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Last active October 27, 2022 07:58
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reactions issue
596 Improving ergonomics of events with Observable
446 [css-transitions] Transition to height (or width) "auto"
442 [css-values-4][css-writing-modes-4] Revisit decision to use 永 instead of 水 as the ic unit
353 Let’s Define CSS 4
294 [css3 positioning] support position:sticky inside an overflow:hidden|auto on general parents
291 [css-inline] Leading control at start/end of block
256 Proposal: define default for all
255 [css-pseudo-4] Standardizing input[type="range"] styling
209 [css-scoping] Please bring back scoped styles
192 Proposal: Promote SVG Viewbox to a CSS property, extend to all transformable elements
162 [cssom-view-1] Provide onAnimationEnd callback in scrollIntoView options
147 Declarative Shadow DOM
142 Support for custom headers for handshake
137 Form Submission: Fix the "Double Submit problem" at the spec level
133 Add first-class support for differential script loading
118 [css-images] Add easing functions to color stops
113 [css-overflow] Positioning Scrollbars on top or left of container
111 [css-selectors] Reference selectors
104 Allow Add Cookie and Get All Cookies to work for other site origins/mismatching domains
103 add attribute max-size to input type file
97 [css-animations-2] Proposal: Time-based Keyframe Animations
96 Proposal: DOMChangeList
95 Make child visible outside of overflow: hidden
94 Client side include feature for HTML
90 Bug 27755 - Using the Subtle Crypto Interface with Streams
88 Proposal - Update XPath to (at least) v2.0
88 CSS Snap Points: Event Model Missing
87 Planar-only considered harmful
84 Correct / real URLs should be enforced, to avoid breaking adblockers
83 [selectors] Proposal for a :hover-only pseudo class
82 New border-radius value for perfectly matching nested radii
79 [css-color-5] Add currentBackgroundColor Variable
78 [css-grid][css-flexbox] Pinterest/Masonry style layout support
78 Avoiding Built-In Tracking in Signed Packages
75 [css-flexbox][css-grid] Providing authors with a method of opting into following the visual order, rather than logical order
75 Add support for defining a theme color for both light & dark modes (prefers color scheme)
74 Make custom attribute rules consistent with custom element name rules
73 [css-grid-2] Ability for grid items to automatically span rows and columns based on content size
73 [css-exclusions] Status of the exclusions spec
73 Setting headers for EventSource
72 [css-pseudo-5] ::text / ::text-node pseudoelement
70 [css-values] enable the use of counter() inside calc()
67 Tracking issue for syncing with IETF standardization work (req'd before implementers can ship unflagged)
66 [css-position] Events for stickiness changes
62 [css-conditional-4] Rename @when to @if
62 URLSearchParams delete all vs delete one
61 Proposal: showEmojiPicker() on HTMLInputElement/HTMLTextareaElement
60 [css-values] Proposal: add sibling-count() and sibling-index()
60 [Feature Request] allow decorate for ALL javascript entities
58 [css-grid] Ability to target items in nth-row of autofilled, implicit grid
57 [css-animation] Motion Blur
57 Missing support for HTTP authentication prompts
55 [css-conditional] testing support of properties and values with partial implementations
55 Have some way of opening \<dialog> elements without JavaScript
55 Add contenteditable attribute for SVG text elements
54 Proposal: a DocumentFragment whose nodes do not get removed once inserted
54 Ability to style <details>/<summary> to be open (e.g. for print styles)
51 Request for a "checked-within" pseudo class
48 Consider adding <input type="year">
47 Add document.{parsed,contentLoaded,loaded} promises
47 Add a way to use webauthn without Javascript
46 Proposal: HTML passwordrules attribute
46 FetchObserver (for a single fetch)
45 Ray-Tracing extension
45 Introduce a variant of url.searchParams that operates according to URL rules instead of <form> rules
44 [css-variables-2] Custom units as simple variable desugaring
44 Interoperability issue: navigator.clipboard.write() and navigator.clipboard.writeText() user gesture requirement
43 [css-timing] spring() timing function
43 Header to opt out of opaque redirect
43 Exposing a playbackPosition property on AudioBufferSourceNode.
43 Attribute to suggest filename for image elements (<img filename> / <img download>)
41 [css-shadow-parts] Make ::slotted() a combinator
40 [css-multicol] Overflow in the block direction for continuous media
40 [css-grid][css-sizing] Aspect Ratio
40 [Proposal] Add EventTarget.getEventListeners()
39 Mesh shader support
39 How do I disable everything?
39 Add a "tabbed application" mode
37 map-get function proposal for customising web component styles
37 Proposal: Allow servers to take full responsibility for cross-origin access protection
37 Extending the console to improve developer experience
36 [css-text-4] Hyphenate only overflowing words?
