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Created November 2, 2019 18:55
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safaridriver -- Safari WebDriver REST API service
safaridriver -p port [-h | --help] [--version] [--enable] [--diagnose]
The safaridriver utility is used to launch an HTTP server that implements the Selenium WebDriver
REST API. When launched, safaridriver allows for automated testing of web content using the ver-
sion of Safari that is installed with macOS.
safaridriver supports several capabilities that can customize an automation session's behavior for
a particular testing purpose. Capabilities are provided as arguments when requesting a new ses-
sion. The capabilities supported by safaridriver are listed in the OPTIONS section below. Unless
noted below, the values of requested capability keys are not read and are assumed to be true if
present, and false otherwise.
To use capabilities in your tests, please refer to the relevant 3rd-party documentation to learn
how to request extra capabilities with the WebDriver client library that you are using.
Command line options
-p, --port <port>
Specifies the port on which the HTTP server should listen for incoming connections. If
the port is already in use or otherwise unavailable, safaridriver will exit immediately
with a non-zero return code.
-h, --help
Prints a usage message and exits.
Prints version information and exits.
Applies configuration changes so that subsequent WebDriver sessions will run without fur-
ther authentication. This includes checking "Enable Remote Automation" in Safari's
Develop menu. The user must authenticate via password for the changes to be applied.
When this option is specified, safaridriver exits immediately without starting up the
REST API service. If the changes were successful or already applied, safaridriver exits
0; otherwise, safaridriver exits >0 and prints an error message to stderr.
Enables diagnostic logging for all sessions hosted by this safaridriver instance. See
DIAGNOSTICS for more information.
Session Creation Capabilities
safaridriver can only create WebDriver sessions for Safari. If the value of browserName
is not equal to `Safari', session creation will fail.
Values of browserName are compared case-insensitively.
safaridriver will only create a session using hosts whose Safari version matches the
value of browserVersion.
Browser version numbers are prefix-matched. For example, if the value of browserVersion
is `12', this will allow hosts with a Safari version of `12.0.1' or `12.1`.
If the value of platformName is `mac' or `macOS', safaridriver will only create a session
using the macOS host on which safaridriver is running.
If the value of platformName is `iOS', safaridriver will only create a session on a
paired iOS device or simulator.
Values of platformName are compared case-insensitively.
safaridriver will only create a session using hosts whose OS version matches the value of
OS version numbers are prefix-matched. For example, if the value of
safari:platformVersion is `12', this will allow hosts with an OS version of `12.0' or
`12.1' but not `10.12'.
safaridriver will only create a session using hosts whose OS build version matches the
value of safari:platformBuildVersion. example of a macOS build version is `18E193'.
On macOS, the OS build version can be determined by running the sw_vers(1) utility.
If the value of safari:useSimulator is true, safaridriver will only use iOS Simulator
If the value of safari:useSimulator is false, safaridriver will not use iOS Simulator
NOTE: An Xcode installation is required in order to run WebDriver tests on iOS Simulator
If the value of safari:deviceType is `iPhone', safaridriver will only create a session
using an iPhone device or iPhone simulator.
If the value of safari:deviceType is `iPad', safaridriver will only create a session
using an iPad device or iPad simulator.
Values of safari:deviceType are compared case-insensitively.
safaridriver will only create a session using hosts whose device name matches the value
of safari:deviceName. Device names are compared case-insensitively.
NOTE: Device names for connected devices are shown in iTunes. If Xcode is installed,
device names for connected devices are available via the output of instruments(1) and in
the Devices and Simulators window (accessed in Xcode via "Window > Devices and Simula-
safaridriver will only create a session using hosts whose device UDID matches the value
of safari:deviceUDID. Device UDIDs are compared case-insensitively.
NOTE: If Xcode is installed, UDIDs for connected devices are available via the output of
instruments(1) and in the Devices and Simulators window (accessed in Xcode via "Window >
Devices and Simulators").
Other Capabilities
This capability instructs Safari to preload the Web Inspector and JavaScript debugger in
the background prior to returning a newly-created window. To pause the test's execution
in JavaScript and bring up Web Inspector's Debugger tab, you can simply evaluate a
debugger; statement in the test page.
This capability instructs Safari to preload the Web Inspector and start a Timeline
recording in the background prior to returning a newly-created window. To view the
recording, open the Web Inspector through Safari's Develop menu.
This capability requests that diagnostics be enabled for the session. See DIAGNOSTICS
for more information.
This capability allows a test to temporarily change Safari's policies for WebRTC and
Media Capture. The value of the webkit:WebRTC capability is a dictionary with the fol-
lowing sub-keys, all of which are optional:
Normally, Safari refuses to allow media capture over insecure connections. This
capability suppresses that restriction for testing purposes. For example, it would
allow a test to exercise media capture code paths using a local test web server
that is not configured to use HTTPS.
To protect a user's privacy, Safari normally filters out WebRTC ICE candidates that
correspond to internal network addresses when capture devices are not in use. This
capability suppresses ICE candidate filtering so that both internal and external
network addresses are always sent as ICE candidates.
The safaridriver utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
When a REST API command fails, safaridriver includes a detailed error message in the response. If
you use a 3rd-party library on top of the REST API service, consult the library's documentation
for how to access these error messages.
safaridriver can create WebDriver sessions using Safari on a macOS machine, a paired iOS device,
or an iOS simulator. Capabilities listed in the Session Creation Capabilities subsection provide
criteria that affect which hosts safaridriver will attempt to use when handling a New Session com-
mand. A host must match all criteria to be usable. If no hosts match all of the criteria, then
the New Session command will fail. If multiple hosts match all of the criteria, the order in
which safaridriver will use them is unspecified, except that booted simulators are used before
unbooted simulators.
If a simulator host matches the criteria but is not booted, safaridriver will attempt to boot the
simulator instance and wait for it to become usable. If Safari is not running on a host that oth-
erwise matches the criteria, safaridriver will automatically launch Safari and wait for it to
become usable. If a host's Safari instance is associated with an inactive WebDriver session,
safaridriver will replace the old session unless the session was manually interrupted by the user
or is being inspected by Web Inspector.
For security reasons, the HTTP server accepts connections from localhost only. The HTTP server can
accept connections from multiple test clients. Safari on macOS and iOS can only host one WebDriver
session at a time, so it is not recommended to run multiple safaridriver instances at the same
safaridriver is typically executed manually at the command line or automatically by a WebDriver
client library. The Selenium project provides client libraries for most popular programming lan-
guages. More information is available on the Selenium project website:
A summary of which REST API endpoints safaridriver supports, as well as the Safari version in
which each endpoint became available, can be found on the Apple Developer website:
safaridriver implements the W3C WebDriver specification:
When filing a bug report against safaridriver, it is highly recommended that you capture and
include diagnostics generated by safaridriver. This can be accomplished in several ways:
To diagnose a single session, pass the safari:diagnose capability when requesting a new session.
To diagnose all sessions from one safaridriver instance, use the --diagnose command line option.
To diagnose all sessions in all instances of safaridriver, set the DiagnosticsEnabled default in
the domain to YES using defaults(1).
Diagnostic files are saved to ~/Library/Logs/ and are uniquely named using the
pid of safaridriver and a timestamp. When using the safari:diagnose capability to turn on diag-
nostics for a particular session, diagnostic files additionally include the session identifier in
file names.
Darwin November 2, 2019 Darwin
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