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Created January 30, 2020 00:08
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# Parameters:
# name: The name field the user supplied, minus any tripcode (before #)
# email: User supplied email field
# sub: user supplied subject field
# com: user supplied comment field (before or after wordfilters? dunno)
# md5: md5 of the supplied image. null if no image.
# ip: the IP of the user, in unsigned integer (packed) form
# mod: true if the user is a mod
# Return value: A string. If the string is "ok", the post should go through.
# If the string is anything else, abort posting and display that message
# to the user.
# Integration info;
# This should run before wordfilters (including >>num) and duplicate(md5) detection.
# It doesn't know about bans, so those need to be done seperately, but it
# doesn't care if that is before or after.
# It really should run after valid file checks (jpg/png/gif, >0x0, etc) but that's not critical.
# Synchronization: There is (in theory) a minor race condition because the tables are not locked.
# It's not exploitable for any useful purpose, and it's blocked by the floodcheck
# Changelog:
# 2008/02/20 04:20: Added changelog, fixed $txt error that killed all posts
# 2008/02/20 04:56: Fixed the signal-ratio filter to handle the stupid HTML
# 2008/02/20 05:21: Added a check for repeated characters
# 2008/02/20 07:05: Added a check for long spams
# 2008/02/20 13:02: Rearranged the filters for better results.
# 2008/02/20 23:58: Fixed a bug that broke posts with two quotes far apart
# 2008/02/21 01:57: Fixed a dumb bug with the number filter..
# 2008/02/21 02:06: Adding content-percentage info to the content filter.
# 2008/02/21 02:15: Adjusted long-text filter.
# 2008/02/21 02:18: Removed long-text filter.
# 2008/02/22 16:43: Added mute-expiring.
# 2008/02/22 17:54: Fixed mute-expiring.
# 2008/02/22 18:13: Added #nextnow and #muteinfo secret mod capcodes
# 2008/02/22 18:21: Fixed #muteinfo for mods.
define('R9K_SIGNAL_RATIO',0.1); # This is a cutoff for posts with high compressibility
define('R9K_MAX_DURATION',31536000); # That'd be a full year. Needless to say, if you hit this you're spamming bigtime
define('R9K_DEMUTE_PERIOD',86400); # one day
function robot9000($name,$email,$sub,$com,$md5,$ip,$mod){
if($email=='#nextnow' && $mod){
mysql_call("update r9k_mutes set next_expire=NOW() where IP=$ip;");
return 'Your next_expire has been reset.';
$name=''; # We don't care about anonymous
if($md5=='d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'){ # empty file, same as no file
# Textless posts would allow users to simply avoid the robot9000 stuff by pretending
# there are no comment fields, and just writing text on the picture.
return "Textless posts are not allowed";
# Check if the user is already banned
if(!$mod || $email=='#muteinfo'){
# Can't inject, since $ip is numeric
$res=mysql_call("select timeout_power,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(mute_until),UNIX_TIMESTAMP(next_expire) from r9k_mutes where ip=$ip");
if($email=='#muteinfo'){ # SECRET CODES
return "You're $notmuted muted. <br />Mute timeout: $when_timeout. <br />Next expire: $when_next_expire.<br />Mute power: $timeout_power.";
if($row[1]>$now){ # Already muted!
return "You're muted! You cannot post until $when, $duration from now"; #TODO: prettier date display
return 'You have never been muted.';
# Clean up the post so that they can't avoid getting mutted with odd characters.
return "Non-ASCII text is not allowed.";
$stxt=preg_replace('/<.*?>/s','',$txt); # strip HTML
/*if(preg_match('|[^\s/]{20,}|',$stxt)){ # Lots of text in a row, no spaces, not URLs
$olength=strlen($stxt); # After HTML stripping because otherwise it's bad.
$stxt=preg_replace('/&gt;&gt;\d+/','',$stxt); # strip >>links of the dead kind
$stxt=preg_replace('/&#?\w+;/','',$stxt); # Strip entities
$stxt=preg_replace('/[^a-z\d-]+/','',$stxt); # strip non-alphanum characters
$stxt=preg_replace('/^\d*(.*)\d*$/','\1',$stxt); # strip numbers at beginning and end of text
$stxt=preg_replace('/(.)(\\1{3,})/','\\1',$stxt); # strip repeated characters
# This can't raise a divide by zero error since we already tested if $com is empty
if(strlen($txt)>10 && strlen($stxt)/$olength<R9K_SIGNAL_RATIO){
if(!$mute){ # not muted, so try and add the comment/image md5s to the DB
if(!mysql_call("insert into r9k_posts(text,image) values('$txtmd5',$md5str);")){ # txtmd5 is escaped and $md5 is supplied by trusted code
# So the comment or text is not original. To give better error messages, we find out why:
$mute="dunno"; # Default mute reason incase something weird happens
$res=mysql_call("select text,image from r9k_posts where text='$txtmd5' or image='$md5'"); # see above SQL
if($row[1]!=null && $row[1]==$md5){
# User is bad, so time to mute
# Set up a pretty reason
$why='of an unknown error.'; # default reason
$why="your comment was not original.";
$why="your image was not original.";
$why="your comment was too low in content.";
$why="your comment was too low in content ($sr content)";
$timeout_power--; # Reset the power so that we don't ever overflow
$next_expire=R9K_DEMUTE_PERIOD; # stupid constants
mysql_call("insert into r9k_mutes(ip,timeout_power,mute_until,next_expire)
values($ip,$timeout_power,DATE_ADD(NOW(),interval $mute_duration SECOND),DATE_ADD(NOW(),interval $next_expire SECOND))
on duplicate key update timeout_power=$timeout_power,mute_until=VALUES(mute_until),next_expire=VALUES(next_expire)");
return 'You have been muted for '.niceDuration($mute_duration).", because $why";
return "You would have been muted for that post, because $why";
if($demute){ # We only demute when posting and your last mute was
mysql_call("update r9k_mutes set timeout_power=IF(timeout_power>0,timeout_power-1,0),next_expire=DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL $next_expire SECOND) where IP=$ip;");
return 'ok'; # Everything went OK, user can post!
function niceDuration($secs){
$d=(int)($secs/86400) % 7;
$h=(int)($secs/3600) % 24;
$m=((int)($secs/60)) % 60;
$s=((int)$secs) % 60;
foreach($pairs as $v){
$out[]=$v[0].' '.$v[1].($v[0]==1?'':'s');
return implode(' ',$out);
CREATE TABLE `r9k_mutes` (
`ip` int(11) NOT NULL,
`timeout_power` int(11) NOT NULL,
`mute_until` datetime NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `ip` (`ip`)
CREATE TABLE `r9k_posts` (
`text` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
`image` varchar(32) default NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `text` (`text`),
UNIQUE KEY `image` (`image`)
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