36 [css-grid] Feature: span to last track no matter whether auto-generated (implicit) tracks are involved or not
36 Standardize <template> variables and event handlers
36 Proposal for Element.currentLang and Element.currentDir
36 Expose a stack of blocking elements
35 autocomplete attribute for street-address details
35 [css-selectors] Selectors for “text-ish” and “button-ish” inputs
35 [css-easing-2] Provide JavaScript API for CSS easing functions
35 [css-backgrounds] Make box-shadow a Shorthand Property
34 [mediaqueries-5] Script control of (prefers-*) queries
34 [css-sizing] Auto-resize iframes based on content
34 Watching/notifications
34 Allow adding icons/images to <select> and <datalist> <option>s
33 Give authors the ability to style form validation messages
33 Add aria-link-target property
32 [css-grid] aspect ratio units needed
32 Priority Queue Option
32 Allow HTML web apps to force 24 hour time format in <input type=time>
31 [css-values] random() function
31 [css-backgrounds] border-radius with a circular edge
31 Allow all storage types to expire, not just cookies
31 Add a means to associate a PWA with a file extension
30 [css-backgrounds] Add support for squircle and superellipse to corner-shape
30 Allow <source> to use <img>'s sizes data as a fallback
29 [css-fonts-4] Feature for making text always fit the width of its parent
28 [resize-observer-1] Turn ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded error into warning
28 [font-metrics-api] Clarify Canvas Glyph Drawing Use Case
28 [css-variables?] Higher level custom properties that control multiple declarations
28 [css-values] Use of 100vw is causing pointless horizontal scrollbars on some websites
28 Support relative URLs
28 Proposal: Storage Access API
28 Allow <input type="color"> to give an alpha channel and/or colors beyond sRGB?
28 Add an Observer API
27 [css-grid] grid area as element
27 Referencing SVGs through USE from other domains
27 A way to stream content into an element
26 [css-pseudo] Add a ::contents pseudo-element
26 [css-grid] Decorative grid-cell pseudo-elements
26 Vibrate feature for Gamepad
26 Response to the proposal to add explicit tail call syntax to ECMAScript
26 Refine LCP to take progressive loading into account
26 Permanent permission (Ex : Store E2E encryption keys)
26 Add option to automatically abort response stream if the data stopped arriving for longer than a specified time
25 [css-sizing] Adding a 'size' shorthand for 'width'/'height'
25 [css-overflow] Proposing scroll-start: allowing overflow scroll to not always start at 0 on 1st layout pass
25 Requesting <input type="switch">
25 Media autoplay permission
25 First day of the week -- Intl.getCalendarInfo()
24 [selectors] Solve :visited once and for all
24 [css-conditional] [css-contain] srcset and sizes interaction with container queries
24 Possibility of SPIR-V and/or GLSL as a WebGPU extension?
24 Include brotli
24 Advertisement / Beacon Broadcast Support
23 Proposal: Custom functions for modifying CSS values
23 Make FileList mutable.
23 Add option to reject the fetch promise automatically after a certain time elapsed (with no API for arbitrary aborts)
23 Add height-based selection to srcset/sizes
22 [css-values] Define crossorigin, preload and async URL modifiers
22 Selected ECC curves are not secure
22 Picture-in-Picture for any Element
22 Make it possible to observe connected-ness of a node
22 HTML video element: negative playbackRate
22 Expose API for the progress indicator
21 [css-values-4] inherit() function: like var() for parent value, for any property
21 [css-tables] Collapsed table borders don't follow sticky rows/cells when they stick
