
translations: "descansar,",
name: "GiWaveStrike",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWavyChains",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWavyItinerary",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWaxSeal",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWebSpit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWerewolf",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWheat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWhip",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWhiplash",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWhirlwind",
set: "gi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "GiWhiteCat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWhiteTower",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWideArrowDunk",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiWildfires",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiWilliamTellSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWilliamTell",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWindHole",
set: "gi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "GiWindSlap",
set: "gi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "GiWindyStripes",
set: "gi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "GiWineGlass",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWingCloak",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWingedArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiWingedEmblem",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWingedLeg",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWingedShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiWingedSword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWingfoot",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWitchFlight",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWizardStaff",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWolfHead",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWolfHowl",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWolfTrap",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWolverineClaws",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWoodAxe",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWoodenDoor",
set: "gi",
translations: "porta,fim,",
name: "GiWoodenFence",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWoodenSign",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWorld",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWormMouth",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWorriedEyes",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiWrappedHeart",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,aplicativo,",
name: "GiWrappedSweet",
set: "gi",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "GiWrappingStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,aplicativo,",
name: "GiWreckingBall",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWyvern",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiZebraShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiZeusSword",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiZigArrow",
set: "gi",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "GiZigzagCage",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiZigzagLeaf",
set: "gi",
translations: "folha,",
name: "GiZigzagTune",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAmplitude",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArtificialIntelligence",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBomber",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiComputing",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiagram",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHeavyFighter",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHolosphere",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLightFighter",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMicroscope",
set: "gi",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "GiPowerButton",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiArtilleryShell",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBiplane",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBunkerAssault",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBunker",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCardPickup",
set: "gi",
translations: "cima,cartão,",
name: "GiCardPlay",
set: "gi",
translations: "iniciar,começar,cartão,",
name: "GiDamagedHouse",
set: "gi",
translations: "casa,",
name: "GiFieldGun",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLostLimb",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMilitaryAmbulance",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPoppy",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTrenchAssault",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChocolateBar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMilkCarton",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPeanut",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAcidTube",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAcid",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAmmoBox",
set: "gi",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "GiArena",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBatteryPackAlt",
set: "gi",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "GiBatteryPack",
set: "gi",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "GiBigEgg",
set: "gi",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "GiBlast",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBlaster",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBurn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCancel",
set: "gi",
translations: "cancelar,",
name: "GiChaingun",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCircularSaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiClaw",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCloverSpiked",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCrush",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDeathSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "morte,",
name: "GiDoubled",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDuel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEggPod",
set: "gi",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "GiElectric",
set: "gi",
translations: "elétrico,eletricidade,",
name: "GiEvilWings",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiExpander",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFallDown",
set: "gi",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GiFalling",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFire",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFireflake",
set: "gi",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GiFlake",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlamer",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHeadShot",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiHealthDecrease",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHealthIncrease",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHealthNormal",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHelmet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHelp",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHive",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHotSurface",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiJetPack",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKevlar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLaserGun",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLava",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLevelFourAdvanced",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLevelFour",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLevelThreeAdvanced",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLevelThree",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLevelTwoAdvanced",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLevelTwo",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLuciferCannon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMassDriver",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMedicalPackAlt",
set: "gi",
translations: "médico,",
name: "GiMedicalPack",
set: "gi",
translations: "médico,",
name: "GiNodular",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNuclear",
set: "gi",
translations: "limpar,",
name: "GiOverkill",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOvermind",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPoisonCloud",
set: "gi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "GiPoison",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPounce",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPulse",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiReactor",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRegeneration",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRifle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSelect",
set: "gi",
translations: "selecionar,seleção,",
name: "GiShield",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiShotgun",
set: "gi",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "GiSlowBlob",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSnorkel",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpawnNode",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikeball",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikesFull",
set: "gi",
translations: "cheio,",
name: "GiSpikesHalf",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikesInit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSpikes",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSuicide",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTargetLaser",
set: "gi",
translations: "alvo,",
name: "GiTargeted",
set: "gi",
translations: "alvo,",
name: "GiTelefrag",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTesla",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTrample",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTriggerHurt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiTurret",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUnplugged",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiUsable",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiVial",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWaterDrop",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWeightCrush",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiWrench",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAchievement",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAirForce",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAirplane",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAk47",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAk47U",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAlliedStar",
set: "gi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GiAmethyst",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAmputation",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiApc",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiAtom",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBalaclava",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBalkenkreuz",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBallista",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBaton",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBayonet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBigDiamondRing",
set: "gi",
translations: "diamante,sino,sinal,",
name: "GiBlood",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBoxTrap",
set: "gi",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "GiBracers",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBreakingChain",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBrodieHelmet",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBullseye",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiBundleGrenade",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiBurningSkull",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiC96",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCarpetBombing",
set: "gi",
translations: "bixo,animal,",
name: "GiCementShoes",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChessBishop",
set: "gi",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "GiChessKing",
set: "gi",
translations: "pele,",
name: "GiChessKnight",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChessPawn",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChessQueen",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiChessRook",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiClick",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiClubs",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiColtM1911",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiCombinationLock",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GiConsoleController",
set: "gi",
translations: "controle,",
name: "GiCzSkorpion",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiD10",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiD12",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiD4",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDesertEagle",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDiamonds",
set: "gi",
translations: "diamante,",
name: "GiDividedSquare",
set: "gi",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "GiDonkey",
set: "gi",
translations: "chave,",
name: "GiDress",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiDropWeapon",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiEvilEyes",
set: "gi",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "GiF1Car",
set: "gi",
translations: "carro,veiculo,automovel,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "GiFamas",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFangs",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFetus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFlatbedCovered",
set: "gi",
translations: "vermelho,cama,",
name: "GiFlatbed",
set: "gi",
translations: "cama,",
name: "GiFnFal",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiFootsteps",
set: "gi",
translations: "passo,",
name: "GiFruitBowl",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGladius",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGlider",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiGlock",
set: "gi",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GiGoat",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHalt",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHamShank",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHastyGrave",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiHearingDisabled",
set: "gi",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "GiHearts",
set: "gi",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "GiHexes",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInvertedDice1",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInvertedDice2",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInvertedDice3",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInvertedDice4",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInvertedDice5",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiInvertedDice6",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiIronCross",
set: "gi",
translations: "ferro,",
name: "GiJoint",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKevlarVest",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiKnockout",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLaserBurst",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLeeEnfield",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLogging",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiLongLeggedSpider",
set: "gi",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "GiLuger",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiM3GreaseGun",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMac10",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMachineGun",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMinefield",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMountedKnight",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMp40",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMp5K",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiMusket",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiNuclearBomb",
set: "gi",
translations: "limpar,",
name: "GiOilDrum",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiOpenChest",
set: "gi",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "GiOpenPalm",
set: "gi",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "GiOpenTreasureChest",
set: "gi",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "GiOrbit",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiP90",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPauldrons",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPc",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPegasus",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPentacle",
set: "gi",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "GiPestleMortar",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPickelhaube",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPig",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPlatform",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPocketWatch",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiPteruges",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRaceCar",
set: "gi",
translations: "carro,veiculo,automovel,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "GiRaiseSkeleton",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRaiseZombie",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRank1",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRank2",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRank3",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiRead",
set: "gi",
translations: "ler,leitura,",
name: "GiRetroController",
set: "gi",
translations: "controle,",
name: "GiSeaCreature",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiShieldDisabled",
set: "gi",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GiSiegeRam",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
name: "GiSightDisabled",
set: "gi",
translations: "",
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set: "gi",
translations: "",
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translations: "",
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translations: "",
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translations: "",
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translations: "",
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set: "gi",
translations: "",
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translations: "",
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translations: "",
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set: "gi",
translations: "",
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translations: "",
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set: "gi",
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name: "GiAbstract030",
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set: "go",
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name: "GoArrowSmallUp",
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set: "go",
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set: "go",
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name: "GoChevronLeft",
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set: "go",
translations: "direita,seta,flecha,",
name: "GoChevronUp",
set: "go",
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name: "GoCircleSlash",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoCircuitBoard",
set: "go",
translations: "",
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set: "go",
translations: "",
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set: "go",
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set: "go",
translations: "",
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translations: "",
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name: "GoDiffIgnored",
set: "go",
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name: "GoDiffModified",
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translations: "",
name: "GoDiffRemoved",
set: "go",
translations: "excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
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translations: "",
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translations: "",
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name: "GoFile",
set: "go",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "GoFlame",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoFoldDown",
set: "go",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GoFoldUp",
set: "go",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GoFold",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoGear",
set: "go",
translations: "equipamento,",
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translations: "presente,",
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set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoGist",
set: "go",
translations: "",
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set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoGitCompare",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoGitMerge",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoGitPullRequest",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoGithubAction",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoGlobe",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoGrabber",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoGraph",
set: "go",
translations: "",
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set: "go",
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set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoHome",
set: "go",
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set: "go",
translations: "",
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set: "go",
translations: "",
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set: "go",
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set: "go",
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set: "go",
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set: "go",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
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set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoJersey",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoKebabHorizontal",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoKebabVertical",
set: "go",
translations: "",
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set: "go",
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set: "go",
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set: "go",
translations: "",
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set: "go",
translations: "",
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translations: "",
name: "GoLink",
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translations: "",
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name: "GoListUnordered",
set: "go",
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set: "go",
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set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoLogoGithub",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoMailRead",
set: "go",
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name: "GoMail",
set: "go",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "GoMarkGithub",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoMarkdown",
set: "go",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GoMegaphone",
set: "go",
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name: "GoMention",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoMilestone",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoMirror",
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translations: "",
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set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoMute",
set: "go",
translations: "",
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name: "GoNote",
set: "go",
translations: "",
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set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoOrganization",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoPackage",
set: "go",
translations: "pacote,",
name: "GoPaintcan",
set: "go",
translations: "pintura,",
name: "GoPencil",
set: "go",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "GoPerson",
set: "go",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "GoPin",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoPlay",
set: "go",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "GoPlug",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoPlusSmall",
set: "go",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "GoPlus",
set: "go",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "GoPrimitiveDot",
set: "go",
translations: "ponto,",
name: "GoPrimitiveSquare",
set: "go",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "GoProject",
set: "go",
translations: "projeto,",
name: "GoPulse",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoQuestion",
set: "go",
translations: "questão,pergunta,",
name: "GoQuote",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoRadioTower",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoReply",
set: "go",
translations: "responder,",
name: "GoRepoClone",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoRepoForcePush",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoRepoForked",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoRepoPull",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoRepoPush",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoRepo",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoReport",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoRequestChanges",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoRocket",
set: "go",
translations: "foguete,",
name: "GoRss",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoRuby",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoScreenFull",
set: "go",
translations: "cheio,",
name: "GoScreenNormal",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoSearch",
set: "go",
translations: "busca,procurar,",
name: "GoServer",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoSettings",
set: "go",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "GoShield",
set: "go",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GoSignIn",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoSignOut",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoSmiley",
set: "go",
translations: "sorriso,",
name: "GoSquirrel",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoStar",
set: "go",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GoStop",
set: "go",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "GoSync",
set: "go",
translations: "sincronizar,",
name: "GoTag",
set: "go",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "GoTasklist",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoTelescope",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoTerminal",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoTextSize",
set: "go",
translations: "tamanho,",
name: "GoThreeBars",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoThumbsdown",
set: "go",
translations: "baixo,ruim,",
name: "GoThumbsup",
set: "go",
translations: "cima,beleza,",
name: "GoTools",
set: "go",
translations: "ferramenta,",
name: "GoTrashcan",
set: "go",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "GoTriangleDown",
set: "go",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GoTriangleLeft",
set: "go",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "GoTriangleRight",
set: "go",
translations: "direita,",
name: "GoTriangleUp",
set: "go",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GoUnfold",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoUnmute",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoUnverified",
set: "go",
translations: "verificado,",
name: "GoVerified",
set: "go",
translations: "verificado,",
name: "GoVersions",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoWatch",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoX",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GoZap",
set: "go",
translations: "",
name: "GrAccessibility",
set: "gr",
translations: "acessibilidade,",
name: "GrAchievement",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAction",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrActions",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAd",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAddCircle",
set: "gr",
translations: "adicionar,",
name: "GrAdd",
set: "gr",
translations: "adicionar,",
name: "GrAed",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAggregate",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAidOption",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAid",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAlarm",
set: "gr",
translations: "alarme,",
name: "GrAlert",
set: "gr",
translations: "alerta,",
name: "GrAmazon",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAmex",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAnalytics",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAnchor",
set: "gr",
translations: "âncora,link,",
name: "GrAndroid",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAnnounce",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAppleAppStore",
set: "gr",
translations: "maçã,aplicativo,loja,",
name: "GrApple",
set: "gr",
translations: "maçã,aplicativo,",
name: "GrApps",
set: "gr",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "GrArchive",
set: "gr",
translations: "arquivar,",
name: "GrArchlinux",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrArticle",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAruba",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAscend",
set: "gr",
translations: "fim,",
name: "GrAssistListening",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAtm",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAttachment",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrAttraction",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrBaby",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrBackTen",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrBarChart",
set: "gr",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "GrBar",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrBasket",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrBike",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrBitcoin",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrBlockQuote",
set: "gr",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,bloquear,bloco,",
name: "GrBlog",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrBluetooth",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrBold",
set: "gr",
translations: "forte,negrito,",
name: "GrBook",
set: "gr",
translations: "livro,",
name: "GrBookmark",
set: "gr",
translations: "livro,",
name: "GrBottomCorner",
set: "gr",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GrBraille",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrBriefcase",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrBrush",
set: "gr",
translations: "pincel,pintura,",
name: "GrBug",
set: "gr",
translations: "inseto,",
name: "GrBundle",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrBus",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrBusinessService",
set: "gr",
translations: "negócio,empresário,",
name: "GrCafeteria",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCalculator",
set: "gr",
translations: "calculadora,",
name: "GrCalendar",
set: "gr",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "GrCamera",
set: "gr",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "GrCapacity",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCar",
set: "gr",
translations: "carro,veiculo,automovel,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "GrCaretDown",
set: "gr",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GrCaretNext",
set: "gr",
translations: "próximo,",
name: "GrCaretPrevious",
set: "gr",
translations: "anterior,antes,",
name: "GrCaretUp",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GrCart",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCatalogOption",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCatalog",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCentos",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrChannel",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrChapterAdd",
set: "gr",
translations: "adicionar,",
name: "GrChapterNext",
set: "gr",
translations: "próximo,",
name: "GrChapterPrevious",
set: "gr",
translations: "anterior,antes,",
name: "GrChatOption",
set: "gr",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "GrChat",
set: "gr",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "GrCheckboxSelected",
set: "gr",
translations: "checado,selecionar,seleção,caixa,",
name: "GrCheckbox",
set: "gr",
translations: "checado,caixa,",
name: "GrCheckmark",
set: "gr",
translations: "checado,",
name: "GrChrome",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCircleInformation",
set: "gr",
translations: "informação,formato,",
name: "GrCirclePlay",
set: "gr",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "GrCircleQuestion",
set: "gr",
translations: "questão,pergunta,",
name: "GrClearOption",
set: "gr",
translations: "limpar,",
name: "GrClear",
set: "gr",
translations: "limpar,",
name: "GrCli",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrClipboard",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrClock",
set: "gr",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GrClone",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrClose",
set: "gr",
translations: "fechar,",
name: "GrClosedCaption",
set: "gr",
translations: "fechar,",
name: "GrCloudComputer",
set: "gr",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "GrCloudDownload",
set: "gr",
translations: "nuvem,baixo,baixar,",
name: "GrCloudSoftware",
set: "gr",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "GrCloudUpload",
set: "gr",
translations: "nuvem,cima,",
name: "GrCloud",
set: "gr",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "GrCloudlinux",
set: "gr",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "GrCluster",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCoatCheck",
set: "gr",
translations: "checado,",
name: "GrCodeSandbox",
set: "gr",
translations: "codigo,programar,caixa,",
name: "GrCode",
set: "gr",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "GrCodepen",
set: "gr",
translations: "codigo,programar,caneta,",
name: "GrCoffee",
set: "gr",
translations: "café,",
name: "GrColumns",
set: "gr",
translations: "coluna,",
name: "GrCommand",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCompare",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCompass",
set: "gr",
translations: "bussola,",
name: "GrCompliance",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrConfigure",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrConnect",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrConnectivity",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrContactInfo",
set: "gr",
translations: "informação,contato,",
name: "GrContact",
set: "gr",
translations: "contato,",
name: "GrContract",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCopy",
set: "gr",
translations: "copiar,",
name: "GrCreativeCommons",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCreditCard",
set: "gr",
translations: "cartao,credito,vermelho,editar,cartão,",
name: "GrCss3",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCube",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCubes",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCurrency",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCursor",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrCut",
set: "gr",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "GrCycle",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDashboard",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDatabase",
set: "gr",
translations: "dados,aba,",
name: "GrDebian",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDeliver",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDeploy",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDescend",
set: "gr",
translations: "fim,",
name: "GrDesktop",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDetach",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDevice",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDiamond",
set: "gr",
