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#include <iostream>
template<int N, int M3, int M5> struct FB
{ FB() { std::cout << N << std::endl; } };
template<int N, int M5> struct FB<N, 0, M5>
{ FB() { std::cout << "Fizz" << std::endl; } };
template<int N, int M3> struct FB<N, M3, 0>
{ FB() { std::cout << "Buzz" << std::endl; } };
template<int N> struct FB<N, 0, 0>
{ FB() { std::cout << "FizzBuzz" << std::endl; } };
template<int N> struct FizzBuzz
{ FizzBuzz() { FizzBuzz<N-1>(); FB<N, N%3, N%5>(); } };
template<> struct FizzBuzz<0> {};
int main() { FizzBuzz<100>(); return 0; }
fb(0) -> ok;
fb(N) ->
fb(N - 1),
N rem 15 =:= 0 -> io:put_chars("FizzBuzz");
N rem 3 =:= 0 -> io:put_chars("Fizz");
N rem 5 =:= 0 -> io:put_chars("Buzz");
true -> io:write(N)
#include <iostream>
template<int N, int M3=N%3, int M5=N%5> struct FB
{ FB() { FB<N-1, (N-1)%3, (N-1)%5>(); std::cout << N << std::endl; } };
template<int N, int M5> struct FB<N, 0, M5>
{ FB() { FB<N-1, (N-1)%3, (N-1)%5>(); std::cout << "Fizz" << std::endl; } };
template<int N, int M3> struct FB<N, M3, 0>
{ FB() { FB<N-1, (N-1)%3, (N-1)%5>(); std::cout << "Buzz" << std::endl; } };
template<int N> struct FB<N, 0, 0>
{ FB() { FB<N-1, (N-1)%3, (N-1)%5>(); std::cout << "FizzBuzz" << std::endl; } };
template<> struct FB<0, 0, 0> {};
int main() { FB<100>(); return 0; }
-export([fb/3, fizzbuzz/1]).
fb(_, 0, 0) -> io:put_chars("FizzBuzz\n");
fb(_, 0, _) -> io:put_chars("Fizz\n");
fb(_, _, 0) -> io:put_chars("Buzz\n");
fb(N, _, _) -> io:write(N), io:nl().
fizzbuzz(0) -> ok;
fizzbuzz(N) -> fizzbuzz(N - 1), fb(N, N rem 3, N rem 5).
fb(0, 0, 0) -> ok;
fb(N, 0, 0) -> fb(N-1, (N-1) rem 3, (N-1) rem 5), io:put_chars("FizzBuzz\n");
fb(N, 0, _) -> fb(N-1, (N-1) rem 3, (N-1) rem 5), io:put_chars("Fizz\n");
fb(N, _, 0) -> fb(N-1, (N-1) rem 3, (N-1) rem 5), io:put_chars("Buzz\n");
fb(N, _, _) -> fb(N-1, (N-1) rem 3, (N-1) rem 5), io:write(N), io:nl().
fb(N) -> fb(N, N rem 3, N rem 5).
exec(r"""%s'''gzga*%%%%,hmkl*ocr*nco`fc"a8ajp*mpf*a+\\0+.p%%%s'kormpv"mq.`cqg469gzga*`cqg46,fgamfgqvpkle*mq,rcvj,`cqglcog*]]dkng]]+Y8/1_++')))%%+++''')))"""%(lambda _:(_,_))("exec(''.join(map(lambda _:chr(ord(_)^2),"))
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