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Created March 3, 2022 10:58
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Small fish script that cats pdf files while preserving bookmarks
# Copyright (C) 2022 Jonathan Müller
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
# Usage: pdfcat input1 input2 ... inputN output
function print_usage
echo "Usage:" (basename (status -f)) "input1 input2 ... inputN output"
if test $argv[1] = "-h" || test $argv[1] = "--help"
exit 0
else if test (count $argv) -lt 2
print_usage >/dev/stderr
exit 1
set input $argv[1..-2]
set output $argv[-1]
test -f $output && echo "output exists: $output" >/dev/stderr && exit 1
set bookmark_file (mktemp "pdfunite-meta-XXXXX.delete-me")
set tmp_output (mktemp "$output.XXXXX.delete-me")
function cleanup -p $fish_pid
rm -f $tmp_output $bookmark_file
# Get all the metadata from each file and collect into a single file.
for file in $input
test -f $file || begin; echo "file not found: $file" >/dev/stderr; exit 1; end
pdftk $file dump_data output >> $bookmark_file
# Merge all pdf files into a single one.
pdftk $input cat output $tmp_output
# Update the BookmarkPageNumber by adding the page count of all previous files.
awk -F ": " '\
BEGIN { offset = 0; next_offset = 0; }
/NumberOfPages/ { offset = next_offset; next_offset += $2 }
/BookmarkPageNumber/ { print "BookmarkPageNumber: " ($2 + offset) }
/BookmarkBegin|BookmarkTitle|BookmarkLevel/ { print $0 }
' $bookmark_file \
# And adding the correct bookmarks to the output.
| pdftk $tmp_output update_info - output $output
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