translations: "diamante,",
name: "GrDirections",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDisc",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDislike",
set: "gr",
translations: "nao,não,gostar,estrela,favorito,",
name: "GrDocker",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentCloud",
set: "gr",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "GrDocumentConfig",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentCsv",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentDownload",
set: "gr",
translations: "baixo,baixar,",
name: "GrDocumentExcel",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentImage",
set: "gr",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "GrDocumentLocked",
set: "gr",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GrDocumentMissing",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentNotes",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentOutlook",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentPdf",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentPerformance",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentPpt",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentRtf",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentSound",
set: "gr",
translations: "som,audio,",
name: "GrDocumentStore",
set: "gr",
translations: "loja,",
name: "GrDocumentTest",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentText",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentThreat",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentTime",
set: "gr",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "GrDocumentTransfer",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentTxt",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentUpdate",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GrDocumentUpload",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GrDocumentUser",
set: "gr",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "GrDocumentVerified",
set: "gr",
translations: "verificado,televisão,",
name: "GrDocumentVideo",
set: "gr",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "GrDocumentWindows",
set: "gr",
translations: "vento,",
name: "GrDocumentWord",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocumentZip",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDocument",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDomain",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDos",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDown",
set: "gr",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GrDownload",
set: "gr",
translations: "baixo,baixar,",
name: "GrDrag",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDrawer",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDriveCage",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrDropbox",
set: "gr",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "GrDuplicate",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GrDxc",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrEdge",
set: "gr",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "GrEdit",
set: "gr",
translations: "editar,vermelho,editar,",
name: "GrEject",
set: "gr",
translations: "ejetar,",
name: "GrElevator",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrEmergency",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrEmoji",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrEmptyCircle",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrErase",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrEscalator",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrExpand",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrFacebookOption",
set: "gr",
translations: "livro,",
name: "GrFacebook",
set: "gr",
translations: "livro,",
name: "GrFan",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrFastForward",
set: "gr",
translations: "rapido,frente,",
name: "GrFavorite",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrFedora",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrFilter",
set: "gr",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "GrFingerPrint",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrFireball",
set: "gr",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GrFirefox",
set: "gr",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "GrFlagFill",
set: "gr",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "GrFlag",
set: "gr",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "GrFolderCycle",
set: "gr",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "GrFolderOpen",
set: "gr",
translations: "aberto,pasta,caneta,",
name: "GrFolder",
set: "gr",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "GrFormAdd",
set: "gr",
translations: "adicionar,",
name: "GrFormAttachment",
set: "gr",
translations: "formato,",
name: "GrFormCalendar",
set: "gr",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "GrFormCheckmark",
set: "gr",
translations: "checado,",
name: "GrFormClock",
set: "gr",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GrFormClose",
set: "gr",
translations: "fechar,",
name: "GrFormCut",
set: "gr",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "GrFormDown",
set: "gr",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GrFormEdit",
set: "gr",
translations: "editar,editar,",
name: "GrFormFilter",
set: "gr",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "GrFormFolder",
set: "gr",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "GrFormLocation",
set: "gr",
translations: "localização,",
name: "GrFormLock",
set: "gr",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GrFormNextLink",
set: "gr",
translations: "próximo,",
name: "GrFormNext",
set: "gr",
translations: "próximo,",
name: "GrFormPreviousLink",
set: "gr",
translations: "anterior,antes,",
name: "GrFormPrevious",
set: "gr",
translations: "anterior,antes,",
name: "GrFormRefresh",
set: "gr",
translations: "atualizar,",
name: "GrFormSchedule",
set: "gr",
translations: "agendar,marcar,fim,",
name: "GrFormSearch",
set: "gr",
translations: "busca,procurar,",
name: "GrFormSubtract",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrFormTrash",
set: "gr",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "GrFormUp",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GrFormUpload",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GrFormViewHide",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrFormView",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrForwardTen",
set: "gr",
translations: "frente,",
name: "GrFreebsd",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrGallery",
set: "gr",
translations: "galeria,imagens,fotos,",
name: "GrGamepad",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrGatsbyjs",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrGift",
set: "gr",
translations: "presente,",
name: "GrGithub",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrGlobe",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrGolang",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrGooglePlay",
set: "gr",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "GrGooglePlus",
set: "gr",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "GrGoogleWallet",
set: "gr",
translations: "carteira,",
name: "GrGoogle",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrGraphQl",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrGremlin",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrGrid",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrGrommet",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrGroup",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GrGrow",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrHadoop",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrHalt",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrHelp",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrHeroku",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrHide",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrHistory",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrHome",
set: "gr",
translations: "casa,lar,",
name: "GrHorton",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrHostMaintenance",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrHost",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrHp",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrHpeLabs",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrHpe",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrHpi",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrHtml5",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrIceCream",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrImage",
set: "gr",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "GrImpact",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrInProgress",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrInbox",
set: "gr",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "GrIndicator",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrInfo",
set: "gr",
translations: "informação,",
name: "GrInherit",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrInspect",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrInstagram",
set: "gr",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "GrInstallOption",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrInstall",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrIntegration",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrInternetExplorer",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrItalic",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrIteration",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrJava",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrJs",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrKeyboard",
set: "gr",
translations: "chave,teclado,",
name: "GrLanguage",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrLaunch",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrLayer",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrLicense",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrLike",
set: "gr",
translations: "gostar,estrela,favorito,",
name: "GrLineChart",
set: "gr",
translations: "grafico,linha,",
name: "GrLinkBottom",
set: "gr",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GrLinkDown",
set: "gr",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GrLinkNext",
set: "gr",
translations: "próximo,",
name: "GrLinkPrevious",
set: "gr",
translations: "anterior,antes,",
name: "GrLinkTop",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrLinkUp",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GrLink",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrLinkedinOption",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrLinkedin",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrList",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrLocal",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrLocationPin",
set: "gr",
translations: "localização,",
name: "GrLocation",
set: "gr",
translations: "localização,",
name: "GrLock",
set: "gr",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "GrLogin",
set: "gr",
translations: "entrar,",
name: "GrLogout",
set: "gr",
translations: "sair,",
name: "GrLounge",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrMagic",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrMailOption",
set: "gr",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "GrMail",
set: "gr",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "GrMandriva",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrManual",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrMapLocation",
set: "gr",
translations: "mapa,localização,",
name: "GrMap",
set: "gr",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "GrMastercard",
set: "gr",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "GrMedium",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrMenu",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrMicrofocus",
set: "gr",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "GrMicrophone",
set: "gr",
translations: "telefone,celular,microfone,cortar,",
name: "GrMoney",
set: "gr",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "GrMonitor",
set: "gr",
translations: "tela,",
name: "GrMonospace",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrMoreVertical",
set: "gr",
translations: "mais,",
name: "GrMore",
set: "gr",
translations: "mais,",
name: "GrMultimedia",
set: "gr",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "GrMultiple",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrMusic",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrMysql",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrNavigate",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrNetwork",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrNewWindow",
set: "gr",
translations: "vento,",
name: "GrNew",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrNext",
set: "gr",
translations: "próximo,",
name: "GrNode",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrNodes",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrNorton",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrNote",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrNotes",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrNotification",
set: "gr",
translations: "notificação,",
name: "GrNpm",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrObjectGroup",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,objeto,",
name: "GrObjectUngroup",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,objeto,",
name: "GrOfflineStorage",
set: "gr",
translations: "linha,armazém,",
name: "GrOnedrive",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrOpera",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrOptimize",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrOracle",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrOrderedList",
set: "gr",
translations: "vermelho,ordem,ordenado,",
name: "GrOrganization",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrOverview",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrPaint",
set: "gr",
translations: "pintura,",
name: "GrPan",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrPauseFill",
set: "gr",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "GrPause",
set: "gr",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "GrPaypal",
set: "gr",
translations: "pagar,",
name: "GrPerformance",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrPersonalComputer",
set: "gr",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "GrPhone",
set: "gr",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "GrPieChart",
set: "gr",
translations: "torta,grafico,",
name: "GrPiedPiper",
set: "gr",
translations: "torta,",
name: "GrPin",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrPinterest",
set: "gr",
translations: "descansar,",
name: "GrPlan",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrPlayFill",
set: "gr",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "GrPlay",
set: "gr",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "GrPocket",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrPowerCycle",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrPowerForceShutdown",
set: "gr",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GrPowerReset",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrPowerShutdown",
set: "gr",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "GrPower",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrPrevious",
set: "gr",
translations: "anterior,antes,",
name: "GrPrint",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrProductHunt",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrProjects",
set: "gr",
translations: "projeto,",
name: "GrQr",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrRadialSelected",
set: "gr",
translations: "selecionar,seleção,",
name: "GrRadial",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrRaspberry",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrReactjs",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrReddit",
set: "gr",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "GrRedhat",
set: "gr",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "GrRedo",
set: "gr",
translations: "vermelho,refazer,",
name: "GrRefresh",
set: "gr",
translations: "atualizar,",
name: "GrResources",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrRestaurant",
set: "gr",
translations: "descansar,comer,restaurante,",
name: "GrRestroomMen",
set: "gr",
translations: "descansar,quarto,",
name: "GrRestroomWomen",
set: "gr",
translations: "descansar,quarto,",
name: "GrRestroom",
set: "gr",
translations: "descansar,quarto,",
name: "GrResume",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrReturn",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrRevert",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrRewind",
set: "gr",
translations: "vento,",
name: "GrRisk",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrRobot",
set: "gr",
translations: "robô,",
name: "GrRotateLeft",
set: "gr",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "GrRotateRight",
set: "gr",
translations: "direita,",
name: "GrRss",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrRun",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSafariOption",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSatellite",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSave",
set: "gr",
translations: "salvar,",
name: "GrScan",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrScheduleNew",
set: "gr",
translations: "agendar,marcar,fim,",
name: "GrSchedulePlay",
set: "gr",
translations: "iniciar,começar,agendar,marcar,fim,",
name: "GrSchedule",
set: "gr",
translations: "agendar,marcar,fim,",
name: "GrSchedules",
set: "gr",
translations: "agendar,marcar,fim,",
name: "GrSco",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrScorecard",
set: "gr",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "GrSearchAdvanced",
set: "gr",
translations: "busca,procurar,",
name: "GrSearch",
set: "gr",
translations: "busca,procurar,",
name: "GrSecure",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSelect",
set: "gr",
translations: "selecionar,seleção,",
name: "GrSelection",
set: "gr",
translations: "selecionar,seleção,",
name: "GrSemantics",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSend",
set: "gr",
translations: "enviar,envio,fim,",
name: "GrServerCluster",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrServer",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrServers",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrServicePlay",
set: "gr",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "GrServices",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSettingsOption",
set: "gr",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "GrShareOption",
set: "gr",
translations: "compartilhar,",
name: "GrShare",
set: "gr",
translations: "compartilhar,",
name: "GrShieldSecurity",
set: "gr",
translations: "segurança,escudo,",
name: "GrShield",
set: "gr",
translations: "escudo,",
name: "GrShift",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrShop",
set: "gr",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "GrSidebar",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSign",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSkype",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSlack",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSnapchat",
set: "gr",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "GrSolaris",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSort",
set: "gr",
translations: "ordenar,",
name: "GrSoundcloud",
set: "gr",
translations: "nuvem,som,audio,",
name: "GrSpa",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSpectrum",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSplit",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSplits",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSpotify",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSquare",
set: "gr",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "GrStackOverflow",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrStakeholder",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrStarHalf",
set: "gr",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GrStar",
set: "gr",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "GrStatusCriticalSmall",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrStatusCritical",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrStatusDisabledSmall",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrStatusDisabled",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrStatusGoodSmall",
set: "gr",
translations: "bom,",
name: "GrStatusGood",
set: "gr",
translations: "bom,",
name: "GrStatusInfoSmall",
set: "gr",
translations: "informação,",
name: "GrStatusInfo",
set: "gr",
translations: "informação,",
name: "GrStatusPlaceholderSmall",
set: "gr",
translations: "lugar,",
name: "GrStatusPlaceholder",
set: "gr",
translations: "lugar,",
name: "GrStatusUnknownSmall",
set: "gr",
translations: "sol,",
name: "GrStatusUnknown",
set: "gr",
translations: "sol,",
name: "GrStatusWarningSmall",
set: "gr",
translations: "perigo,cuidado,",
name: "GrStatusWarning",
set: "gr",
translations: "perigo,cuidado,",
name: "GrStepsOption",
set: "gr",
translations: "passo,",
name: "GrSteps",
set: "gr",
translations: "passo,",
name: "GrStopFill",
set: "gr",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "GrStop",
set: "gr",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "GrStorage",
set: "gr",
translations: "armazém,",
name: "GrStreetView",
set: "gr",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "GrStrikeThrough",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrStripe",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSubscript",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSubtractCircle",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSubtract",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSuperscript",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GrSupport",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GrSuse",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSwift",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSwim",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrSync",
set: "gr",
translations: "sincronizar,",
name: "GrSystem",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTableAdd",
set: "gr",
translations: "adicionar,mesa,aba,",
name: "GrTable",
set: "gr",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "GrTag",
set: "gr",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "GrTapeOption",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTape",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTarget",
set: "gr",
translations: "alvo,",
name: "GrTask",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTasks",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTechnology",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTemplate",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTerminal",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTestDesktop",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTest",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTextAlignCenter",
set: "gr",
translations: "alinhar,",
name: "GrTextAlignFull",
set: "gr",
translations: "alinhar,cheio,",
name: "GrTextAlignLeft",
set: "gr",
translations: "esquerda,alinhar,",
name: "GrTextAlignRight",
set: "gr",
translations: "direita,alinhar,",
name: "GrTextWrap",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrThreats",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrThreeDEffects",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrThreeD",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTicket",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTip",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrToast",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTools",
set: "gr",
translations: "ferramenta,",
name: "GrTooltip",
set: "gr",
translations: "ferramenta,",
name: "GrTopCorner",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTrain",
set: "gr",
translations: "trem,",
name: "GrTransaction",
set: "gr",
translations: "transação,",
name: "GrTrash",
set: "gr",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "GrTreeOption",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTree",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTrigger",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTrophy",
set: "gr",
translations: "troféu,prêmio,",
name: "GrTroubleshoot",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTty",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTumblr",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTurbolinux",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrTwitter",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrUbuntu",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrUnderline",
set: "gr",
translations: "linha,",
name: "GrUndo",
set: "gr",
translations: "desfazer,",
name: "GrUnlink",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrUnlock",
set: "gr",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,destrancar,abrir,",
name: "GrUnorderedList",
set: "gr",
translations: "vermelho,ordem,ordenado,",
name: "GrUp",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GrUpdate",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GrUpgrade",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GrUpload",
set: "gr",
translations: "cima,",
name: "GrUserAdd",
set: "gr",
translations: "adicionar,usuario,pessoa,",
name: "GrUserAdmin",
set: "gr",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "GrUserExpert",
set: "gr",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "GrUserFemale",
set: "gr",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "GrUserManager",
set: "gr",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "GrUserNew",
set: "gr",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "GrUserPolice",
set: "gr",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,polícia,",
name: "GrUserSettings",
set: "gr",
translations: "configuração,usuario,pessoa,",
name: "GrUserWorker",
set: "gr",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "GrUser",
set: "gr",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "GrValidate",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrVend",
set: "gr",
translations: "fim,",
name: "GrVideo",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrView",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrVimeo",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrVirtualMachine",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrVirtualStorage",
set: "gr",
translations: "armazém,",
name: "GrVisa",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrVmMaintenance",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrVmware",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrVolumeControl",
set: "gr",
translations: "controle,",
name: "GrVolumeLow",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrVolumeMute",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrVolume",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrVulnerability",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrWaypoint",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrWheelchairActive",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrWheelchair",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrWifiLow",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrWifiMedium",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrWifiNone",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrWifi",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrWindowsLegacy",
set: "gr",
translations: "vento,",
name: "GrWindows",
set: "gr",
translations: "vento,",
name: "GrWordpress",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrWorkshop",
set: "gr",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "GrYoga",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrYoutube",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrZoomIn",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "GrZoomOut",
set: "gr",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosAddCircleOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "adicionar,triste,linha,",
name: "IoIosAddCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "adicionar,triste,",
name: "IoIosAdd",
set: "io",
translations: "adicionar,triste,",
name: "IoIosAirplane",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosAlarm",
set: "io",
translations: "alarme,",
name: "IoIosAlbums",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosAlert",
set: "io",
translations: "alerta,",
name: "IoIosAmericanFootball",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosAnalytics",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosAperture",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosApps",
set: "io",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "IoIosAppstore",
set: "io",
translations: "aplicativo,loja,",
name: "IoIosArchive",
set: "io",
translations: "arquivar,",
name: "IoIosArrowBack",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "IoIosArrowDown",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "IoIosArrowDropdownCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "IoIosArrowDropdown",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "IoIosArrowDropleftCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "IoIosArrowDropleft",
set: "io",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "IoIosArrowDroprightCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "IoIosArrowDropright",
set: "io",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "IoIosArrowDropupCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "IoIosArrowDropup",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "IoIosArrowForward",
set: "io",
translations: "frente,flecha,",
name: "IoIosArrowRoundBack",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "IoIosArrowRoundDown",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "IoIosArrowRoundForward",
set: "io",
translations: "frente,flecha,",
name: "IoIosArrowRoundUp",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "IoIosArrowUp",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "IoIosAt",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosAttach",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosBackspace",
set: "io",
translations: "voltar,",
name: "IoIosBarcode",
set: "io",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "IoIosBaseball",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosBasket",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosBasketball",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosBatteryCharging",
set: "io",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "IoIosBatteryDead",
set: "io",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "IoIosBatteryFull",
set: "io",
translations: "bateria,carga,cheio,",
name: "IoIosBeaker",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosBed",
set: "io",
translations: "cama,",
name: "IoIosBeer",
set: "io",
translations: "cerveja,",
name: "IoIosBicycle",
set: "io",
translations: "bicicleta,bike,",
name: "IoIosBluetooth",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosBoat",
set: "io",
translations: "barco,",
name: "IoIosBody",
set: "io",
translations: "corpo,",
name: "IoIosBonfire",
set: "io",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "IoIosBook",
set: "io",
translations: "livro,",
name: "IoIosBookmark",
set: "io",
translations: "livro,",
name: "IoIosBookmarks",
set: "io",
translations: "livro,",
name: "IoIosBowtie",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosBriefcase",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosBrowsers",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosBrush",
set: "io",
translations: "pincel,pintura,",
name: "IoIosBug",
set: "io",
translations: "inseto,",
name: "IoIosBuild",
set: "io",
translations: "construir,",
name: "IoIosBulb",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosBus",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosBusiness",
set: "io",
translations: "negócio,empresário,",
name: "IoIosCafe",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosCalculator",
set: "io",
translations: "calculadora,",
name: "IoIosCalendar",
set: "io",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "IoIosCall",
set: "io",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "IoIosCamera",
set: "io",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "IoIosCar",
set: "io",
translations: "carro,veiculo,automovel,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "IoIosCard",
set: "io",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "IoIosCart",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosCash",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosCellular",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosChatboxes",
set: "io",
translations: "conversa,caixa,",
name: "IoIosChatbubbles",
set: "io",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "IoIosCheckboxOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "checado,caixa,linha,",
name: "IoIosCheckbox",
set: "io",
translations: "checado,caixa,",
name: "IoIosCheckmarkCircleOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "checado,linha,",
name: "IoIosCheckmarkCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "checado,",
name: "IoIosCheckmark",
set: "io",
translations: "checado,",
name: "IoIosClipboard",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosClock",
set: "io",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "IoIosCloseCircleOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "fechar,linha,",
name: "IoIosCloseCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "fechar,",
name: "IoIosClose",
set: "io",
translations: "fechar,",
name: "IoIosCloudCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "IoIosCloudDone",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,pronto,",
name: "IoIosCloudDownload",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,baixo,baixar,",
name: "IoIosCloudOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,linha,",
name: "IoIosCloudUpload",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,cima,",
name: "IoIosCloud",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "IoIosCloudyNight",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "IoIosCloudy",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "IoIosCodeDownload",
set: "io",
translations: "codigo,programar,baixo,baixar,",
name: "IoIosCodeWorking",
set: "io",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "IoIosCode",
set: "io",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "IoIosCog",
set: "io",
translations: "engrenagem,configuração,",
name: "IoIosColorFill",
set: "io",
translations: "cor,",
name: "IoIosColorFilter",
set: "io",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,cor,",
name: "IoIosColorPalette",
set: "io",
translations: "cor,",
name: "IoIosColorWand",
set: "io",
translations: "cor,",
name: "IoIosCompass",
set: "io",
translations: "bussola,",
name: "IoIosConstruct",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosContact",
set: "io",
translations: "contato,",
name: "IoIosContacts",
set: "io",
translations: "contatos,contato,",
name: "IoIosContract",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosContrast",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosCopy",
set: "io",
translations: "copiar,",
name: "IoIosCreate",
set: "io",
translations: "criar,novo,",
name: "IoIosCrop",
set: "io",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "IoIosCube",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosCut",
set: "io",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "IoIosDesktop",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosDisc",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosDocument",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosDoneAll",
set: "io",
translations: "pronto,",
name: "IoIosDownload",
set: "io",
translations: "baixo,baixar,",
name: "IoIosEasel",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosEgg",
set: "io",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "IoIosExit",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosExpand",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosEyeOff",
set: "io",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "IoIosEye",
set: "io",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "IoIosFastforward",
set: "io",
translations: "rapido,frente,",
name: "IoIosFemale",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosFiling",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosFilm",
set: "io",
translations: "filme,",
name: "IoIosFingerPrint",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosFitness",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosFlag",