21 Require img to be able to load the same video formats as video supports
21 Proposing new CSS primitives to enable great web experiences on foldable & dual-screen devices
21 Missing "scroll into view" Actions primitive
21 Extend support for aria-expanded to the radio role
21 Add response status codes for resources in Resource Timing API.
20 [css3-page] CSS counter for position fixed elements on paged media
20 [css-shadow-parts][css-scoping] Allow ::part after ::slotted
20 [css-images] Mesh gradient / Freeform gradient
20 Please add support for chacha20-poly1305
20 PROPOSAL: Add support for general (hardware backed) cryptographic signatures and key exchange
20 Omitting www might be confusing for users
20 High volume of requests to add domains to the PSL
20 HTML Video Element: Proposal For Reintroduction of Media (and srcset/sizes) in Source Elements
20 Add document.ready promise
19 add String.toTitleCase, String.toLocaleTitleCase
19 [css-text] Prevent line breaking after explicit hyphens
19 [css-pseudo-4] ::nth-letter pseudo-element
19 [css-position] Ability to set a positioned element's containing block to another element
19 Virtual MIDI ports
19 Use case for Headers getAll
19 URL.relative proposal
18 [css-selectors] Proposal for allowing selectors that depend on layout (:stuck, :snap, :on-screen, etc)
18 [css-forms] <select/> field pseudoelements
18 Symbols should be allowed as Event types.
18 OpenType Features and Variable Fonts for Canvas
18 MIDI API should be available from Workers?
18 Keyboard Map introduces a high entropy fingerprinting surface
18 Deprecate alert(), confirm(), prompt()
18 CSS Regex Selector
18 Block subresource requests whose URLs include credentials.
18 Allow dynamically changing rootMargin
18 Allow auto-resize on iframe
17 privacy concerns with proposal through inducing network requests
17 integrity for downloads
17 [css-scroll-snap] Proposing :snapped: exposing private snapped item browser state for developers and designers
17 [css-flexbox-2] Add flex-wrap: balance;
17 [Proposal] New tags <tabsection>, <tablist>, <tab>, <tabpanel>
17 [Proposal] ImageBitmap.getImageData
17 Top layer research
17 Support \<optgroup> in \<datalist>
17 Support 'strict-dynamic' in style-src
17 Responsive images causes performance issues on high-resolution devices
17 Proposal: Allow authors to enforce "save as PDF" when printing a document
17 Please support for audio/wav (PCM) in MSE
17 How should larger-than-viewport-dimension targets be handled
16 [css-ui] Yes, it would make sense to have selectable pseudo elements
16 [css-transforms][css-logical] Flow-relative Transforms
16 [css-mediaqueries] expose user left/right hand preference
16 [css-inline] vertically align to middle of cap height
16 [css-grid] Auto-placement aligning to a named line
16 Reinstate <style scoped>
16 Could the static and dynamic import syntaxes be more symmetric?
16 Allow stroke-dasharray/dashoffset % to be specified relative to path length
16 Allow animations to be given a target framerate
16 Add "auto sizes" for lazy-loaded images
15 touch-action: disable webview swipe back behavior
15 serviceworker.skipWaiting
15 [selectors-4] :valid-within / :invalid-within pseudo-classes
15 [cssom-view] Consider making scroll methods return promises
15 [css-box] increase pointer target size independently of element layout
15 <input type=password> should provide UI to show/hide its value
15 Worker support for BaseAudioContext
15 Proposal: Element.elementIndex, Node.nodeIndex
15 Pages with color-scheme: dark have too low link color contrast
15 HTML forms do not support the PUT, PATCH and DELETE methods
15 Focus meta-bug
15 Alternative to toSpliced()
15 Allow Caching of POST requests
15 Add the <search> element
15 Add a way to create conic gradients
14 [css-values] String concatentation
14 [css-color-5] Findings on SCSS function usage to inform direction of Color 5
14 Something like the hidden attribute but still mapped to the accessibility API
14 Replaying POST requests
14 Provide a way to have disabled form controls to be submitted (was: readonly attribute)
14 Investigation: Tessellation
14 Feature request: Provide a way to delay execution of a new service worker
14 API which provides the negotiated MTU is required
13 [scroll-animations-1] Bring back Scroll Offsets
13 [cssom-view] Clarify scroll-behavior: "auto"
13 [css-ui][css-background] should clarify outline drawing behavior for boxes with negative sizes
13 [css-grid] Property "grid-item-of": display any element as part of any given grid
