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Created October 17, 2012 18:21
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Developing Mobile Applications with and Sencha Touch - Part 1, Step 6: Build Out The Sencha Touch Application - Add a View for the List
//Views display data to your users and gather input from them;
//they also emit events about your user interaction.
//The Lead list view.
Ext.define("PocketCRM.view.LeadsList", {
extend: "Ext.Container",
//It uses the base list class.
requires: "Ext.dataview.List",
alias: "widget.leadslistview",
config: {
//Take up the full space available in the parent container.
layout: {
type: 'fit'
//Add the components to include within the list view.
items: [
//A simple top title bar.
xtype: "titlebar",
title: "PocketCRM: Leads",
docked: "top",
//The main list and its properties.
xtype: "list",
store: "Leads",
itemId: "leadsList",
onItemDisclosure: false,
grouped: true,
disableSelection: false,
//The template for display if the Store is empty of records.
//Note the style to control visual presentation.
loadingText: "Loading Leads...",
emptyText: '<div class="leads-list-empty-text">No leads found.</div>',
//The template for the display of each list item representing one record.
//One row will display for each record in the data Store.
//The fields referenced are from the entity's Model.
itemTpl: '<div class="list-item-line-main">{LastName}, {FirstName}</div>' + '<div class="list-item-line-detail">{Company}</div>' + '<div class="list-item-line-detail">{Title} - Phone: {Phone} </div>' + '<div class="list-item-line-detail">{Email}</div>',
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