set: "io",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "IoIosFlame",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosFlashOff",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosFlash",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosFlashlight",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosFlask",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosFlower",
set: "io",
translations: "flor,flores,",
name: "IoIosFolderOpen",
set: "io",
translations: "aberto,pasta,caneta,",
name: "IoIosFolder",
set: "io",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "IoIosFootball",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosFunnel",
set: "io",
translations: "funil,",
name: "IoIosGift",
set: "io",
translations: "presente,",
name: "IoIosGitBranch",
set: "io",
translations: "galho,",
name: "IoIosGitCommit",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosGitCompare",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosGitMerge",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosGitNetwork",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosGitPullRequest",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosGlasses",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosGlobe",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosGrid",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosHammer",
set: "io",
translations: "martelo,",
name: "IoIosHand",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosHappy",
set: "io",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "IoIosHeadset",
set: "io",
translations: "fone,",
name: "IoIosHeartDislike",
set: "io",
translations: "nao,não,coração,amor,gostar,estrela,favorito,",
name: "IoIosHeartEmpty",
set: "io",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "IoIosHeartHalf",
set: "io",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "IoIosHeart",
set: "io",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "IoIosHelpBuoy",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosHelpCircleOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "linha,",
name: "IoIosHelpCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosHelp",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosHome",
set: "io",
translations: "casa,lar,",
name: "IoIosHourglass",
set: "io",
translations: "ampulheta,",
name: "IoIosIceCream",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosImage",
set: "io",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "IoIosImages",
set: "io",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "IoIosInfinite",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosInformationCircleOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "informação,linha,formato,",
name: "IoIosInformationCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "informação,formato,",
name: "IoIosInformation",
set: "io",
translations: "informação,formato,",
name: "IoIosJet",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosJournal",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosKey",
set: "io",
translations: "chave,",
name: "IoIosKeypad",
set: "io",
translations: "chave,",
name: "IoIosLaptop",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosLeaf",
set: "io",
translations: "folha,",
name: "IoIosLink",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosListBox",
set: "io",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "IoIosList",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosLocate",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosLock",
set: "io",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "IoIosLogIn",
set: "io",
translations: "entrar,",
name: "IoIosLogOut",
set: "io",
translations: "sair,",
name: "IoIosMagnet",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosMailOpen",
set: "io",
translations: "aberto,carta,email,caneta,",
name: "IoIosMailUnread",
set: "io",
translations: "carta,email,ler,leitura,",
name: "IoIosMail",
set: "io",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "IoIosMale",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosMan",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosMap",
set: "io",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "IoIosMedal",
set: "io",
translations: "medalha,",
name: "IoIosMedical",
set: "io",
translations: "médico,",
name: "IoIosMedkit",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosMegaphone",
set: "io",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "IoIosMenu",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosMicOff",
set: "io",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "IoIosMic",
set: "io",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "IoIosMicrophone",
set: "io",
translations: "telefone,celular,microfone,cortar,",
name: "IoIosMoon",
set: "io",
translations: "lua,",
name: "IoIosMore",
set: "io",
translations: "mais,",
name: "IoIosMove",
set: "io",
translations: "mexer,movimentar,",
name: "IoIosMusicalNote",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosMusicalNotes",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosNavigate",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosNotificationsOff",
set: "io",
translations: "notificação,",
name: "IoIosNotificationsOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "notificação,linha,",
name: "IoIosNotifications",
set: "io",
translations: "notificação,",
name: "IoIosNuclear",
set: "io",
translations: "limpar,",
name: "IoIosNutrition",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosOpen",
set: "io",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "IoIosOptions",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosOutlet",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosPaperPlane",
set: "io",
translations: "papel,",
name: "IoIosPaper",
set: "io",
translations: "papel,",
name: "IoIosPartlySunny",
set: "io",
translations: "sol,",
name: "IoIosPause",
set: "io",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "IoIosPaw",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosPeople",
set: "io",
translations: "pessoas,gente,",
name: "IoIosPersonAdd",
set: "io",
translations: "adicionar,pessoa,",
name: "IoIosPerson",
set: "io",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "IoIosPhoneLandscape",
set: "io",
translations: "telefone,celular,paisagem,",
name: "IoIosPhonePortrait",
set: "io",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "IoIosPhotos",
set: "io",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "IoIosPie",
set: "io",
translations: "torta,",
name: "IoIosPin",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosPint",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosPizza",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosPlanet",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosPlayCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "IoIosPlay",
set: "io",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "IoIosPodium",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosPower",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosPricetag",
set: "io",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "IoIosPricetags",
set: "io",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "IoIosPrint",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosPulse",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosQrScanner",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosQuote",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosRadioButtonOff",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosRadioButtonOn",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosRadio",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosRainy",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosRecording",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosRedo",
set: "io",
translations: "vermelho,refazer,",
name: "IoIosRefreshCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "atualizar,",
name: "IoIosRefresh",
set: "io",
translations: "atualizar,",
name: "IoIosRemoveCircleOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "IoIosRemoveCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "IoIosRemove",
set: "io",
translations: "excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "IoIosReorder",
set: "io",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,",
name: "IoIosRepeat",
set: "io",
translations: "repetir,bixo,animal,",
name: "IoIosResize",
set: "io",
translations: "recortar,redimensionar,tamanho,",
name: "IoIosRestaurant",
set: "io",
translations: "descansar,comer,restaurante,",
name: "IoIosReturnLeft",
set: "io",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "IoIosReturnRight",
set: "io",
translations: "direita,",
name: "IoIosReverseCamera",
set: "io",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "IoIosRewind",
set: "io",
translations: "vento,",
name: "IoIosRibbon",
set: "io",
translations: "faixa,",
name: "IoIosRocket",
set: "io",
translations: "foguete,",
name: "IoIosRose",
set: "io",
translations: "rosa,",
name: "IoIosSad",
set: "io",
translations: "triste,",
name: "IoIosSave",
set: "io",
translations: "salvar,",
name: "IoIosSchool",
set: "io",
translations: "escola,",
name: "IoIosSearch",
set: "io",
translations: "busca,procurar,",
name: "IoIosSend",
set: "io",
translations: "enviar,envio,fim,",
name: "IoIosSettings",
set: "io",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "IoIosShareAlt",
set: "io",
translations: "compartilhar,",
name: "IoIosShare",
set: "io",
translations: "compartilhar,",
name: "IoIosShirt",
set: "io",
translations: "camiseta,",
name: "IoIosShuffle",
set: "io",
translations: "aleatório,",
name: "IoIosSkipBackward",
set: "io",
translations: "tras,pular,",
name: "IoIosSkipForward",
set: "io",
translations: "frente,pular,",
name: "IoIosSnow",
set: "io",
translations: "neve,",
name: "IoIosSpeedometer",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosSquareOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "quadrado,linha,",
name: "IoIosSquare",
set: "io",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "IoIosStarHalf",
set: "io",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "IoIosStarOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "estrela,favorito,linha,",
name: "IoIosStar",
set: "io",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "IoIosStats",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosStopwatch",
set: "io",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "IoIosSubway",
set: "io",
translations: "metrô,",
name: "IoIosSunny",
set: "io",
translations: "sol,",
name: "IoIosSwap",
set: "io",
translations: "trocar,troca,",
name: "IoIosSwitch",
set: "io",
translations: "controle,",
name: "IoIosSync",
set: "io",
translations: "sincronizar,",
name: "IoIosTabletLandscape",
set: "io",
translations: "mesa,paisagem,aba,",
name: "IoIosTabletPortrait",
set: "io",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "IoIosTennisball",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosText",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosThermometer",
set: "io",
translations: "termômetro,temperatura,",
name: "IoIosThumbsDown",
set: "io",
translations: "baixo,ruim,",
name: "IoIosThumbsUp",
set: "io",
translations: "cima,beleza,",
name: "IoIosThunderstorm",
set: "io",
translations: "trovão,raio,tempestade,",
name: "IoIosTime",
set: "io",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "IoIosTimer",
set: "io",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "IoIosToday",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosTrain",
set: "io",
translations: "trem,",
name: "IoIosTransgender",
set: "io",
translations: "fim,",
name: "IoIosTrash",
set: "io",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "IoIosTrendingDown",
set: "io",
translations: "baixo,fim,",
name: "IoIosTrendingUp",
set: "io",
translations: "cima,fim,",
name: "IoIosTrophy",
set: "io",
translations: "troféu,prêmio,",
name: "IoIosTv",
set: "io",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "IoIosUmbrella",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosUndo",
set: "io",
translations: "desfazer,sol,",
name: "IoIosUnlock",
set: "io",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,destrancar,abrir,sol,",
name: "IoIosVideocam",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosVolumeHigh",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosVolumeLow",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosVolumeMute",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosVolumeOff",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosWalk",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosWallet",
set: "io",
translations: "carteira,",
name: "IoIosWarning",
set: "io",
translations: "perigo,cuidado,",
name: "IoIosWatch",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosWater",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosWifi",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosWine",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoIosWoman",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoAndroid",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoAngular",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoApple",
set: "io",
translations: "maçã,aplicativo,",
name: "IoLogoBitbucket",
set: "io",
translations: "balde,",
name: "IoLogoBitcoin",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoBuffer",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoChrome",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoClosedCaptioning",
set: "io",
translations: "fechar,",
name: "IoLogoCodepen",
set: "io",
translations: "codigo,programar,caneta,",
name: "IoLogoCss3",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoDesignernews",
set: "io",
translations: "desenho,noticia,",
name: "IoLogoDribbble",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoDropbox",
set: "io",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "IoLogoEuro",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoFacebook",
set: "io",
translations: "livro,",
name: "IoLogoFlickr",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoFoursquare",
set: "io",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "IoLogoFreebsdDevil",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoGameControllerA",
set: "io",
translations: "controle,",
name: "IoLogoGameControllerB",
set: "io",
translations: "controle,",
name: "IoLogoGithub",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoGoogle",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoGoogleplus",
set: "io",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "IoLogoHackernews",
set: "io",
translations: "noticia,",
name: "IoLogoHtml5",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoInstagram",
set: "io",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "IoLogoIonic",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoIonitron",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoJavascript",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoLinkedin",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoMarkdown",
set: "io",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "IoLogoModelS",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoNoSmoking",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoNodejs",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoNpm",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoOctocat",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoPinterest",
set: "io",
translations: "descansar,",
name: "IoLogoPlaystation",
set: "io",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "IoLogoPolymer",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoPython",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoReddit",
set: "io",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "IoLogoRss",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoSass",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoSkype",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoSlack",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoSnapchat",
set: "io",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "IoLogoSteam",
set: "io",
translations: "time,equipe,tempo,",
name: "IoLogoTumblr",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoTux",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoTwitch",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoTwitter",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoUsd",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoVimeo",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoVk",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoWhatsapp",
set: "io",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "IoLogoWindows",
set: "io",
translations: "vento,",
name: "IoLogoWordpress",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoXbox",
set: "io",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "IoLogoXing",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoYahoo",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoYen",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoLogoYoutube",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdAddCircleOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "adicionar,linha,",
name: "IoMdAddCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "adicionar,",
name: "IoMdAdd",
set: "io",
translations: "adicionar,",
name: "IoMdAirplane",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdAlarm",
set: "io",
translations: "alarme,",
name: "IoMdAlbums",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdAlert",
set: "io",
translations: "alerta,",
name: "IoMdAmericanFootball",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdAnalytics",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdAperture",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdApps",
set: "io",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "IoMdAppstore",
set: "io",
translations: "aplicativo,loja,",
name: "IoMdArchive",
set: "io",
translations: "arquivar,",
name: "IoMdArrowBack",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "IoMdArrowDown",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "IoMdArrowDropdownCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "IoMdArrowDropdown",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "IoMdArrowDropleftCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "IoMdArrowDropleft",
set: "io",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "IoMdArrowDroprightCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "IoMdArrowDropright",
set: "io",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "IoMdArrowDropupCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "IoMdArrowDropup",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "IoMdArrowForward",
set: "io",
translations: "frente,flecha,",
name: "IoMdArrowRoundBack",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "IoMdArrowRoundDown",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "IoMdArrowRoundForward",
set: "io",
translations: "frente,flecha,",
name: "IoMdArrowRoundUp",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "IoMdArrowUp",
set: "io",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "IoMdAt",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdAttach",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdBackspace",
set: "io",
translations: "voltar,",
name: "IoMdBarcode",
set: "io",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "IoMdBaseball",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdBasket",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdBasketball",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdBatteryCharging",
set: "io",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "IoMdBatteryDead",
set: "io",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "IoMdBatteryFull",
set: "io",
translations: "bateria,carga,cheio,",
name: "IoMdBeaker",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdBed",
set: "io",
translations: "cama,",
name: "IoMdBeer",
set: "io",
translations: "cerveja,",
name: "IoMdBicycle",
set: "io",
translations: "bicicleta,bike,",
name: "IoMdBluetooth",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdBoat",
set: "io",
translations: "barco,",
name: "IoMdBody",
set: "io",
translations: "corpo,",
name: "IoMdBonfire",
set: "io",
translations: "fogo,queimar,",
name: "IoMdBook",
set: "io",
translations: "livro,",
name: "IoMdBookmark",
set: "io",
translations: "livro,",
name: "IoMdBookmarks",
set: "io",
translations: "livro,",
name: "IoMdBowtie",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdBriefcase",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdBrowsers",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdBrush",
set: "io",
translations: "pincel,pintura,",
name: "IoMdBug",
set: "io",
translations: "inseto,",
name: "IoMdBuild",
set: "io",
translations: "construir,",
name: "IoMdBulb",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdBus",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdBusiness",
set: "io",
translations: "negócio,empresário,",
name: "IoMdCafe",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdCalculator",
set: "io",
translations: "calculadora,",
name: "IoMdCalendar",
set: "io",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "IoMdCall",
set: "io",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "IoMdCamera",
set: "io",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "IoMdCar",
set: "io",
translations: "carro,veiculo,automovel,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "IoMdCard",
set: "io",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "IoMdCart",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdCash",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdCellular",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdChatboxes",
set: "io",
translations: "conversa,caixa,",
name: "IoMdChatbubbles",
set: "io",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "IoMdCheckboxOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "checado,caixa,linha,",
name: "IoMdCheckbox",
set: "io",
translations: "checado,caixa,",
name: "IoMdCheckmarkCircleOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "checado,linha,",
name: "IoMdCheckmarkCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "checado,",
name: "IoMdCheckmark",
set: "io",
translations: "checado,",
name: "IoMdClipboard",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdClock",
set: "io",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "IoMdCloseCircleOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "fechar,linha,",
name: "IoMdCloseCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "fechar,",
name: "IoMdClose",
set: "io",
translations: "fechar,",
name: "IoMdCloudCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "IoMdCloudDone",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,pronto,",
name: "IoMdCloudDownload",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,baixo,baixar,",
name: "IoMdCloudOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,linha,",
name: "IoMdCloudUpload",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,cima,",
name: "IoMdCloud",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "IoMdCloudyNight",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "IoMdCloudy",
set: "io",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "IoMdCodeDownload",
set: "io",
translations: "codigo,programar,baixo,baixar,",
name: "IoMdCodeWorking",
set: "io",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "IoMdCode",
set: "io",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "IoMdCog",
set: "io",
translations: "engrenagem,configuração,",
name: "IoMdColorFill",
set: "io",
translations: "cor,",
name: "IoMdColorFilter",
set: "io",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,cor,",
name: "IoMdColorPalette",
set: "io",
translations: "cor,",
name: "IoMdColorWand",
set: "io",
translations: "cor,",
name: "IoMdCompass",
set: "io",
translations: "bussola,",
name: "IoMdConstruct",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdContact",
set: "io",
translations: "contato,",
name: "IoMdContacts",
set: "io",
translations: "contatos,contato,",
name: "IoMdContract",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdContrast",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdCopy",
set: "io",
translations: "copiar,",
name: "IoMdCreate",
set: "io",
translations: "criar,novo,",
name: "IoMdCrop",
set: "io",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "IoMdCube",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdCut",
set: "io",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "IoMdDesktop",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdDisc",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdDocument",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdDoneAll",
set: "io",
translations: "pronto,",
name: "IoMdDownload",
set: "io",
translations: "baixo,baixar,",
name: "IoMdEasel",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdEgg",
set: "io",
translations: "ovo,",
name: "IoMdExit",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdExpand",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdEyeOff",
set: "io",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "IoMdEye",
set: "io",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "IoMdFastforward",
set: "io",
translations: "rapido,frente,",
name: "IoMdFemale",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdFiling",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdFilm",
set: "io",
translations: "filme,",
name: "IoMdFingerPrint",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdFitness",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdFlag",
set: "io",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "IoMdFlame",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdFlashOff",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdFlash",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdFlashlight",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdFlask",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdFlower",
set: "io",
translations: "flor,flores,",
name: "IoMdFolderOpen",
set: "io",
translations: "aberto,pasta,caneta,",
name: "IoMdFolder",
set: "io",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "IoMdFootball",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdFunnel",
set: "io",
translations: "funil,",
name: "IoMdGift",
set: "io",
translations: "presente,",
name: "IoMdGitBranch",
set: "io",
translations: "galho,",
name: "IoMdGitCommit",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdGitCompare",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdGitMerge",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdGitNetwork",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdGitPullRequest",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdGlasses",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdGlobe",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdGrid",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdHammer",
set: "io",
translations: "martelo,",
name: "IoMdHand",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdHappy",
set: "io",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "IoMdHeadset",
set: "io",
translations: "fone,",
name: "IoMdHeartDislike",
set: "io",
translations: "nao,não,coração,amor,gostar,estrela,favorito,",
name: "IoMdHeartEmpty",
set: "io",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "IoMdHeartHalf",
set: "io",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "IoMdHeart",
set: "io",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "IoMdHelpBuoy",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdHelpCircleOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "linha,",
name: "IoMdHelpCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdHelp",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdHome",
set: "io",
translations: "casa,lar,",
name: "IoMdHourglass",
set: "io",
translations: "ampulheta,",
name: "IoMdIceCream",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdImage",
set: "io",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "IoMdImages",
set: "io",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "IoMdInfinite",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdInformationCircleOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "informação,linha,formato,",
name: "IoMdInformationCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "informação,formato,",
name: "IoMdInformation",
set: "io",
translations: "informação,formato,",
name: "IoMdJet",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdJournal",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdKey",
set: "io",
translations: "chave,",
name: "IoMdKeypad",
set: "io",
translations: "chave,",
name: "IoMdLaptop",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdLeaf",
set: "io",
translations: "folha,",
name: "IoMdLink",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdListBox",
set: "io",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "IoMdList",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdLocate",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdLock",
set: "io",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "IoMdLogIn",
set: "io",
translations: "entrar,",
name: "IoMdLogOut",
set: "io",
translations: "sair,",
name: "IoMdMagnet",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdMailOpen",
set: "io",
translations: "aberto,carta,email,caneta,",
name: "IoMdMailUnread",
set: "io",
translations: "carta,email,ler,leitura,",
name: "IoMdMail",
set: "io",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "IoMdMale",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdMan",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdMap",
set: "io",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "IoMdMedal",
set: "io",
translations: "medalha,",
name: "IoMdMedical",
set: "io",
translations: "médico,",
name: "IoMdMedkit",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdMegaphone",
set: "io",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "IoMdMenu",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdMicOff",
set: "io",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "IoMdMic",
set: "io",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "IoMdMicrophone",
set: "io",
translations: "telefone,celular,microfone,cortar,",
name: "IoMdMoon",
set: "io",
translations: "lua,",
name: "IoMdMore",
set: "io",
translations: "mais,",
name: "IoMdMove",
set: "io",
translations: "mexer,movimentar,",
name: "IoMdMusicalNote",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdMusicalNotes",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdNavigate",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdNotificationsOff",
set: "io",
translations: "notificação,",
name: "IoMdNotificationsOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "notificação,linha,",
name: "IoMdNotifications",
set: "io",
translations: "notificação,",
name: "IoMdNuclear",
set: "io",
translations: "limpar,",
name: "IoMdNutrition",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdOpen",
set: "io",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "IoMdOptions",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdOutlet",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdPaperPlane",
set: "io",
translations: "papel,",
name: "IoMdPaper",
set: "io",
translations: "papel,",
name: "IoMdPartlySunny",
set: "io",
translations: "sol,",
name: "IoMdPause",
set: "io",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "IoMdPaw",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdPeople",
set: "io",
translations: "pessoas,gente,",
name: "IoMdPersonAdd",
set: "io",
translations: "adicionar,pessoa,",
name: "IoMdPerson",
set: "io",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "IoMdPhoneLandscape",
set: "io",
translations: "telefone,celular,paisagem,",
name: "IoMdPhonePortrait",
set: "io",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "IoMdPhotos",
set: "io",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "IoMdPie",
set: "io",
translations: "torta,",
name: "IoMdPin",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdPint",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdPizza",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdPlanet",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdPlayCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "IoMdPlay",
set: "io",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "IoMdPodium",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdPower",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdPricetag",
set: "io",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "IoMdPricetags",
set: "io",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "IoMdPrint",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdPulse",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdQrScanner",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdQuote",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdRadioButtonOff",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdRadioButtonOn",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdRadio",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdRainy",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdRecording",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdRedo",
set: "io",
translations: "vermelho,refazer,",
name: "IoMdRefreshCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "atualizar,",
name: "IoMdRefresh",
set: "io",
translations: "atualizar,",
name: "IoMdRemoveCircleOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "IoMdRemoveCircle",
set: "io",
translations: "excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "IoMdRemove",
set: "io",
translations: "excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "IoMdReorder",
set: "io",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,",
name: "IoMdRepeat",
set: "io",
translations: "repetir,bixo,animal,",
name: "IoMdResize",
set: "io",
translations: "recortar,redimensionar,tamanho,",
name: "IoMdRestaurant",
set: "io",
translations: "descansar,comer,restaurante,",
name: "IoMdReturnLeft",
set: "io",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "IoMdReturnRight",
set: "io",
translations: "direita,",
name: "IoMdReverseCamera",
set: "io",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "IoMdRewind",
set: "io",
translations: "vento,",
name: "IoMdRibbon",
set: "io",
translations: "faixa,",
name: "IoMdRocket",
set: "io",
translations: "foguete,",
name: "IoMdRose",
set: "io",
translations: "rosa,",
name: "IoMdSad",
set: "io",
translations: "triste,",
name: "IoMdSave",
set: "io",
translations: "salvar,",
name: "IoMdSchool",
set: "io",
translations: "escola,",
name: "IoMdSearch",
set: "io",
translations: "busca,procurar,",
name: "IoMdSend",
set: "io",
translations: "enviar,envio,fim,",
name: "IoMdSettings",
set: "io",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "IoMdShareAlt",
set: "io",
translations: "compartilhar,",
name: "IoMdShare",
set: "io",
translations: "compartilhar,",
name: "IoMdShirt",
set: "io",
translations: "camiseta,",
name: "IoMdShuffle",
set: "io",
translations: "aleatório,",
name: "IoMdSkipBackward",
set: "io",
translations: "tras,pular,",
name: "IoMdSkipForward",
set: "io",
translations: "frente,pular,",
name: "IoMdSnow",
set: "io",
translations: "neve,",
name: "IoMdSpeedometer",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdSquareOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "quadrado,linha,",
name: "IoMdSquare",
set: "io",
translations: "quadrado,",
name: "IoMdStarHalf",
set: "io",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "IoMdStarOutline",
set: "io",
translations: "estrela,favorito,linha,",
name: "IoMdStar",
set: "io",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "IoMdStats",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdStopwatch",
set: "io",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "IoMdSubway",
set: "io",
translations: "metrô,",
name: "IoMdSunny",
set: "io",
translations: "sol,",
name: "IoMdSwap",
set: "io",
translations: "trocar,troca,",
name: "IoMdSwitch",
set: "io",
translations: "controle,",
name: "IoMdSync",
set: "io",
translations: "sincronizar,",
name: "IoMdTabletLandscape",
set: "io",
translations: "mesa,paisagem,aba,",
name: "IoMdTabletPortrait",
set: "io",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "IoMdTennisball",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdText",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdThermometer",
set: "io",
translations: "termômetro,temperatura,",
name: "IoMdThumbsDown",
set: "io",
translations: "baixo,ruim,",
name: "IoMdThumbsUp",
set: "io",
translations: "cima,beleza,",
name: "IoMdThunderstorm",
set: "io",
translations: "trovão,raio,tempestade,",
name: "IoMdTime",
set: "io",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "IoMdTimer",
set: "io",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "IoMdToday",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdTrain",
set: "io",
translations: "trem,",
name: "IoMdTransgender",
set: "io",
translations: "fim,",
name: "IoMdTrash",
set: "io",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "IoMdTrendingDown",
set: "io",
translations: "baixo,fim,",
name: "IoMdTrendingUp",
set: "io",
translations: "cima,fim,",
