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Last active September 14, 2020 08:25
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Bot Commands on the OctoPrint Discord Server


  • ?role: Get an overview of the available roles (teams, ranks) you can join. Only allowed in #bot-commands
  • ?role <role>: Join joinable role. Only allows in #bot-commands
  • ?ranks: Alias for ?role
  • ?rank <rank>: Alias for ?role <role>
  • ?joinirc & ?leaveirc: Use these to either join or leave the IRC bridge channel #irc (invisible by default). Aliases for ?role IRC. Only allowed in #bot-commands


  • ?tags: List registered tags (short hand links and messages)
  • ?tag <tag>: Request content of tag tag

Lookups and searches

  • ?issue <number>: Return a link to the issue with the indicated number on OctoPrint's issues tracker at
  • ?faq: Return a link to OctoPrint's FAQ
  • ?faq <faqitem>: Return a link to a specific FAQ item (shortlink needed, currently no public list available, sorry)
  • ?plugin <plugin id>: Return a link to the plugin entry on the OctoPrint plugin repository for the provided plugin identifier, e.g. ?plugin fixcbdfirmware
  • ?plugins <search terms>: Return a link to the search on the OctoPrint plugin repository for the given search terms, e.g. ?plugins firmware fix
  • ?lmgtfy <search terms>: Return a link to "Let me Google that for you" for the given search terms, e.g. ?lmgtfy octoprint
  • ?yeggi <search terms>: Return a link to the printables search engine yeggi for the given search terms, e.g. ?yeggi octoprint enclosure
  • ?thingi <search terms>: Return a link the the printables search engine searchthingiverse for the given search terms, e.g. ?thingi octoprint enclosure


  • ?whois <user>: Get information about user. user needs to be an @-mention. Only allowed in #bot-commands
  • ?membercount: Get the server membercount. Only allowed in #bot-commands
  • ?remindme <time> <reminder>: Set a reminder, e.g. ?remindme 5min This is a reminder. Only allowed in #bot-commands
  • ?reminders: List your current reminders. Only allowed in #bot-commands
  • ?delreminder <reminder id>: Remove a reminder, see ?reminders for current list. Only allowed in #bot-commands
  • ?poll <poll text> <option 1> <option 2> <option 3> ...: Create a reaction based poll, e.g. ?poll "This is a test poll" "Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3"


  • ?roll <dice>: Roll dice, e.g. ?roll d20
  • ?flip: Flip a coin

Additionally, in #random there are also ?weather, ?define, ?topic, ?catfact, ?dogfact, ?advice, ?throw, ?xkcd, ?sentiment and ?8ball.

User reporting

If you need to report someone to staff for misdemeanor, please use ?report @<user> <reason for reporting> (make sure to @-mention the correct user). You can issue that command in #bot-commands. Do not abuse this!

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