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Last active January 8, 2019 00:20
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public with sharing class AttendeeService {
* Registers Attendees to a list of Sessions
* Params:
* Session Id lists mapped to Attendee id's
public static void registerAttendeeForSession(Map<Id, Id[]> sessionsByAttendee) {
// getting the data from the database
Attendee__c[] attList = AttendeeSelector.getAttendeeWithSessionRegistrations(sessionsByAttendee.keySet());
Set<Id> sessionIdSet = new Set<Id>();
for (Attendee__c attRecord : attList) {
for (Session_Registration__c sr : attRecord.Session_Registrations__r) {
for (Id attId : sessionsByAttendee.keySet()) {
Map<Id, Session__c> sessionMap = new Map<Id, Session__c>(SessionSelector.getSessionsById(sessionIdSet));
// making the operations on domain layer instances
SObjectUnitOfWork uow = new SObjectUnitOfWork(new Schema.SObjectType[]{Session_Registration__c.SObjectType});
for (Attendee__c attRecord : attList) {
Attendee att = new Attendee(attRecord);
att.uow = uow;
for (Id sessionId : sessionsByAttendee.get(attRecord.Id)) {
Session sess = new Session(sessionMap.get(sessionId));
// database commit
* Validates if a Session Registration record is valid.
* Call on before insert and on before update
public static void validateSessionRegistration(Session_Registration__c[] srList) {
// getting the data from the database
Set<Id> attIdSet = Helpers.getIdSet(
Set<Id> sessIdSet = Helpers.getIdSet(
Map<Id, Session__c> sessionMap = new Map<Id, Session__c>(
Map<Id, Attendee__c> attendeeMap = new Map<Id, Attendee__c>(
// making the operations on domain layer instances
for (Session_Registration__c sr : srList) {
if (sr.Attendee__c == null || sr.Session__c == null) continue;
Attendee att = new Attendee(attendeeMap.get(sr.Attendee__c));
Session sess = new Session(sessionMap.get(sr.Session__c));
try {
} catch(Attendee.AttendeeException e) {
* Saves the passed Attendee in JSON form;
* Deletes the Session Registrations from the db which are not passed
public static Attendee saveAttendee(String attendeeJSON) {
Attendee att = (Attendee) JSON.deserialize(attendeeJSON, Attendee.class);
return saveAttendee(att);
* Saves the passed Attendee instrance to the database
public static Attendee saveAttendee(Attendee attendee) {
SObjectUnitOfWork uow = new SObjectUnitOfWork(
new Schema.SObjectType[]{Session_Registration__c.SObjectType}
attendee.uow = uow;
Session_Registration__c[] srToDelete = diffSessionRegistrations(attendee,attendee.recordId);
delete srToDelete;
return attendee;
* Returns the Session Registrations from the Database which you don't
* have on the passed Attendee
* Handy when you want to delete registrations
private static Session_Registration__c[] diffSessionRegistrations(Attendee att,Id attId) {
Attendee__c[] attList = AttendeeSelector.getAttendeeWithSessionRegistrations(new Set<Id>{attId});
Attendee attInDatabase = new Attendee(attList[0]);
Session_Registration__c[] srNotExisting = new Session_Registration__c[]{};
for (SessionRegistration srDb : attInDatabase.sessionRegistrationList) {
Boolean found = false;
for (SessionRegistration srAtt : att.sessionRegistrationList) {
if (srDb.sessionId == srAtt.sessionId) found = true;
if (found == false) {
return srNotExisting;
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