name: "IoMdTrophy",
set: "io",
translations: "troféu,prêmio,",
name: "IoMdTv",
set: "io",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "IoMdUmbrella",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdUndo",
set: "io",
translations: "desfazer,",
name: "IoMdUnlock",
set: "io",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,destrancar,abrir,",
name: "IoMdVideocam",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdVolumeHigh",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdVolumeLow",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdVolumeMute",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdVolumeOff",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdWalk",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdWallet",
set: "io",
translations: "carteira,",
name: "IoMdWarning",
set: "io",
translations: "perigo,cuidado,",
name: "IoMdWatch",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdWater",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdWifi",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdWine",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "IoMdWoman",
set: "io",
translations: "",
name: "Md3DRotation",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAccessibility",
set: "md",
translations: "acessibilidade,",
name: "MdAccessible",
set: "md",
translations: "acessibilidade,",
name: "MdAccountBalance",
set: "md",
translations: "conta,",
name: "MdAccountBalanceWallet",
set: "md",
translations: "conta,carteira,",
name: "MdAccountBox",
set: "md",
translations: "conta,caixa,",
name: "MdAccountCircle",
set: "md",
translations: "conta,",
name: "MdAddShoppingCart",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,comprar,",
name: "MdAlarm",
set: "md",
translations: "alarme,",
name: "MdAlarmAdd",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,alarme,",
name: "MdAlarmOff",
set: "md",
translations: "alarme,",
name: "MdAlarmOn",
set: "md",
translations: "alarme,",
name: "MdAllOut",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAndroid",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAnnouncement",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAspectRatio",
set: "md",
translations: "resolução,",
name: "MdAssessment",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAssignment",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAssignmentInd",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAssignmentLate",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAssignmentReturn",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAssignmentReturned",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAssignmentTurnedIn",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAutorenew",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdBackup",
set: "md",
translations: "cima,",
name: "MdBook",
set: "md",
translations: "livro,",
name: "MdBookmark",
set: "md",
translations: "livro,",
name: "MdBookmarkBorder",
set: "md",
translations: "livro,ordem,ordenado,",
name: "MdBugReport",
set: "md",
translations: "inseto,",
name: "MdBuild",
set: "md",
translations: "construir,",
name: "MdCached",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdCameraEnhance",
set: "md",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "MdCardGiftcard",
set: "md",
translations: "presente,cartão,",
name: "MdCardMembership",
set: "md",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "MdCardTravel",
set: "md",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "MdChangeHistory",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdCheckCircle",
set: "md",
translations: "checado,",
name: "MdChromeReaderMode",
set: "md",
translations: "ler,leitura,",
name: "MdClass",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdCode",
set: "md",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "MdCompareArrows",
set: "md",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "MdCopyright",
set: "md",
translations: "copiar,direita,",
name: "MdCreditCard",
set: "md",
translations: "cartao,credito,vermelho,editar,cartão,",
name: "MdDashboard",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDateRange",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDelete",
set: "md",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "MdDeleteForever",
set: "md",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "MdDescription",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDns",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDone",
set: "md",
translations: "pronto,",
name: "MdDoneAll",
set: "md",
translations: "pronto,",
name: "MdDonutLarge",
set: "md",
translations: "biscoito,",
name: "MdDonutSmall",
set: "md",
translations: "biscoito,",
name: "MdEject",
set: "md",
translations: "ejetar,",
name: "MdEuroSymbol",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdEvent",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdEventSeat",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdExitToApp",
set: "md",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "MdExplore",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdExtension",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFace",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFavorite",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFavoriteBorder",
set: "md",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,",
name: "MdFeedback",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFindInPage",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFindReplace",
set: "md",
translations: "lugar,",
name: "MdFingerprint",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFlightLand",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFlightTakeoff",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFlipToBack",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFlipToFront",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdGTranslate",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdGavel",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdGetApp",
set: "md",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "MdGif",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdGrade",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdGroupWork",
set: "md",
translations: "cima,",
name: "MdHelp",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdHelpOutline",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,",
name: "MdHighlightOff",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdHistory",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdHome",
set: "md",
translations: "casa,lar,",
name: "MdHourglassEmpty",
set: "md",
translations: "ampulheta,",
name: "MdHourglassFull",
set: "md",
translations: "ampulheta,cheio,",
name: "MdHttp",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdHttps",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdImportantDevices",
set: "md",
translations: "importante,",
name: "MdInfo",
set: "md",
translations: "informação,",
name: "MdInfoOutline",
set: "md",
translations: "informação,linha,",
name: "MdInput",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdInvertColors",
set: "md",
translations: "cor,",
name: "MdLabel",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLabelOutline",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,",
name: "MdLanguage",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLaunch",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLightbulbOutline",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,",
name: "MdLineStyle",
set: "md",
translations: "estilo,linha,",
name: "MdLineWeight",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,",
name: "MdList",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLock",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "MdLockOpen",
set: "md",
translations: "aberto,trancar,cadeado,caneta,",
name: "MdLockOutline",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,linha,",
name: "MdLoyalty",
set: "md",
translations: "lealdade,",
name: "MdMarkunreadMailbox",
set: "md",
translations: "carta,email,ler,leitura,caixa,",
name: "MdMotorcycle",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdNoteAdd",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,",
name: "MdOfflinePin",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,",
name: "MdOpacity",
set: "md",
translations: "opacidade,",
name: "MdOpenInBrowser",
set: "md",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "MdOpenInNew",
set: "md",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "MdOpenWith",
set: "md",
translations: "aberto,caneta,",
name: "MdPageview",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPanTool",
set: "md",
translations: "ferramenta,",
name: "MdPayment",
set: "md",
translations: "pagar,",
name: "MdPermCameraMic",
set: "md",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,microfone,",
name: "MdPermContactCalendar",
set: "md",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,contato,",
name: "MdPermDataSetting",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdPermDeviceInformation",
set: "md",
translations: "informação,formato,",
name: "MdPermIdentity",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPermMedia",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPermPhoneMsg",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "MdPermScanWifi",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPets",
set: "md",
translations: "bixo,animal,",
name: "MdPictureInPicture",
set: "md",
translations: "foto,filme,imagem,filme,",
name: "MdPictureInPictureAlt",
set: "md",
translations: "foto,filme,imagem,filme,",
name: "MdPlayForWork",
set: "md",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "MdPolymer",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPowerSettingsNew",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdPregnantWoman",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPrint",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdQueryBuilder",
set: "md",
translations: "construir,",
name: "MdQuestionAnswer",
set: "md",
translations: "questão,pergunta,",
name: "MdReceipt",
set: "md",
translations: "receita,recibo,",
name: "MdRecordVoiceOver",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdRedeem",
set: "md",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "MdRemoveShoppingCart",
set: "md",
translations: "comprar,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "MdReorder",
set: "md",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,",
name: "MdReportProblem",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdRestore",
set: "md",
translations: "descansar,loja,",
name: "MdRestorePage",
set: "md",
translations: "descansar,loja,",
name: "MdRoom",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdRoundedCorner",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdRowing",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSchedule",
set: "md",
translations: "agendar,marcar,fim,",
name: "MdSearch",
set: "md",
translations: "busca,procurar,",
name: "MdSettings",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdSettingsApplications",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,aplicativo,",
name: "MdSettingsBackupRestore",
set: "md",
translations: "descansar,configuração,cima,loja,",
name: "MdSettingsBluetooth",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdSettingsBrightness",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,configuração,luz,claridade,",
name: "MdSettingsCell",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdSettingsEthernet",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdSettingsInputAntenna",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdSettingsInputComponent",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdSettingsInputComposite",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdSettingsInputHdmi",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdSettingsInputSvideo",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdSettingsOverscan",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdSettingsPhone",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,configuração,",
name: "MdSettingsPower",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdSettingsRemote",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdSettingsVoice",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdShop",
set: "md",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "MdShopTwo",
set: "md",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "MdShoppingBasket",
set: "md",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "MdShoppingCart",
set: "md",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "MdSpeakerNotes",
set: "md",
translations: "som,caixa,",
name: "MdSpeakerNotesOff",
set: "md",
translations: "som,caixa,",
name: "MdSpellcheck",
set: "md",
translations: "checado,",
name: "MdStars",
set: "md",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "MdStore",
set: "md",
translations: "loja,",
name: "MdSubject",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSupervisorAccount",
set: "md",
translations: "conta,cima,",
name: "MdSwapHoriz",
set: "md",
translations: "trocar,troca,",
name: "MdSwapVert",
set: "md",
translations: "trocar,troca,",
name: "MdSwapVerticalCircle",
set: "md",
translations: "trocar,troca,",
name: "MdSystemUpdateAlt",
set: "md",
translations: "cima,",
name: "MdTab",
set: "md",
translations: "aba,",
name: "MdTabUnselected",
set: "md",
translations: "selecionar,seleção,aba,",
name: "MdTheaters",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdThumbDown",
set: "md",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "MdThumbUp",
set: "md",
translations: "cima,",
name: "MdThumbsUpDown",
set: "md",
translations: "baixo,cima,beleza,",
name: "MdTimeline",
set: "md",
translations: "linha do tempo,tempo,linha,",
name: "MdToc",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdToday",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdToll",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdTouchApp",
set: "md",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "MdTrackChanges",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdTranslate",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdTrendingDown",
set: "md",
translations: "baixo,fim,",
name: "MdTrendingFlat",
set: "md",
translations: "fim,",
name: "MdTrendingUp",
set: "md",
translations: "cima,fim,",
name: "MdTurnedIn",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdTurnedInNot",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdUpdate",
set: "md",
translations: "cima,",
name: "MdVerifiedUser",
set: "md",
translations: "usuario,verificado,pessoa,",
name: "MdViewAgenda",
set: "md",
translations: "fim,",
name: "MdViewArray",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdViewCarousel",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdViewColumn",
set: "md",
translations: "coluna,",
name: "MdViewDay",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdViewHeadline",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,",
name: "MdViewList",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdViewModule",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdViewQuilt",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdViewStream",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdViewWeek",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdVisibility",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdVisibilityOff",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdWatchLater",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdWork",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdYoutubeSearchedFor",
set: "md",
translations: "busca,procurar,",
name: "MdZoomIn",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdZoomOut",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAddAlert",
set: "md",
translations: "alerta,adicionar,",
name: "MdError",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdErrorOutline",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,",
name: "MdWarning",
set: "md",
translations: "perigo,cuidado,",
name: "MdAddToQueue",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,fila,",
name: "MdAirplay",
set: "md",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "MdAlbum",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdArtTrack",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAvTimer",
set: "md",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "MdBrandingWatermark",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdCallToAction",
set: "md",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "MdClosedCaption",
set: "md",
translations: "fechar,",
name: "MdEqualizer",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdExplicit",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFastForward",
set: "md",
translations: "rapido,frente,",
name: "MdFastRewind",
set: "md",
translations: "rapido,vento,",
name: "MdFeaturedPlayList",
set: "md",
translations: "iniciar,começar,vermelho,",
name: "MdFeaturedVideo",
set: "md",
translations: "vermelho,",
name: "MdFiberDvr",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFiberManualRecord",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFiberNew",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFiberPin",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFiberSmartRecord",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdForward10",
set: "md",
translations: "frente,",
name: "MdForward30",
set: "md",
translations: "frente,",
name: "MdForward5",
set: "md",
translations: "frente,",
name: "MdGames",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdHd",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdHearing",
set: "md",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "MdHighQuality",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLibraryAdd",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,biblioteca,",
name: "MdLibraryBooks",
set: "md",
translations: "livro,biblioteca,",
name: "MdLibraryMusic",
set: "md",
translations: "biblioteca,",
name: "MdLoop",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdMic",
set: "md",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "MdMicNone",
set: "md",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "MdMicOff",
set: "md",
translations: "microfone,",
name: "MdMovie",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdMusicVideo",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdNewReleases",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdNotInterested",
set: "md",
translations: "descansar,",
name: "MdNote",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPause",
set: "md",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "MdPauseCircleFilled",
set: "md",
translations: "pausar,",
name: "MdPauseCircleOutline",
set: "md",
translations: "pausar,linha,",
name: "MdPlayArrow",
set: "md",
translations: "iniciar,começar,flecha,",
name: "MdPlayCircleFilled",
set: "md",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "MdPlayCircleOutline",
set: "md",
translations: "iniciar,começar,linha,",
name: "MdPlaylistAdd",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,iniciar,começar,",
name: "MdPlaylistAddCheck",
set: "md",
translations: "checado,adicionar,iniciar,começar,",
name: "MdPlaylistPlay",
set: "md",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "MdQueue",
set: "md",
translations: "fila,",
name: "MdQueueMusic",
set: "md",
translations: "fila,",
name: "MdQueuePlayNext",
set: "md",
translations: "iniciar,começar,fila,próximo,",
name: "MdRadio",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdRecentActors",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdRemoveFromQueue",
set: "md",
translations: "excluir,mexer,movimentar,fila,",
name: "MdRepeat",
set: "md",
translations: "repetir,bixo,animal,",
name: "MdRepeatOne",
set: "md",
translations: "repetir,bixo,animal,",
name: "MdReplay10",
set: "md",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "MdReplay",
set: "md",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "MdReplay30",
set: "md",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "MdReplay5",
set: "md",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "MdShuffle",
set: "md",
translations: "aleatório,",
name: "MdSkipNext",
set: "md",
translations: "pular,próximo,",
name: "MdSkipPrevious",
set: "md",
translations: "pular,anterior,antes,",
name: "MdSlowMotionVideo",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSnooze",
set: "md",
translations: "soneca,dormir,",
name: "MdSortByAlpha",
set: "md",
translations: "ordenar,",
name: "MdStop",
set: "md",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "MdSubscriptions",
set: "md",
translations: "assinatura,",
name: "MdSubtitles",
set: "md",
translations: "legenda,",
name: "MdSurroundSound",
set: "md",
translations: "som,audio,",
name: "MdVideoCall",
set: "md",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "MdVideoLabel",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdVideoLibrary",
set: "md",
translations: "biblioteca,",
name: "MdVideocam",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdVideocamOff",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdVolumeDown",
set: "md",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "MdVolumeMute",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdVolumeOff",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdVolumeUp",
set: "md",
translations: "cima,",
name: "MdWeb",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdWebAsset",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdBusiness",
set: "md",
translations: "negócio,empresário,",
name: "MdCall",
set: "md",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "MdCallEnd",
set: "md",
translations: "fim,ligação,",
name: "MdCallMade",
set: "md",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "MdCallMerge",
set: "md",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "MdCallMissed",
set: "md",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "MdCallMissedOutgoing",
set: "md",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "MdCallReceived",
set: "md",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "MdCallSplit",
set: "md",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "MdChat",
set: "md",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "MdChatBubble",
set: "md",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "MdChatBubbleOutline",
set: "md",
translations: "conversa,linha,",
name: "MdClearAll",
set: "md",
translations: "limpar,",
name: "MdComment",
set: "md",
translations: "comentário,conversa,",
name: "MdContactMail",
set: "md",
translations: "carta,email,contato,",
name: "MdContactPhone",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,contato,",
name: "MdContacts",
set: "md",
translations: "contatos,contato,",
name: "MdDialerSip",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDialpad",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdEmail",
set: "md",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "MdForum",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdImportContacts",
set: "md",
translations: "contatos,contato,",
name: "MdImportExport",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdInvertColorsOff",
set: "md",
translations: "cor,",
name: "MdLiveHelp",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocationOff",
set: "md",
translations: "localização,",
name: "MdLocationOn",
set: "md",
translations: "localização,",
name: "MdMailOutline",
set: "md",
translations: "carta,email,linha,",
name: "MdMessage",
set: "md",
translations: "mensagem,",
name: "MdNoSim",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPhone",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "MdPhonelinkErase",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "MdPhonelinkLock",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,telefone,celular,",
name: "MdPhonelinkRing",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,sino,sinal,",
name: "MdPhonelinkSetup",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,cima,",
name: "MdPortableWifiOff",
set: "md",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "MdPresentToAll",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdRingVolume",
set: "md",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "MdRssFeed",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdScreenShare",
set: "md",
translations: "compartilhar,",
name: "MdSpeakerPhone",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,som,caixa,",
name: "MdStayCurrentLandscape",
set: "md",
translations: "paisagem,",
name: "MdStayCurrentPortrait",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdStayPrimaryLandscape",
set: "md",
translations: "paisagem,",
name: "MdStayPrimaryPortrait",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdStopScreenShare",
set: "md",
translations: "parar,pare,compartilhar,",
name: "MdSwapCalls",
set: "md",
translations: "trocar,troca,ligação,",
name: "MdTextsms",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdVoicemail",
set: "md",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "MdVpnKey",
set: "md",
translations: "chave,",
name: "MdAdd",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,",
name: "MdAddBox",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,caixa,",
name: "MdAddCircle",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,",
name: "MdAddCircleOutline",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,linha,",
name: "MdArchive",
set: "md",
translations: "arquivar,",
name: "MdBackspace",
set: "md",
translations: "voltar,",
name: "MdBlock",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,bloquear,bloco,",
name: "MdClear",
set: "md",
translations: "limpar,",
name: "MdContentCopy",
set: "md",
translations: "copiar,",
name: "MdContentCut",
set: "md",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "MdContentPaste",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdCreate",
set: "md",
translations: "criar,novo,",
name: "MdDeleteSweep",
set: "md",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "MdDrafts",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFilterList",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFlag",
set: "md",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "MdFontDownload",
set: "md",
translations: "baixo,baixar,",
name: "MdForward",
set: "md",
translations: "frente,",
name: "MdGesture",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdInbox",
set: "md",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "MdLink",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLowPriority",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdMail",
set: "md",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "MdMarkunread",
set: "md",
translations: "ler,leitura,",
name: "MdMoveToInbox",
set: "md",
translations: "caixa,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "MdNextWeek",
set: "md",
translations: "próximo,",
name: "MdRedo",
set: "md",
translations: "vermelho,refazer,",
name: "MdRemove",
set: "md",
translations: "excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "MdRemoveCircle",
set: "md",
translations: "excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "MdRemoveCircleOutline",
set: "md",
translations: "excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "MdReply",
set: "md",
translations: "responder,",
name: "MdReplyAll",
set: "md",
translations: "responder,",
name: "MdReport",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSave",
set: "md",
translations: "salvar,",
name: "MdSelectAll",
set: "md",
translations: "selecionar,seleção,",
name: "MdSend",
set: "md",
translations: "enviar,envio,fim,",
name: "MdSort",
set: "md",
translations: "ordenar,",
name: "MdTextFormat",
set: "md",
translations: "formato,",
name: "MdUnarchive",
set: "md",
translations: "arquivar,",
name: "MdUndo",
set: "md",
translations: "desfazer,",
name: "MdWeekend",
set: "md",
translations: "fim,",
name: "MdAccessAlarm",
set: "md",
translations: "alarme,",
name: "MdAccessAlarms",
set: "md",
translations: "alarme,",
name: "MdAccessTime",
set: "md",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "MdAddAlarm",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,alarme,",
name: "MdAirplanemodeActive",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAirplanemodeInactive",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdBattery20",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "MdBattery30",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "MdBattery50",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "MdBattery60",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "MdBattery80",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "MdBattery90",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "MdBatteryAlert",
set: "md",
translations: "alerta,bateria,carga,",
name: "MdBatteryCharging20",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "MdBatteryCharging30",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "MdBatteryCharging50",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "MdBatteryCharging60",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "MdBatteryCharging80",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "MdBatteryCharging90",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "MdBatteryChargingFull",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,cheio,",
name: "MdBatteryFull",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,cheio,",
name: "MdBatteryStd",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "MdBatteryUnknown",
set: "md",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "MdBluetooth",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdBluetoothConnected",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdBluetoothDisabled",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdBluetoothSearching",
set: "md",
translations: "busca,procurar,",
name: "MdBrightnessAuto",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "MdBrightnessHigh",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "MdBrightnessLow",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "MdBrightnessMedium",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "MdDataUsage",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDeveloperMode",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDevices",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDvr",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdGpsFixed",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdGpsNotFixed",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdGpsOff",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdGraphicEq",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocationDisabled",
set: "md",
translations: "localização,",
name: "MdLocationSearching",
set: "md",
translations: "busca,procurar,localização,",
name: "MdNetworkCell",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdNetworkWifi",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdNfc",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdScreenLockLandscape",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,paisagem,",
name: "MdScreenLockPortrait",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "MdScreenLockRotation",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "MdScreenRotation",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSdStorage",
set: "md",
translations: "armazém,",
name: "MdSettingsSystemDaydream",
set: "md",
translations: "configuração,",
name: "MdSignalCellular0Bar",
set: "md",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "MdSignalCellular1Bar",
set: "md",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "MdSignalCellular2Bar",
set: "md",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "MdSignalCellular3Bar",
set: "md",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "MdSignalCellular4Bar",
set: "md",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "MdSignalCellularConnectedNoInternet0B",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSignalCellularConnectedNoInternet1B",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSignalCellularConnectedNoInternet2B",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSignalCellularConnectedNoInternet3B",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSignalCellularConnectedNoInternet4B",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSignalCellularNoSim",
set: "md",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "MdSignalCellularNull",
set: "md",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "MdSignalCellularOff",
set: "md",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "MdSignalWifi0Bar",
set: "md",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "MdSignalWifi1Bar",
set: "md",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "MdSignalWifi1BarLock",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,sinal,",
name: "MdSignalWifi2Bar",
set: "md",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "MdSignalWifi2BarLock",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,sinal,",
name: "MdSignalWifi3Bar",
set: "md",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "MdSignalWifi3BarLock",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,sinal,",
name: "MdSignalWifi4Bar",
set: "md",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "MdSignalWifi4BarLock",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,sinal,",
name: "MdSignalWifiOff",
set: "md",
translations: "sinal,",
name: "MdStorage",
set: "md",
translations: "armazém,",
name: "MdUsb",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdWallpaper",
set: "md",
translations: "papel,",
name: "MdWidgets",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdWifiLock",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "MdWifiTethering",
set: "md",
translations: "sino,sinal,",
name: "MdAttachFile",
set: "md",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "MdAttachMoney",
set: "md",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "MdBorderAll",
set: "md",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,",
name: "MdBorderBottom",
set: "md",
translations: "baixo,ordem,ordenado,",
name: "MdBorderClear",
set: "md",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,limpar,",
name: "MdBorderColor",
set: "md",
translations: "cor,ordem,ordenado,",
name: "MdBorderHorizontal",
set: "md",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,",
name: "MdBorderInner",
set: "md",
translations: "dentro,interno,ordem,ordenado,",
name: "MdBorderLeft",
set: "md",
translations: "esquerda,ordem,ordenado,",
name: "MdBorderOuter",
set: "md",
translations: "externo,fora,ordem,ordenado,rota,",
name: "MdBorderRight",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,ordem,ordenado,",
name: "MdBorderStyle",
set: "md",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,estilo,",
name: "MdBorderTop",
set: "md",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,",
name: "MdBorderVertical",
set: "md",
translations: "ordem,ordenado,",
name: "MdBubbleChart",
set: "md",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "MdDragHandle",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFormatAlignCenter",
set: "md",
translations: "alinhar,formato,",
name: "MdFormatAlignJustify",
set: "md",
translations: "alinhar,justificado,formato,",
name: "MdFormatAlignLeft",
set: "md",
translations: "esquerda,alinhar,formato,",
name: "MdFormatAlignRight",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,alinhar,formato,",
name: "MdFormatBold",
set: "md",
translations: "forte,negrito,formato,",
name: "MdFormatClear",
set: "md",
translations: "limpar,formato,",
name: "MdFormatColorFill",
set: "md",
translations: "cor,formato,",
name: "MdFormatColorReset",
set: "md",
translations: "cor,formato,",
name: "MdFormatColorText",
set: "md",
translations: "cor,formato,",
name: "MdFormatIndentDecrease",
set: "md",
translations: "formato,",
name: "MdFormatIndentIncrease",
set: "md",
translations: "formato,",
name: "MdFormatItalic",
set: "md",
translations: "formato,",
name: "MdFormatLineSpacing",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,formato,",
name: "MdFormatListBulleted",
set: "md",
translations: "formato,",
name: "MdFormatListNumbered",
set: "md",
translations: "vermelho,número,formato,",
name: "MdFormatPaint",
set: "md",
translations: "pintura,formato,",
name: "MdFormatQuote",
set: "md",
translations: "formato,",
name: "MdFormatShapes",
set: "md",
translations: "formato,",
name: "MdFormatSize",
set: "md",
translations: "tamanho,formato,",
name: "MdFormatStrikethrough",
set: "md",
translations: "formato,",
name: "MdFormatTextdirectionLToR",
set: "md",
translations: "formato,",
name: "MdFormatTextdirectionRToL",
set: "md",
translations: "formato,",
name: "MdFormatUnderlined",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,formato,",
name: "MdFunctions",
set: "md",
translations: "função,",
name: "MdHighlight",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdInsertChart",
set: "md",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "MdInsertComment",
set: "md",
translations: "comentário,conversa,",
name: "MdInsertDriveFile",
set: "md",
translations: "arquivo,",
