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Created June 1, 2014 16:13
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Lispy interpreter written in Java
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
/** Lispy: Small Scheme Interpreter in Java 8
public class Lispy {
public interface Fun { Object apply(Object a); }
public interface Fun2 { Object apply(Object a, Object b); }
public interface FunAll { Object apply(Object[] args); }
static MethodHandle mhRef(Class<?> type, String name) {
try {
return MethodHandles.publicLookup().unreflect(stream(type.getMethods()).filter(m -> m.getName().equals(name)).findFirst().get());
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new Error(e);
static <F> MethodHandle mh(Class<F> type, F fun) {
return mhRef(type, "apply").bindTo(fun);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static int compare(Object a, Object b) {
return ((Comparable<Object>)a).compareTo(b); // I hope Java will never have reified type
static List<?> list(Object o) { return (List<?>)o; }
static String string(Object o) { return (String)o; }
static double dbl(Object o) { return ((Number)o).doubleValue(); }
static BigInteger bigint(Object o) { return ((BigInteger)o); }
static boolean isdbl(Object o ) { return o instanceof Double; }
static class Env {
final HashMap<String, Object> dict = new HashMap<>();
private final Env outer;
Env(Env outer) { this.outer = outer; }
Env find(String var) { return dict.containsKey(var)? this: outer.find(var); }
Env add(String var, Object value) { dict.put(var, value); return this; }
Env addAll(List<?> vars, List<?> values) { range(0, vars.size()).forEach(i -> add(string(vars.get(i)), values.get(i))); return this; }
static Env globalEnv() {
return new Env(null)
.add("+", mh(Fun2.class, (a, b) -> (isdbl(a) || isdbl(b))? dbl(a) + dbl(b): bigint(a).add(bigint(b))))
.add("-", mh(Fun2.class, (a, b) -> (isdbl(a) || isdbl(b))? dbl(a) - dbl(b): bigint(a).subtract(bigint(b))))
.add("*", mh(Fun2.class, (a, b) -> (isdbl(a) || isdbl(b))? dbl(a) * dbl(b): bigint(a).multiply(bigint(b))))
.add("/", mh(Fun2.class, (a, b) -> (isdbl(a) || isdbl(b))? dbl(a) / dbl(b): bigint(a).divide(bigint(b))))
.add("<", mh(Fun2.class, (a, b) -> compare(a,b) < 0))
.add("<=", mh(Fun2.class, (a, b) -> compare(a,b) <= 0))
.add(">", mh(Fun2.class, (a, b) -> compare(a,b) > 0))
.add(">=", mh(Fun2.class, (a, b) -> compare(a,b) >= 0))
.add("=", mhRef(Object.class, "equals"))
.add("equal?", mhRef(Object.class, "equals"))
.add("eq?", mh(Fun2.class, (o, c) -> (((Class<?>)c).isInstance(o))))
.add("length", mhRef(List.class, "size"))
.add("cons", mh(Fun2.class, (a, l) -> concat(of(a), list(l).stream()).collect(toList())))
.add("car", mh(Fun.class, l -> list(l).get(0)))
.add("cdr", mh(Fun.class, l -> list(l).subList(1, list(l).size())))
.add("append", mh(Fun2.class, (l, m) -> concat(list(l).stream(), list(m).stream()).collect(toList())))
.add("list", mh(FunAll.class, args -> asList(args)).asVarargsCollector(Object[].class))
.add("list?", mh(Fun.class, l -> l instanceof List))
.add("null?", mhRef(List.class, "isEmpty"))
.add("symbol?", mh(Fun.class, a -> a instanceof String));
static Object eval(Object x, Env env) {
if (x instanceof String) { // variable reference
return env.find(string(x)).dict.get(x);
if (!(x instanceof List)) { // constant
return x;
List<?> l = (List<?>)x;
String var;
Object exp, cmd = l.get(0);
if (cmd instanceof String) {
switch(string(l.get(0))) {
case "quote": // (quote exp)
return l.get(1);
case "if": // (if test conseq alt)
return eval(((Boolean)eval(l.get(1), env))? l.get(2): l.get(3), env);
case "set!": // (set! var exp)
var = string(l.get(1));
env.find(var).add(var, eval(l.get(2), env));
return null;
case "define": // (define var exp)
var = string(l.get(1));
env.add(var, eval(l.get(2), env));
return null;
case "lambda": // (lambda (vars) exp)
List<?> vars = list(l.get(1));
exp = l.get(2);
return mh(FunAll.class, args -> eval(exp, new Env(env).addAll(vars, asList(args)))).asCollector(Object[].class, vars.size());
case "begin": // (begin exp*)
return, (val, e) -> eval(e, env), (__1, __2) -> null);
List<?> exprs = -> eval(expr, env)).collect(toList());
MethodHandle proc = (MethodHandle)exprs.get(0);
try {
return proc.invokeWithArguments(exprs.subList(1, exprs.size()));
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (e instanceof Error) throw (Error)e;
throw new Error(e);
static Object parse(String s) {
return readFrom(tokenize(s));
static Queue<String> tokenize(String text) {
return stream(text.replace("(","( ").replace(")"," )").split(" ")).filter(s -> !s.isEmpty()).collect(toCollection(ArrayDeque::new));
static Object readFrom(Queue<String> tokens) {
if (tokens.isEmpty()) throw new Error("unexpected EOF while reading");
String token = tokens.poll();
if ("(".equals(token)) {
ArrayList<Object> l = new ArrayList<>();
while (!tokens.peek().equals(")")) {
tokens.poll(); // pop of ")"
return l;
if (")".equals(token)) {
return new Error("unexpected ')'");
return atom(token);
static Object atom(String token) {
try {
return new BigInteger(token);
} catch(NumberFormatException __) {
try {
return Double.parseDouble(token);
} catch(NumberFormatException ___) {
return token;
static String toString(Object val) {
return (val instanceof List)? list(val).stream().map(Lispy::toString).collect(joining(" ", "(", ")")): String.valueOf(val);
static void repl() {
Console console = System.console();
Env env = globalEnv();
for(;;) {
Object val = eval(parse(console.readLine("lispy> ")), env);
if (val != null) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
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AymenMarouani commented Jun 12, 2020


Thanks for sharing.
Can we have the source code of your presentation about writing Java ByteCode interpreter in Java shown in this video ?
Thanks in advance.

Best Regards.

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This is awesome as love to see the various implementations of lispy.

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