13 WebRTC can be used for exfiltration
13 Unwrap proxies for native methods.
13 Proposal: Native solution for tooltips on the web platform
13 Multiple stylesheets per file
13 Fetch body streams are not full duplex
13 Ethical, paradigmal, and UX concerns?
13 Do we need :focus-visible-within ?
13 Disconnect single target instead of all
13 Consider creating an HTML search element
13 Built-in Modules
13 Allow custom "get the parent" algorithms for EventTargets
13 Add sizes=auto to lazy-loaded <img>
13 Add command for file uploads (separate out from Element Send Keys)
12 consider generating URL strings from a URLPattern
12 [selectors] :focusable pseudo-class
12 [css-position-3] Reinterpret viewport positioned (fixed, sticky) elements wrt virtual keyboard
12 [css-logical] Flow-relative syntax for margin-like shorthands
12 [css-grid-2] Allow minmax where max wins over min
12 [css-env][mediaqueries] Support comparing value of environment variable
12 [css-env] Adding custom env() variables
12 [css-cascade] Evaluate specificity of ::slotted and global styles in the same conditions
12 Service Worker support for WebBluetooth
12 Require user gesture for notification permission request
12 Prohibiting whitespace after @
12 Phase-offset of oscillator nodes
12 More informative error types
12 Make <label> elements reflect CSS pseudoclasses on associated form element
12 Initialization of clipboardData by ClipboardEvent constructor
12 Detect power saving mode
12 Decorator cookbook
12 Custom Elements Built-in Style-ability
12 Consider exposing a connection's RSSI
12 Add onclose event to MessagePort
12 A setTimeout that returns a promise that resolves after specified time.
11 [selectors][mediaqueries] :media() pseudo-class as a shortcut for one-off media queries
11 [resize-observer] Notification after element is no longer referenced
11 [css-nesting] support nesting at-rules
11 [css-media-queries] Foldables support and enablement
11 [css-grid] Introducing overlapping cells in grid-template-areas syntax
11 [css-env-1] built-in env() features must go through CSSWG's standardization process
11 URL blocking / ad blocking
11 Secondary actions on items in composite widget roles
11 Proposition: replace default invalid state for form elements by indeterminate
11 Proposal: New method to reorder child nodes
11 Proposal: A Range.prototype.replaceContents(...)
11 Programmatically setting focus navigation start point?
11 Potentially standardize window.find()
11 No video.removeTextTrack method
11 Need maximum screen brightness mode
11 Feature proposal: eTLD+1 web API
11 Event order between "compositionend" and "input"
11 CfC to publish as an FPWD.
11 Can we drop the secure context (https) requirement?
11 Add an API to opt-out of back-forward cache?
10 rootMargin should allow 0 without units
10 \<iframe sandbox /> + SW
10 [selectors-4] Issue 11: Introduce pseudo-class matching when user changed the value of an input
10 [cssom-view] window.innerScreenX windows.innerScreenY
10 [css-values][css-images] Allow trailing comma in gradient functions (and probably others)
10 [css-ui-4] input-security may be misleading
10 [css-text] Allow alias for language hyphenation
10 VTEX UA-CH & UA Reduction Testing Results
10 The "Etsy Issue"
10 Symbols can't be used as WeakMap keys
10 Support JSON5
10 Should ARIA provide better support for routing in single-page applications?
10 SameSite Cookies and Iframes
10 ReadableStream.prototype.arrayBuffer()
10 Proposal: strong attribute for <input type=password>
10 Proposal to improve the DOM creation api
10 Intl.DurationFormat
10 Focus the dialog element instead of the first focusable item
10 Feature request: to complement a <noscript> a <yesscript> to assist progressive enhancement
10 Expose a way to link a call to fetch to an individual PerformanceResourceTiming object
10 Capability to disable CORS checks [for given domains]
10 Atomic<T> vs Untyped Atomics
10 Assignment of swizzled values should be permitted
10 Add optional translations member
10 Add more explanation for Event concepts
10 Add informative text clarifying that servers may use complex logic to determine where to redirect to
10 Add autocorrect content attribute to HTMLElement
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