name: "MdInsertEmoticon",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdInsertInvitation",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdInsertLink",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdInsertPhoto",
set: "md",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "MdLinearScale",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,perto,",
name: "MdMergeType",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdModeComment",
set: "md",
translations: "comentário,conversa,",
name: "MdModeEdit",
set: "md",
translations: "editar,editar,",
name: "MdMonetizationOn",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdMoneyOff",
set: "md",
translations: "dinheiro,",
name: "MdMultilineChart",
set: "md",
translations: "grafico,linha,",
name: "MdPieChart",
set: "md",
translations: "torta,grafico,",
name: "MdPieChartOutlined",
set: "md",
translations: "torta,grafico,linha,",
name: "MdPublish",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdShortText",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdShowChart",
set: "md",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "MdSpaceBar",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdStrikethroughS",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdTextFields",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdTitle",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdVerticalAlignBottom",
set: "md",
translations: "alinhar,baixo,",
name: "MdVerticalAlignCenter",
set: "md",
translations: "alinhar,",
name: "MdVerticalAlignTop",
set: "md",
translations: "alinhar,",
name: "MdWrapText",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAttachment",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdCloud",
set: "md",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "MdCloudCircle",
set: "md",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "MdCloudDone",
set: "md",
translations: "nuvem,pronto,",
name: "MdCloudDownload",
set: "md",
translations: "nuvem,baixo,baixar,",
name: "MdCloudOff",
set: "md",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "MdCloudQueue",
set: "md",
translations: "nuvem,fila,",
name: "MdCloudUpload",
set: "md",
translations: "nuvem,cima,",
name: "MdCreateNewFolder",
set: "md",
translations: "pasta,criar,novo,",
name: "MdFileDownload",
set: "md",
translations: "arquivo,baixo,baixar,",
name: "MdFileUpload",
set: "md",
translations: "arquivo,cima,",
name: "MdFolder",
set: "md",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "MdFolderOpen",
set: "md",
translations: "aberto,pasta,caneta,",
name: "MdFolderShared",
set: "md",
translations: "pasta,vermelho,compartilhar,",
name: "MdCast",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdCastConnected",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdComputer",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDesktopMac",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDesktopWindows",
set: "md",
translations: "vento,",
name: "MdDeveloperBoard",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDeviceHub",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDevicesOther",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDock",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdGamepad",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdHeadset",
set: "md",
translations: "fone,",
name: "MdHeadsetMic",
set: "md",
translations: "microfone,fone,",
name: "MdKeyboard",
set: "md",
translations: "chave,teclado,",
name: "MdKeyboardArrowDown",
set: "md",
translations: "flecha,baixo,chave,teclado,",
name: "MdKeyboardArrowLeft",
set: "md",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,chave,teclado,",
name: "MdKeyboardArrowRight",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,flecha,chave,teclado,",
name: "MdKeyboardArrowUp",
set: "md",
translations: "flecha,cima,chave,teclado,",
name: "MdKeyboardBackspace",
set: "md",
translations: "voltar,chave,teclado,",
name: "MdKeyboardCapslock",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,chave,teclado,",
name: "MdKeyboardHide",
set: "md",
translations: "chave,teclado,",
name: "MdKeyboardReturn",
set: "md",
translations: "chave,teclado,",
name: "MdKeyboardTab",
set: "md",
translations: "chave,aba,teclado,",
name: "MdKeyboardVoice",
set: "md",
translations: "chave,teclado,",
name: "MdLaptop",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLaptopChromebook",
set: "md",
translations: "livro,",
name: "MdLaptopMac",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLaptopWindows",
set: "md",
translations: "vento,",
name: "MdMemory",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdMouse",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPhoneAndroid",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "MdPhoneIphone",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "MdPhonelink",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "MdPhonelinkOff",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "MdPowerInput",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdRouter",
set: "md",
translations: "externo,fora,rota,",
name: "MdScanner",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSecurity",
set: "md",
translations: "segurança,",
name: "MdSimCard",
set: "md",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "MdSmartphone",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "MdSpeaker",
set: "md",
translations: "som,caixa,",
name: "MdSpeakerGroup",
set: "md",
translations: "cima,som,caixa,",
name: "MdTablet",
set: "md",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "MdTabletAndroid",
set: "md",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "MdTabletMac",
set: "md",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "MdToys",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdTv",
set: "md",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "MdVideogameAsset",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdWatch",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAddAPhoto",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,quente,calor,",
name: "MdAddToPhotos",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,quente,calor,",
name: "MdAdjust",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAssistant",
set: "md",
translations: "assistente,",
name: "MdAssistantPhoto",
set: "md",
translations: "quente,calor,assistente,",
name: "MdAudiotrack",
set: "md",
translations: "som,",
name: "MdBlurCircular",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdBlurLinear",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,perto,",
name: "MdBlurOff",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdBlurOn",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdBrightness1",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "MdBrightness2",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "MdBrightness3",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "MdBrightness4",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "MdBrightness5",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "MdBrightness6",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "MdBrightness7",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "MdBrokenImage",
set: "md",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "MdBrush",
set: "md",
translations: "pincel,pintura,",
name: "MdBurstMode",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdCamera",
set: "md",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "MdCameraAlt",
set: "md",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "MdCameraFront",
set: "md",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "MdCameraRear",
set: "md",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "MdCameraRoll",
set: "md",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "MdCenterFocusStrong",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdCenterFocusWeak",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdCollections",
set: "md",
translations: "coletar,",
name: "MdCollectionsBookmark",
set: "md",
translations: "livro,coletar,",
name: "MdColorLens",
set: "md",
translations: "cor,",
name: "MdColorize",
set: "md",
translations: "cor,",
name: "MdCompare",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdControlPoint",
set: "md",
translations: "controle,",
name: "MdControlPointDuplicate",
set: "md",
translations: "cima,controle,",
name: "MdCrop169",
set: "md",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "MdCrop",
set: "md",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "MdCrop32",
set: "md",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "MdCrop54",
set: "md",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "MdCrop75",
set: "md",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "MdCropDin",
set: "md",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "MdCropFree",
set: "md",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "MdCropLandscape",
set: "md",
translations: "cortar,paisagem,",
name: "MdCropOriginal",
set: "md",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "MdCropPortrait",
set: "md",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "MdCropRotate",
set: "md",
translations: "cortar,",
name: "MdCropSquare",
set: "md",
translations: "quadrado,cortar,",
name: "MdDehaze",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDetails",
set: "md",
translations: "detalhes,",
name: "MdEdit",
set: "md",
translations: "editar,editar,",
name: "MdExposure",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdExposureNeg1",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdExposureNeg2",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdExposurePlus1",
set: "md",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "MdExposurePlus2",
set: "md",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "MdExposureZero",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFilter1",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilter2",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilter",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilter3",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilter4",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilter5",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilter6",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilter7",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilter8",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilter9",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilter9Plus",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,mais,adicionar,",
name: "MdFilterBAndW",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilterCenterFocus",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilterDrama",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilterFrames",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,tela,",
name: "MdFilterHdr",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilterNone",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilterTiltShift",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdFilterVintage",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,etiqueta,",
name: "MdFlare",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFlashAuto",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFlashOff",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFlashOn",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFlip",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdGradient",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdGrain",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdGridOff",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdGridOn",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdHdrOff",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdHdrOn",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdHdrStrong",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdHdrWeak",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdHealing",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdImage",
set: "md",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "MdImageAspectRatio",
set: "md",
translations: "imagem,resolução,",
name: "MdIso",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLandscape",
set: "md",
translations: "paisagem,",
name: "MdLeakAdd",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,",
name: "MdLeakRemove",
set: "md",
translations: "excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "MdLens",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLinkedCamera",
set: "md",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "MdLooks",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLooks3",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLooks4",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLooks5",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLooks6",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLooksOne",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLooksTwo",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLoupe",
set: "md",
translations: "cima,",
name: "MdMonochromePhotos",
set: "md",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "MdMovieCreation",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdMovieFilter",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "MdMusicNote",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdNature",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdNaturePeople",
set: "md",
translations: "pessoas,gente,",
name: "MdNavigateBefore",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdNavigateNext",
set: "md",
translations: "próximo,",
name: "MdPalette",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPanorama",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPanoramaFishEye",
set: "md",
translations: "olho,olhar,peixe,",
name: "MdPanoramaHorizontal",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPanoramaVertical",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPanoramaWideAngle",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPhoto",
set: "md",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "MdPhotoAlbum",
set: "md",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "MdPhotoCamera",
set: "md",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,quente,calor,",
name: "MdPhotoFilter",
set: "md",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,quente,calor,",
name: "MdPhotoLibrary",
set: "md",
translations: "quente,calor,biblioteca,",
name: "MdPhotoSizeSelectActual",
set: "md",
translations: "selecionar,seleção,quente,calor,tamanho,",
name: "MdPhotoSizeSelectLarge",
set: "md",
translations: "selecionar,seleção,quente,calor,tamanho,",
name: "MdPhotoSizeSelectSmall",
set: "md",
translations: "selecionar,seleção,quente,calor,tamanho,",
name: "MdPictureAsPdf",
set: "md",
translations: "foto,filme,imagem,filme,",
name: "MdPortrait",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdRemoveRedEye",
set: "md",
translations: "olho,olhar,vermelho,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "MdRotate90DegreesCcw",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdRotateLeft",
set: "md",
translations: "esquerda,",
name: "MdRotateRight",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,",
name: "MdSlideshow",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdStraighten",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdStyle",
set: "md",
translations: "estilo,",
name: "MdSwitchCamera",
set: "md",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,controle,",
name: "MdSwitchVideo",
set: "md",
translations: "controle,",
name: "MdTagFaces",
set: "md",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "MdTexture",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdTimelapse",
set: "md",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "MdTimer10",
set: "md",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "MdTimer",
set: "md",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "MdTimer3",
set: "md",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "MdTimerOff",
set: "md",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "MdTonality",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdTransform",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdTune",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdViewComfy",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdViewCompact",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdVignette",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdWbAuto",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdWbCloudy",
set: "md",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "MdWbIncandescent",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdWbIridescent",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdWbSunny",
set: "md",
translations: "sol,",
name: "MdAddLocation",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,localização,",
name: "MdBeenhere",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDirections",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDirectionsBike",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDirectionsBoat",
set: "md",
translations: "barco,",
name: "MdDirectionsBus",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDirectionsCar",
set: "md",
translations: "carro,veiculo,automovel,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "MdDirectionsRailway",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDirectionsRun",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDirectionsSubway",
set: "md",
translations: "metrô,",
name: "MdDirectionsTransit",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDirectionsWalk",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdEditLocation",
set: "md",
translations: "editar,localização,",
name: "MdEvStation",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFlight",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdHotel",
set: "md",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "MdLayers",
set: "md",
translations: "camadas,",
name: "MdLayersClear",
set: "md",
translations: "camadas,limpar,",
name: "MdLocalActivity",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalAirport",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalAtm",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalBar",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalCafe",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalCarWash",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalConvenienceStore",
set: "md",
translations: "loja,",
name: "MdLocalDining",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalDrink",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalFlorist",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalGasStation",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalGroceryStore",
set: "md",
translations: "loja,",
name: "MdLocalHospital",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalHotel",
set: "md",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "MdLocalLaundryService",
set: "md",
translations: "ligação,",
name: "MdLocalLibrary",
set: "md",
translations: "ligação,biblioteca,",
name: "MdLocalMall",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalMovies",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalOffer",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalParking",
set: "md",
translations: "estacionamento,",
name: "MdLocalPharmacy",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalPhone",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "MdLocalPizza",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalPlay",
set: "md",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "MdLocalPostOffice",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalPrintshop",
set: "md",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "MdLocalSee",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalShipping",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdLocalTaxi",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdMap",
set: "md",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "MdMyLocation",
set: "md",
translations: "localização,",
name: "MdNavigation",
set: "md",
translations: "navegação,",
name: "MdNearMe",
set: "md",
translations: "perto,",
name: "MdPersonPin",
set: "md",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "MdPersonPinCircle",
set: "md",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "MdPinDrop",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPlace",
set: "md",
translations: "lugar,",
name: "MdRateReview",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdRestaurant",
set: "md",
translations: "descansar,comer,restaurante,",
name: "MdRestaurantMenu",
set: "md",
translations: "descansar,comer,restaurante,",
name: "MdSatellite",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdStoreMallDirectory",
set: "md",
translations: "loja,",
name: "MdStreetview",
set: "md",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "MdSubway",
set: "md",
translations: "metrô,",
name: "MdTerrain",
set: "md",
translations: "terreno,",
name: "MdTraffic",
set: "md",
translations: "tráfego,",
name: "MdTrain",
set: "md",
translations: "trem,",
name: "MdTram",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdTransferWithinAStation",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdZoomOutMap",
set: "md",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "MdApps",
set: "md",
translations: "aplicativo,",
name: "MdArrowBack",
set: "md",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "MdArrowDownward",
set: "md",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "MdArrowDropDown",
set: "md",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "MdArrowDropDownCircle",
set: "md",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "MdArrowDropUp",
set: "md",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "MdArrowForward",
set: "md",
translations: "frente,flecha,",
name: "MdArrowUpward",
set: "md",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "MdCancel",
set: "md",
translations: "cancelar,",
name: "MdCheck",
set: "md",
translations: "checado,",
name: "MdChevronLeft",
set: "md",
translations: "esquerda,seta,flecha,",
name: "MdChevronRight",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,seta,flecha,",
name: "MdClose",
set: "md",
translations: "fechar,",
name: "MdExpandLess",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdExpandMore",
set: "md",
translations: "mais,",
name: "MdFirstPage",
set: "md",
translations: "primeiro,",
name: "MdFullscreen",
set: "md",
translations: "cheio,",
name: "MdFullscreenExit",
set: "md",
translations: "cheio,",
name: "MdLastPage",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdMenu",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdMoreHoriz",
set: "md",
translations: "mais,",
name: "MdMoreVert",
set: "md",
translations: "mais,",
name: "MdRefresh",
set: "md",
translations: "atualizar,",
name: "MdSubdirectoryArrowLeft",
set: "md",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "MdSubdirectoryArrowRight",
set: "md",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "MdUnfoldLess",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdUnfoldMore",
set: "md",
translations: "mais,",
name: "MdAdb",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAirlineSeatFlat",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,",
name: "MdAirlineSeatFlatAngled",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,",
name: "MdAirlineSeatIndividualSuite",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,",
name: "MdAirlineSeatLegroomExtra",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,",
name: "MdAirlineSeatLegroomNormal",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,",
name: "MdAirlineSeatLegroomReduced",
set: "md",
translations: "vermelho,linha,",
name: "MdAirlineSeatReclineExtra",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,",
name: "MdAirlineSeatReclineNormal",
set: "md",
translations: "linha,",
name: "MdBluetoothAudio",
set: "md",
translations: "som,",
name: "MdConfirmationNumber",
set: "md",
translations: "número,",
name: "MdDiscFull",
set: "md",
translations: "cheio,",
name: "MdDoNotDisturb",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDoNotDisturbAlt",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDoNotDisturbOff",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDoNotDisturbOn",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDriveEta",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdEnhancedEncryption",
set: "md",
translations: "choro,chorar,",
name: "MdEventAvailable",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdEventBusy",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdEventNote",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFolderSpecial",
set: "md",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "MdLiveTv",
set: "md",
translations: "televisão,",
name: "MdMms",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdMore",
set: "md",
translations: "mais,",
name: "MdNetworkCheck",
set: "md",
translations: "checado,",
name: "MdNetworkLocked",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "MdNoEncryption",
set: "md",
translations: "choro,chorar,",
name: "MdOndemandVideo",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPersonalVideo",
set: "md",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "MdPhoneBluetoothSpeaker",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,som,caixa,",
name: "MdPhoneForwarded",
set: "md",
translations: "frente,telefone,celular,",
name: "MdPhoneInTalk",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "MdPhoneLocked",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,telefone,celular,",
name: "MdPhoneMissed",
set: "md",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "MdPhonePaused",
set: "md",
translations: "pausar,telefone,celular,",
name: "MdPower",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPriorityHigh",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdRvHookup",
set: "md",
translations: "cima,",
name: "MdSdCard",
set: "md",
translations: "cartão,",
name: "MdSimCardAlert",
set: "md",
translations: "alerta,cartão,",
name: "MdSms",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSmsFailed",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSync",
set: "md",
translations: "sincronizar,",
name: "MdSyncDisabled",
set: "md",
translations: "sincronizar,",
name: "MdSyncProblem",
set: "md",
translations: "sincronizar,",
name: "MdSystemUpdate",
set: "md",
translations: "cima,",
name: "MdTapAndPlay",
set: "md",
translations: "iniciar,começar,",
name: "MdTimeToLeave",
set: "md",
translations: "sair,tempo,",
name: "MdVibration",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdVoiceChat",
set: "md",
translations: "conversa,",
name: "MdVpnLock",
set: "md",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,",
name: "MdWc",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdWifi",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAcUnit",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAirportShuttle",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdAllInclusive",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdBeachAccess",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdBusinessCenter",
set: "md",
translations: "negócio,empresário,",
name: "MdCasino",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdChildCare",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdChildFriendly",
set: "md",
translations: "fim,",
name: "MdFitnessCenter",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdFreeBreakfast",
set: "md",
translations: "rapido,",
name: "MdGolfCourse",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdHotTub",
set: "md",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "MdKitchen",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPool",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdRoomService",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSmokeFree",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSmokingRooms",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSpa",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdCake",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdDomain",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdGroup",
set: "md",
translations: "cima,",
name: "MdGroupAdd",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,cima,",
name: "MdLocationCity",
set: "md",
translations: "localização,",
name: "MdMood",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdMoodBad",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdNotifications",
set: "md",
translations: "notificação,",
name: "MdNotificationsActive",
set: "md",
translations: "notificação,",
name: "MdNotificationsNone",
set: "md",
translations: "notificação,",
name: "MdNotificationsOff",
set: "md",
translations: "notificação,",
name: "MdNotificationsPaused",
set: "md",
translations: "notificação,pausar,",
name: "MdPages",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPartyMode",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPeople",
set: "md",
translations: "pessoas,gente,",
name: "MdPeopleOutline",
set: "md",
translations: "pessoas,gente,linha,",
name: "MdPerson",
set: "md",
translations: "pessoa,",
name: "MdPersonAdd",
set: "md",
translations: "adicionar,pessoa,",
name: "MdPersonOutline",
set: "md",
translations: "pessoa,linha,",
name: "MdPlusOne",
set: "md",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "MdPoll",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdPublic",
set: "md",
translations: "",
name: "MdSchool",
set: "md",
translations: "escola,",
name: "MdSentimentDissatisfied",
set: "md",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "MdSentimentNeutral",
set: "md",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "MdSentimentSatisfied",
set: "md",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "MdSentimentVeryDissatisfied",
set: "md",
translations: "televisão,tempo,",
name: "MdSentimentVerySatisfied",
set: "md",
translations: "televisão,tempo,",
name: "MdShare",
set: "md",
translations: "compartilhar,",
name: "MdWhatshot",
set: "md",
translations: "quente,calor,",
name: "MdCheckBox",
set: "md",
translations: "checado,caixa,",
name: "MdCheckBoxOutlineBlank",
set: "md",
translations: "checado,caixa,linha,",
name: "MdIndeterminateCheckBox",
set: "md",
translations: "checado,caixa,",
name: "MdRadioButtonChecked",
set: "md",
translations: "checado,",
name: "MdRadioButtonUnchecked",
set: "md",
translations: "checado,",
name: "MdStar",
set: "md",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "MdStarBorder",
set: "md",
translations: "estrela,favorito,ordem,ordenado,",
name: "MdStarHalf",
set: "md",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "RiAncientGateLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiAncientPavilionLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBankLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "banco,linha,",
name: "RiBuilding2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "construir,linha,",
name: "RiBuilding3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "construir,linha,",
name: "RiBuilding4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "construir,linha,",
name: "RiBuildingLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "construir,linha,",
name: "RiCommunityLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGovernmentLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHome2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "casa,lar,linha,",
name: "RiHome3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "casa,lar,linha,",
name: "RiHome4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "casa,lar,linha,",
name: "RiHome5Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "casa,lar,linha,",
name: "RiHome6Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "casa,lar,linha,",
name: "RiHome7Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "casa,lar,linha,",
name: "RiHome8Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "casa,lar,linha,",
name: "RiHomeGearLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "casa,lar,equipamento,linha,",
name: "RiHomeHeartLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "coração,amor,casa,lar,linha,",
name: "RiHomeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "casa,lar,linha,",
name: "RiHomeSmile2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "casa,lar,sorriso,linha,",
name: "RiHomeSmileLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "casa,lar,sorriso,linha,",
name: "RiHomeWifiLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "casa,lar,linha,",
name: "RiHospitalLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHotelLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "quente,calor,linha,",
name: "RiStore2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,loja,",
name: "RiStore3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,loja,",
name: "RiStoreLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,loja,",
name: "RiAdvertisementLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiArchiveDrawerLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivar,linha,",
name: "RiArchiveLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivar,linha,",
name: "RiAtLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiAttachmentLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiAwardLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBarChart2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "grafico,linha,",
name: "RiBarChartBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "grafico,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiBarChartGroupedLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "grafico,cima,linha,",
name: "RiBarChartHorizontalLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "grafico,linha,",
name: "RiBarChartLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "grafico,linha,",
name: "RiBookmark2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "livro,linha,",
name: "RiBookmark3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "livro,linha,",
name: "RiBookmarkLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "livro,linha,",
name: "RiBriefcase2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBriefcase3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBriefcase4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBriefcase5Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBriefcaseLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCalculatorLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "calculadora,linha,",
name: "RiCalendar2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,linha,",
name: "RiCalendarCheckLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "calendario,data,checado,fim,linha,",
name: "RiCalendarEventLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,linha,",
name: "RiCalendarLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,linha,",
name: "RiCalendarTodoLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,tarefa,linha,",
name: "RiCloudLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "nuvem,linha,",
name: "RiCloudOffLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "nuvem,linha,",
name: "RiCopyrightLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "copiar,direita,linha,",
name: "RiCreativeCommonsByLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCreativeCommonsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCreativeCommonsNcLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCreativeCommonsNdLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCreativeCommonsSaLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCreativeCommonsZeroLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCustomerService2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "cliente,linha,",
name: "RiCustomerServiceLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "cliente,linha,",
name: "RiFlag2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "bandeira,linha,",
name: "RiFlagLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "bandeira,linha,",
name: "RiGlobalLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHonourLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,honra,",
name: "RiInboxArchiveLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivar,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiInboxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "caixa,linha,",
name: "RiInboxUnarchiveLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivar,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiLinksLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMailAddLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "adicionar,carta,email,linha,",
name: "RiMailCheckLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "checado,carta,email,linha,",
name: "RiMailCloseLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "fechar,carta,email,linha,",
name: "RiMailDownloadLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "carta,email,baixo,baixar,linha,",
name: "RiMailForbidLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "carta,email,linha,",
name: "RiMailLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "carta,email,linha,",
name: "RiMailLockLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,carta,email,linha,",
name: "RiMailOpenLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "aberto,carta,email,caneta,linha,",
name: "RiMailSendLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "carta,email,enviar,envio,fim,linha,",
name: "RiMailSettingsLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiMailStarLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiMailUnreadLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiMailVolumeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "carta,email,linha,",
name: "RiMedal2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "medalha,linha,",
name: "RiMedalLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "medalha,linha,",
name: "RiPieChart2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiPieChartBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "torta,grafico,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiPieChartLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "torta,grafico,linha,",
name: "RiPrinterCloudLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiPrinterLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "impressora,linha,",
name: "RiProfileLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "RiProjector2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiProjectorLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "projeto,linha,",
name: "RiRecordMailLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "carta,email,linha,",
name: "RiRegisteredLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "vermelho,linha,",
name: "RiReplyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "responder,linha,",
name: "RiSendPlane2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "levantar,enviar,envio,fim,linha,",
name: "RiSendPlaneLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "levantar,enviar,envio,fim,linha,",
name: "RiServiceLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "levantar,linha,",
name: "RiSlideshow2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSlideshow3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSlideshow4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSlideshowLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiStackLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTrademarkLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiWindow2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiWindowLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "vento,linha,",
name: "RiChat1Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiChat2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "conversa,linha,",
name: "RiChat3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "conversa,linha,",
name: "RiChat4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "conversa,linha,",
name: "RiChatCheckLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "checado,conversa,linha,",
name: "RiChatDeleteLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "remover,conversa,excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "RiChatDownloadLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "baixo,conversa,baixar,linha,",
name: "RiChatForwardLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "frente,conversa,linha,",
name: "RiChatHeartLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "coração,amor,conversa,linha,",
name: "RiChatNewLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "conversa,linha,",
name: "RiChatOffLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "conversa,linha,",
name: "RiChatSettingsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "configuração,conversa,linha,",
name: "RiChatSmile2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "sorriso,conversa,linha,",
name: "RiChatSmile3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "sorriso,conversa,linha,",
name: "RiChatSmileLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "sorriso,conversa,linha,",
name: "RiChatUploadLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "cima,conversa,linha,",
name: "RiChatVoiceLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "conversa,televisão,linha,",
name: "RiDiscussLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFeedbackLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMessage2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "mensagem,linha,",
name: "RiMessage3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "mensagem,linha,",
name: "RiMessageLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "mensagem,linha,",
name: "RiQuestionAnswerLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "questão,pergunta,linha,",
name: "RiQuestionnaireLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "questão,pergunta,linha,",
name: "RiVideoChatLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "conversa,linha,",
name: "RiAnticlockwise2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,linha,",
name: "RiAnticlockwiseLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,linha,",
name: "RiArtboard2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiArtboardLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBallPenLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "caneta,linha,",
name: "RiBlurOffLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBrush2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "pincel,pintura,linha,",
name: "RiBrush3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "pincel,pintura,linha,",
name: "RiBrush4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "pincel,pintura,linha,",
name: "RiBrushLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pincel,pintura,linha,",
name: "RiClockwise2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,linha,",
name: "RiClockwiseLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "relogio,horas,trancar,cadeado,linha,",
name: "RiCompasses2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "bussola,linha,",
name: "RiCompassesLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "bussola,linha,",
name: "RiContrast2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiContrastDrop2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiContrastDropLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiContrastLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCrop2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "cortar,linha,",
name: "RiCropLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "cortar,linha,",
name: "RiDragDropLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiDragMove2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiDragMoveLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "RiDropLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiEdit2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "editar,linha,",
name: "RiEditBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "editar,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiEditCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "editar,linha,",
name: "RiEditLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "editar,linha,",
name: "RiEraserLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFocus2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFocus3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFocusLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGridLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHammerLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "martelo,linha,",
name: "RiInputMethodLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLayout2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLayout3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLayout4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLayout5Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLayout6Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiLayoutBottom2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiLayoutBottomLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiLayoutColumnLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiLayoutGridLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLayoutLeft2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiLayoutLeftLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "esquerda,linha,",
name: "RiLayoutLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLayoutMasonryLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLayoutRight2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiLayoutRightLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "direita,linha,",
name: "RiLayoutRowLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLayoutTop2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLayoutTopLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMagicLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMarkPenLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiMarkupLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "RiPaintBrushLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pincel,pintura,pintura,linha,",
name: "RiPaintLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pintura,linha,",
name: "RiPaletteLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiPantoneLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiPenNibLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiPencilLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "caneta,linha,",
name: "RiPencilRuler2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "caneta,linha,",
name: "RiPencilRulerLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "caneta,linha,",
name: "RiQuillPenLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "caneta,linha,",
name: "RiRuler2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiRulerLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiScissors2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "tesoura,linha,",
name: "RiScissorsCutLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "tesoura,cortar,linha,",
name: "RiScissorsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "tesoura,linha,",
name: "RiScreenshot2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "quente,calor,linha,",
name: "RiScreenshotLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "quente,calor,linha,",
name: "RiShape2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiShapeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSipLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSliceLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "caixa,linha,",
name: "RiTableAltLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "mesa,linha,aba,",
name: "RiTableLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "mesa,linha,aba,",
name: "RiToolsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "ferramenta,linha,",
name: "RiBracesLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBracketsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBug2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiBugLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "inseto,linha,",
name: "RiCodeBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "codigo,programar,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiCodeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "codigo,programar,linha,",
name: "RiCodeSLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "codigo,programar,linha,",
name: "RiCodeSSlashLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "codigo,programar,linha,",
name: "RiCommandLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCss3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCursorLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGitBranchLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "galho,linha,",
name: "RiGitCommitLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGitMergeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGitPullRequestLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGitRepositoryCommitsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGitRepositoryLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGitRepositoryPrivateLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHtml5Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiParenthesesLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiStackshareLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "compartilhar,linha,",
name: "RiTerminalBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "caixa,linha,",
name: "RiTerminalLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTerminalWindowLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "vento,linha,",
name: "RiAirplayLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "iniciar,começar,linha,",
name: "RiBattery2ChargeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "bateria,carga,linha,",
name: "RiBattery2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "bateria,carga,linha,",
name: "RiBatteryChargeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "bateria,carga,linha,",
name: "RiBatteryLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "bateria,carga,linha,",
name: "RiBatteryLowLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "bateria,carga,linha,",
name: "RiBatterySaverLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "salvar,bateria,carga,linha,",
name: "RiBatteryShareLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "compartilhar,bateria,carga,linha,",
name: "RiCastLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCellphoneLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "telefone,celular,linha,",
name: "RiComputerLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCpuLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiDatabase2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "dados,linha,aba,",
name: "RiDatabaseLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "dados,linha,aba,",
name: "RiDeviceLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiDeviceRecoverLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiDualSim1Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiDualSim2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGamepadLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGradienterLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHardDrive2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHardDriveLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHotspotLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "quente,calor,linha,",
name: "RiInstallLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiKeyboardBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "chave,caixa,linha,teclado,",
name: "RiKeyboardLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "chave,linha,teclado,",
name: "RiMacLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMacbookLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "livro,linha,",
name: "RiMouseLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiPhoneFindLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "telefone,celular,linha,",
name: "RiPhoneLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "telefone,celular,linha,",
name: "RiPhoneLockLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,telefone,celular,linha,",
name: "RiRadarLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiRemoteControl2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "controle,linha,",
name: "RiRemoteControlLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "controle,linha,",
name: "RiRouterLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "externo,fora,rota,linha,",
name: "RiSave2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "salvar,linha,",
name: "RiSave3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "salvar,linha,",
name: "RiSaveLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "salvar,linha,",
name: "RiSdCardLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,cartão,",
name: "RiSdCardMiniLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,cartão,",
name: "RiSensorLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "levantar,linha,",
name: "RiServerLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "levantar,linha,",
name: "RiSimCard2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,cartão,",
name: "RiSimCardLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,cartão,",
name: "RiSmartphoneLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "telefone,celular,linha,",
name: "RiTabletLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "mesa,linha,aba,",
name: "RiTv2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "televisão,linha,",
name: "RiTvLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "televisão,linha,",
name: "RiUDiskLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiUninstallLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiArticleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBillLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBook2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiBook3Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiBookLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "livro,linha,",
name: "RiBookMarkLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "livro,linha,",
name: "RiBookOpenLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "livro,aberto,caneta,linha,",
name: "RiBookReadLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "livro,ler,leitura,linha,",
name: "RiBookletLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "livro,linha,",
name: "RiClipboardLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiContactsBook2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "livro,contatos,contato,linha,",
name: "RiContactsBookLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "livro,contatos,contato,linha,",
name: "RiContactsBookUploadLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "livro,contatos,cima,contato,linha,",
name: "RiFile2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFile3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "RiFile4Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFileAddLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,adicionar,linha,",
name: "RiFileChart2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,grafico,linha,",
name: "RiFileChartLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,grafico,linha,",
name: "RiFileCloudLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "nuvem,arquivo,linha,",
name: "RiFileCodeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "codigo,programar,arquivo,linha,",
name: "RiFileCopy2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "copiar,arquivo,linha,",
name: "RiFileCopyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "copiar,arquivo,linha,",
name: "RiFileDamageLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "RiFileDownloadLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,baixo,baixar,linha,",
name: "RiFileEditLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,editar,linha,",
name: "RiFileExcel2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFileExcelLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "RiFileForbidLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "RiFileHwpLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "RiFileInfoLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,informação,linha,",
name: "RiFileLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "RiFileList2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "RiFileList3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "RiFileListLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFileLockLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFileMarkLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "RiFileMusicLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFilePaper2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFilePaperLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFilePdfLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFilePpt2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFilePptLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFileReduceLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,vermelho,linha,",
name: "RiFileSearchLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFileSettingsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,configuração,linha,",
name: "RiFileShield2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFileShieldLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,escudo,linha,",
name: "RiFileShredLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,vermelho,linha,",
name: "RiFileTextLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFileTransferLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFileUnknowLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFileUploadLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,cima,linha,",
name: "RiFileUserLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFileWarningLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFileWord2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFileWordLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFileZipLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arquivo,linha,",
name: "RiFolder2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFolder3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "pasta,linha,",
name: "RiFolder4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "pasta,linha,",
name: "RiFolder5Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFolderAddLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFolderChart2Line",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFolderChartLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFolderDownloadLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFolderForbidLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFolderInfoLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFolderKeyholeLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFolderLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFolderLockLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFolderMusicLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pasta,linha,",
name: "RiFolderOpenLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFolderReceivedLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pasta,linha,",
name: "RiFolderReduceLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pasta,vermelho,linha,",
name: "RiFolderSettingsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pasta,configuração,linha,",
name: "RiFolderSharedLine",
set: "ri",
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name: "RiFolderShield2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "pasta,escudo,linha,",
name: "RiFolderShieldLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pasta,escudo,linha,",
name: "RiFolderTransferLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pasta,linha,",
name: "RiFolderUnknowLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pasta,linha,",
name: "RiFolderUploadLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pasta,cima,linha,",
name: "RiFolderUserLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pasta,usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiFolderWarningLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pasta,perigo,cuidado,linha,",
name: "RiFolderZipLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pasta,linha,",
name: "RiFoldersLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pasta,linha,",
name: "RiKeynoteLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "chave,linha,",
name: "RiMarkdownLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "baixo,linha,",
name: "RiNewspaperLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "papel,jornal,noticia,linha,",
name: "RiNumbersLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "número,linha,",
name: "RiPagesLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiPassportLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiStickyNote2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiStickyNoteLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTaskLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTodoLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "tarefa,linha,",
name: "RiAuctionLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBankCard2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "banco,linha,cartão,",
name: "RiBankCardLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "banco,linha,cartão,",
name: "RiBitCoinLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCoinLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCoinsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCopperCoinLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCopperDiamondLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "diamante,linha,",
name: "RiCoupon2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "RiCoupon3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "RiCoupon4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "RiCoupon5Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "RiCouponLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "RiCurrencyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiExchangeBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "caixa,linha,",
name: "RiExchangeCnyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiExchangeDollarLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "dinheiro,linha,",
name: "RiExchangeFundsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiExchangeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFundsBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "caixa,linha,",
name: "RiFundsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGift2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "presente,linha,",
name: "RiGiftLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "presente,linha,",
name: "RiHandCoinLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHandHeartLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "coração,amor,linha,",
name: "RiIncreaseDecreaseLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMoneyCnyBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "dinheiro,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiMoneyCnyCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "dinheiro,linha,",
name: "RiMoneyDollarBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "dinheiro,dinheiro,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiMoneyDollarCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "dinheiro,dinheiro,linha,",
name: "RiMoneyEuroBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "olho,olhar,dinheiro,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiMoneyEuroCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "olho,olhar,dinheiro,linha,",
name: "RiMoneyPoundBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "dinheiro,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiMoneyPoundCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "dinheiro,linha,",
name: "RiPercentLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiPriceTag2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "etiqueta,linha,",
name: "RiPriceTag3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "etiqueta,linha,",
name: "RiPriceTagLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "etiqueta,linha,",
name: "RiRedPacketLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "vermelho,linha,",
name: "RiRefund2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiRefundLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSafe2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "seguro,linha,",
name: "RiSafeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "seguro,linha,",
name: "RiSecurePaymentLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pagar,levantar,linha,",
name: "RiShoppingBag2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "comprar,linha,",
name: "RiShoppingBag3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "comprar,linha,",
name: "RiShoppingBagLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "comprar,linha,",
name: "RiShoppingBasket2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "comprar,linha,",
name: "RiShoppingBasketLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "comprar,linha,",
name: "RiShoppingCart2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "comprar,linha,",
name: "RiShoppingCartLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "comprar,linha,",
name: "RiStockLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSwapBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "trocar,troca,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiSwapLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "trocar,troca,linha,",
name: "RiTicket2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTicketLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTrophyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "troféu,prêmio,linha,",
name: "RiVipCrown2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "coroa,linha,",
name: "RiVipCrownLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "coroa,linha,",
name: "RiVipDiamondLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "diamante,linha,",
name: "RiVipLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiWallet2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "carteira,linha,",
name: "RiWallet3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "carteira,linha,",
name: "RiWalletLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "carteira,linha,",
name: "RiWaterFlashLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiAlipayLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pagar,linha,",
name: "RiAmazonLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiAndroidLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiAngularjsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiAppStoreLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "aplicativo,linha,loja,",
name: "RiAppleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "maçã,aplicativo,linha,",
name: "RiBaiduLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBehanceLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBilibiliLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiChromeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCodepenLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "codigo,programar,caneta,linha,",
name: "RiCoreosLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiDingdingLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiDiscordLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiDoubanLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiDribbbleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiDriveLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiDropboxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "caixa,linha,",
name: "RiEdgeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiEvernoteLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFacebookBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "livro,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiFacebookCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "livro,linha,",
name: "RiFacebookLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "livro,linha,",
name: "RiFirefoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "fogo,queimar,linha,",
name: "RiFlutterLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGatsbyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGithubLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGitlabLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGoogleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGooglePlayLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "iniciar,começar,linha,",
name: "RiIeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiInstagramLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "etiqueta,linha,",
name: "RiInvisionLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiKakaoTalkLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLineLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLinkedinBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "caixa,linha,",
name: "RiLinkedinLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMastercardLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,cartão,",
name: "RiMastodonLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "tarefa,linha,",
name: "RiMediumLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMessengerLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMiniProgramLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiNeteaseCloudMusicLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "nuvem,linha,",
name: "RiNetflixLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiOperaLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiPatreonLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiPaypalLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pagar,linha,",
name: "RiPinterestLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "descansar,linha,",
name: "RiPlaystationLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "iniciar,começar,linha,",
name: "RiProductHuntLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiQqLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiReactjsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiRedditLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "vermelho,linha,",
name: "RiRemixiconLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSafariLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSkypeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSlackLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSnapchatLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "conversa,linha,",
name: "RiSoundcloudLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "nuvem,som,audio,linha,",
name: "RiSpectrumLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSpotifyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiStackOverflowLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSwitchLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "controle,linha,",
name: "RiTaobaoLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTelegramLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTrelloLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTumblrLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTwitchLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTwitterLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiUbuntuLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiVisaLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiVuejsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiWechat2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "conversa,linha,",
name: "RiWechatLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "conversa,linha,",
name: "RiWechatPayLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pagar,conversa,linha,",
name: "RiWeiboLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiWhatsappLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "aplicativo,linha,",
name: "RiWindowsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "vento,linha,",
name: "RiXboxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "caixa,linha,",
name: "RiXingLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiYoutubeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiZcoolLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiZhihuLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiAnchorLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "âncora,link,linha,",
name: "RiBarricadeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBikeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBus2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBusLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBusWifiLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCarLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCarWashingLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiChargingPile2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiChargingPileLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiChinaRailwayLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCompass2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "bussola,linha,",
name: "RiCompass3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "bussola,linha,",
name: "RiCompass4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "bussola,linha,",
name: "RiCompassDiscoverLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "bussola,linha,",
name: "RiCompassLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "bussola,linha,",
name: "RiCupLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "RiDirectionLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiEBike2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiEBikeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiEarthLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFlightLandLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFlightTakeoffLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFootprintLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGasStationLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGlobeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGobletLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGuideLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHotelBedLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "quente,calor,cama,linha,",
name: "RiLifebuoyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMap2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "mapa,linha,",
name: "RiMapLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "mapa,linha,",
name: "RiMapPin2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "aplicativo,mapa,linha,",
name: "RiMapPin3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "aplicativo,mapa,linha,",
name: "RiMapPin4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "aplicativo,mapa,linha,",
name: "RiMapPin5Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "aplicativo,mapa,linha,",
name: "RiMapPinAddLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "adicionar,aplicativo,mapa,linha,",
name: "RiMapPinLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "aplicativo,mapa,linha,",
name: "RiMapPinRangeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "aplicativo,mapa,linha,",
name: "RiMapPinTimeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "aplicativo,mapa,linha do tempo,tempo,linha,",
name: "RiMapPinUserLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "usuario,aplicativo,pessoa,mapa,linha,",
name: "RiMotorbikeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiNavigationLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,navegação,",
name: "RiOilLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiParkingBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "estacionamento,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiParkingLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "estacionamento,linha,",
name: "RiPinDistanceLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiPlaneLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiPoliceCarLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "polícia,linha,",
name: "RiPushpin2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiPushpinLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiRestaurant2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "descansar,comer,restaurante,linha,",
name: "RiRestaurantLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "descansar,comer,restaurante,linha,",
name: "RiRidingLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiRoadMapLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "rua,rodovia,mapa,linha,",
name: "RiRoadsterLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "rua,rodovia,linha,",
name: "RiRocket2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "foguete,linha,",
name: "RiRocketLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "foguete,linha,",
name: "RiRouteLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "rota,linha,",
name: "RiRunLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSailboatLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "barco,linha,",
name: "RiShip2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiShipLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSignalTowerLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "sinal,linha,",
name: "RiSpaceShipLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSteering2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "sino,sinal,linha,",
name: "RiSteeringLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "sino,sinal,linha,",
name: "RiSubwayLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "metrô,linha,",
name: "RiSubwayWifiLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "metrô,linha,",
name: "RiTakeawayLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTaxiLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTaxiWifiLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTrafficLightLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,tráfego,",
name: "RiTrainLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "trem,linha,",
name: "RiTrainWifiLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "trem,linha,",
name: "RiTreasureMapLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "mapa,linha,",
name: "RiTruckLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "caminhão,linha,",
name: "RiWalkLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "Ri4KLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiAlbumLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiAspectRatioLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "resolução,linha,",
name: "RiBroadcastLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "rua,rodovia,linha,",
name: "RiCamera2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,linha,",
name: "RiCamera3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,linha,",
name: "RiCameraLensLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,linha,",
name: "RiCameraLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,linha,",
name: "RiCameraOffLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,linha,",
name: "RiCameraSwitchLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,controle,linha,",
name: "RiClapperboardLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "aplicativo,linha,",
name: "RiDiscLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiDvLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiDvdLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiEjectLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "ejetar,linha,",
name: "RiEqualizerLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFilmLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "filme,linha,",
name: "RiFullscreenExitLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,cheio,",
name: "RiFullscreenLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,cheio,",
name: "RiGalleryLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "galeria,imagens,fotos,linha,",
name: "RiGalleryUploadLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "cima,galeria,imagens,fotos,linha,",
name: "RiHdLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHeadphoneLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "telefone,celular,linha,",
name: "RiHqLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiImage2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "imagem,linha,",
name: "RiImageAddLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "adicionar,imagem,linha,",
name: "RiImageLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "imagem,linha,",
name: "RiLandscapeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "paisagem,linha,",
name: "RiLiveLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMic2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "microfone,linha,",
name: "RiMicLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "microfone,linha,",
name: "RiMicOffLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "microfone,linha,",
name: "RiMovie2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMovieLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMusic2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMusicLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMvLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiNotification2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "notificação,linha,",
name: "RiNotification3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "notificação,linha,",
name: "RiNotification4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "notificação,linha,",
name: "RiNotificationLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "notificação,linha,",
name: "RiNotificationOffLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "notificação,linha,",
name: "RiOrderPlayLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "iniciar,começar,ordem,ordenado,linha,",
name: "RiPauseCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pausar,linha,",
name: "RiPauseLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pausar,linha,",
name: "RiPauseMiniLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pausar,linha,",
name: "RiPhoneCameraLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,telefone,celular,linha,",
name: "RiPictureInPicture2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "foto,filme,imagem,filme,linha,",
name: "RiPictureInPictureExitLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "foto,filme,imagem,filme,linha,",
name: "RiPictureInPictureLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "foto,filme,imagem,filme,linha,",
name: "RiPlayCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "iniciar,começar,linha,",
name: "RiPlayLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "iniciar,começar,linha,",
name: "RiPlayListAddLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "adicionar,iniciar,começar,linha,",
name: "RiPlayListLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "iniciar,começar,linha,",
name: "RiPlayMiniLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "iniciar,começar,linha,",
name: "RiPolaroid2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiPolaroidLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiRadio2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiRadioLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiRecordCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiRepeat2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "repetir,linha,bixo,animal,",
name: "RiRepeatLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "repetir,linha,bixo,animal,",
name: "RiRepeatOneLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "repetir,linha,bixo,animal,",
name: "RiRewindLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "vento,linha,",
name: "RiRewindMiniLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "vento,linha,",
name: "RiRhythmLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiShuffleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "aleatório,linha,",
name: "RiSkipBackLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pular,linha,",
name: "RiSkipBackMiniLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "pular,linha,",
name: "RiSkipForwardLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "frente,pular,linha,",
name: "RiSkipForwardMiniLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "frente,pular,linha,",
name: "RiSoundModuleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "som,audio,linha,",
name: "RiSpeaker2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "som,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiSpeaker3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "som,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiSpeakerLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "som,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiSpeedLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSpeedMiniLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiStopCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "parar,pare,linha,",
name: "RiStopLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "parar,pare,linha,",
name: "RiStopMiniLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "parar,pare,linha,",
name: "RiSurroundSoundLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "som,audio,linha,",
name: "RiTapeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiVideoLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiVidicon2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiVidiconLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiVoiceprintLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiVolumeDownLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "baixo,linha,",
name: "RiVolumeMuteLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiVolumeOffVibrateLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiVolumeUpLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "RiVolumeVibrateLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiWebcamLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBasketballLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBellLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "sino,linha,",
name: "RiBilliardsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBoxingLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "caixa,linha,",
name: "RiCake2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCake3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCakeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCharacterRecognitionLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "engrenagem,configuração,linha,",
name: "RiDoorLockBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,porta,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiDoorLockLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,porta,linha,",
name: "RiFireLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "fogo,queimar,linha,",
name: "RiFlaskLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFootballLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGameLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHandbagLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHeartsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "coração,amor,linha,",
name: "RiKey2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "chave,linha,",
name: "RiKeyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "chave,linha,",
name: "RiKnifeBloodLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiKnifeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLightbulbFlashLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLightbulbLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiOutlet2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiOutletLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiPingPongLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiPlug2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiPlugLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiReservedLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiShirtLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "camiseta,linha,",
name: "RiSwordLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTShirt2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "camiseta,linha,",
name: "RiTShirtAirLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "camiseta,linha,",
name: "RiTShirtLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "camiseta,linha,",
name: "RiUmbrellaLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiVoiceRecognitionLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "engrenagem,configuração,linha,",
name: "RiAddBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "adicionar,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiAddCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "adicionar,linha,",
name: "RiAddLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "adicionar,linha,",
name: "RiAlarmLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "alarme,linha,",
name: "RiAlarmWarningLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "perigo,cuidado,alarme,linha,",
name: "RiAlertLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "alerta,linha,",
name: "RiApps2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "aplicativo,linha,",
name: "RiAppsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "aplicativo,linha,",
name: "RiArrowDownCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "flecha,baixo,linha,",
name: "RiArrowDownLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "flecha,baixo,linha,",
name: "RiArrowDownSLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "flecha,baixo,linha,",
name: "RiArrowDropDownLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "flecha,baixo,linha,",
name: "RiArrowDropLeftLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,linha,",
name: "RiArrowDropRightLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "direita,flecha,linha,",
name: "RiArrowDropUpLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "flecha,cima,linha,",
name: "RiArrowGoBackLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "flecha,linha,",
name: "RiArrowGoForwardLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "frente,flecha,linha,",
name: "RiArrowLeftCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,linha,",
name: "RiArrowLeftDownLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,baixo,linha,",
name: "RiArrowLeftLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,linha,",
name: "RiArrowLeftRightLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "esquerda,direita,flecha,linha,",
name: "RiArrowLeftSLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,linha,",
name: "RiArrowLeftUpLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,cima,linha,",
name: "RiArrowRightCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "direita,flecha,linha,",
name: "RiArrowRightDownLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "direita,flecha,baixo,linha,",
name: "RiArrowRightLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "direita,flecha,linha,",
name: "RiArrowRightSLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "direita,flecha,linha,",
name: "RiArrowRightUpLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "direita,flecha,cima,linha,",
name: "RiArrowUpCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "flecha,cima,linha,",
name: "RiArrowUpDownLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "flecha,baixo,cima,linha,",
name: "RiArrowUpLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "flecha,cima,linha,",
name: "RiArrowUpSLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "flecha,cima,linha,",
name: "RiBarcodeBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "codigo,programar,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiBarcodeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "codigo,programar,linha,",
name: "RiBaseStationLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBluetoothConnectLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBluetoothLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCheckDoubleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "checado,linha,",
name: "RiCheckLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "checado,linha,",
name: "RiCheckboxBlankCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "checado,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiCheckboxBlankLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "checado,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiCheckboxCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "checado,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiCheckboxIndeterminateLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "checado,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiCheckboxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "checado,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiCheckboxMultipleBlankLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "checado,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiCheckboxMultipleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "checado,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiCloseCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "fechar,linha,",
name: "RiCloseLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "fechar,linha,",
name: "RiDashboardLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiDeleteBack2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "RiDeleteBackLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "RiDeleteBin2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "RiDeleteBin3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "RiDeleteBin4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "RiDeleteBin5Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "RiDeleteBin6Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "RiDeleteBin7Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "RiDeleteBinLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "RiDivideLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiDownload2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "baixo,baixar,linha,",
name: "RiDownloadCloud2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "nuvem,baixo,baixar,linha,",
name: "RiDownloadCloudLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "nuvem,baixo,baixar,linha,",
name: "RiDownloadLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "baixo,baixar,linha,",
name: "RiErrorWarningLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "perigo,cuidado,linha,",
name: "RiExternalLinkLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiEye2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "olho,olhar,linha,",
name: "RiEyeCloseLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "fechar,olho,olhar,linha,",
name: "RiEyeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "olho,olhar,linha,",
name: "RiEyeOffLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "olho,olhar,linha,",
name: "RiFilter2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,linha,",
name: "RiFilter3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,linha,",
name: "RiFilterLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,linha,",
name: "RiFindReplaceLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,lugar,",
name: "RiFingerprint2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFingerprintLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiForbid2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiForbidLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFunctionLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,função,",
name: "RiGpsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHeart2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "coração,amor,linha,",
name: "RiHeartAddLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "adicionar,coração,amor,linha,",
name: "RiHeartLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "coração,amor,linha,",
name: "RiIndeterminateCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiInformationLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "informação,linha,formato,",
name: "RiListSettingsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "configuração,linha,",
name: "RiLoader2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLoader3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLoader4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLoader5Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLoaderLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiLock2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,linha,",
name: "RiLockLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,linha,",
name: "RiLockPasswordLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,linha,",
name: "RiLockUnlockLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,destrancar,abrir,linha,",
name: "RiLoginBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "entrar,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiLoginCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "entrar,linha,",
name: "RiLogoutBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "sair,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiLogoutBoxRLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "sair,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiLogoutCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "sair,linha,",
name: "RiLogoutCircleRLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "sair,linha,",
name: "RiMenu2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMenu3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMenu4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMenu5Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMenuAddLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "adicionar,linha,",
name: "RiMenuLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMore2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "mais,linha,",
name: "RiMoreLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "mais,linha,",
name: "RiNotificationBadgeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "notificação,linha,",
name: "RiQrCodeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "codigo,programar,linha,",
name: "RiQrScan2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiQrScanLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiQuestionLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "questão,pergunta,linha,",
name: "RiRadioButtonLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiRefreshLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "atualizar,linha,",
name: "RiRestartLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "descansar,estrela,favorito,começar,linha,",
name: "RiRotateLockLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "trancar,cadeado,linha,",
name: "RiRssLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiScan2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiScanLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSearch2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "levantar,busca,procurar,linha,",
name: "RiSearchEyeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "olho,olhar,levantar,busca,procurar,linha,",
name: "RiSearchLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "levantar,busca,procurar,linha,",
name: "RiSettings2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "configuração,levantar,linha,",
name: "RiSettings3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "configuração,levantar,linha,",
name: "RiSettings4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "configuração,levantar,linha,",
name: "RiSettings5Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "configuração,levantar,linha,",
name: "RiSettings6Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "configuração,levantar,linha,",
name: "RiSettingsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "configuração,levantar,linha,",
name: "RiShareBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "compartilhar,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiShareCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "compartilhar,linha,",
name: "RiShareForward2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "frente,compartilhar,linha,",
name: "RiShareForwardBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "frente,compartilhar,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiShareForwardLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "frente,compartilhar,linha,",
name: "RiShareLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "compartilhar,linha,",
name: "RiShieldCrossLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "escudo,linha,",
name: "RiShieldFlashLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "escudo,linha,",
name: "RiShieldKeyholeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "escudo,chave,linha,",
name: "RiShieldLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "escudo,linha,",
name: "RiShieldStarLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "estrela,favorito,escudo,linha,",
name: "RiShieldUserLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "usuario,escudo,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiShutDownLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "baixo,linha,",
name: "RiSideBarLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSpam2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSpam3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSpamLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiStarHalfLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "estrela,favorito,linha,",
name: "RiStarHalfSLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "estrela,favorito,linha,",
name: "RiStarLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "estrela,favorito,linha,",
name: "RiStarSLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "estrela,favorito,linha,",
name: "RiSubtractLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiThumbDownLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "baixo,linha,",
name: "RiThumbUpLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "RiTimeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha do tempo,tempo,linha,",
name: "RiTimer2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "tempo,linha,",
name: "RiTimerFlashLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "tempo,linha,",
name: "RiTimerLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "tempo,linha,",
name: "RiToggleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiUpload2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "RiUploadCloud2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "nuvem,cima,linha,",
name: "RiUploadCloudLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "nuvem,cima,linha,",
name: "RiUploadLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "RiWifiLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiWifiOffLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiZoomInLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiZoomOutLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiAccountBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "conta,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiAccountCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "conta,linha,",
name: "RiAccountPinBoxLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "conta,caixa,linha,",
name: "RiAccountPinCircleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "conta,linha,",
name: "RiAdminLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiAliensLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBearSmileLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "sorriso,linha,",
name: "RiBodyScanLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "corpo,linha,",
name: "RiContactsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "contatos,contato,linha,",
name: "RiCriminalLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiEmotion2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiEmotionHappyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "aplicativo,linha,",
name: "RiEmotionLaughLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiEmotionLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiEmotionNormalLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiEmotionSadLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "triste,linha,",
name: "RiEmotionUnhappyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "aplicativo,linha,",
name: "RiGenderlessLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "fim,linha,",
name: "RiGhost2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGhostLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiGhostSmileLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "sorriso,linha,",
name: "RiGroup2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "RiGroupLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "RiMenLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMickeyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "microfone,chave,linha,",
name: "RiOpenArmLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "aberto,caneta,linha,",
name: "RiParentLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiRobotLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "robô,linha,",
name: "RiSkull2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSkullLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSpyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "espião,linha,",
name: "RiStarSmileLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "sorriso,estrela,favorito,linha,",
name: "RiTeamLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "time,equipe,tempo,linha,",
name: "RiTravestiLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiUser2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUser3Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUser4Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUser5Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUser6Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUserAddLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "adicionar,usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUserFollowLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUserHeartLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "coração,amor,usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUserLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUserLocationLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,linha,localização,",
name: "RiUserReceived2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUserReceivedLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUserSearchLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "busca,procurar,usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUserSettingsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "configuração,usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUserShared2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "vermelho,compartilhar,usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUserSharedLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "vermelho,compartilhar,usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUserSmileLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "sorriso,usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUserStarLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "estrela,favorito,usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUserUnfollowLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiUserVoiceLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "RiWomenLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiBlazeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCelsiusLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiCloudWindyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "nuvem,vento,linha,",
name: "RiCloudy2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "nuvem,linha,",
name: "RiCloudyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "nuvem,linha,",
name: "RiDrizzleLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiEarthquakeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFahrenheitLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFlashlightLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFloodLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiFoggyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHailLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHaze2Line",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHazeLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiHeavyShowersLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMeteorLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMistLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiMoonClearLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "lua,linha,limpar,",
name: "RiMoonCloudyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "nuvem,lua,linha,",
name: "RiMoonFoggyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "lua,linha,",
name: "RiMoonLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "lua,linha,",
name: "RiRainbowLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "arcoíris,linha,",
name: "RiRainyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiShowersLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiSnowyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "neve,linha,",
name: "RiSunCloudyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "nuvem,sol,linha,",
name: "RiSunFoggyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "sol,linha,",
name: "RiSunLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "sol,linha,",
name: "RiTempColdLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTempHotLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "quente,calor,linha,",
name: "RiThunderstormsLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "trovão,raio,tempestade,linha,",
name: "RiTornadoLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiTyphoonLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "linha,",
name: "RiWindyLine",
set: "ri",
translations: "vento,linha,",
name: "TiAdjustBrightness",
set: "ti",
translations: "direita,luz,claridade,",
name: "TiAdjustContrast",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiAnchorOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "âncora,link,linha,",
name: "TiAnchor",
set: "ti",
translations: "âncora,link,",
name: "TiArchive",
set: "ti",
translations: "arquivar,",
name: "TiArrowBackOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,linha,",
name: "TiArrowBack",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "TiArrowDownOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,baixo,linha,",
name: "TiArrowDownThick",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "TiArrowDown",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,baixo,",
name: "TiArrowForwardOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "frente,flecha,linha,",
name: "TiArrowForward",
set: "ti",
translations: "frente,flecha,",
name: "TiArrowLeftOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,linha,",
name: "TiArrowLeftThick",
set: "ti",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "TiArrowLeft",
set: "ti",
translations: "esquerda,flecha,",
name: "TiArrowLoopOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,linha,",
name: "TiArrowLoop",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "TiArrowMaximiseOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,linha,",
name: "TiArrowMaximise",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "TiArrowMinimiseOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,linha,",
name: "TiArrowMinimise",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,",
name: "TiArrowMoveOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "TiArrowMove",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "TiArrowRepeatOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,repetir,linha,bixo,animal,",
name: "TiArrowRepeat",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,repetir,bixo,animal,",
name: "TiArrowRightOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "direita,flecha,linha,",
name: "TiArrowRightThick",
set: "ti",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "TiArrowRight",
set: "ti",
translations: "direita,flecha,",
name: "TiArrowShuffle",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,aleatório,",
name: "TiArrowSortedDown",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,baixo,ordenar,",
name: "TiArrowSortedUp",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,cima,ordenar,",
name: "TiArrowSyncOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,sincronizar,linha,",
name: "TiArrowSync",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,sincronizar,",
name: "TiArrowUnsorted",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,ordenar,",
name: "TiArrowUpOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,cima,linha,",
name: "TiArrowUpThick",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "TiArrowUp",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,cima,",
name: "TiAt",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiAttachmentOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiAttachment",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiBackspaceOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "voltar,linha,",
name: "TiBackspace",
set: "ti",
translations: "voltar,",
name: "TiBatteryCharge",
set: "ti",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "TiBatteryFull",
set: "ti",
translations: "bateria,carga,cheio,",
name: "TiBatteryHigh",
set: "ti",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "TiBatteryLow",
set: "ti",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "TiBatteryMid",
set: "ti",
translations: "bateria,carga,",
name: "TiBeaker",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiBeer",
set: "ti",
translations: "cerveja,",
name: "TiBell",
set: "ti",
translations: "sino,",
name: "TiBook",
set: "ti",
translations: "livro,",
name: "TiBookmark",
set: "ti",
translations: "livro,",
name: "TiBriefcase",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiBrush",
set: "ti",
translations: "pincel,pintura,",
name: "TiBusinessCard",
set: "ti",
translations: "negócio,empresário,cartão,",
name: "TiCalculator",
set: "ti",
translations: "calculadora,",
name: "TiCalendarOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,linha,",
name: "TiCalendar",
set: "ti",
translations: "calendario,data,fim,",
name: "TiCameraOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,linha,",
name: "TiCamera",
set: "ti",
translations: "camera,foto,imagem,",
name: "TiCancelOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "cancelar,linha,",
name: "TiCancel",
set: "ti",
translations: "cancelar,",
name: "TiChartAreaOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "grafico,linha,",
name: "TiChartArea",
set: "ti",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "TiChartBarOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "grafico,linha,",
name: "TiChartBar",
set: "ti",
translations: "grafico,",
name: "TiChartLineOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "grafico,linha,",
name: "TiChartLine",
set: "ti",
translations: "grafico,linha,",
name: "TiChartPieOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "torta,grafico,linha,",
name: "TiChartPie",
set: "ti",
translations: "torta,grafico,",
name: "TiChevronLeftOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "esquerda,seta,flecha,linha,",
name: "TiChevronLeft",
set: "ti",
translations: "esquerda,seta,flecha,",
name: "TiChevronRightOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "direita,seta,flecha,linha,",
name: "TiChevronRight",
set: "ti",
translations: "direita,seta,flecha,",
name: "TiClipboard",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiCloudStorageOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "nuvem,linha,armazém,",
name: "TiCloudStorage",
set: "ti",
translations: "nuvem,armazém,",
name: "TiCodeOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "codigo,programar,linha,",
name: "TiCode",
set: "ti",
translations: "codigo,programar,",
name: "TiCoffee",
set: "ti",
translations: "café,",
name: "TiCogOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "engrenagem,configuração,linha,",
name: "TiCog",
set: "ti",
translations: "engrenagem,configuração,",
name: "TiCompass",
set: "ti",
translations: "bussola,",
name: "TiContacts",
set: "ti",
translations: "contatos,contato,",
name: "TiCreditCard",
set: "ti",
translations: "cartao,credito,vermelho,editar,cartão,",
name: "TiCss3",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiDatabase",
set: "ti",
translations: "dados,aba,",
name: "TiDeleteOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "TiDelete",
set: "ti",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "TiDeviceDesktop",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiDeviceLaptop",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiDevicePhone",
set: "ti",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "TiDeviceTablet",
set: "ti",
translations: "mesa,aba,",
name: "TiDirections",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiDivideOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiDivide",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiDocumentAdd",
set: "ti",
translations: "adicionar,",
name: "TiDocumentDelete",
set: "ti",
translations: "remover,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "TiDocumentText",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiDocument",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiDownloadOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "baixo,baixar,linha,",
name: "TiDownload",
set: "ti",
translations: "baixo,baixar,",
name: "TiDropbox",
set: "ti",
translations: "caixa,",
name: "TiEdit",
set: "ti",
translations: "editar,editar,",
name: "TiEjectOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "ejetar,linha,",
name: "TiEject",
set: "ti",
translations: "ejetar,",
name: "TiEqualsOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiEquals",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiExportOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiExport",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiEyeOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "olho,olhar,linha,",
name: "TiEye",
set: "ti",
translations: "olho,olhar,",
name: "TiFeather",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiFilm",
set: "ti",
translations: "filme,",
name: "TiFilter",
set: "ti",
translations: "filtro,filtrar,",
name: "TiFlagOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "bandeira,linha,",
name: "TiFlag",
set: "ti",
translations: "bandeira,",
name: "TiFlashOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiFlash",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiFlowChildren",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiFlowMerge",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiFlowParallel",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiFlowSwitch",
set: "ti",
translations: "controle,",
name: "TiFolderAdd",
set: "ti",
translations: "adicionar,pasta,",
name: "TiFolderDelete",
set: "ti",
translations: "remover,pasta,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "TiFolderOpen",
set: "ti",
translations: "aberto,pasta,caneta,",
name: "TiFolder",
set: "ti",
translations: "pasta,",
name: "TiGift",
set: "ti",
translations: "presente,",
name: "TiGlobeOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiGlobe",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiGroupOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "TiGroup",
set: "ti",
translations: "cima,",
name: "TiHeadphones",
set: "ti",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "TiHeartFullOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "coração,amor,linha,cheio,",
name: "TiHeartHalfOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "coração,amor,linha,",
name: "TiHeartOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "coração,amor,linha,",
name: "TiHeart",
set: "ti",
translations: "coração,amor,",
name: "TiHomeOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "casa,lar,linha,",
name: "TiHome",
set: "ti",
translations: "casa,lar,",
name: "TiHtml5",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiImageOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "imagem,linha,",
name: "TiImage",
set: "ti",
translations: "imagem,",
name: "TiInfinityOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiInfinity",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiInfoLargeOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "informação,linha,",
name: "TiInfoLarge",
set: "ti",
translations: "informação,",
name: "TiInfoOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "informação,linha,",
name: "TiInfo",
set: "ti",
translations: "informação,",
name: "TiInputCheckedOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "checado,linha,",
name: "TiInputChecked",
set: "ti",
translations: "checado,",
name: "TiKeyOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "chave,linha,",
name: "TiKey",
set: "ti",
translations: "chave,",
name: "TiKeyboard",
set: "ti",
translations: "chave,teclado,",
name: "TiLeaf",
set: "ti",
translations: "folha,",
name: "TiLightbulb",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiLinkOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiLink",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiLocationArrowOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,linha,localização,",
name: "TiLocationArrow",
set: "ti",
translations: "flecha,localização,",
name: "TiLocationOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,localização,",
name: "TiLocation",
set: "ti",
translations: "localização,",
name: "TiLockClosedOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "fechar,trancar,cadeado,linha,",
name: "TiLockClosed",
set: "ti",
translations: "fechar,trancar,cadeado,",
name: "TiLockOpenOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "aberto,trancar,cadeado,caneta,linha,",
name: "TiLockOpen",
set: "ti",
translations: "aberto,trancar,cadeado,caneta,",
name: "TiMail",
set: "ti",
translations: "carta,email,",
name: "TiMap",
set: "ti",
translations: "mapa,",
name: "TiMediaEjectOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "ejetar,tempo,linha,",
name: "TiMediaEject",
set: "ti",
translations: "ejetar,tempo,",
name: "TiMediaFastForwardOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "rapido,frente,tempo,linha,",
name: "TiMediaFastForward",
set: "ti",
translations: "rapido,frente,tempo,",
name: "TiMediaPauseOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "pausar,tempo,linha,",
name: "TiMediaPause",
set: "ti",
translations: "pausar,tempo,",
name: "TiMediaPlayOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "iniciar,começar,tempo,linha,",
name: "TiMediaPlayReverseOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "iniciar,começar,tempo,linha,",
name: "TiMediaPlayReverse",
set: "ti",
translations: "iniciar,começar,tempo,",
name: "TiMediaPlay",
set: "ti",
translations: "iniciar,começar,tempo,",
name: "TiMediaRecordOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "tempo,linha,",
name: "TiMediaRecord",
set: "ti",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "TiMediaRewindOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "vento,tempo,linha,",
name: "TiMediaRewind",
set: "ti",
translations: "vento,tempo,",
name: "TiMediaStopOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "parar,pare,tempo,linha,",
name: "TiMediaStop",
set: "ti",
translations: "parar,pare,tempo,",
name: "TiMessageTyping",
set: "ti",
translations: "mensagem,tempo,",
name: "TiMessage",
set: "ti",
translations: "mensagem,tempo,",
name: "TiMessages",
set: "ti",
translations: "mensagem,tempo,",
name: "TiMicrophoneOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "telefone,celular,microfone,cortar,linha,",
name: "TiMicrophone",
set: "ti",
translations: "telefone,celular,microfone,cortar,",
name: "TiMinusOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "menos,linha,",
name: "TiMinus",
set: "ti",
translations: "menos,",
name: "TiMortarBoard",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiNews",
set: "ti",
translations: "noticia,",
name: "TiNotesOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiNotes",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiPen",
set: "ti",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "TiPencil",
set: "ti",
translations: "caneta,",
name: "TiPhoneOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "telefone,celular,linha,",
name: "TiPhone",
set: "ti",
translations: "telefone,celular,",
name: "TiPiOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiPi",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiPinOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiPin",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiPipette",
set: "ti",
translations: "bixo,animal,",
name: "TiPlaneOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiPlane",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiPlug",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiPlusOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "mais,adicionar,linha,",
name: "TiPlus",
set: "ti",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "TiPointOfInterestOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "descansar,linha,",
name: "TiPointOfInterest",
set: "ti",
translations: "descansar,",
name: "TiPowerOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiPower",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiPrinter",
set: "ti",
translations: "impressora,",
name: "TiPuzzleOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "quebra,cabeça,linha,",
name: "TiPuzzle",
set: "ti",
translations: "quebra,cabeça,",
name: "TiRadarOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiRadar",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiRefreshOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "atualizar,linha,",
name: "TiRefresh",
set: "ti",
translations: "atualizar,",
name: "TiRssOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiRss",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiScissorsOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "tesoura,linha,",
name: "TiScissors",
set: "ti",
translations: "tesoura,",
name: "TiShoppingBag",
set: "ti",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "TiShoppingCart",
set: "ti",
translations: "comprar,",
name: "TiSocialAtCircular",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialDribbbleCircular",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialDribbble",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialFacebookCircular",
set: "ti",
translations: "livro,",
name: "TiSocialFacebook",
set: "ti",
translations: "livro,",
name: "TiSocialFlickrCircular",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialFlickr",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialGithubCircular",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialGithub",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialGooglePlusCircular",
set: "ti",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "TiSocialGooglePlus",
set: "ti",
translations: "mais,adicionar,",
name: "TiSocialInstagramCircular",
set: "ti",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "TiSocialInstagram",
set: "ti",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "TiSocialLastFmCircular",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialLastFm",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialLinkedinCircular",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialLinkedin",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialPinterestCircular",
set: "ti",
translations: "descansar,",
name: "TiSocialPinterest",
set: "ti",
translations: "descansar,",
name: "TiSocialSkypeOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiSocialSkype",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialTumblerCircular",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialTumbler",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialTwitterCircular",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialTwitter",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialVimeoCircular",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialVimeo",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialYoutubeCircular",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSocialYoutube",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSortAlphabeticallyOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "ordenar,ligação,linha,",
name: "TiSortAlphabetically",
set: "ti",
translations: "ordenar,ligação,",
name: "TiSortNumericallyOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "ordenar,ligação,linha,",
name: "TiSortNumerically",
set: "ti",
translations: "ordenar,ligação,",
name: "TiSpannerOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiSpanner",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiSpiral",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiStarFullOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "estrela,favorito,linha,cheio,",
name: "TiStarHalfOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "estrela,favorito,linha,",
name: "TiStarHalf",
set: "ti",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "TiStarOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "estrela,favorito,linha,",
name: "TiStar",
set: "ti",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "TiStarburstOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "estrela,favorito,linha,",
name: "TiStarburst",
set: "ti",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "TiStopwatch",
set: "ti",
translations: "parar,pare,",
name: "TiSupport",
set: "ti",
translations: "cima,",
name: "TiTabsOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,aba,",
name: "TiTag",
set: "ti",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "TiTags",
set: "ti",
translations: "etiqueta,",
name: "TiThLargeOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiThLarge",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiThListOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiThList",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiThMenuOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiThMenu",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiThSmallOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiThSmall",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiThermometer",
set: "ti",
translations: "termômetro,temperatura,",
name: "TiThumbsDown",
set: "ti",
translations: "baixo,ruim,",
name: "TiThumbsOk",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiThumbsUp",
set: "ti",
translations: "cima,beleza,",
name: "TiTickOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiTick",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiTicket",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiTime",
set: "ti",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "TiTimesOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "tempo,linha,",
name: "TiTimes",
set: "ti",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "TiTrash",
set: "ti",
translations: "lixo,remover,lixeira,excluir,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "TiTree",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiUploadOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "cima,linha,",
name: "TiUpload",
set: "ti",
translations: "cima,",
name: "TiUserAddOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "adicionar,usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "TiUserAdd",
set: "ti",
translations: "adicionar,usuario,pessoa,",
name: "TiUserDeleteOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "remover,usuario,excluir,pessoa,mexer,movimentar,linha,",
name: "TiUserDelete",
set: "ti",
translations: "remover,usuario,excluir,pessoa,mexer,movimentar,",
name: "TiUserOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,linha,",
name: "TiUser",
set: "ti",
translations: "usuario,pessoa,",
name: "TiVendorAndroid",
set: "ti",
translations: "fim,",
name: "TiVendorApple",
set: "ti",
translations: "maçã,aplicativo,fim,",
name: "TiVendorMicrosoft",
set: "ti",
translations: "microfone,fim,",
name: "TiVideoOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiVideo",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiVolumeDown",
set: "ti",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "TiVolumeMute",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiVolumeUp",
set: "ti",
translations: "cima,",
name: "TiVolume",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiWarningOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "perigo,cuidado,linha,",
name: "TiWarning",
set: "ti",
translations: "perigo,cuidado,",
name: "TiWatch",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiWavesOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiWaves",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiWeatherCloudy",
set: "ti",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "TiWeatherDownpour",
set: "ti",
translations: "baixo,",
name: "TiWeatherNight",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiWeatherPartlySunny",
set: "ti",
translations: "sol,",
name: "TiWeatherShower",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiWeatherSnow",
set: "ti",
translations: "neve,",
name: "TiWeatherStormy",
set: "ti",
translations: "tempestade,",
name: "TiWeatherSunny",
set: "ti",
translations: "sol,",
name: "TiWeatherWindyCloudy",
set: "ti",
translations: "nuvem,vento,",
name: "TiWeatherWindy",
set: "ti",
translations: "vento,",
name: "TiWiFiOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiWiFi",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiWine",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiWorldOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiWorld",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiZoomInOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiZoomIn",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiZoomOutOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiZoomOut",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "TiZoomOutline",
set: "ti",
translations: "linha,",
name: "TiZoom",
set: "ti",
translations: "",
name: "WiAlien",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiBarometer",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiCelsius",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiCloudDown",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,baixo,",
name: "WiCloudRefresh",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,atualizar,",
name: "WiCloudUp",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,cima,",
name: "WiCloud",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "WiCloudyGusts",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "WiCloudyWindy",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,vento,",
name: "WiCloudy",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "WiDayCloudyGusts",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "WiDayCloudyHigh",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "WiDayCloudyWindy",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,vento,",
name: "WiDayCloudy",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "WiDayFog",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiDayHail",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiDayHaze",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiDayLightWind",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiDayLightning",
set: "wi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "WiDayRainMix",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiDayRainWind",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiDayRain",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiDayShowers",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiDaySleetStorm",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempestade,",
name: "WiDaySleet",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiDaySnowThunderstorm",
set: "wi",
translations: "trovão,raio,tempestade,neve,",
name: "WiDaySnowWind",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,neve,",
name: "WiDaySnow",
set: "wi",
translations: "neve,",
name: "WiDaySprinkle",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiDayStormShowers",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempestade,",
name: "WiDaySunnyOvercast",
set: "wi",
translations: "sol,",
name: "WiDaySunny",
set: "wi",
translations: "sol,",
name: "WiDayThunderstorm",
set: "wi",
translations: "trovão,raio,tempestade,",
name: "WiDayWindy",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiDegrees",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiDirectionDownLeft",
set: "wi",
translations: "esquerda,baixo,",
name: "WiDirectionDownRight",
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set: "wi",
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set: "wi",
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name: "WiDirectionUp",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiDust",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
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set: "wi",
translations: "",
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set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiFire",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiFlood",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiFog",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiGaleWarning",
set: "wi",
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translations: "",
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set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiHorizon",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
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set: "wi",
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name: "WiHumidity",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
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set: "wi",
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translations: "",
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set: "wi",
translations: "",
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translations: "",
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name: "WiMoonAltWaningCrescent2",
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name: "WiMoonAltWaningGibbous2",
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name: "WiMoonAltWaningGibbous3",
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name: "WiMoonAltWaxingCrescent2",
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name: "WiMoonAltWaxingCrescent3",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiMoonAltWaxingGibbous2",
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name: "WiMoonAltWaxingGibbous3",
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name: "WiMoonAltWaxingGibbous4",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiMoonAltWaxingGibbous5",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonAltWaxingGibbous6",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonFirstQuarter",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiMoonFull",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiMoonNew",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiMoonThirdQuarter",
set: "wi",
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set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaningCrescent2",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaningCrescent3",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaningCrescent4",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaningCrescent5",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaningCrescent6",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiMoonWaningGibbous1",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaningGibbous2",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiMoonWaningGibbous3",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaningGibbous4",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiMoonWaningGibbous5",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiMoonWaningGibbous6",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaxingCrescent1",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaxingCrescent2",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaxingCrescent3",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaxingCrescent4",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiMoonWaxingCrescent5",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiMoonWaxingCrescent6",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaxingGibbous1",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaxingGibbous2",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaxingGibbous3",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaxingGibbous4",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaxingGibbous5",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonWaxingGibbous6",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiMoonrise",
set: "wi",
translations: "levantar,lua,",
name: "WiMoonset",
set: "wi",
translations: "lua,",
name: "WiNa",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiNightAltCloudyGusts",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "WiNightAltCloudyHigh",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "WiNightAltCloudyWindy",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,vento,",
name: "WiNightAltCloudy",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "WiNightAltHail",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiNightAltLightning",
set: "wi",
translations: "relâmpago,trovão,raio,",
name: "WiNightAltPartlyCloudy",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "WiNightAltRainMix",
set: "wi",
translations: "trem,",
name: "WiNightAltRainWind",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,trem,",
name: "WiNightAltRain",
set: "wi",
translations: "trem,",
name: "WiNightAltShowers",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiNightAltSleetStorm",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempestade,",
name: "WiNightAltSleet",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiNightAltSnowThunderstorm",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiNightAltSnowWind",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,neve,",
name: "WiNightAltSnow",
set: "wi",
translations: "neve,",
name: "WiNightAltSprinkle",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiNightAltStormShowers",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiNightAltThunderstorm",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiNightClear",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiNightCloudyGusts",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiNightCloudyHigh",
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name: "WiNightCloudyWindy",
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name: "WiNightCloudy",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "WiNightFog",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiNightHail",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiNightLightning",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiNightPartlyCloudy",
set: "wi",
translations: "nuvem,",
name: "WiNightRainMix",
set: "wi",
translations: "trem,",
name: "WiNightRainWind",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiNightRain",
set: "wi",
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name: "WiNightShowers",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiNightSleetStorm",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempestade,",
name: "WiNightSleet",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiNightSnowThunderstorm",
set: "wi",
translations: "trovão,raio,tempestade,neve,",
name: "WiNightSnowWind",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,neve,",
name: "WiNightSnow",
set: "wi",
translations: "neve,",
name: "WiNightSprinkle",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiNightStormShowers",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempestade,",
name: "WiNightThunderstorm",
set: "wi",
translations: "trovão,raio,tempestade,",
name: "WiRainMix",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiRainWind",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiRain",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiRaindrop",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiRaindrops",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiRefreshAlt",
set: "wi",
translations: "atualizar,",
name: "WiRefresh",
set: "wi",
translations: "atualizar,",
name: "WiSandstorm",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempestade,",
name: "WiShowers",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiSleet",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiSmallCraftAdvisory",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiSmog",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiSmoke",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiSnowWind",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,neve,",
name: "WiSnow",
set: "wi",
translations: "neve,",
name: "WiSnowflakeCold",
set: "wi",
translations: "neve,neve,",
name: "WiSolarEclipse",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiSprinkle",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiStars",
set: "wi",
translations: "estrela,favorito,",
name: "WiStormShowers",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempestade,",
name: "WiStormWarning",
set: "wi",
translations: "perigo,cuidado,tempestade,",
name: "WiStrongWind",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiSunrise",
set: "wi",
translations: "levantar,sol,nascer do sol,",
name: "WiSunset",
set: "wi",
translations: "sol,por do sol,",
name: "WiThermometerExterior",
set: "wi",
translations: "termômetro,temperatura,",
name: "WiThermometerInternal",
set: "wi",
translations: "termômetro,temperatura,",
name: "WiThermometer",
set: "wi",
translations: "termômetro,temperatura,",
name: "WiThunderstorm",
set: "wi",
translations: "trovão,raio,tempestade,",
name: "WiTime1",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "WiTime10",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "WiTime11",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "WiTime12",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "WiTime2",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "WiTime3",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "WiTime4",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "WiTime5",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "WiTime6",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "WiTime7",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "WiTime8",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "WiTime9",
set: "wi",
translations: "tempo,",
name: "WiTornado",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiTrain",
set: "wi",
translations: "trem,",
name: "WiTsunami",
set: "wi",
translations: "sol,",
name: "WiUmbrella",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiVolcano",
set: "wi",
translations: "",
name: "WiWindBeaufort0",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiWindBeaufort1",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiWindBeaufort10",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiWindBeaufort11",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiWindBeaufort12",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiWindBeaufort2",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiWindBeaufort3",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiWindBeaufort4",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiWindBeaufort5",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiWindBeaufort6",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiWindBeaufort7",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiWindBeaufort8",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiWindBeaufort9",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiWindDeg",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
name: "WiWindy",
set: "wi",
translations: "vento,",
export default icons;
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